View Full Version : Tillmen's Lich
02-01-2009, 07:32 PM
Anyone interested in the updates I've done to Lich can download it from:
It's unstable for some people, so keep your current version of Lich around in case you have problems. I could use some bug reports and feature requests.
The major changes are:
If you use the Wizard FE, Lich connects as Stormfront to get the XML stream and converts it to GSL for the Wizard. This means you get links highlighted in the room descriptions, access to checkencumbrance, etc.
RoomObj class. RoomObj.list, RoomObj.loot, and RoomObj.npcs each return an array of objects. Each object has .id, .name, .noun, and .status methods. The RoomObj class stays up to date without sending a "look".
Wound and Scar tracking is fixed in Stormfront.
checkloot no longer requires a "look".
Stripped the rest of the XML out of the feed that goes to scripts. (You can still use status_tags to get the full XML.)
goto.lic works with with "set Description off" and/or "set RoomNames off".
waitrt and waitrt? now only waits for hard roundtime (like it did for the Wizard). This should keep goto.lic from stopping for three seconds just because you cast a spell. Added waitcastrt and waitcastrt?
Added checkbounty.
Added checkencumbrance.
A bunch of stuff I did and forgot about.
02-01-2009, 09:50 PM
A few things I noticed when you first put up the windows compile. Like say I have 2 chars, char1 is at a table, I'm on char2 going to char1's table. I get to the dining room and I type 'go char2 table', and lich crashes the game. (trying to go to a table using your own name...). I was using -fake--sf or whatever at the time.
Second thing. The command line window stays open at all times, whereas before the window is closed when you're connected. Can get quite messy when running 2 or more characters.
02-01-2009, 10:46 PM
Damn I was ready to give it a go but if it's flakey for MAing guess that's a no go.
02-01-2009, 11:31 PM
Your website is under review, you damn hacker!
02-01-2009, 11:36 PM
No, its not really a bug. And it has nothing to do with MAing.
I was saying .. I type 'go onarik table' and I am on onarik, it crashes.
Also note that the version I'm using is atleast a week old, maybe two. So its probably had a few updates knowing Tillmen.
02-01-2009, 11:59 PM
From what I saw... I dunno if he has come out with a new version since I can't get into the site...
Version 2 was very good, just left the window open and Fake-SF didn't work. Also it would disconnect in random times, but since I started closing after using 'goals' that sorta stopped. I play in different locations (work and home) and when I am playing all day from work and log into home, it just disconnects me right as I log in.... only fix I've tried was to log in with old lich first then log in with new lich. Then it works. Also you have the constant CMD window, but that's ignorable.
Version 3 expanded on random errors. I can't remember why I stopped and went back to version 2. V3 was really just to use fake-SF while I scripted so my SF memory usage didn't get out of control.
Keep in mind for all lichy issues that I'm in plat.
Wasn't there a GM named Tilmen? Any relation?
02-02-2009, 12:47 AM
The problem with the command prompt window showing was fixed a version or two ago.
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem with going to a table. I tried going to a table using my own name, the table name, and an invalid name. The problem could be with a specific set of tables, but I'm guessing it's not a problem with the current version (3.57.5). Let me know if it is.
Crashing after typing "goals" has been fixed.
I put in extra error handling so it should be harder to crash Lich, even if something goes wrong.
I never heard of a GM named Tilmen.
Is no one able to get to the website? I havn't noticed any problem with it.
02-02-2009, 01:15 AM
You see this page, because the system administrator of is currently checking this website for malicious content. This redirect will be removed once we will finish manually checking all files on this account. As far we check over 100 websites, it can take about 2-4 hours to complete. If you are the owner of this website, you will get email confirmation once it's done. If you are a visitor - please come back later.
Thats been up since my first post earlier.
02-02-2009, 01:34 AM
That's very strange. I've been looking at and updating the site this whole time and I've never seen that message.
