View Full Version : Scum of the earth

01-26-2009, 09:54 PM
This will be a long, sad, aggravating story. But I need to vent.

So, about 15 years ago my uncle, a very successful cardiologist and president of a hospital, married a very nice woman. This was the second marriage for both of them. My uncle has two children now in their early 40's, and she had four sons the same age. Her sons and their families were always pretty distant from my side of the family. Whenever there was a family get together, they would always tend to exclude us from everything. But we got along well enough.

About four years my aunt was diagnosed with severe lung cancer. My uncle, using his medical connections and got her in to see the top doctors at Dana Farber. He probably ended up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for her treatment and medication. After getting a diagnosis of three months to live from multiple doctors, thanks to my uncle, she was able to survive comfortably for three years.

Sadly, she passed in May of last year while in hospice at their home. I have absolutely nothing against this woman, I loved her as if she was part of my family. Very delightful, always friendly. When she passed I actually cried, which is something I don't do often.

So, we go through the funeral process. Very sad day, very hard day.

Four days after her funeral, her sons call my uncle. They say they want to come and take her laptop, very high end digital camera, and Mercedes. All paid for by him. My uncle says no, he's not ready yet. Her purse was still hanging from the coat rack -- he hadn't moved a single thing of hers yet. They immediately drive over and start yelling at him that he's disrespecting her memory, how dare he do this, yadda yadda yadda. He actually felt threatened, as one of them is a cop and is fairly large.

At this point I should mention that our family has a hereditary heart disease called assymmetric cardiomyopathy. My uncle had it the worse out of all of us. And he ignored it through the three years his wife had cancer, so as not to worry about it. Around this time my uncle goes to my mother and says, "I'm in trouble." With him being a very successful cardiologist, that's a scary thing to hear from him.

So he immediately starts going to the hospital to see what can be done. He's in and out for three months. He also moves in with my mother and step-father, as he's having trouble getting around and taking care of himself. He also attempts to apologize to one of the sons. He's on oxygen when he does this. The son says, "I can't accept your apology because I think you're faking."

Two weeks later my uncle passes away after spending a week in the hospital getting an LVAD implanted in his heart. Very hard time for my entire family, to say the least.

We have the service (he was cremated) two days after he passed (Jewish). Not 24 hours after the service, we get a call from one of the sons, and he starts screaming at my mother. He was trying to get into the condo, and found the locks changed. He said that if we weren't there in 10 minutes, he was going to break the door down.

Now, the condo was theirs. When my aunt was dying, she expressed regret that she didn't have anything big to pass onto her sons. So my uncle signed the condo over to her estate, even though he had paid for the entire thing in full. But everything inside the condo, aside from a few personal items, belonged to my uncle.

So we go over, lots of yelling, they try to break into my uncles desk, because they know there's a letter from their mother there expressing some of her final wishes. Of course they didn't know we also had a copy of that letter. It was at this point that my mother let them know that my uncle had cut them out of his will after they had treated him so poorly after his wife died. Four sons, he was planning on giving them $25,000 each. They also believed they had some sort of claim to the house he owned on Cape Cod.

Moving on, lawyers get involved. The biggest point of contention was the wedding ring, which my aunt expressed in her letter be given to my uncle's granddaughter. This is one of the reasons they wanted the letter. So they threaten to sell all the stuff in the condo, still claim they should have part of the Cape house, say the ring was stolen from their mothers dead body, yadda yadda.

My mother is the executor of my uncles will, and she's not really a woman to be messed with. She ran a pharmacy on her own in New York City for 15 years, she's a tough cookie. So when one of the sons said to my mother, "You have no idea who you're dealing with," she just kind of chuckled.

In the end, the sons were left with the condo, a flat-screen television, and a gurgling water pitcher. The ring went to my uncles granddaughter as planned. The Cape house is entirely intact. They lost out on $100,000 from the will. This past weekend my cousins came up to pack up the condo furniture and my uncles belongings to put in storage until they decide what to do with it. They plan on taking the fridge and dishwasher with them, just for the hell of it.

