View Full Version : UBER GEAR FOR SALE!
02-01-2009, 05:03 PM
Everything sold!
02-01-2009, 05:33 PM
02-01-2009, 06:15 PM
I thought the sack was worth 20-30m? (I ask cuz i'm assuming your cash price is a typo.)
02-01-2009, 06:30 PM
I thought the sack was worth 20-30m? (I ask cuz i'm assuming your cash price is a typo.)
Not a typo. I paid more than 20-30m and rather like it. So anything less I'd save it in case I came back. I don't really need the money here, and I'm not saying I'll never be back.
02-01-2009, 06:31 PM
Oh okay.
02-02-2009, 09:14 PM
02-02-2009, 09:23 PM
Are pin worn DB items susceptible to being thieverated when you're dead? ... Are non-pin worn unthieveratable? These are pertinent questions, like why does this post sort of look like it was transcribed by Stan Benly. Who knows. I think I had too much coffee.
02-02-2009, 09:31 PM
DB items cannot be stolen, or taken by creatures. It would be like stealing someone's armor.
Are pin worn DB items susceptible to being thieverated when you're dead? ... Are non-pin worn unthieveratable? These are pertinent questions, like why does this post sort of look like it was transcribed by Stan Benly. Who knows. I think I had too much coffee.
02-04-2009, 01:10 AM
Updated and *bump*
02-05-2009, 02:41 PM
Claid sold.
02-06-2009, 12:15 AM
Free showoff bump:
A Grimswarm giant guard lets loose a roar of alarm at the top of his lungs, no doubt rousing the entire warcamp!
A Grimswarm giant cleric strides in, glowering upon the scene.
Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant cleric!
AS: +588 vs DS: +526 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +43 = +149
... and hit for 65 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs the giant cleric's right arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
The cleric's rune staff falls to the ground.
The giant cleric is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +307 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +18 = +343
... and hit for 142 points of damage!
Quick, hard slash to the giant guard's right arm!
The giant guard is stunned!
A Grimswarm giant cleric throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant guard throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant guard gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant cleric!
AS: +588 vs DS: +509 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +59 = +182
... and hit for 66 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
The giant cleric is knocked to the ground!
The giant cleric is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +299 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +77 = +410
... and hit for 195 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying.
A Grimswarm giant guard falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
The giant guard is stunned!
A Grimswarm giant guard just arrived.
A Grimswarm giant cleric throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant cleric struggles to rise but fails in the attempt.
A Grimswarm giant guard throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant guard gestures at you!
CS: +416 - TD: +372 + CvA: -21 + d100: +67 - -5 == +95
Warded off!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
The giant guard moves at the last moment to evade the attack!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant cleric!
AS: +588 vs DS: +439 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +23 = +216
... and hit for 88 points of damage!
Awful slash nearly decapitates the giant cleric!
That's one way to lose your head.
The giant cleric rolls over and dies.
The mote of white light next to a Grimswarm giant cleric disappears.
The wall of force disappears from around a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm giant cleric.
A Grimswarm giant cleric appears less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm giant cleric.
The dim aura fades from around a Grimswarm giant cleric.
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +233 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +75 = +474
... and hit for 212 points of damage!
Hard slash to the giant guard's side!
Left arm no longer available for use.
The giant guard is stunned!
A Grimswarm giant warrior treads in, ready for combat!
A Grimswarm giant guard swings a cudgel at you!
AS: +448 vs DS: +466 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +34 = +28
A clean miss.
A Grimswarm giant guard just arrived.
A Grimswarm giant guard throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +427 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +4 = +203
... and hit for 102 points of damage!
Blow to stomach rearranges some organs!
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant warrior!
AS: +588 vs DS: +247 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +72 = +442
... and hit for 134 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs the giant warrior's left arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
The warrior's reinforced shield falls to the ground.
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +328 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +65 = +363
... and hit for 162 points of damage!
The giant guard twists away but is caught with a hard slash!
Back is broken!
The giant guard is knocked to the ground!
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +231 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +99 = +500
... and hit for 225 points of damage!
Powerful slash trims the giant guard's fingernails...
and the remainder of his right hand!
The guard's dagger falls to the ground.
