View Full Version : Official: A Posted Parchment
01-28-2009, 07:32 AM
Following the events of this evening, a parchment was posted in front of the tall rock spire that has so rudely disrupted the goings on of Solhaven's North Market.
It reads:
Let it be known that this rock, and all of its contents, remain off-limits until a thorough investigation can be conducted. Interested parties should gather upon Leyan, the 28th day of Lormesta, during the early evening. Violators of this edict shall find themselves subject to penalties of fines and jail time.
The parchment is marked with a heavy seal, and bears all the hallmarks of an official document.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Solhaven. To discuss the above follow the link below. (
01-28-2009, 07:32 AM
Whatever the hell that means.
01-28-2009, 08:12 AM
Solhaven annoys me.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-28-2009, 08:18 AM
I wish we had more large scale invasions/occupations. Most of the really fun times I've had are in those type of events where lots of folks group together and are roleplaying, fighting, having fun...
01-28-2009, 10:30 AM
Hmmmm...paper covers rock.
01-28-2009, 10:38 AM
At least the cat piss cloud is gone.
01-28-2009, 10:38 AM
Hmmmm...paper covers rock.
Yeah, I'm thinking someone had better get some scissors in there ASAP.
01-28-2009, 11:28 AM
This is just wrong...
A tuft of matted cat fur floats by on the breeze.
Solhaven is now the official litterbox of Elanthia.
01-28-2009, 11:29 AM
Yeah, I'm thinking someone had better get some scissors in there ASAP.
This was acually discussed last night... Roshambo it.
01-28-2009, 12:38 PM
Whatever the hell that means.
I'll post what I know, but I'm probably leaving stuff out since I wasn't in the actual epicenter of stuff when it happened.
First, the possibly unrelated stuff. Rimalon's cat familiar, Triss, was turned to stone by an ascendant during an invasion of the water creatures, and soon after crumbled into dust.
Now, the night after, a bunch of cats suddenly appear in Solhaven. And by a bunch, I mean they practically fill the entire town. Clumps of cat hair blow across the ground like tumbleweeds and the stench of cat pee is so bad it becomes visible.
Most of the time the cats are doing normal cat things, but every so often you'll see a cat digging nearby, or the cats in town would turn toward North Market expectantly. Most people never thought much of the digging that I can tell. You'd also have GM controlled cats who would attack at first, but once calmed would start doing normal cat stuff, crying every so often.
A day or two after the cats showed up, there was more digging, but then suddenly something crashed underground and there was a loud metallic screeching. Earthquakes followed soon after, and the ground split in North Market, creating a large fissure. Steam would escape from the fissure and there were a couple reports of seeing green eyes in it (though I saw similar elsewhere so I'm not sure if it's specifically connected to the fissure), but not much else was noted.
Last night, the cats reappeared, with more digging. Suddenly the fissure started spewing red dust and the earthquakes started again, becoming more and more frequent. Finally, a stone spire suddenly rose from the fissure, reaching miles into the air. A boulder too heavy to move and too big to bash also fell right into the place that would block going up the spire.
A small speck was seen falling from the top of the spire, eventually becoming a body that slammed into the market. The body clutched a wand in its hand that was covered in sigils and runes filled with a red crystalline substance. In its chest was carved "The flesh is weak." The body was carried off soon after for examination, and the parchment was posted in the Market that started the thread.
I haven't heard any theories yet of what could be responsible, but after speaking with someone who was there and saw the details on the body, Nilandia is working with the theory that the body is a dwarven male who ran afoul of a powerful sorcerer, possibly a gnome or halfling or one who summoned a demon considerably shorter than the dwarf.
01-28-2009, 01:26 PM
That's turning fairly interesting. Thanks for the post, Nilandia.
01-28-2009, 01:34 PM
She left out the part that, the cats were feeding off of the dead body that crashed into the ground...and, after the feeding, the cats were rather happy and content, with the sound of purring
01-28-2009, 01:40 PM
As a side note, "The flesh is weak" being carved on the corpse, and the immense movement of rock and stone made me think of Illoke.
01-28-2009, 02:36 PM
She left out the part that, the cats were feeding off of the dead body that crashed into the ground...and, after the feeding, the cats were rather happy and content, with the sound of purring
Left it out cause I wasn't there. ;) I was ordered to go to triage, so I had to rebuild what happened from first-hand accounts.
01-28-2009, 02:45 PM
Triage? Pfft, you actually follow orders?
01-28-2009, 03:02 PM
Steam would escape from the fissure and there were a couple reports of seeing green eyes in it.
Also: Rimalon's ex-cat had green eyes.
I hope a giant undead demon cat is summoned and takes revenge on the world.
01-28-2009, 06:27 PM
As a side note, "The flesh is weak" being carved on the corpse, and the immense movement of rock and stone made me think of Illoke.
And the mind is strong!
01-28-2009, 06:36 PM
We 405'd the wand and it gave a reading that the magic within was from an unknown realm.
Some said that the body was dropped by something rather than flung off the top of the spire. I dont recall anything but a square like object appear at the top then something flying down towards us, growing in size until the body went splat.
The old lady that wanders around said some things beyond her normal script (GM jumped in her skin for a bit) but that led to nowhere. (this was after the body was taken away)
I think it was Sevris that attacked one of the emaciated cats after it lunged and bit him. But there was no outward retaliation by the cat, other cats, or any powers behind the cats for it.
