View Full Version : White Shaalk Claidhmore

02-07-2009, 11:25 AM
>assess my claid
You assess the claidhmore for structural weaknesses and strengths.

Careful examination indicates the white shaalk claidhmore has a base strength of 99 and a base durability of 290. You also determine the current integrity of the white shaalk claidhmore to be at 100.0%.

Checking out the claidhmore, it looks like it's incredibly weighted to inflict more critical blows.

Roundtime: 25 sec.

You all know the one. 4x, old style, ICW on top of the normal weighting of a claidhmore.

Please send PMs with trade offers. :thanx:

Meureii's player

02-07-2009, 11:32 AM
>weigh my claid
You carefully examine the white shaalk claidhmore and determine that the weight is about 29 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>weigh my claid
You carefully examine the white shaalk claidhmore and determine that the weight is about 30 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>weigh my claid
You carefully examine the white shaalk claidhmore and determine that the weight is about 27 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

It's heavy

Stanley Burrell
02-07-2009, 11:39 AM
Is there actually a mechanical reason for it weighing that much? I'd forfeit the shaalk into vultite if I could get a GM to correct its weight or something.

02-07-2009, 11:40 AM
Is there actually a mechanical reason for it weighing that much? I'd forfeit the shaalk into vultite if I could get a GM to correct its weight or something.

We were just discussing that. There used to be something stupid where adding weighting added to the weight of an item. I'm not sure if this item was victim to that, or if its just the result of the old encumbrance system gone wild.

Stanley Burrell
02-07-2009, 11:44 AM
I guess that's pretty decent proof of purchase.

Edit: As far as extra weighting is concerned.

Edit-edit: Now that I think about it, that did exist, but I'm pretty certain you got about ~1 pound per extra point of weighting. I only say this because I had an imflass morning star with heavy damage weighting and it ended up being something like 14 lbs. It wasn't even ithloss or whatever. So this claid has +25 to +25? That's fucking sick (and puts Meta to shame.)

Remember to post some logs, Khariz :-P

02-07-2009, 11:59 AM
I guess that's pretty decent proof of purchase.

Edit: As far as extra weighting is concerned.

Edit-edit: Now that I think about it, that did exist, but I'm pretty certain you got about ~1 pound per extra point of weighting. I only say this because I had an imflass morning star with heavy damage weighting and it ended up being something like 14 lbs. It wasn't even ithloss or whatever. So this claid has +30 to +30? That's fucking sick (and puts Meta to shame.)

Remember to post some logs, Khariz :-P

Nah, I sold it TO him, I've got nothing to trade to buy it back, and he don't want cash/silvers for it. I'd prefer he keep it, but if someone has something SICK to trade him, go for it.

02-07-2009, 12:24 PM
has anyone tried to lighten it?

02-07-2009, 12:26 PM
has anyone tried to lighten it?


good luck. You'd have to hold a GM's kids for ransom to get them to even touch it.

02-07-2009, 12:48 PM
has anyone tried to lighten it?

That's a no. It wouldn't be Shaalk if you tried.

02-07-2009, 01:34 PM
I guess that's pretty decent proof of purchase.

Edit: As far as extra weighting is concerned.

Edit-edit: Now that I think about it, that did exist, but I'm pretty certain you got about ~1 pound per extra point of weighting. I only say this because I had an imflass morning star with heavy damage weighting and it ended up being something like 14 lbs. It wasn't even ithloss or whatever. So this claid has +30 to +30? That's fucking sick (and puts Meta to shame.)

Remember to post some logs, Khariz :-P

I'll post some logs of what it does in the warcamps. And it WAS Meta's claid at one point. Went to Lady Ingrid, then to an unknown. Ardwen mentioned to me the other day that he used to own it, Tsin owned it, Khariz owned it, now it's mine.

And no, as long as I have it, it will never touch the hands of a GM. Something about a white vultite claidhmore doesn't sound so SICK, as you put it. :)

02-07-2009, 01:45 PM
A Grimswarm troll ranger rushes in!
A Grimswarm troll guard just arrived.
...wait 1 seconds.
A Grimswarm troll ranger removes a plain wooden arrow from in her quiver.
A Grimswarm troll ranger fires a plain wooden arrow at you!
AS: +281 vs DS: +281 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +70 = +88
A clean miss.
The wooden arrow breaks apart and crumbles away.
A Grimswarm troll ranger's flesh wounds regenerate quickly.
A Grimswarm troll ranger's chest begins to regenerate.