The giant guard rolls over and dies.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
A Grimswarm giant warrior glares at you and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
You maintain your resolve, ignoring the unnerving cry!
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant guard struggles to rise but fails in the attempt.
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +427 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +69 = +268
... and hit for 109 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant warrior!
AS: +588 vs DS: +215 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +94 = +496
... and hit for 169 points of damage!
Slash to the giant warrior's lower back!
Kidneys sliced and diced!
Death is slow and painful.
The giant warrior falls to the ground and dies.
All of a sudden, a Grimswarm giant guard rolls hard to her side, and then leaps to her feet!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +321 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +3 = +308
... and hit for 164 points of damage!
Bloody slash to the giant guard's side!
Instant death, due to lack of intestines.
The giant guard falls to the ground and dies.
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A Grimswarm giant guard snatches up a reinforced shield!
A Grimswarm giant guard just arrived.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +411 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +74 = +295
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 173 points of damage!
Terrible slash to the giant guard's side!
Entrails spill out, onto the ground!
Death can be SO messy.
The giant guard falls to the ground and dies.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a Grimswarm giant guard suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
A Grimswarm giant guard seems a bit less imposing.
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
The giant guard evades the attack by a hair!
A Grimswarm giant guard swings a cudgel at you!
With extreme effort, you beat back the attack with your claidhmore!
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +388 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +23 = +261
... and hit for 121 points of damage!
Weapon arm removed at the shoulder!
The guard's cudgel falls to the ground.
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
Nearly insensible, the giant guard desperately evades the attack!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +357 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +65 = +334
... and hit for 147 points of damage!
Off-balanced slash!
Enough force to sever the giant guard's right hand!
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +363 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +51 = +314
... and hit for 147 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying.
A Grimswarm giant guard falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
The giant guard rolls over and dies.
A Grimswarm giant cleric decays into compost.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You thunder out an ear-splitting caterwaul and follow a Grimswarm giant guard north!
[Warcamp, Outside]
A great hut stands within a clearing unto itself in the encampment of the Grimswarm. Twin red and black banner poles flank its entrance, while bodies lashed to the walls with cords of leather decorate its exterior. Pale grey curls of smoke drift from the top of the hut, spiraling towards the smoke haze above the warcamp. Next to the hut, suspended upside down on a wood rack is the rotting corpse of a troll, pierced through the heart with a massive boar spear. You also see a Grimswarm giant guard.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, south, southwest
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +410 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +52 = +274
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 102 points of damage!
Weapon arm mangled horribly.
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +390 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +31 = +273
... and hit for 162 points of damage!
Terrible slash to the giant guard's side!
Entrails spill out, onto the ground!
Death can be SO messy.
The giant guard falls to the ground and dies.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The giant guard no longer bristles with energy.
A Grimswarm giant guard appears somehow different.
A Grimswarm giant guard just arrived. Wait, wasn't she here already?
A Grimswarm giant guard glances around, looking a bit less confident.
A Grimswarm giant dissembler strides in, glowering upon the scene.
A Grimswarm giant wizard strides in, glowering upon the scene.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant wizard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +372 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +73 = +332
... and hit for 151 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.
The giant wizard falls to the ground and dies.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a Grimswarm giant wizard.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant wizard.
The translucent sphere fades from around a Grimswarm giant wizard.
The giant wizard no longer bristles with energy.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a Grimswarm giant wizard suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant dissembler!
AS: +588 vs DS: +287 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +9 = +354
... and hit for 172 points of damage!
Hard slash to the giant dissembler's side opens her spleen!
The giant dissembler is stunned!
A Grimswarm giant dissembler throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You assault a Grimswarm giant dissembler with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant dissembler!
AS: +588 vs DS: +284 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +82 = +430
... and hit for 215 points of damage!
Gruesome, slashing blow to the side of the giant dissembler's head!
Skull split open! Brain (and life) vanishes in a fine mist.
The giant dissembler falls to the ground and dies.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
The guiding force leaves a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm giant dissembler.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You thunder out an ear-splitting caterwaul and follow a Grimswarm giant guard southeast!
