View Full Version : Rant about GM's stepping into conflicts

02-09-2004, 01:53 PM
Snowdrop was hauled into the consultation lounge yesterday regarding her running battle with snerty Rarr and her weird family.

She was informed that her rate of killing (the GM called them murders, which I would disagree with) was unacceptable for the game - 22 killings in a 90 day period (and that isnt a patch on some folks :whistle: )

When you look at the fact though, that 10 of the killings were of Alcoven, Lymbo and Rarr, all, I believe, the same player, all of which were in response to his stupid attempts to kill Snowy (two logs posted in my other threads), it doesnt seem so bad. I have been very careful not to make this a PvP situation and ensured that the only interaction I had with any of his characters was in response to something he did or said. It is crap that Snowy is read the riot act.

In fact, I can think of only two of the killings that Snowdrop has done that havent been in response to her being attacked and or killed first, so calling them murders is a little harsh. Furthermore, some were under duelling conditions (loosely speaking) i.e. consenting conflict, so I think it is shit that they sit in judgement in the way that they have.

What grates with me is that if they want this to be a game without characters killing each other, which is more or less what the GM said yesterday, then they should fix the mechanics that way. All the while it can happen (and I think it should be able to, with protectors from abuse), it will be a part of the game, so...GM's, make up your mind, should people be able to attack each other or not? If so, then stop jumping in unless people are complaining about being harassed or abused. If not, go watch the boulder from time to time and see what happens there, jump in each and every time a character attacks another character, and change the mechanics so people understand that you dont like people fighting. In other words be consistent.

Furthermore, if the systems in the game were able to deal with some of the problems that characters encountered, there would be less of a problem. Rarr/Alcoven/Lymbo have all made blanket accusations to the constable about Snowdrop, mostly for no reason. One such accusation was stealing, for which Snowdrop was arrested and fined (she has never stolen anything). Yet when characters have attacked Snowy and she has tried to report it, it has NEVER been listened to by the constable - R/A/L, being three such characters, a high level character in Illistim dismembering Snowdrop on the dais, "Sorry Snowdrop, there's not enough to go on against ********". Is it that difficult to believe then, RP-wise that someone would take the law into their own hands and try to seek vengeance for whats been done to them. Certainly not snowdrop who has been taught to believe in vengeance quite strongly by her father, who has encouraged her to align to the Huntress.

I refuse to use the assist/report verbs to roleplay conflict in all but the most extreme conditions (i.e. a 100 trained character incessantly abusing my character). While some people wont like the way I do it, I have tried to roleplay it. More than you can say for the schmucks Snowy has been dispatching.

If Snowdrop was vastly better trained than Rarr/Alcoven/Lymbo and picking on him, then I could understand the GM's getting involved. The ironic thing is, that when this gap in trainings did exist, he was the more powerful. He was the aggressor and no-one from the GM's jumped in then. Of course, that is unless Rarr's player reported yesterday, which would fit in with the snertiness s/he shows in game.

Just to show that Snowy was not just looking to kill Rarr for the sake of it, as enjoyable as it was, I have included a log of the last time she killed Rarr, which was on the boulder, and was only after Rarr attacked Snowy, using other people to help her do so, because thats the spineless piece of shit that both she and the player are.

Note that Snowdrop had every opportunity to attack Rarr and didnt, even after she (Rarr) encouraged her friends to cast ewave twice (failing to knock Snowy out of hiding both times) and it was only when she started dispelling her and telling others to do so, that Snowy shot her. Rarr has, in return, killed Snowdrop twice. Once when someone else bound Snowy first and then yesterday, when she was sat in town, having just been raised (following a glorious killing by Alarke - ) with 4 health points and no spells.

Yeah, Snowy is breaking Policy....bleh!

Edited out all the comings and goings and Alarke spelling hisself up

[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist. You also see a white cat, a wooden arrow and a hawk that is lying down.
Also here: Great Lord Asben, Lord Ericos, Jenovadeath, Great Lord Reminion, Dionisius, Karmon, Lady Rarr, Lord Thore, Glavanor, Dimeare who is lying down, Lord Masthix, Karlite who is lying down, Great Lord Trade, Zimrahn, Rimlin, Varsus
Obvious paths: down
>hideThe white cat sits down.
>Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>Ericos stares off into space.