A Grimswarm troll ranger throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a white shaalk claidhmore at a Grimswarm troll guard!
AS: +396 vs DS: +260 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +29 = +203
... and hit for 97 points of damage!
Horrifying slash to the troll guard's head!
Left eye sliced open!
Brain pureed!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The troll guard falls to the ground and dies.
The guiding force leaves a Grimswarm troll guard.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm troll guard.
A Grimswarm troll guard seems to lose an aura of confidence.
You swing a white shaalk claidhmore at a Grimswarm troll ranger!
AS: +396 vs DS: +213 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +27 = +253
... and hit for 137 points of damage!
Body pulped to a gooey mass.
Watch where you step!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The troll ranger falls to the ground and dies.
A Grimswarm troll ranger seems to lose some dexterity.
A Grimswarm troll ranger returns to normal color.
You swing a white shaalk claidhmore at a Grimswarm troll ranger!
AS: +396 vs DS: +209 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +13 = +238
... and hit for 129 points of damage!
Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The troll ranger falls to the ground and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm troll ranger.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm troll ranger.
A Grimswarm troll ranger seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm troll ranger.
You spin around looking for something to attack!

Finding no target for your rage, you let out a horrendous scream of frustration!

The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
You search the troll ranger.
You discard the ranger's useless equipment.
She didn't carry any silver.
She had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm troll ranger decays into compost.
You search the troll guard.
You discard the guard's useless equipment.
She didn't carry any silver.
She had nothing of interest.
A Grimswarm troll guard decays into compost.
You search the troll ranger.
You discard the ranger's useless equipment.
She had 247 silvers on her.
You gather the remaining 247 coins.
She had nothing else of value.
A Grimswarm troll ranger decays into compost.
Could not find a valid target to loot.
A Grimswarm troll warrior treads in, ready for combat!
A Grimswarm troll scourge strides in, glowering upon the scene.
>post def
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
[Script attack is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
>post off
[script done]
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
You swing a white shaalk claidhmore at a Grimswarm troll warrior!
AS: +387 vs DS: +187 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +26 = +264
... and hit for 122 points of damage!
Incredible slash to the troll warrior's neck!
Throat and vocal cords destroyed!
Zero chance of survival.
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The troll warrior falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A Grimswarm troll scourge gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
R>kill scour
A Grimswarm troll scourge gestures at you!
CS: +235 - TD: +125 + CvA: -21 + d100: +76 == +165
Warding failed!
The spirits swirl around you, distracting your every action.
You swing a white shaalk claidhmore at a Grimswarm troll scourge!
AS: +360 vs DS: +203 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +74 = +274
... and hit for 152 points of damage!
Slash to the troll scourge's ribs opens a sucking chest wound!
[You have earned 50 prestige points.]
The troll scourge falls to the ground and dies.
The brilliant aura fades away from a Grimswarm troll scourge.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm troll scourge.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm troll scourge.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm troll scourge.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

02-07-2009, 01:46 PM
Focus is on the Claid, not Meureii's TD :D

02-07-2009, 02:30 PM
Damn man... need a kidney?

02-07-2009, 02:40 PM
Note however the maximum you can garner from weighting is up to 10 (heavy) extra crit points (upto 50 I believe) before it cycles back on itself. Thus, the claid has 50 points of crit weighting and not 80 as some might think.

02-07-2009, 02:49 PM
What are you talking about?

02-07-2009, 02:52 PM
What are you talking about?

Not monks, for once.

02-07-2009, 02:53 PM
Note however the maximum you can garner from weighting is up to 10 (heavy) extra crit points (upto 50 I believe) before it cycles back on itself. Thus, the claid has 50 points of crit weighting and not 80 as some might think.

Where are you pulling this from?

02-07-2009, 02:53 PM
His ass.

02-07-2009, 02:54 PM
Not monks, for once.


02-07-2009, 03:06 PM
Very nice claidhmore. I hardly play any more but that'd be a reason to.

02-07-2009, 03:21 PM
What types of items are you looking for in trades?