[Warcamp, Outside]
A campfire burns in the center of a small nexus of paths surrounded by several makeshift tents. Spits of meat, some with fur and hoof still attached, cook over the fire, casting a contrasting aroma to the foul air of the encampment. A flagpole rises over the tops of the huts and tents to the west, marking the center of camp. The beaten earth of the warcamp is littered with ragged bits of cloth. You also see a Grimswarm giant guard.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +580 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +50 = +102
... and hit for 1 point of damage!
Glancing blow to the giant guard's right leg!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
With extreme effort, the giant guard blocks the attack with her shield!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +580 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +84 = +136
... and hit for 48 points of damage!
Spinal cord damaged by smash to the back.
The giant guard is stunned!
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +580 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +73 = +125
... and hit for 28 points of damage!
Fast slash to the giant guard's neck exposes her windpipe.
Quick anatomy lesson, anyone?
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +560 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +74 = +146
... and hit for 63 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying.
A Grimswarm giant guard falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +588 vs DS: +527 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +37 = +142
... and hit for 81 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
* Novur just bit the dust!
A Grimswarm giant guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
You assault a Grimswarm giant guard with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +572 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +42 = +142
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs.
The giant guard is stunned!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
Nearly insensible, the giant guard desperately blocks the attack with her mace!
You swing a burnished vultite claidhmore at a Grimswarm giant guard!
AS: +572 vs DS: +516 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +99 = +199
... and hit for 110 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
The giant guard rolls over and dies.
A Grimswarm giant guard glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm giant guard.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm giant guard.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a Grimswarm giant guard, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Spell Surge of Strength (surge) ended. [-16Str]
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
You spin around looking for something to attack!
Finding no target for your rage, you let out a horrendous scream of frustration!
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
Drunken Durfin
02-06-2009, 10:05 AM
Free showoff bump:
(Bunch of stuff)
The redness fades from the world and you begin to breathe harder.
Like a cancer, Khariz logs have spread to other threads.
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02-06-2009, 10:07 AM
Spell Surge of Strength (surge) ended. [-16Str]
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
You had the spell strength on so it doesn't count.
02-06-2009, 10:09 AM
Spell Surge of Strength (surge) ended. [-16Str]
You had the spell strength on so it doesn't count.
02-06-2009, 10:16 AM
I'm confused as to why you would pay the equivalent of 75 MM for a 4x claidhmore.
02-06-2009, 01:17 PM
I'm confused as to why you would pay the equivalent of 75 MM for a 4x claidhmore.
You're underestimating the status symbol of it. It's a vultite claid for chrissakes.
02-06-2009, 02:47 PM
And the fact that I already have another buyer for it when I'm done playing with it :)
02-06-2009, 02:59 PM
Let me say something else about this too, because a lot of people still don't "get this".
The value of ultra high end gear does not go down when the value of silvers goes down. The gear remains just as rare, just as valuable, and just as unique.
What I'm saying is, is that no 4x old style SHOULD be selling for less than 75 mil in this silver market, and I'll make sure that it doesn't happen, by outbidding anyone up to the point whenever one comes to market and owning them all myself if I have to.
These things are worth what they are worth, period, regardless of the silver market. When silvers were 13 bucks per mil they sold for 50 mil. That's $650. Now that silvers go for 8, the fact that I paid $600 is a freaking steal, because I'm still gonna charge you $650 min.
The value of these types of items does not fluctuate with the silver market. Those of you who thing they do...are bad merchants:) I lump myself in with Tsin on the way I price high end items. You want it, you'll pay it, and until then, toodles.
02-06-2009, 03:01 PM
What I'm saying is, is that no 4x old style SHOULD be selling for less than 75 mil in this silver market, and I'll make sure that it doesn't happen, by outbidding anyone up to the point whenever one comes to market and owning them all myself if I have to.
That's fucking bullshit. If the price is dropping, let it drop so someone who normally couldn't afford a 75m weapon can now afford it.
Or continue to douche it up, I guess.
Oh also, nothing is "worth what it's worth". It's worth what people are willing to buy/sell it for. Just like economics in the real world. If you want to overpay and own them all, that's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that you'd be overpaying in the current market.
02-06-2009, 03:02 PM
That's fucking bullshit. If the price is dropping, let it drop so someone who normally couldn't afford a 75m weapon can now afford it.