Jenovadeath nods to Zimrahn.
>Zimrahn swings a diamond-edged black vultite falchion at Varsus!
AS: +380 vs DS: +269 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +43 = +175
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Close shave!
Varsus takes a quick step back.
>Jenovadeath grins.
>Thore firmly says, "Your close to death so shush."
>A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Alarke.

Thore firmly says, "Not here to talk to you."
>Alarke dusts himself off.

Jenovadeath exclaims, "Why didn't it curse you?!"

>Varsus nods to Asben.

>Trade sniffs at Alarke.

>Ericos scratches himself uncontrollably!

Ericos drops his runestaff!

>Masthix flails his arms about.

Asben offers Varsus an ebony-hafted vultite waraxe.

>Masthix leans on Thore.

>Jenovadeath frowns at Ericos.

>Rarr joins Dionisius's group.

>Dionisius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Jenovadeath says, "Yay."

>Trade softly asks, "Okay who wants to give me a hug?"

>Ericos scratches himself uncontrollably!

Dionisius gestures.
Dionisius appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

>Alarke traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...

>Alarke gestures.
Nothing happens.

Trade wails!

Varsus put an imflass claidhmore in his veniom mesh war harness.

>Varsus accepts Asben's vultite waraxe.

>Ericos says, "Hrm."

>Alarke traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...

>Alarke gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Alarke.

>Dionisius traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...

>A wave of power flows out of Varsus and toward an ebony-hafted vultite waraxe.
A soft white glow surrounds the waraxe for a moment and then gently dissipates.

>Dionisius gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Dionisius.
You are buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, but remain standing.
Asben is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Karmon is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Thore is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Dimeare is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Karlite is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.

>Dionisius rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Trade glances at Dionisius and begins to wail!

>Dionisius firmly says, "Cant."

Dionisius nods to Rarr.

>Rarr leaves Dionisius's group.

Varsus removes a quicksilver-veined bastard sword with a carved purple daisy pommel from in his veniom mesh war harness.

>Rarr rubs a dreamstone studded copper bracer.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Rarr.
You are buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, but remain standing.
Asben is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Thore is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Glavanor is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Masthix is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Zimrahn is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.

>Varsus chuckles.

>Glavanor stands up.

>Alarke pulls on Glavanor, trying to get him closer.

>Dionisius nods to Rarr.

>Lord Ericos just arrived.

Glavanor searches around for a moment.

>The voice of Trade softly says, "Muhaha."

>Ericos scratches himself uncontrollably!

>Varsus tries to pull Asben to his feet, but he is too heavy.

>Glavanor searches around for a moment.

>Reminion says, "Ahh ill ewave to."

>Rarr grabs Ericos's hand.

>Dionisius firmly says, "Ewave."

>Glavanor searches around for a moment.

Asben stands up.

Alarke gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

>Alarke gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Alarke.

Glavanor searches around for a moment.

>Dionisius loses some awareness.

Dionisius firmly says, "Ericos."

>Varsus says, "Dang weather."

>Glavanor searches around for a moment.
Glavanor has spotted you!

>Dionisius firmly says, "Ewave."

You move into position to stalk Ericos when he moves.

>Ericos says, "What."

>Dionisius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

>Glavanor points at you, ruining your hiding place.

The voice of Trade softly says, "Err Ericos has a rash."

>Dionisius gestures.
Dionisius appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

>Rarr faces Alarke, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Rarr opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.

>Rarr utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...

>Rarr gestures at you.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
You are coated in a hazy film.

Rarr says, "Dispel her."

>.fire rarrget 1 arrow from my quiverstance offensivefire bow at rarrYou remove a single fletched ruic arrow from a bundle of fletched ruic arrows.

[Script]>You are now in an offensive stance.

[Script]>You nock a fletched ruic arrow in your recurved sylvan bow.
You fire a fletched ruic arrow at Rarr!
AS: +259 vs DS: +170 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +88 = +207
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Shot knocks Rarr's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!

* Rarr drops dead at your feet!