02-02-2009, 01:35 AM
Maybe you're being hacked :0
02-02-2009, 01:38 AM
Wow, you're like 2 versions over where I last played with it. With Lichnet being all weird, I feel so out of the loop.
02-02-2009, 04:25 AM
Your account has been checked and approved by the system administrator. Domain is now active.
We are sorry for inconveniences it may caused and thank you for patience.
It feels great to be approved by someone that speak English good...
02-02-2009, 04:32 AM
02-02-2009, 09:29 PM
get an error on login that advises, "Lich detected SIGSEV, aborting." then crashes me out. Ideas?
Oh and when it did work, I didnt see how to activate the "If you use the Wizard FE, Lich connects as Stormfront to get the XML stream and converts it to GSL for the Wizard. This means you get links highlighted in the room descriptions, access to checkencumbrance, etc." feature as well?
There a doc with a run down of how to utilize the added features of Tillmen Lich?
03-09-2009, 04:19 AM
What's the code for the RoomObj and corresponding methods?
03-09-2009, 09:05 AM
Just to get you start playing with it...
I think those work...
03-09-2009, 11:15 AM
Just to get you start playing with it...
I think those work...
I meant the actual XML parsing code like the following for my stow container.
before_dying{ untrace_var(:$_SERVERSTRING_) }
trace_var(:$_SERVERSTRING_, proc { |data|
if data =~ /<clearContainer id=['"]stow['"]\/>/
$container = data.scan(/<inv id=['"]stow['"]>[^<]*<a exist=['"][^'"]+['"] noun=['"][^'"]+['"]>[^<]*<\/a><\/inv>/).collect { |val| /noun=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/.match(val).captures[0].dup }
03-12-2009, 10:05 PM
I meant the actual XML parsing code like the following for my stow container.
before_dying{ untrace_var(:$_SERVERSTRING_) }
trace_var(:$_SERVERSTRING_, proc { |data|
if data =~ /<clearContainer id=['"]stow['"]\/>/
$container = data.scan(/<inv id=['"]stow['"]>[^<]*<a exist=['"][^'"]+['"] noun=['"][^'"]+['"]>[^<]*<\/a><\/inv>/).collect { |val| /noun=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/.match(val).captures[0].dup }
Here's the code. It's sloppy and is really just a first draft. I switched projects before refining it.
The RoomObj class gets the "room objs" line from sfparser.rb:
module SFMetadata
def room_objs(hash={})
And here's the actual class from lich-lib.rb
class RoomObj
@@room_obj_string = nil
@@room_obj_list ||=
def initialize(id, noun, name, status, bold)
@id = id
@noun = noun
@name = name
@status = status
@bold = bold
def RoomObj.setstring(string)
@@room_obj_list = nil
@@room_obj_string = string
def RoomObj.populate_list
temp_room_obj_list = @@room_obj_string.slice(/<(component|compDef) id=['"]room objs['"]>.*?<a.*?<\/\1>/).gsub(/^.*?<a/, '').split(/<a/)
@@room_obj_list =
for obj in temp_room_obj_list
if obj =~ /^\s*exist="([^"]+)" noun="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</
id = $1
noun = $2
name = $3
#fixme: not grabbing status with "set roombrief on"
if obj =~ /that (?:is|appears) (.*?)(?: and|\.|,)/
status = $1
status = nil
if obj =~ /<popBold\/>/
bold = true
bold = false
@@room_obj_list.push(, noun, name, status, bold))
def id
def noun
def to_s
def RoomObj
def name
def status
def bold
def RoomObj.list
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
return nil if @@room_obj_list.empty?
return @@room_obj_list.dup
def RoomObj.npcs
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
monster_list = @@room_obj_list.dup
monster_list.delete_if { |obj| not obj.bold }
return nil if monster_list.empty?
return monster_list.dup
def RoomObj.loot
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
loot_list = @@room_obj_list.dup
loot_list.delete_if { |obj| obj.bold }
return nil if loot_list.empty?