Or continue to douche it up, I guess.
I see you are one of the ones who doesn't get it. Like I just said, the value of high end items don't go down because the silver market does.
02-06-2009, 03:04 PM
Claids are so overrated it's just sad. In that log, your average endroll was like 350. At 350 endrolls, a perfect lance or maul is like 9000x better then a claid mechanically speaking.
I guess people just like the feel of getting wacky crits at very low endrolls thus the insane value of the claid.
On another note, are enchanted claids like gold? Kinda like a super secure investment during bad or good times?
02-06-2009, 03:05 PM
I see you are one of the ones who doesn't get it. Like I just said, the value of high end items don't go down because the silver market does.
Yes they do. Just because you feel they shouldn't doesn't mean they don't.
02-06-2009, 03:05 PM
Yes they do. Just because you feel they shouldn't doesn't mean they don't.
02-06-2009, 03:07 PM
On another note, are enchanted claids like gold? Kinda like a super secure investment during bad or good times?
Yes. For the exact reason I've just explained. Enchanted claids (especially the ones above 3x) are like that armor he's selling. You are never gonna get anything better (talking about claidhmores here, screw the lance tangent). This is an end of the line aspiration for most people. When you get around to deciding you want a 4x claid, you have to pay for the rarity, the status, etc. The price won't change based on the real dollar value of silvers. The price for these items are now dictated by the real dollar value of the item DIRECTLY and not vis a vis the silver market.
02-06-2009, 03:08 PM
Yes they do. Just because you feel they shouldn't doesn't mean they don't.
Well, me and Tsin and living proof that you are wrong. Sorry, babe. Items are priced directly at the real dollar value without consideration of the silver value translation. If you want gear in the 75+mil market, it's almost always going to be that way.
The reason you think I'm wrong is likely because you don't dabble in the market. If you were a common seller in this market range, like me, you would understand that I'm not wrong.
02-06-2009, 03:09 PM
Don't you realize that trying to equate yourself with Tsin isn't a good thing?
Also, ever think that maybe Tsin is finally hanging up his coat because the market prices ARE dropping? Items along with silvers? Since the economy is in the toilet? You're fucking retarded Khariz, honestly.
02-06-2009, 03:10 PM
Yeah I'm not a thief like you and Tsin. Thank God.
02-06-2009, 03:10 PM
Yes. For the exact reason I've just explained. Enchanted claids (especially the ones above 3x) are like that armor he's selling. You are never gonna get anything better (talking about claidhmores here, screw the lance tangent). This is an end of the line aspiration for most people. When you get around to deciding you want a 4x claid, you have to pay for the rarity, the status, etc. The price won't change based on the real dollar value of silvers. The price for these items are now dictated by the real dollar value of the item DIRECTLY and not vis a vis the silver market.
I actually agree with you on this one (in terms of silver value of course). I've been noticing that claids (I've sold two low enchant claids) just fly off the shelf in a matter of a couple of days.
But realistically though, I just outright prefer my lance in terms of mechanics it just annihalates things faster then one of my claids. Can it be people are attracted to the fact that lances kinda look stupid (they can't imagine their character with one.) and that claids look more "cool"? Some people actually pay millions for scripted fluff so I would think this isn't too far off the reason why claids are so overpriced...
02-06-2009, 03:11 PM
Yeah I'm not a thief like you and Tsin. Thank God.
02-06-2009, 03:11 PM
Your logic is over my head.
In any case, I'd be willing to bet that it's unlikely anybody else would have offered over 60m for that claidh, even if it is rare and awesome.
02-06-2009, 03:11 PM
Don't you realize that trying to equate yourself with Tsin isn't a good thing?
Also, ever think that maybe Tsin is finally hanging up his coat because the market prices ARE dropping? Items along with silvers? Since the economy is in the toilet? You're fucking retarded Khariz, honestly.
Tsin is hanging up his coat because he's playing another game now. That's it. If I can still make a success out of merchanting in this game, so could he.
I don't care if equating myself to Tsin isn't a good thing. Doesn't make what I'm saying any less true. I see you have resorted to ad hominem already. Funny how that happens when you have no factual basis for me being wrong.