The dim aura fades from around Rarr.
The opalescent aura fades from around Rarr.
The deep blue glow leaves Rarr.
The air calms down around Rarr.
A white glow rushes away from Rarr.
The light blue glow leaves Rarr.
Rarr seems slightly different.
Rarr seems hesitant.
Rarr appears less confident.
A golden aura fades from Rarr.
The brilliant aura fades away from Rarr.
The powerful look leaves Rarr.
The fletched ruic arrow sticks in Rarr's left eye!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
[Script]>Alarke chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...

[Script]>Alarke gestures at you.
CS: +234 - TD: +163 + CvA: +2 + d100: +58 - -5 == +136
Warding failed!
Alarke's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the craggy face of a dwarven man. An aura of reddish-golden light, much like the glow of a forge, surrounds his features. His brown gaze bores into you, and the image sears itself into your eyes before everything goes black.
You are dazed!
[Script]> * Rarr just bit the dust!

[Script]>Ericos traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...

[Script]>stance defensiveDionisius's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...

>You are still stunned.

>Thore firmly says, "Hah Rar."

>Ericos gestures at you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The hazy film around Snowdrop fluxes chaotically!
... 40 points of damage!
Encasing plasma cremates your hand leaving a bloody stump!
The hazy film fades from around you.

>Alarke chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...

>The voice of Masthix squeakily says, "Hey hey now."

>Dionisius gestures at you.
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
You dodge out of the way!
The ground then quickly cools.

>Varsus laughs!

Alarke channels at you.
A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses you.
CS: +234 - TD: +161 + CvA: +2 + d100: +87 - -5 == +167
Warding failed!
Large wisps of blue-white energy lash out at you, cauterizing the impact marks on your skin in an instant.
You are hit for 46 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Sizzling arc of plasma blows your kneecap off!
You are knocked to the ground!

>Masthix tried to drag you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP

>Thore kicks some dirt on the corpse of Rarr.

>Masthix tried to drag you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to permit yourself to be dragged.

>Glavanor exclaims, "Boom!"

>Dionisius's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...

>Masthix tried to drag you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to permit yourself to be dragged.

>Masthix tried to drag you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to permit yourself to be dragged.

>Dionisius gestures at you.
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
You dodge out of the way!
The ground then quickly cools.

Thore kicks some dirt on the corpse of Rarr.

>Dimeare gestures at Rarr.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Rarr, then fades into the body.

>Thore kicks some dirt on the corpse of Rarr.

>Trade is revealed from hiding.
Trade fires a pure white arrow at you!
AS: +302 vs DS: +119 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +67 = +273
... and hits for 86 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
The air about you stops shimmering.
You become solid again.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You are no longer moving silently.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You feel your extra strength departing.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The powerful look leaves you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
You return to normal color.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
The pure white arrow sticks in your right arm!

> * Snowdrop just bit the dust!

>The voice of Masthix squeakily says, "Ya'll quit gangin up on snow."

>Alarke chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...

>Dionisius's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...

>Trade softly says, "Theer."

Karmon says, "And down goes snowdrop."

And how many did it take?

My point is, Rarr cast at me so that was clearly consent to conflict.

Furthermore, I have never even seen the others who joined in before, so other than sticking their noses in, how many of them had any cause to jump in?


How many of them used the warn assist report route to resolve it?


How many were hauled into the consultation lounge?


Be consistent...that whole things sucks and when you let tossers like Alcoven/Rarr/Lymbo attack people with low trains, you have to allow those same people to attack back when they overtake the sad fuck!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-09-2004, 02:06 PM
I just want to start killing the idiots because well, they are idiots.

Of course, you are on the boulder. What did you expect?

02-09-2004, 02:09 PM
Sorry... I play a pretty aggressive character most of the time and I agree.. 22 killings in 90 days IS too many... unless they all were on the boulder or consentual.

If Rarr/Alcoven/Lymbo annoys you that bad.. just get away from them. I could have told you that it was a waste of your time with the last log you posted.

They are certainly not worth it.

02-09-2004, 02:13 PM
I think I saw the log where alcoven hunted down snowy over and over.. and he himself was the one killed. I think if you constantly hunt down somene within a given time frame and instigate trouble and harrass them.. The hunted shouldn't be blamed for their actions.

