View Full Version : Shop Update

01-28-2009, 08:16 PM
More stuff added...



If an item doesn't list what it is anywhere in the shop, its probably just an alteration or I don't care enough to know what it is, could be good really, or not. If you want to haggle on price, trades, feel free to contact me.

Earring - chargable spirit strike
figurine - 3xday locklore
clasp - 3xday traplore
jerkin - armor concealor
buckler - spiked, some enchant
dagger sheath - bandolier - deadly silver daggers
toys by Katrinket
greaves - spiked and flaring

plain wooden table
a black vultite dagger (25,000 silvers)
a coal black gauche (25,000 silvers)
a gaily beribboned sprig of white-berried mistletoe (5,000 silvers)
a glaes battle axe (25,000 silvers)
a golden spidersilk wand harness (100,000 silvers)
a pair of black-tinted glasses (5,000 silvers)
a rosebud embroidered skirt (10,000 silvers)
a vultite claidhmore pin (1,000 silvers)
some lacy rose pink shoes (5,000 silvers)
some silver bells (5,000 silvers)

slender driftwood counter
a black leather dagger sheath (75,000,000 silvers)
a black leather jerkin tied with an onyx-studded silver belt (2,500,000 silvers)
a length of felwood (500,000 silvers)
a massive golvern greatshield with two long-cut rubies set along the top rim (3,000,000 silvers) 5x
a nicked steel hatchet (50,000 silvers) 4x
a self-absorbed toy Faendryl cleric (1,000,000 silvers)
a small jade clasp (25,000,000 silvers)
a small silver hawk earring (2,000,000 silvers)
a spiked imflass buckler etched with a six-pointed star (15,000,000 silvers)
a tiny golden rogue figurine (25,000,000 silvers)
an etched elven warclaidh (15,000,000 silvers)
an imposing toy Faendryl high priest (1,000,000 silvers)
some double leather (50,000 silvers) 4x
some elven fighting leathers (5,000,000 silvers) 5x
some scratched spiked ora leg greaves (10,000,000 silvers)
Number of Items: 25

In the Common language, it reads:
rolaren waraxe +35 cold
silvery waraxe +40 cold
talismans - these are interesting, old gypsy fest, and apparently have 4 spirit spells in them, not sure on much of em anymore
disk - mage chargable adreanal surge
maul - 4x holy fire flares
6x perfect shortsword - 7.5m
5x perfect shortsword - 5m
pin - blank imbed
charm - blank reimbeddible (500k value strange enough)
despanal pin - chargable pinworn 406
sunstone pin - chargable pinworn haste
stickpin, pendant, necklace - blank mage chargable

elaborate white marble altar
a modwir-framed sunstone disk (1,000,000 silvers)
a scorched dual-bladed rolaren waraxe with a carved veil iron haft (12,500,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe (18,500,000 silvers)
an eonake maul (3,000,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)
a laced silver quartz necklace
a laced silver sunstone pin (250,000)
a silver etched despanal pin (250,000)
a tiny silver shield charm
a pearl and garnet pin (5,000)
a silver and ruby stickpin
a silver and pearl pendant
a perfect steel short-sword (5,000,000)
a perfect steel short-sword (7,500,000)

01-28-2009, 08:34 PM
This list cannot be accurate, I know you have some brig for sale.....


01-28-2009, 10:04 PM
More stuff added...

some elven fighting leathers (5,000,000 silvers) 5x

These padded?

01-28-2009, 11:03 PM
a perfect steel short-sword (7,500,000)

did this sell yet?

01-29-2009, 12:13 AM
This list cannot be accurate, I know you have some brig for sale.....


He traded his brig away ;)

01-29-2009, 12:16 AM
The elven fighting leathers - not, i just like the name, i'll take whatever, mostly is buyout prices in the shop.

The brig - heh....

The 6x perfect short-sword was snatched up already. Went poof! Good buy!


01-29-2009, 03:19 PM
The brig - heh.... Sure I will give it to you for one coin!


Fixed, and I will destroy the new Widgets if you try...

01-29-2009, 06:24 PM
Not selling for 1 coin...

And leave Widgets alone...heh!


01-29-2009, 06:47 PM
Not selling for 1 coin...

And leave Widgets alone...heh!


Yea leave me alone ya meanie!

01-29-2009, 06:49 PM
Yea leave me alone ya meanie!

you should just change your PC name to the Artist Formerly Known as Widgets.

01-29-2009, 06:59 PM
you should just change your PC name to the Artist Formerly Known as Widgets.

I 2nd the motion

02-01-2009, 08:46 PM
but i like widgets....


02-13-2009, 05:41 AM

Not updated yet, but the 7x ice axe sold to someone.