return loot_list.dup
def RoomObj.dead
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
dead_list =
for obj in @@room_obj_list
dead_list.push(obj) if obj.status == "dead"
return nil if dead_list.empty?
return dead_list.dup
def RoomObj.npcs_include_id?(question_id)
npcs = RoomObj.npcs
npcs.each { |npc|
return true if == question_id
return false
03-12-2009, 10:21 PM
Looking at that code kind of made me sad. Here it is edited a little. I'm not going to test it.
class RoomObj
attr_reader :id, :noun, :name, :status, :bold
def initialize(id, noun, name, status, bold)
@id, @noun, @name, @status, @bold = id, noun, name, status, bold
def RoomObj.setstring(string)
@@room_obj_list = nil
@@room_obj_string = string
def RoomObj.populate_list
temp_room_obj_list = @@room_obj_string.slice(/<(component|compDef) id=['"]room objs['"]>.*?<a.*?<\/\1>/).sub(/^.*?<a/, '').split(/<a/)
@@room_obj_list =
for obj in temp_room_obj_list
if obj =~ /^\s*exist="([^"]+)" noun="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</
id, noun, name = $1, $2, $3
if obj =~ /that (?:is|appears) ([\w\s]+)/) or (obj =~ / \(([^\(]+)\)/)
status = $1
status = nil
if obj =~ /<popBold\/>/
bold = true
bold = false
end, noun, name, status, bold)
def RoomObj.list
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
return nil if @@room_obj_list.empty?
return @@room_obj_list.dup
def RoomObj.npcs
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
monster_list = @@room_obj_list.dup
monster_list.delete_if { |obj| not obj.bold }
return nil if monster_list.empty?
return monster_list.dup
def RoomObj.loot
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
loot_list = @@room_obj_list.dup
loot_list.delete_if { |obj| obj.bold }
return nil if loot_list.empty?
return loot_list.dup
def RoomObj.dead
populate_list unless @@room_obj_list
dead_list =
for obj in @@room_obj_list
dead_list.push(obj) if obj.status == "dead"
return nil if dead_list.empty?
return dead_list.dup
def RoomObj.include?(thing)
RoomObj.npcs.find { |npc| == thing.to_s || npc.noun == thing || == thing || npc.status == thing }
03-23-2009, 11:38 AM
w00t, with a few tweaks, I got it to work!
Thanks a million!
03-23-2009, 12:25 PM
Will this make it impossible to get normal updates if they come out? Or is the old Lich never going to be updated again?
03-23-2009, 12:40 PM
Just wanted to say Tillmen's the man.. i luv you brother!!
-Sean ;)
05-27-2009, 08:44 AM
So I completely reformatted my computer to get try to work this clean.
Windows XP.
Computer with nothing else added other than drivers for wireless network card and printer.
Turned off microsoft firewall.
1. Ran GS through website and successfully downloaded and played using stormfront in plat.
2. Downloaded and installed ruby.
3. Downloaded lich-3.65. Unzipped to C:\lichtill folder.
4. Tried to use the command prompt to execute lich.rb --install. Executed but txt file states
"Failed to read registry.
Install failed."
5. Still able to play game via stormfront and webpage but no lich.
6. Tried to execute via explorer.
"C:/documents and settings/HP_Owner/.lich.cfg does not exist.
Lich diretory set to program directory: C:/Lichtill/
Creating script directory: C:/Lichtill/scripts/
Creating data directory: C:/Lichtill/data/
ip:, port: 4900
C:/Lichtill/lich.rb:5308:in 'join': can't convert nil into String (Type from C:/Lichtill/lich.r:5308"
Any recommendations for 4? Thanks.
05-28-2009, 01:50 AM
I have vista and use firefox so this is going to be different. I just installed in like a week ago so I'm no expert (disclaimer).