I have over 500 messages in my PM box where I've done deals with people for more than I paid. I think I know how merchanting in this game works :)
02-06-2009, 03:12 PM
Your logic is over my head.
In any case, I'd be willing to bet that it's unlikely anybody else would have offered over 60m for that claidh, even if it is rare and awesome.
I already have an offer of 75 mil on it, the day after I bought it.
02-06-2009, 03:13 PM
I've seen 4x claids go for about 60 mil quite frequently and 2x claids go for as low as 15 mil.
02-06-2009, 03:13 PM
Considering I haven't spent more than 6 dollars per million in a few months, 75m doesn't seem to compare with your $600 price tag. :)
02-06-2009, 03:14 PM
I have over 500 messages in my PM box where I've done deals with people for more than I paid. I think I know how merchanting in this game works :)
Seriously though - if you have the coins and want to buy it. Buy it. I see nothing wrong.
02-06-2009, 03:15 PM
Personally, I would just get a run of the mill mithril claid for 5 mil and call it a day. And then buy some imbeds or get one of portous' rods to supplement my AS. But quite frankly my AS has never been a problem.
02-06-2009, 03:17 PM
Considering I haven't spent more than 6 dollars per million in a few months, 75m doesn't seem to compare with your $600 price tag. :)
Oh yeah, if he's selling it for US dollars he'll get like 400 bucks for the claid. I think the number of dollars chasing silvers have gone down significantly. But silvers wise he may get 75m if someone is desperate enough.
Oh yeah, if he's selling it for US dollars he'll get like 400 bucks for the claid. I think the number of dollars chasing silvers have gone down significantly. But silvers wise he may get 75m if someone is desperate enough.
You realize that he just paid 600 USD for it, right?
02-06-2009, 03:23 PM
You realize that he just paid 600 USD for it, right?
Something like that, anyway ;)
02-06-2009, 03:30 PM
One thing you have to remember is its oldstyle which makes it about 10x rarer then a newstyle one. And I don't know anyone who prefer's' newstyle over oldstyle.
I had a sancted rolaren one back about 3 years ago, I sold it for 50m then.
I personally wouldn't pay 75 for it, but I know a few who would.
02-06-2009, 04:57 PM
You had a sancted rolaren claid...?
Drunken Durfin
02-06-2009, 05:24 PM
You had a sancted rolaren claid...?
And Paladin's all over the lands suddenly...
Stanley Burrell
02-06-2009, 05:24 PM
I wonder why GS spelled claymore "claidhmore."
I don't think I've ever seen "a claymore."
Drunken Durfin
02-06-2009, 05:27 PM
I wonder why GS spelled claymore "claidhmore."
I don't think I've ever seen "a claymore."
The weapon pictured at left goes by a number of names, claymore being the most widely used today. Claymore is the anglicized form of the more appropriate term claidheamh mór, the Scottish Gaelic word meaning, literally, sword of great size. Today, you may still see army officers of Scottish regiments carrying one-handed, basket-hilted swords they name claymores, but this application of the name is erroneous. While the term claymore stayed with a slightly larger version of the Scottish basket-hilted broadsword (see my previous column in The Elanthian Times, Volume One, Issue 3), you will see below that the modern claymore has nothing in common with the true claidheamh mór.
The claidheamh mňr was a two-handed greatsword developed and used by Scottish highlanders in the 15th and 16th centuries. The claidheamh mór saw its greatest usage in the conflicts between 1500 and 1550. The claidheamh mór was designed to crush through even the thickest of chain and plate armor; woe be the unarmored opponent facing a claidheamh mór in the hands of someone who knows how to use one. Most claidheamh mórs were six feet long from tip to pommel and weighed as much as 20 pounds. By virtue of the amount of space needed to swing a claidheamh mór in battle, claidheamh mór wielders were afforded double the width in a battle formation over other swordsmen. The physical attributes that distinguish a true claidheamh mór from other greatswords and two-handed swords of the period are its long double-edged blade, downward slanting quillons, and quatrefoil terminals on the quillons.
And Paladin's all over the lands suddenly...
