View Full Version : E-crossbows

02-01-2009, 01:16 PM
So I have this e-crossbow and I have been trying to figure out a viable way to use it to hunt with at the higher levels. The 5 sec hard RT in offense is almost a death sentence.

Some input would be great.

Also just for shit and giggles anyone know why they was changed? I know of no other high end weapon in the game that takes 2 sec to use and 5 sec to cock in offense seems to me they almost are trying to get rid of them.


02-01-2009, 01:19 PM
My input - Wait for the thrown/ranged changes.

02-01-2009, 01:24 PM
Yes, the above is a good suggestion. Wait for the nerfing of ranged then decide.

02-01-2009, 03:09 PM
Sell it to Avantos

02-01-2009, 03:20 PM
Your options include:
1) Finding a ton of haste imbeds
2) Insane amounts of hiding training to try and cock while hiding
3) Only use it as an initial strike, then stow it to swap to a bow (which feels dumb since you've got an e-xbow but you need to do what you need to do)
4) Not miss
5) Run away from the creatures and cock in another room

02-01-2009, 03:30 PM
Which is why the Speed Crossbow > Elemental Crossbows :)

02-01-2009, 03:32 PM
Pfft. Horse shit!

02-01-2009, 03:36 PM
I sold my Ebow to Avantos, that is how he has 2 of them now...

He still may have interest in this, but I doubt it.

02-01-2009, 04:02 PM
E crossbow = Self ammo and flares?

02-01-2009, 04:13 PM
Crossbows still have a reason...

+30 AS from kneeling to start.

And I debate that the round time is that bad, given that most of the crossbows are either Elbrion's or some other guys creation, they are at min 4x, and the wavedancer ones were +1 to +30 arrows, so given a median of +15, they were 7x weapons....

Kneeling then, +50. At worst, kneeling +51, at best +80.

You don't carry ammo and have to load them.

Elbrion's blade crossbows had some awesome flares and were designed with cock from the start.

Not sure how bad this really is.


02-12-2009, 11:03 PM
anyone use one? tell me how they work them with the 5 sec rt in offense?

02-12-2009, 11:25 PM
You do realize most characters swinging a two-hander have to deal with 5+ RT in offensive right? What is the mystery?

02-12-2009, 11:28 PM
sure but their 5 seconds atleast swung at the creature my 5 sec rt is sitting duck cause i still have a 3 sec rt to fire as well

02-12-2009, 11:40 PM
+30 AS from kneeling to start.

-50 DS, maneuver fucked for kneeling, possible RT when standing, etc.

And I debate that the round time is that bad . . .

Anywhere from 7 to 9 seconds to fire this crossbow compared to 3 seconds for a longbow with minimal effort

It is that bad.

. . . they are at min 4x, and the wavedancer ones were +1 to +30 arrows, so given a median of +15, they were 7x weapons....

At level 25, you should already have 50 from bow and arrow ET for maybe 50k investment for 5x Longbow and 5x fletched arrows. On average for this high end auctioned item you'll be 15 AS LOWER than a 50k investment.

You don't carry ammo and have to load them.

This alleviates the cataclysmic retardation that is the "your arrow is out of reach from your tiny T-Rex arms!" phenomenon.

Elbrion's blade crossbows had some awesome flares and were designed with cock from the start.

Flares on bows are mostly retarded. If you kill the creature, as you should with ranged in a single shot, then it can't flare.

Not sure how bad this really is.

Just thinking about how unbelievably retarded crossbows are works me up into a fucking frenzy wherein I want to tear my penis off and hurl it at my monitor.

That being said, If you're smart, you'll wait for the ranged/hurled reviews. If nothing happens, then sell it immediately and get a bow FFS. Also, to mitigate the offensive cocking RT, I suggest doing so while hidden if you can.

02-13-2009, 03:10 PM
<This alleviates the cataclysmic retardation that is the "your arrow is out of reach from your tiny T-Rex arms!" phenomenon.>

This made me giggle. That's always how I feel when I can't get my arrows.

Get a bow until they rework ranged, or shoot from hiding.

02-16-2009, 01:15 PM
SOOOO its just not me with the crossbows..... everyone thinks that nerfing the crossbows was stupid?


I mean since they added like 7 to 8 seconds to the crossbows RT maybe they should add 7 to 8 seconds to every auction weapon out there. maybe if it took someone to swing their weapon at 13 or 14 seconds where just the week before it only took 5 they would want to stop the nerfing.....

I VOTE WE NERF WARDENS BALLS! and feed them to who ever owns simu....

02-16-2009, 01:17 PM
<This alleviates the cataclysmic retardation that is the "your arrow is out of reach from your tiny T-Rex arms!" phenomenon.>


02-16-2009, 02:59 PM
SOOOO its just not me with the crossbows..... everyone thinks that nerfing the crossbows was stupid?


I mean since they added like 7 to 8 seconds to the crossbows RT maybe they should add 7 to 8 seconds to every auction weapon out there. maybe if it took someone to swing their weapon at 13 or 14 seconds where just the week before it only took 5 they would want to stop the nerfing.....

I VOTE WE NERF WARDENS BALLS! and feed them to who ever owns simu....

Now you're just being ridiculous :(

I lost 50m on the crossbow nerf. Oh wellz.

02-16-2009, 04:25 PM

The wavedancer crossbows and ebows all had the same properties, so really can't debate the idea that for 50k, you can get a cheap 4x bow and 5x arrows.

As far as the RT, some other guy brought them in line with every other crossbow in the game. Hopefully the archery/thrown review will improve crossbows to a degree, but they DO have a higher DF, you DON'T have to carry around or fletch ammo, and you can debate on whether kneeling is worth it, but its a nice bonus, try it with a ranger with camo +30 from kneeling, +30 from camo, adds up.

Speaking as someone who has two NON-capped archers, flares are nice, neither my 43 or 13th level archer can consistently get eye shots, so I'll take whatever bonuses I can get.

And your're right, definitely was a change, and wait to see what happens next is always the best thing.


02-16-2009, 05:38 PM

As far as the RT, some other guy brought them in line with every other crossbow in the game. Hopefully the archery/thrown review will improve crossbows to a degree, but they DO have a higher DF, you DON'T have to carry around or fletch ammo, and you can debate on whether kneeling is worth it, but its a nice bonus, try it with a ranger with camo +30 from kneeling, +30 from camo, adds up.


I can't access the game, but I was pretty sure that heavy x-bows and longbows DFs were close enough as to not make much of a difference.

02-17-2009, 01:43 AM
Longbow 400 .325 .350 .300 .175
Heavy Xbow .425 .325 .375 .285 .175


Oh, I also forgot to mention Ranged users have a LOWER DS when using a crossbow over a longbow. Just saying.