When you opened SF via the website, what did it want to run the .sal file with? Mine wanted ruby something or other so I can assume my ruby files got installed properly. Having no clue, that is where I'd start.
Will it work on a Mac using Avalon? I have heard nothing but good things about Lich.
05-28-2009, 08:58 AM
Turns out the answer is I MUST install the SGE. I was concerned about the SGE on working with lich. After installing the SGE, I still got an error when trying to install the lich (said installation failed) but when I logged in, the lich was working as expected. Thanks.
07-14-2009, 06:09 AM
i cant even get it to load
C:/Users/ryanxps/.lich.cfg does not exist.
Lich directory set to program directory: C:/lich/
ip:, port: 4900
Pretending to be the game host, and waiting for game client to connect to us...
Timeout, restoring backup and exiting.
i can log into gs4 fine but nothing attempts to install when i launch the game via the website or sge.
i uninstalled psinet and deleted any psinet shit from the registry and uninstalled my old lich and re-installed ruby and still nothing.
07-14-2009, 06:28 AM
you sure it's tillmens?
07-14-2009, 06:40 AM
i cant even get it to load
C:/Users/ryanxps/.lich.cfg does not exist.
Lich directory set to program directory: C:/lich/
ip:, port: 4900
Pretending to be the game host, and waiting for game client to connect to us...
Timeout, restoring backup and exiting.
i can log into gs4 fine but nothing attempts to install when i launch the game via the website or sge.
i uninstalled psinet and deleted any psinet shit from the registry and uninstalled my old lich and re-installed ruby and still nothing.
But you never actually installed the new lich. I think you're running it in test does that if you don't install it.
ruby lich.rb --install
07-14-2009, 09:03 AM
C:\lich\lich.rb is the file that im running when trying to log into the game and the command promt opens up but nothing happens.
07-14-2009, 10:23 AM
Did you: C:/ruby/bin/rubyw.exe c:/lich/lich.rb --install ?
07-14-2009, 10:25 AM
Did you: C:/ruby/bin/rubyw.exe c:/lich/lich.rb --install ?
Exactly what I said. :P
You shouldn't have to run it after it installs. It just links. Like it should.
07-14-2009, 10:37 AM
Im having the same problem with Lich. The only way I can get it to run is if I run it from the lich folder in my start menu "The Lich(force stormfront mode)". if I use a game entry program it just loads up basic.
07-15-2009, 05:09 AM
i hit the windowskey+R then i imput c:/lich/lich.rb in there and ran it.
when i did that i had a blank windows cmd prompt open up with no text in there. however in the folder in the debug file i have this when i open it.
C:/Users/ryanxps/.lich.cfg does not exist.
Lich directory set to program directory: C:/lich/
ip:, port: 4900
Lich cannot bind to the proper port, aborting execution.
Timeout, restoring backup and exiting.
gib said he had the same thing and had to delete a file that was causing his issue when he uninstalled the old lich, he was unable to remember what that file name was so im stuck until i can find out what the rogue file name is and delete it.
i cant even re-install the old lich that i had when i do get the old lich installed it wont connect to the game so im kinda bummed :{
anybody with other step by step info i can try to resolve my issue?
07-15-2009, 10:24 AM
C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/.lich.cfg does not exist.
Lich directory set to program directory: c:/lich/
ip:, port: 4900
Pretending to be the game host, and waiting for game client to connect to us...