Paladins don't need a pre-sancted claidh :P
Drunken Durfin
02-06-2009, 05:36 PM
Paladins don't need a pre-sancted claidh :P
Damnit! And I have been saving that image to post on a Paladin dig for weeks. Oh well.
Paladins still can't take a punch.
02-06-2009, 05:38 PM
Damnit! And I have been saving that image to post on a Paladin dig for weeks. Oh well.
Paladins still can't take a punch.
Yup, Paladins can Sanctify any weapon :)
Stanley Burrell
02-06-2009, 05:40 PM
Very informative.
20 lbs. my left nostril.
Drunken Durfin
02-06-2009, 06:01 PM
Very informative.
20 lbs. my left nostril.
Quite true on the 20lbs BS. On average they were 5 - 8 pounds. I have a replica of the Conan the Barbarian Atlantian sword which is 8.5 pounds and insane to swing. A 20 pound sword is just stupid.
02-06-2009, 06:03 PM
You had a sancted rolaren claid...?
If it was the farmer's claid... it was newstyle rolaren and it should inspect as vaalorn now in GS4.
02-06-2009, 06:25 PM
It's basic inflation yeah? People make more money, items in stores go up in price. Or the other way round..
People farm more silvers, items go up in price. In the end you still spend the same X amount of hours trying to acquire something.
It is/should all be based on time comparison. How much time does it take you to earn X $'s for an item? How much time does it take you to play the game and farm enough silver to buy it?
02-06-2009, 07:01 PM
Removed the claid. Lowered silver prices.
Added that I would consider real juicy Eve Online ISK trades (~50m ISK = $1).
02-07-2009, 02:45 AM
Removed the claid. Lowered silver prices.
Added that I would consider real juicy Eve Online ISK trades (~50m ISK = $1).
rofl on the 50m isk = $1
02-07-2009, 03:40 PM
rofl on the 50m isk = $1
Bought 1B last night for 40m/$1. Got it less than 30 minutes later.
02-07-2009, 07:38 PM
Bought 1B last night for 40m/$1. Got it less than 30 minutes later.
40m/$1 isn't a bad.... 50m/$1 isn't that fair considering that you spend isk in Eve like a fat boy in a chocolate factory.
02-07-2009, 08:54 PM
40m/$1 isn't a bad.... 50m/$1 isn't that fair considering that you spend isk in Eve like a fat boy in a chocolate factory.
Thus, an enticement for people to bid cash tard. If I really wanted ISK I'd offer a better rate. Just an option for people.
Updated the auction, one of the silver lots gone. Now accepting real juicy silver deals as well. But like the ISK, it'll cost ya extra. Cash rules.
02-07-2009, 11:07 PM
Thus, an enticement for people to bid cash tard. If I really wanted ISK I'd offer a better rate. Just an option for people.
Updated the auction, one of the silver lots gone. Now accepting real juicy silver deals as well. But like the ISK, it'll cost ya extra. Cash rules.
Go tard yourself.
02-09-2009, 03:03 PM
Another silver lot gone pending pickup.
02-09-2009, 05:34 PM
All silver lots are now gone.
02-09-2009, 05:56 PM
250lb single tier weightless
What does it mean?
02-09-2009, 06:00 PM
Means it will hold anything not in another container weightlessly. So, if you have a box, you'll get weighed down with the box's contents, but if you empty the box into the container, it will be weightless.
02-09-2009, 06:42 PM
I was under the impression the 10-15 lb box would still be weightless, but the contents would not. Do the items have to be empty for the first tier to become weightless?
02-09-2009, 06:57 PM
if you get a 30 pound box (8 pounds of box, 22 pounds of coins/gems) my understanding is the 8 pounds is weightless, and the 22 pounds still weighs you down.
Or if you put in a 10 pound weapon, it's weightless (there's nothing inside the weapon!)
02-09-2009, 10:09 PM
if you get a 30 pound box (8 pounds of box, 22 pounds of coins/gems) my understanding is the 8 pounds is weightless, and the 22 pounds still weighs you down.
Or if you put in a 10 pound weapon, it's weightless (there's nothing inside the weapon!)
So what use is a first tier weightless? I want a second tier.
02-09-2009, 10:22 PM
it's called multi-tier.
02-09-2009, 10:36 PM
So what use is a first tier weightless? I want a second tier.