02-07-2009, 03:26 PM
I'm open to all sorts of offers. Just looking for items that are just as awesome and one of the items in the deal should be a weapon. Basically I'm fielding offers, and if I see something that looks good, we can work a deal.

02-07-2009, 04:34 PM
Note however the maximum you can garner from weighting is up to 10 (heavy) extra crit points (upto 50 I believe) before it cycles back on itself. Thus, the claid has 50 points of crit weighting and not 80 as some might think.

So utterly wrong. :)

02-07-2009, 04:37 PM
I have heard, whatever that means... that +60 points of weighting is the max, and that would be 1.5 claid weighting. Such as a few old items that have been nerfed, and possible a few more that are hidden and not talked about to avoid the same fate.

02-07-2009, 04:41 PM
I have heard, whatever that means... that +60 points of weighting is the max, and that would be 1.5 claid weighting. Such as a few old items that have been nerfed, and possible a few more that are hidden and not talked about to avoid the same fate.

Yes, many weapons have been nerfed down to that level. Doesn't mean higher isn't possible though. I know of things that still have more than 60 weighting.

Stanley Burrell
02-07-2009, 06:01 PM
I'll post some logs of what it does in the warcamps. And it WAS Meta's claid at one point. Went to Lady Ingrid, then to an unknown. Ardwen mentioned to me the other day that he used to own it, Tsin owned it, Khariz owned it, now it's mine.

And no, as long as I have it, it will never touch the hands of a GM. Something about a white vultite claidhmore doesn't sound so SICK, as you put it. :)

If I could get it to 80% normal claid weight (with a vultite mod) I would.

So make sure I don't have like ten jillion coins, or twelve sets of coin hands to trade, so that I don't go out butchering such l33tness.

Lord Orbstar
02-10-2009, 08:33 AM
And that, Stanley, is why you would not get your hands on it. At least I wouldnt sell you a legacy item.

02-10-2009, 03:13 PM
Remember when someone threw Michaelous's blue shaalk claidh down the well?


02-10-2009, 03:49 PM

02-10-2009, 03:51 PM
Remember when someone threw Michaelous's blue shaalk claidh down the well?


That guy got booted with some quality stuff. Believe he had a belt that increase strength or carrying capacity by a ton, along with other things.

02-11-2009, 10:29 AM
That guy got booted with some quality stuff. Believe he had a belt that increase strength or carrying capacity by a ton, along with other things.

Yes, Kai's Belt.

02-13-2009, 11:27 PM
>ICW on top of the normal weighting of a claidhmore.

What does is assess as under the new system?

That Jay
02-17-2009, 07:16 PM
Bumping the thread because I too want to know what it assesses at under the new system!

02-17-2009, 07:35 PM
Bumping the thread because I too want to know what it assesses at under the new system!

Same as it did before. The new system still isn't properly reading overages. The ASSESS verb only reads the overage and not the underlying weighting, so it gives messages on the overage only. Warden did absolutely nothing to fix this problem with the update. Only a claidhmore developed to actually have say 42 or 50 (whatever) would read properly under this new system.

These old extra weighted ones are configured like 40+8 or 40+20 or whatever and the assess verb only reads the later and ignores the former, so the comparison part of the verb to claidhmores doesn't function properly.

For example, I have a claidhmore that supposedly has heavy weighting on top of claid weighting. The assess message makes it sound like the claidhmore has LESS weighting than a normal claidhmore and that the weapon has heavy weighting. Well, simple math shows this is not true, as you can achieve max crit rank on a 110ish endroll, which doesnt happen with 8-10 points of weighting.

Basically what I'm saying is that I've confirmed that the new ASSESSable weighting does not work for extra weighted claids, but math (and PCALC to some extent) does.

02-17-2009, 08:10 PM
Have you posted the above?

02-17-2009, 10:12 PM
Have you posted the above?

No, because I can't think of a way to fix this without GMs having to overhaul the old weighting into a new weighting paradigms, which would essentially require manipulation of the items, and probably cause nerfs.

I'm happy with leaving them the way they are.

02-17-2009, 10:23 PM
It would be nice if you could assist and have them assign whatever appropriate level of weighting messaging is correct. So, for all these super weapons, they would just stick the top tier as the weighting level (without nerfing it).