I'll post more as I remember it. I've been hanging around in the evening when I have the time. And it seems that Solhaven always get shit on with invasions. (I remember the Banaltra/linden tree event and the culmination of the Krolvin invasion there in previous years).
We tried all kinds of magic on the boulder. The only thing that came close to getting a reaction was bardsong disruption (it got it to vibrate). Even stonefist from a wizard failed to grasp it.
01-28-2009, 07:30 PM
Did you loresing the wand?
Did you loresing the boulder?
Loresing did not turn any results to wand or boulder.
The wand never left the grasp of the corpse, so it could not be held. Now after the officials took the body away, they might have procured the wand, but it was not removed from the corpse while it was at the north market.
01-28-2009, 08:43 PM
Some items don't need to be held to loresing them. It just requires a GM coding it that way.
01-28-2009, 10:25 PM
Triage? Pfft, you actually follow orders?
Yes, actually, even though it's been gutting a large part of my RP and killing pretty much any chance of having a role in the storyline. Nilandia swore and oath to follow orders, so that's what she does.
01-29-2009, 07:22 AM
Why not get a call familiar item?
01-29-2009, 04:57 PM
Way too expensive. Nilandia is always poor.
In other news: Emmoal Telic, partner to the late Master Jegrato (of unknown first name), and Adrio Halthei, partner in Jegrato's banking firm, appeared in the Market last night. Emmoal appeared to (desperately) want the research Jegrato was conducting in his laboratory supposedly now situated at the top of the spire, while Adrio wanted to collect on debts owed to his firm.
After some arguing, the two of them got permission from Adriela, one of the Vornavian guards, to go up the spire to investigate. The boulder was removed and a group slowly made their way up, pausing to dig past various obstacles. Along the way, a few clues were found that pointed to Jegrato's presence on the spire and possible identity as the body that had fallen from the spire, including a jacket sleeve that appeared to match that seen on the dead body, a parchment outlining Adrio's firm's intention to sue Jegrato for nonpayment of debts and a portrait of a woman and child that Emmoal identified as Jegrato's wife and daughter. Inside the jacket sleeve was a golem figurine with the word 'Live' written on it in Gnomish.
Reaching the top, we came upon a house with a locked door that zapped anyone that so much as touched it. Neither Emmoal nor Adrio had the key, and they agreed that Jegrato's estranged daughter, Pliss, probably would. They agreed they would try to get her to come tomorrow night (now tonight) and see if they could open the door. With that, Adriela told everyone to leave while she secured the area.
01-29-2009, 05:04 PM
Mm, hurry up and wait, my favorite
01-29-2009, 05:34 PM
Did they give any clue to what time tonight Nilandia?
01-29-2009, 06:45 PM
No, they didn't. I'd imagine you'll get people waiting all hours tonight.
01-29-2009, 06:47 PM
Bah. You need to have someone in the Fury give one up to you if they are going to stick you in a room with nothing to do.
How about Eye Spy? A bit gross but it is found on scrolls. Or you could have a friendly ranger use Whispering Willow an keep you informed.
01-29-2009, 07:25 PM
I just double-checked my logs of the event, and the suspected dead man is Jagrato Plin, with his daughter Pliss Plin.
Bah. You need to have someone in the Fury give one up to you if they are going to stick you in a room with nothing to do.
How about Eye Spy? A bit gross but it is found on scrolls. Or you could have a friendly ranger use Whispering Willow an keep you informed.
Actually, the Fury people are pretty good at keeping people informed. I end up chasing people down for info, which I don't mind, but most people don't even respond to my requests.
I don't mind being up in triage, actually. It's what I'm good at, and what I enjoy. I don't want people going out of their way to tell me, specifically, what's been going on. The trouble is that when you do work triage, you end up secluding yourself from the storyline because whatever goes on almost invariably happens elsewhere and a lot of triage workers either can't survive elsewhere or have orders to stay there. When stuff does happen in triage, you still get the storyline chasers coming in, and often they end up trying so hard to get the NPC's attention that you might as well not be there, even when the NPC is there to discuss triage tactics.
So, in essence, you rely on other people for information, but you're also the first person to be forgotten. If you actually want to get involved in the storyline, you end up trying any number of things, hoping to find something that works so you have something to call your own, or you end up just working hard and hoping someone will take pity and let you in. Needless to say, it's very frustrating, especially when you get people telling you to give up on what you've been doing.
01-29-2009, 07:28 PM
Well, I would give you mine but Evarin would rather throw it down the well than aid some person he doesn't know. I do hope you get one. Worst comes to worst, I have an infused 920 scroll with 20 charges and the possibility to add more. I don't like the idea of selling it, but honestly I am never, ever going to use it.
01-29-2009, 07:43 PM
01-29-2009, 07:47 PM
Well, I would give you mine but Evarin would rather throw it down the well than aid some person he doesn't know. I do hope you get one. Worst comes to worst, I have an infused 920 scroll with 20 charges and the possibility to add more. I don't like the idea of selling it, but honestly I am never, ever going to use it.
Thank you, Evarin, but I wouldn't ask you to break RP. I have a merchant rechargable 920 imbed with 10 charges, but since it's an imbed, it might last me all of one invasion. It would be a good use for the spell, but the spell can only last so long and it wouldn't fix the underlying problem.
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