I'd still consider it useful. I've got 200lbs of fluff I would RP with but have to keep lockered because of encumbrance.
02-10-2009, 12:37 AM
I'd still consider it useful. I've got 200lbs of fluff I would RP with but have to keep lockered because of encumbrance.
Tsin didn't let go of his Multi-tier did he?
Tsin didn't let go of his Multi-tier did he?
I'm pretty sure he did a while ago. It was once listed in his "BILLIONS WORTH OF GEAR" auction.
I see you are one of the ones who doesn't get it. Like I just said, the value of high end items don't go down because the silver market does.
Yup itl go down because people are leaving the game like rats jumping off a burning ship. Pretty soon youl own all the claid's
02-10-2009, 11:51 AM
Yup itl go down because people are leaving the game like rats jumping off a burning ship. Pretty soon youl own all the claid's
That makes the value go up, silly. Supply and demand. Plenty of people still want enchanted claidhmores. And interestingly, the current era of players is much more likely to engage in $$$ sales and in buying silver.
I've never had it made as much as I do now. I've had two cash offers and a 75 mil offer on this claidhmore so far. I haven't accepted any, because I'm reserving it for someone else. The GS economy doomsayers don't know what they are talking about. My bank account does:)
That makes the value go up, silly. Supply and demand. Plenty of people still want enchanted claidhmores. And interestingly, the current era of players is much more likely to engage in $$$ sales and in buying silver.
I've never had it made as much as I do now. I've had two cash offers and a 75 mil offer on this claidhmore so far. I haven't accepted any, because I'm reserving it for someone else. The GS economy doomsayers don't know what they are talking about. My bank account does:)
As the player base declines its going to get to a point where everyone left will be engaged in cash sales and have uber gear. At that point who is going to pay you cash for high end items? Youl have a billion silver each and all the best gear in the game...there are no new players coming into gemstone to repay the money you gave kookiemonster, or tsin, or ardwen for one else is coming to play unless Ismurii becomes CEO of a bank or something, maybe returning players. I think eventually someones going to get stuck holding the bag and with a recession on and gemstone not having anything interesting released in years that time could come soon. Not saying it will...but it could.
02-10-2009, 12:54 PM
As the player base declines its going to get to a point where everyone left will be engaged in cash sales and have uber gear. At that point who is going to pay you cash for high end items? Youl have a billion silver each and all the best gear in the game...there are no new players coming into gemstone to repay the money you gave kookiemonster, or tsin, or ardwen for one else is coming to play unless Ismurii becomes CEO of a bank or something, maybe returning players. I think eventually someones going to get stuck holding the bag and with a recession on and gemstone not having anything interesting released in years that time could come soon. Not saying it will...but it could.
I'm not really out to collect anything else. I collected this for someone who specifically asked me to get him a 4x old style claid. My personal collection has been long since complete.
Just trust me...I'm not hurting in the current game economy. It's easier than ever to make money in GS, IMO. Plenty of people are seeking high end gear right now and seem to have the money to spare. Over the past month, I've sold quite a bit of my collection, to unsolicited buyers.
02-10-2009, 01:14 PM
It also helps to know the right people
02-10-2009, 05:20 PM
Everything discounted!
Mephi Faster-than-Death
02-10-2009, 08:25 PM
$1100 on the DB pin.
02-10-2009, 09:05 PM
$1100 on the DB pin.
Fuck. I was just gonna try to make a deal on that thing. Your bid is better though. Happy buying.
Drunken Durfin
02-10-2009, 11:31 PM
$1100 on the DB pin.
Interesting first post.
02-10-2009, 11:34 PM
There seems to be someone whos buying up all the silvers.. and I mean ALL the silvers at 8 per real quick. Wonder if he knows something or he's waiting until the real economy picks up to unload or something. hmm...
02-10-2009, 11:36 PM
How have you not been hit by a bus yet?
02-10-2009, 11:47 PM
There seems to be someone whos buying up all the silvers.. and I mean ALL the silvers at 8 per real quick. Wonder if he knows something or he's waiting until the real economy picks up to unload or something. hmm...