02-18-2009, 01:46 AM
No, because I can't think of a way to fix this without GMs having to overhaul the old weighting into a new weighting paradigms, which would essentially require manipulation of the items, and probably cause nerfs.

I'm happy with leaving them the way they are.

I don't see why they would nerf them; They're legit pieces of GS history.

They made the upper ends of the weighting system for a reason.

02-18-2009, 04:37 AM
Darkstone Key and Dart's crystal ball were parts of history too, as were literally hundreds of other nerfed items. That alone is a good enough reason to never ask them to fix a working item.

02-18-2009, 04:39 AM
I don't see why they would nerf them; They're legit pieces of GS history.

They made the upper ends of the weighting system for a reason.

Did you mean....Too Legit To Quit!!?


02-18-2009, 08:52 AM
From Warden on the officials:

I've received a separate query regarding "extra weighting" for claidhmores of yore. For the illumination of all:

No, there is no such thing as "old style extra critical weighting" vs "new style extra critical weighting". If a weapon has critical weighting even one iota in excess of a normal claidhmore, it will be reflected by an ASSESS category of "incredible", or even more rarely, "wondrous". This is true whether the weapon was made yesterday or is from the days of ICE. The wonderful Lady Wanton's legendary claidhmore, for instance, assesses as:

<<Checking out the claidhmore, it looks like it is heavily weighted to inflict more critical blows than a normal claidhmore. You estimate that the claidhmore is wondrously weighted compared to normal weapons.

If your claidhmore is not assessing as either "incredible" or "wondrous" compared to normal weapons, it is a near certainty that it is not extra weighted. The only exception would be if the weapon were to be uniquely coded to grant extra weighting, similar to Jesh's famous sword being uniquely coded to grant extra AS. To my knowledge, no such claidhmore or claidhmore analogue exists.

Please note that weapons with weighting in excess of normal claidhmore weighting are exceedingly rare. Slightly less rare were the magically enhanced claidhmores (e.g., holy claidhmores, or some of the ICE magical metal claidhmores) that were weighted to a lesser degree than normal claidhmores.


02-18-2009, 09:08 AM
From Warden on the officials:

I've received a separate query regarding "extra weighting" for claidhmores of yore. For the illumination of all:

No, there is no such thing as "old style extra critical weighting" vs "new style extra critical weighting". If a weapon has critical weighting even one iota in excess of a normal claidhmore, it will be reflected by an ASSESS category of "incredible", or even more rarely, "wondrous". This is true whether the weapon was made yesterday or is from the days of ICE. The wonderful Lady Wanton's legendary claidhmore, for instance, assesses as:

<<Checking out the claidhmore, it looks like it is heavily weighted to inflict more critical blows than a normal claidhmore. You estimate that the claidhmore is wondrously weighted compared to normal weapons.

If your claidhmore is not assessing as either "incredible" or "wondrous" compared to normal weapons, it is a near certainty that it is not extra weighted. The only exception would be if the weapon were to be uniquely coded to grant extra weighting, similar to Jesh's famous sword being uniquely coded to grant extra AS. To my knowledge, no such claidhmore or claidhmore analogue exists.

Please note that weapons with weighting in excess of normal claidhmore weighting are exceedingly rare. Slightly less rare were the magically enhanced claidhmores (e.g., holy claidhmores, or some of the ICE magical metal claidhmores) that were weighted to a lesser degree than normal claidhmores.


Good to know, but like I said in the other thread: Until I can figure out how a weapon reading as heavy weighting can pull off a crit that would take about 40 points of weighting, I'll be very very confused. I'll try to cause some specific numbers for people to co-crunch with me.

02-18-2009, 09:32 AM
so warden has wanton's claid? lol

02-18-2009, 01:38 PM
so warden has wanton's claid? lol

He has any weapon he wants in the test instance.

02-18-2009, 01:53 PM
I don't see why they would nerf them; They're legit pieces of GS history.

They made the upper ends of the weighting system for a reason.

He has any weapon he wants in the test instance.
I don't understand gemstones messed up coding system where they can't "nerf" things without the items being touched/manipulated. The fact that you can't have this claidhmore looked at because it has Shaalk in the name is stupid to me... they should have changed it to (vultite?) when they lost the rights to Shaalk ... there shouldn't exist any ICE age metals in game.