07-15-2009, 02:39 PM
Make sure psinet is uninstalled. (not entirely sure if this step is necessary)
Install tillmens lich. (fire it up to make sure)
You can ;repo download installpsinet.lic
run ;installpsinet.lic
install psinet
here's the script tillmen wrote to do so as of today - installpsinet.lic
This script screws around with the registry so you can install Psinet, in case you're into that sort of thing.
unless defined?(registry_get)
echo "Your version of Lich is too old for this script, which probably means it doesn't need this script anyway."
launch_cmd = registry_get('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ Simutronics.Autolaunch\Shell\Open\command\\')
launch_dir = registry_get('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Simutron ics\Launcher\Directory')
cmd_ruby_part, cmd_lich_part = /^(.*?rubyw.exe"?) (.*lich\.rb.*)$/i.match(launch_cmd.to_s).captures
dir_ruby_part, dir_lich_part = /^(.*?rubyw.exe"?) (.*lich\.rb.*)$/i.match(launch_dir.to_s).captures
unless cmd_ruby_part and cmd_lich_part
echo "Unrecognized launch_cmd: #{launch_cmd}"
echo 'Nothing was changed.'
unless dir_ruby_part and dir_lich_part
echo "Unrecognized launch_dir: #{launch_dir}"
echo 'Nothing was changed.'
new_launch_cmd = cmd_lich_part.sub(/lich.rb/i, 'lich.bat')
new_launch_dir = dir_lich_part.sub(/lich.rb/i, 'lich.bat')$lich_dir+'lich.bat', 'w') { |f| f.puts "#{launch_cmd} %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" }
registry_put('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\ Simutronics.Autolaunch\Shell\Open\command\\', new_launch_cmd)
registry_put('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Simutron ics\Launcher\Directory', new_launch_dir)
echo 'Done. You may now install Psinet.'
echo 'Always select Stormfront as the frontend when using both Lich and Psinet, or Psinet will be unhappy. If you want to use the Wizard frontend, select Stormfront when logging in anyway, and put a file named "fakestormfront.txt" in your Lich directory.'
07-15-2009, 03:39 PM
That is sexy, hope it works well for both Vista and xp users. I've heard i works fine for XP users, not sure on dah Vista
07-15-2009, 04:42 PM
Im having issues getting an old copy of PSInet off my computer. Its missing a file needed to uninstall. cant repair it for the same reason. Any suggestions?
07-15-2009, 04:51 PM
07-15-2009, 04:52 PM
Any other options? Dont have the CD anymore.
07-15-2009, 04:59 PM
Torrent win7.
07-15-2009, 05:03 PM
Just delete the Psinet files and reinstall the Launcher. That will reset everything to normal. You could also delete the Psinet registry entry in HKLM\Software\Simutronics\Psinet (or somewhere around there).
07-15-2009, 05:14 PM
Any other options? Dont have the CD anymore.
Not a problem. Torrent XP and get a program that will discover your current XP key. I have one on my computer at home so I'll tell you what it's called when I get back.
07-15-2009, 08:32 PM
still having issues with getting tilmens lich installed.
07-16-2009, 10:54 PM
Sorry for the delay, Anebriated.
07-16-2009, 11:35 PM
got lich installed but i get errors when trying to load narost something about the extra download that i had to install to ruby not loading up when gemstone starts.
07-17-2009, 03:09 AM
got lich installed but i get errors when trying to load narost something about the extra download that i had to install to ruby not loading up when gemstone starts.
What's narost? And what does it have to do with GS?
07-17-2009, 11:32 AM
What's narost? And what does it have to do with GS?
Narost is Tillmen's analog to Jamus' PsiNet Atlas.
Pretty fucking awesome stuff.
07-17-2009, 11:47 AM
The original credit goes to Jamus for Atlas but I think Narost is superior.
07-17-2009, 06:06 PM
got lich installed but i get errors when trying to load narost something about the extra download that i had to install to ruby not loading up when gemstone starts.
I think you need the ruby GTK.
07-17-2009, 07:12 PM
tillmen fixed it for me. it was two .dll's in my system32 folder that were causing issues.
just had to rename them dll.bak and it fixed ti right away.
Bird Dog
10-01-2009, 01:43 AM
tillmen fixed it for me. it was two .dll's in my system32 folder that were causing issues.
just had to rename them dll.bak and it fixed ti right away.
What was the fix for this? I think I'm having the same issue.
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