02-11-2009, 12:14 AM
There seems to be someone whos buying up all the silvers.. and I mean ALL the silvers at 8 per real quick. Wonder if he knows something or he's waiting until the real economy picks up to unload or something. hmm...
It's me. I'll admit it. I want to be the new Tsin.
I've been buying silvers because a friend of mine (who's a GM) said that Monks were coming out at the end of the month. Which should make thousands of old players come back.
Not to mention another friend (who's a coder for HE) said it'll be done by St. Patrick's Day. Which should make GS population fall a little, then go back up when people want to play MORE Simu games and find GS.
Not to mention I have a close relative in government who said we'll all be getting stimulus checks real soon. I know GS. GS is filled with hardcore gamers that will spend their free money on GS silvers. That only I will have.
I'll be cashing in while you suckers are left in the dust. :thanx:
02-11-2009, 06:28 AM
Sounds risky, I give you about a 50/50 shot of getting left holding the joint when the cops walk in.
02-11-2009, 12:04 PM
I can think of worse folks to be the new Tsin.
02-11-2009, 03:04 PM
02-12-2009, 04:31 PM
02-12-2009, 06:47 PM
Mind boggling how someone would pay 1500 dollars cash US for a few lines of text. Fascinating...
02-12-2009, 06:50 PM
Welcome to Gemstone!
02-12-2009, 06:51 PM
Mind boggling how someone would pay 1500 dollars cash US for a few lines of text. Fascinating...
Carsyn probably paid close to that same amount and got to use it. And now he's selling it and getting his money back. Sounds good to me. :shrug:
02-12-2009, 07:03 PM
I don't know. It's a game to me. I find trying to make crazy builds work more enjoyable then walking around being invincible. Although, I admit I still can't get thrown weapons to be viable in anyway. At least to the point where it'll actually be enjoyable.
02-12-2009, 07:06 PM
I don't know. It's a game to me. I find trying to make crazy builds work more enjoyable then walking around being invincible. Although, I admit I still can't get thrown weapons to be viable in anyway. At least to the point where it'll actually be enjoyable.
you clearly don't spend enough.
02-12-2009, 07:17 PM
I don't know. It's a game to me. I find trying to make crazy builds work more enjoyable then walking around being invincible. Although, I admit I still can't get thrown weapons to be viable in anyway. At least to the point where it'll actually be enjoyable.
You're doing it wrong.
02-12-2009, 07:31 PM
Carsyn probably paid close to that same amount and got to use it. And now he's selling it and getting his money back. Sounds good to me. :shrug:
Yeah, I had Sorrow for a few months and it cost me about $100. It was worth it, getting to play with one of the famous toys in GS.
02-12-2009, 07:34 PM
I don't know. It's a game to me. I find trying to make crazy builds work more enjoyable then walking around being invincible. Although, I admit I still can't get thrown weapons to be viable in anyway. At least to the point where it'll actually be enjoyable.
You would crap your pants to see what the spirit bow gauntlet went for.
02-12-2009, 08:16 PM
You would crap your pants to see what the spirit bow gauntlet went for.
Wait, Tsin let that go? Or you're saying what was paid in the past? I didn't think he'd let that go until he actually let Tsin himself go
02-13-2009, 03:36 PM
02-13-2009, 06:59 PM
Wait, Tsin let that go? Or you're saying what was paid in the past? I didn't think he'd let that go until he actually let Tsin himself go
He and Dionket passed it back and forth a few times.
02-15-2009, 06:01 PM
Updated. Two items left. Discounted them both AGAIN. Prices firm.
02-15-2009, 06:35 PM
Why didn't you sell these at this price when I was playing?
02-15-2009, 06:37 PM
I remember Sergey had a 10x pinworn DB up for $1500 a while back and it went really fast.
02-22-2009, 06:22 PM
Prices not as firm as they were now. Make an offer.
02-26-2009, 05:43 PM
Prices discounted again. Jump on it. Good investments here cheap.
03-05-2009, 05:42 PM
Reduced. Again.
03-13-2009, 06:06 PM
03-18-2009, 09:39 PM
Do you still have it?
1) a glowing golvern pouch suspended from a thin golvern chain
250lb single tier weightless, pinworn
03-23-2009, 12:46 PM
Everything sold! Thanks!
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