I say, come up with some other metal name (sort of like they did originally to De-ICE) and let all the items that have made it this far with illegal names convert to this new metal name, and have no more created with that name. That way people have "unique" items still, but don't have to live with broken/semi-broken items (I'm amazed simu hasn't gotten in trouble for still having ICE metals).

02-18-2009, 01:56 PM
I say, come up with some other metal name (sort of like they did originally to De-ICE) and let all the items that have made it this far with illegal names convert to this new metal name, and have no more created with that name. That way people have "unique" items still, but don't have to live with broken/semi-broken items (I'm amazed simu hasn't gotten in trouble for still having ICE metals).

That's actually a pretty good solution.

02-18-2009, 02:02 PM
I think some people want to feel a part of history and some people do that by owning a "piece" of history, so to speak. If you took that away, some people might be so overcome with rage they will tear their penis off and hurl it at the monitor. However, it kind of reminds me of The Ship of Theseus; if you change just one aspect of the item at a time over a long duration, is it really not the same item anymore?

But more to the point, I agree, it's fucking retarded they can't just update the items in some fashion as you described above.

Personally, I sell off anything I get my hands on immediately and only use sonic gear. I've had two alters done in my 2039482390 years of GS. I just don't care.

02-18-2009, 02:18 PM
Owning a peice of GS history as far as that goes is all well and good, but owning ICE-age metal should never have had the historical signficance it carries. Simu doesn't own the rights to the name Shaalk, Iron Crown does (er, whoever bought them). It's foolish to consider it your right to get to keep the item that way.

Really I think Simu messed up by letting the precident be set that you can keep it, if you keep quiet.

02-18-2009, 02:28 PM
Owning a peice of GS history as far as that goes is all well and good, but owning ICE-age metal should never have had the historical signficance it carries. Simu doesn't own the rights to the name Shaalk, Iron Crown does (er, whoever bought them). It's foolish to consider it your right to get to keep the item that way.

Really I think Simu messed up by letting the precident be set that you can keep it, if you keep quiet.

I agree. I'm not sure why SIMU decided to do the above but they probably thought there would be less headaches that way.

I thought they bought the rights from Iron Crown?

02-18-2009, 02:38 PM
I thought they bought the rights from Iron Crown?
No idea, but if they did, there would be no headache so... my guess is they didn't.

02-18-2009, 02:39 PM
No idea, but if they did, there would be no headache so... my guess is they didn't.

That's probably it.

02-18-2009, 03:58 PM
There are still an alarming number of ICE terms referenced in the game, especially in the Broken Lands area, where some of the puzzles still use phrases directly out of Iruaric language. "Lo thal ta shin" to get into the lesser vruul area translates as "spirit born of death" and "dyar trog" to exit the lesser vruul area means "dark cavern".

Guess those got skipped over when kiska'raax (cold claw) became myklians.

02-18-2009, 04:37 PM
Hurm, what is the stance on extra weighting rolling over after 60 points? Does this have any bearing or is the sky the limit on the amount of crit weighting a weapon can bring to bear on the crit mechanic calculations?

02-19-2009, 10:42 AM
Hurm, what is the stance on extra weighting rolling over after 60 points? Does this have any bearing or is the sky the limit on the amount of crit weighting a weapon can bring to bear on the crit mechanic calculations?

After a certain point, it becomes statistically meaningless. If your average crit-weighting bonus would cause a death critical on any spot of the body where death criticals are possible, what would additional crit weighting do?

Thanks to randomization though, there's always a possibility that it doesn't help enough to do jack shit. All that MORE crit weighting does is offer more possibilities of outcomes, of which more are going to be instant death. So like I just said, once the majority of your hits are always instant death, the statistical benefit of additional weighting becomes nil.

For example, it looks like my crit-weighted mattock has about 35 points of weighting. The additional 5 to make it claid weighted is hardly necessary. Aiming at necks, I have a nearly 100% kill ratio on anything but plate, and looking through about 40 hours worth of logs about a ~95% kill ratio on plate. The extra five weighting wouldn't increase the plate ratio by even 1 percentage point.

For people who don't aim and end up hitting limbs as often as not, it becomes even less statistically significant.