02-09-2004, 02:20 PM
What's the point of killing them if there's no DR points yet?

You just encourage their cleric slave to get free exp.:rant:

02-09-2004, 02:22 PM
CS: +234 - TD: +163 + CvA: +2 + d100: +58 - -5 == +136
Warding failed!
Alarke's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the craggy face of a dwarven man. An aura of reddish-golden light, much like the glow of a forge, surrounds his features. His brown gaze bores into you, and the image sears itself into your eyes before everything goes black.
You are dazed!

My question is, what the hell is this? IS that Eonak? Is that BLIND (311)?

That's friggin awesome.


02-09-2004, 02:45 PM
yeah the blind spell is god related now

02-09-2004, 02:50 PM
(shrugs) If I attack you, that gives you the right to attack me. If I keep on attacking you, that gives you the right to keep on attacking me. If I keep on attacking you and you just wind up killing me a lot more often than I kill you, that means I'm either stupid or an incompetant fuck. If me and my friends attack you often enough for you to put us down at a rate slightly less than two a week, then that's our problem, not yours.

And that's what I would tell a GM. As long as they keep attacking me, I'll keep hacking them. If they stop attacking me, I stop hacking them. Ball's in their court.

02-09-2004, 03:20 PM
I think another way to look at it, perhaps, is that it's a conflict that's gone on too long and needs to stop. Since Rarr/Alcoven/whoever is obviously an idiot, maybe the GM chose to speak with the saner of the two parties.

Having said that, you don't know whether anyone else got a consult, because they don't tell you that. They're not going to pull Rarr up and be like, "we pulled Snowdrop and told her off." 22 in 90 days IS a lot. I agree that Rarr constantly hunting you down is crap, and admire your desire to RP it out. However, just because he's not 100 trains doesn't mean it's not harassment. Why bring yourself to his level (cliched, I know, but true) instead of just letting someone else kick him in the ass once and for all?

You'd think it would have been obvious the first 15 or so times you killed him that it wasn't getting through his skull.

Just something to think about.


02-09-2004, 05:10 PM
Shoulda shot the gm with an arrow.

02-09-2004, 05:47 PM
Even though it's a crappy cop-out, just warn interact, and if she ever casts at you again, report that whomever is breaking a warn interact.

02-09-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Snowdrop was hauled into the consultation lounge....


02-09-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I just want to start killing the idiots because well, they are idiots.

Of course, you are on the boulder. What did you expect?

Nothing less, and the only point I made about being killed was that it took 5 of the nancies to do it...My point was that character v character is tolerated/accepted, so why was Snowy who worked long and hard to be able to kick back against the wankers that used to pick on her when she was less well trained, penalised.

In my eyes, what Snowy does reminds me of my cousing who was a skinny little shit and often picked on when he was at school...he joined the army and the next time he saw his bullies, he was 6 foot 6 and trained to kill...my how they shat.

I take the killings as part of the territory...what I am asking for is consistency. Killing is accpeted or it isnt. If it isnt, Nuke the boulder. If it is. leave me alone to kill that sorry sad arsed tranny son of a whatsit, in peace. :smilegrin:

02-09-2004, 07:22 PM
Gamemasters need to step into matters that actually need attention than wasting their time with trouble makers.

By the way, Asben is stupid too.

02-09-2004, 08:27 PM
The only reason that log is good is because Im in it.

Oh... and ya. It is jacked but i would watch it, back in the day when the templar knights first started up, I had a few chars going, and one was with the knights, and one with the black fists (boulder clan) and one day they had a mass fight below the AI, well both my chars I rp'd well, and both killed a crapload of people (20+) and both got locked. Dumb? Ya... I was one of like 3 people who got there accounts locked, and we were all rp'in well.

So just watch it.


02-09-2004, 08:30 PM
I think I remember that (black fist stuff).. cuz my empath friend Miguel got slaughtered even though he said he wasn't on either side and I was wicked pissed.

Of course, that might have been another gang war between two random groups.

02-09-2004, 08:42 PM
Reminds me of House Dreadnaught.