02-19-2009, 11:25 AM
Just as an aside, why don't you aim for the head instead of the neck?

02-19-2009, 11:27 AM
Just as an aside, why don't you aim for the head instead of the neck?

Oh, in practice, I do both, but I have an experiment going that called for necks only, so the logs were more readily available to parse.

02-19-2009, 01:42 PM
I always aim head for crush damage, neck for slash, and eye for puncture.

02-19-2009, 03:43 PM
I always aim head for crush damage, neck for slash, and eye for puncture.

Actually, Slash to the neck is the same as the head; only rank 6+ kills on a slash to the neck and not 5+. However, rank 5+ slash to the eye kills.

You're better off aiming for the eye if you have a slashing weapon.

Just saying.

02-19-2009, 03:46 PM
Wouldn't the possibility of missing the eye outweigh the advantage gained by the lower crit threshold?

02-19-2009, 04:10 PM
There are two weapons that do only slash damage (besides brawlers, but yeah right): the whip-blade and the katana. Every other slashing weapon does either slash/puncture, slash/crush or all three. If it's S/P, go for the eyes (rank 5/rank 4). If it's S/C, aim for the head (6/5); the neck is equal to the head in terms of crit rank thresholds, but there are a strong penalties associated with head wounds and none for neck wounds.

02-19-2009, 04:11 PM
Wouldn't the possibility of missing the eye outweigh the advantage gained by the lower crit threshold?


If you have a huge weapon and not much ambush (I assume 2x CM), then you'd definitely want to aim at something bigger.

02-19-2009, 04:12 PM
There are two weapons that do only slash damage (besides brawlers, but yeah right): the whip-blade and the katana. Every other slashing weapon does either slash/puncture, slash/crush or all three. If it's S/P, go for the eyes (rank 5/rank 4). If it's S/C, aim for the head (6/5); the neck is equal to the head in terms of crit rank thresholds, but there are a strong penalties associated with head wounds and none for neck wounds.


02-19-2009, 04:29 PM
Hmm..I wonder what the ideal aiming location is for a S/C/P weapon...

Eyes: 5/7/4 Avg: 5.34
Head: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67
Neck: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67

I guess I'd still go for the head for ease of aiming and casting penalties.

Also, those averages assume an equal chance of each damage type for every swing. Does anyone know if this is or isn't the case?

02-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Yeah but the crit messaging is sick for slashes to necks!

02-19-2009, 04:32 PM
Can something cast with a rank 2 eye wound? I know you cannot with a rank 3.

02-19-2009, 04:33 PM
Hmm..I wonder what the ideal aiming location is for a S/C/P weapon...

Eyes: 5/7/4 Avg: 5.34
Head: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67
Neck: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67

I guess I'd still go for the head for ease of aiming and casting penalties.

Also, those averages assume an equal chance of each damage type for every swing. Does anyone know if this is or isn't the case?

It's a different percentage for each weapon base. I've seen someone else's numbers for a few types before but don't know what any of them actually are.

02-19-2009, 04:34 PM
Ah. That would be a very useful table to have.

02-19-2009, 04:36 PM
Hmm..I wonder what the ideal aiming location is for a S/C/P weapon...

Eyes: 5/7/4 Avg: 5.34
Head: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67
Neck: 6/5/6 Avg: 5.67

I guess I'd still go for the head for ease of aiming and casting penalties.

Also, those averages assume an equal chance of each damage type for every swing. Does anyone know if this is or isn't the case?

The ideal aiming location would be the arms shop to buy a new weapon. :club:

02-19-2009, 04:37 PM
Can something cast with a rank 2 eye wound? I know you cannot with a rank 3.

If it is just one rank 2 eye wound, then yes. I think certain rank 2 injuries can "stack" in terms of spell hindrance, though. I know that a creature can cast with one rank 2 arm wound, but a rank 2 on each arm will hinder it. At least, that's what I remember from the last time I paid attention.

02-19-2009, 04:44 PM
PC's can't cast with 1 rank 2 and 1 rank 1 on the arms. I know that. I'm not sure if monsters are the same way.

02-19-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm working off a hazy recollection of hunting harbingers in darkstone, but I'm pretty sure I had to rank 2 either their head and one arm or both arms to keep them from casting (fucking MBP). I could totally be wrong though.