02-09-2004, 11:10 PM
This is awesome! I never realized i was to be seen as part of a mob before, go me! Alright, enough of this bullshit...i sit here and watch you post this one sided crap...enough. You showed the LAST time you killed Rarr...how about the two times right before that you shot her in the head for no reason and ran away, or how about the multiple times that you spiked Drabbo for supposedly ALMOST killing you in a hunting ground. Perhaps the thing you dont realize is, i attacked you because you murdered my daughter...she was trying to get revenge for a death you had just previously given her. The other four people that attacked you were all there too when you first killed her...maybe they just see that you deserved to die. Maybe they had no right jumping in, but i sure as hell do...so dont bitch about me anymore. Oh, and if anyone wants the post of Snowdrop killing Rarr right before that post, i'd be happy to put it here

02-09-2004, 11:12 PM
I dunno anything about the Snowdrop situation with Rarr...but I'll refer you to my confrontation with Drabbo. Check the character complaints folder, the thread about open voids. You'll see how I handled Drabbo, not too differently. Hehe.

02-09-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Alarke
This is awesome! I never realized i was to be seen as part of a mob before, go me! Alright, enough of this bullshit...i sit here and watch you post this one sided crap...enough. You showed the LAST time you killed Rarr...how about the two times right before that you shot her in the head for no reason and ran away, or how about the multiple times that you spiked Drabbo for supposedly ALMOST killing you in a hunting ground. Perhaps the thing you dont realize is, i attacked you because you murdered my daughter...she was trying to get revenge for a death you had just previously given her. The other four people that attacked you were all there too when you first killed her...maybe they just see that you deserved to die. Maybe they had no right jumping in, but i sure as hell do...so dont bitch about me anymore. Oh, and if anyone wants the post of Snowdrop killing Rarr right before that post, i'd be happy to put it here

You miss the point! (Why am I not surprised).

I dont mind the conflict.

I am not bitching about being killed

I am pissed at being told by the GM's to cease and it not being consistent (the clue was in the title of the thread).

Learn to read, then learn to understand, then come in all guns blazing.

I killed Drabbo once. He wanted to kill me. I joined his group. He tried to implode me. I spiked him before he cast. Bless!

Drabbo is an arrogant wanker that deserves all he gets. Had he apologised for being a reckless tosser, I wouldnt have held any animosity (He cant help being stupid). As it was, he laughed, so I killed him for very nearly killing me with his irresponsible casting.

And I would love to see the times I've shot Rarr...post them for me please? There was five to collect in all...how many did you get? :lol:

02-10-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Why bring yourself to his level (cliched, I know, but true) instead of just letting someone else kick him in the ass once and for all?

You'd think it would have been obvious the first 15 or so times you killed him that it wasn't getting through his skull.

Yeah, but why should she? She likes killing Rarr and company, Rarr and crew keep attacking her, and they aren't doing WARN INTERACT. What, because killing people isn't "nice" or something?

Takes two to tango, and no one's leaving the dance floor. Might as well sway to the music.


02-10-2004, 03:54 PM
Snowdrop, i have logs of you spiking Drabbo twice on the boulder for no reason. Along with the time you killed him for supposedly open voiding (i dont have a log of that, wasn't there)...Also the fact that you actually held a grudge against me OOC...which is proven by posting crap about this in the character complaint folder, shows that you are just someone that has no life, and actually makes this game into their lives, so learn how to seperate real life and a game....cause this is just a game.

02-10-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo

What, because killing people isn't "nice" or something?

First off, I suggest you know something about me or the character I play before you go making extremely ignorant statements like that.

Second, repeated killings and "you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed my daughter so I'll kill you but it doesn't work so you kill me now I'll kill you" ceases to be roleplay.... somewhere in there.

Maybe someone else complained and that's why the GMs got involved. And complaining about being "the only one" who got pulled is pointless... because you don't KNOW who else got pulled.


02-10-2004, 07:56 PM
Aw Spun, he knows your characters are just the sweet and sugar and spice huggy kissy type.

Just fess up.

02-11-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Alarke
Snowdrop, i have logs of you spiking Drabbo twice on the boulder for no reason.

So you dont have a log of the void he cast at me on the boulder?

Along with the time you killed him for supposedly open voiding (i dont have a log of that, wasn't there)...

But you still jump in regardless

Also the fact that you actually held a grudge against me OOC...

Delusions of Grandeur...I think youre an idiot. I dont hold a grudge against you. Snowdrop held a grudge against Drabbo. Snowdrop held a grudge against Alcoven. See the difference?

which is proven by posting crap about this in the character complaint folder,

Again...delusions of Grandeur. It isnt about you...although your name was mentioned once by me I believe. It isnt even a complaint about Rarr, although I think he is beyong stupidity. The name of this thread is "Rant about GM's jumping into conflict" Can you see that? or is your head too far up your arse to see anything else? This isnt about you! Difficult for you and your ego to accept, but this is a complaint about the GM's jumping in and spoiling my fun :P

Get over yourself.

shows that you are just someone that has no life, and actually makes this game into their lives, so learn how to seperate real life and a game....cause this is just a game.

If so, why do you post here?
Why are you upset about my complaints of the GM's intervention?
And you dont know me, so dont make judgements of me as a person, because in that one sentence, you have trashed all your own arguments without me even having to respond to it... :grin:

02-11-2004, 06:23 AM
:flamed: :grr:

Maybe the GMs should sanct the boulder since it was so effective in the cul de sac and crypt. Whoops!! Did I say that out loud? The GMs should realise that this is set in barbaric times and not the kinder, gentler theme of the 1990's. The people back in those days didn't paint signs that said "Make Love, Not War" when roving hoards of barbarians came to rape and pillage towns. They took up arms and defended themselves and their honor.

If a moron can't take a hint after you drop the said moron 10 or more times, I say more power to you for making them spend coins and gems on deeds. If the GMs are wanting to make this such a kinder, gentler game, they build a stadium with a disclaimer at the door saying "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO WHINING ABOUT GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED FROM THIS POINT ON" or hang this sign at the boulder, make that the only PvP realm(s) and quit meddling in people's affairs.

I am a loud, rude and crude character IG and I get my ass handed to me a lot because of it. You don't see me whining to the GMs about it. One lives and dies by the sword, proverbially speaking.

Some people need to grow up and learn that whining won't get you far in the play world or the real world. I know there are younger teens that play this game. Others are just immature. I say let them run their mouths and take a cyber ass whoopin' that their parents won't do in real life.

02-11-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
First off, I suggest you know something about me or the character I play before you go making extremely ignorant statements like that.

Second, repeated killings and "you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed me now I'll kill you now you killed my daughter so I'll kill you but it doesn't work so you kill me now I'll kill you" ceases to be roleplay.... somewhere in there.

I don't need to know jack about you (and WTF does your character have to do with anything?). If you make a stupid statement, the statement's stupid. What you're like in RL or in the game doesn't matter dick. Same with me. Who the hell cares what I'm like in RL or what my characters are like? What you got to go on here are my words. Either you agree with them or you don't.

And whaddya mean repeated killings isn't roleplay? That's just plain ignorant. That's what they call "vendetta" in RL. Hatfield-McCoy was just like that, H killed M so M killed H so H killed Mx2 so M killed H some more until no one could remember or agree who started it or why.

So you don't like it, fine, whatever. I don't think they were asking for opinion polls.

Snowdrop, i have logs of you spiking Drabbo twice on the boulder for no reason.

Lord liftin' Jesus, that sounds like my seven year old. "Daddy, he was picking on me for NO REASON." Yeah, sure, Snowdrop is a psychopath who goes around spiking random people at 5 minutes past the hour on alternate Tuesdays.

02-11-2004, 12:00 PM
Oh, and Zeyrin's got it right for six. Ain't the boulder a duellists' haven? Isn't that where people go to fight? Anyone unaware of that?

So if you don't want to rumble or get jumped ...


Jesus, Mary & Joseph, some people are just so numb.


02-11-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo

I don't need to know jack about you (and WTF does your character have to do with anything?). If you make a stupid statement, the statement's stupid. What you're like in RL or in the game doesn't matter dick. Same with me. Who the hell cares what I'm like in RL or what my characters are like? What you got to go on here are my words. Either you agree with them or you don't.

Just to jog your obviously short memory, YOU were the one who made the statement that I must not like the repeated killing because it's not "nice." My suggestion to you would be to find something out about the person you're talking to before you make that sort of dumbass assumption. See?

Originally posted by GalleazzoAnd whaddya mean repeated killings isn't roleplay? That's just plain ignorant. That's what they call "vendetta" in RL. Hatfield-McCoy was just like that, H killed M so M killed H so H killed Mx2 so M killed H some more until no one could remember or agree who started it or why.

So you don't like it, fine, whatever. I don't think they were asking for opinion polls.

Um, excuse me, but exactly how thick are you? People don't post on message boards to have others sit silently at their keyboards either shaking their heads or nodding in agreement. If you don't want an opinion on what you're posting, don't fucking POST. Very simple concept.


02-11-2004, 06:28 PM
What grates with me is that if they want this to be a game without characters killing each other, which is more or less what the GM said yesterday, then they should fix the mechanics that way. All the while it can happen (and I think it should be able to, with protectors from abuse), it will be a part of the game, so...GM's, make up your mind, should people be able to attack each other or not?

They have made up their minds, it's called Policy, specifically policy on page 3 and 4 (disruptive behavior and PvP). Try reading it sometime. They count on you to follow policy and have some control over your character's actions, not just kill people because you can. That's just lame. The PvP mechanics aren't the thing that's broken and needs fixing.

Spun's right, you don't know who else complained or who else they pulled to speak to, and you won't know unless the person who did owns up to it.

GMs rarely step in for no reason, someone must have let them know about the situation.

22 killings in that amount of time IS excessive, and I'm betting had very little roleplaying to go along with it. Whoever said the you-killed-me-so-I'll-kill-you ceases to become CvC (consented roleplaying) hit the nail on the head.

Someone has to be mature enough to stop the nonsense. Apparently neither Rarr or Snowdrop was, so a GM put an end to it.

[Edited on 2-11-2004 by Caramia]

02-12-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Um, excuse me, but exactly how thick are you? People don't post on message boards to have others sit silently at their keyboards either shaking their heads or nodding in agreement. If you don't want an opinion on what you're posting, don't fucking POST. Very simple concept.

Glad you agree. My opinion on your crack about that business "not being roleplay" is that it's dumb, puerile twaddle and that you got a limited concept of what roleplaying means. There.

02-12-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Caramia

They have made up their minds, it's called Policy, specifically policy on page 3 and 4 (disruptive behavior and PvP).

And I dont see a contradiction in nthe conflict I had with Rarr and Policy 3 or 4. It wasnt disruptive to anyone else. Both Rarr and Snowdrop initiated attacks so neither appeared troubled by it. I know Snowy wasnt, it just became something she had to do. Neither was it PvP, at least on my part. I knew that Alcoven and Rarr share the same player and wary of breaching policy made absolutley sure that I did nothing to cross that line. Any interaction with Rarr was as a result of Rarr starting interaction with Snowy.

22 killings in that amount of time IS excessive, and I'm betting had very little roleplaying to go along with it. Whoever said the you-killed-me-so-I'll-kill-you ceases to become CvC (consented roleplaying) hit the nail on the head.

I dont agree that it was/is excessive. At least four of those 22 killings were on the boulder - a duelling venue. Two others were in a duel in Illistim. 10 were killings of the characters of one player who continually attempted to kill me. One was of a character at least 20 trains above me who repeatedly tackled me and when I called her boring she took me out of town and killed me. The next time she tackled me I killed her. One was a consenting duel in the landing. Heck, two were mistakes when hunting when I accidentally killed friends!

So to look at the number of killings and pass judgement, is to add two and two and make 177. Murders? Maybe two. Killings? For sure! Justififed? In the main yes! and In line with Roleplay? Yeah!

02-12-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
It wasnt disruptive to anyone else.

Well if you neither Snowdrop or Rarr reported, someone must have... and that someone must have found it disruptive. The point is, since you aren't privy to who makes reports, you can't verify no one is being disturbed by your killings.

02-13-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Well if you neither Snowdrop or Rarr reported, someone must have... and that someone must have found it disruptive. The point is, since you aren't privy to who makes reports, you can't verify no one is being disturbed by your killings.
Yeah, but that's total BS. As a third party I don't get to be disturbed by gaming I'm not a part of. If someone else reported it, they need to get a life, and a clue, and some cujones as well.


02-13-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Yeah, but that's total BS. As a third party I don't get to be disturbed by gaming I'm not a part of. If someone else reported it, they need to get a life, and a clue, and some cujones as well.


If someone's idea of "roleplaying" or gaming is disruptive to others around them, that it impacts their enjoyment of the game, sure they get the right to be disturbed by it, and report it. Read the Policy page (3) about disruptive behavior.

It's their "life" here too, they don't need to get one since they have one already, and someone else doesn't get to run it for them.

As for a clue, I gave you one, third page of Policy.

As for cajones, I'm sorry, I pay just as much money as you do and I don't pay it to put up with childish, petty, stupid idiots that think their lame PvP attacks are an attempt at roleplaying. My cajones are used in speaking up about silly twits.

02-17-2004, 11:49 AM
Nope, I'm still real comfy-like about clues, life and cujones. Take this Snowdrop-Rarr thing. From the logs, those whackings were all over the place. It isn't like they spent two solid hours ambushing each other in TSC.

So what a stupid fucking busybody saw was maybe seven minutes of yelling somewhere. Anyone too delicate to handle that ought to stay out of public areas.


02-17-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
So what a stupid fucking busybody saw was maybe seven minutes of yelling somewhere. Anyone too delicate to handle that ought to stay out of public areas.


It's been going on for weeks actually. ::hands you a clue::

02-17-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
It's been going on for weeks actually. ::hands you a clue:: Twice in one day I needed a PWNED.bmp. I should make one or something, probably. Oh well, lazy. Someone hit post reply for me.

02-18-2004, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by Caramia

It's been going on for weeks actually. ::hands you a clue:: [/quote]

about three or four days, in actual fact. :)

02-18-2004, 05:08 AM
You're a bit out of touch. They started up a long time ago down in Ta'Illistim and it followed them north to the Landing.

02-18-2004, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
You're a bit out of touch. They started up a long time ago down in Ta'Illistim and it followed them north to the Landing.

I play Snowdrop. I think I'm in touch with her dealings. :rolleyes:

It started in the Landing. It lasted for a couple of days or so, then the GM butted in. Snowdrop knew Rarr in Vaalor and used to help her out, despite her being a pain in the backside. So prior to Rarr jumping into someone elses conflict, there was no dispute or conflict between the two.

Unless of course you are including Alcoven and Lymbo in that, in which case you are correct.

Rarr's friends, however, strongly dispute that there is any truth in the rumour that Rarr = Alcoven = Lymbo = Talkov, despite a copy of an IM conversation that he had with a friend of a friend, whereby he admitted how all four were one and he same and how, when Rarr reached 70, she would kill Snowdrop, Lyonis and Berylla. But thats a different story.

02-18-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
It's been going on for weeks actually. ::hands you a clue::

And every bit of it in front of your face? Right.

(If so, ::hands you a life::)

02-18-2004, 03:35 PM
Whatever. I stopped hanging out at the Dais because of all the juvenile crap going on with you down there.

Started playing my cleric in the Landing while Spitfire was around, and there you are again!


02-18-2004, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Whatever. I stopped hanging out at the Dais because of all the juvenile crap going on with you down there.

Started playing my cleric in the Landing while Spitfire was around, and there you are again!


With me?

02-19-2004, 01:05 PM
Snowdrop just seems to be a PVP magnet. Some folks don't like that. I for one miss the boulder antics of the past.

02-19-2004, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Snowdrop just seems to be a PVP magnet. Some folks don't like that. I for one miss the boulder antics of the past.
Looks like. I'll defend to the death the right of Nieninque to play a kid, and agree that the haters are being asshats, but nothing I've seen makes me want to hang out around Snowdrop.

09-30-2004, 10:13 PM
FUCK THE GMS [/quote]

I couldnt agree more, Fuck the gms, i say we kill them , kill them all

09-30-2004, 10:15 PM
Still bitter.

09-30-2004, 11:02 PM
What IS it with these noobs casting 318 on year old threads?



[Edited on 10/1/2004 by Galleazzo]