Throughout the entire ordeal of all of this, their sons were telling their family how horrible my family is, how dysfunctional we are, that we're cheap Jews, etc. So they've all stopped talking to us, even the ones we thought we were close with.

These people are basically the scum of the earth. Not only did they disrespect their mothers wishes (ie the ring), but they were extremely cruel to the man who had given their mother everything she could ever want. She went into that marriage with nothing, and he made sure she was never left wanting. Because of my uncle, what would have been three painful months turned into three comfortable years that she could spend watching her grandchildren grow from toddlers into children. And they repaid him by showing their true colors.

They're pure white trash, utter filth. Two of them are alcoholics, one of them's a cop in a dead-end job in a nothing town. The only one that's even moderately successful will probably get fired (the company he works for, SAP, hasn't been doing so well), and he has three young boys. One is severely autistic. The other one's already a flaming homosexual with advanced ADD.

I keep thinking I need to conduct some sort of online revenge on the douchebag, but figure it's best to just let him live out what must be a hellish life.

So yeah, that's my rant. Thanks for reading. Good to get that off my chest.

01-26-2009, 10:04 PM
ugh, sorry about your loss, money issues and death/dying are the worst. We were sued a few years ago over my step-grandfather's care/estate by his children who wanted to cash out on his investments before he died. You're lucky your uncle was smart about writing out his intentions and telling the right parties.

01-26-2009, 10:06 PM
Messy situation. Got my sympathy. Have a beer and forget about them. They're gone and you can ignore them.

01-26-2009, 10:06 PM
Sick the rolling viking on him.

01-26-2009, 10:18 PM
Have a beer and forget about them.


Worst you can do is let them get to you, cause then they win. (Yes, I know it's easier said than done. Just know that they got fucked by their own greed.)

01-26-2009, 10:19 PM
Messy situation. Got my sympathy. Have a beer and forget about them. They're gone and you can ignore them.

^^ this.

It's a shame how families can behave at times like this. Just pity their shallowness and put it behind you.

01-26-2009, 11:34 PM

01-26-2009, 11:47 PM
People get really ugly over money.

I have a crapload of relatives in Viet Nam that I've met once since I was two years old who all feel entitled to sponging off my folks and my siblings, since everyone knows money grows on trees in the US.

Sometimes I think I was happier making $8 an hour than I am now.

01-27-2009, 12:24 AM
The long knives come out when it comes to deaths in the family, especially non-nuclear families, I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that, a real shame.

01-27-2009, 02:13 PM
Messy situation. Got my sympathy. Have a beer and forget about them. They're gone and you can ignore them.

Wisest words said for the situation. I'm glad things worked out in the end but I'm sorry it was hell getting there.

01-27-2009, 03:08 PM
I'd have put a pin through the power cable of the TV, Pissed in the water pitcher, and put a chirper (http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/b278/) or two in the condo.

01-27-2009, 03:24 PM
<we're cheap Jews>


Cheap jews hire people to shoot others

01-27-2009, 03:30 PM
Personally.. I would do shit to make their lives hell.... but I was voted "Most Likely to Get Even" in school.. so take from that what it's worth.

01-27-2009, 03:35 PM
Like feed them chili made from their parents?

01-27-2009, 03:36 PM
The other one's already a flaming homosexual with advanced ADD.

You had my sympathy until here. Thanks for lumping homosexuality with autism and white trash-ness. You're a swell guy.

Drunken Durfin
01-27-2009, 03:43 PM
...and put a chirper (http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/b278/) or two in the condo.

Years ago I dropped a pager in the wall of a particular asshole's house that was under construction. After the moved in I called the pager. Hopefully he had to take a hammer to the drywall before the battery ran out.

Stanley Burrell
01-27-2009, 03:54 PM
This will be a long, sad, aggravating story. But I need to vent.

So, about 15 years ago my uncle, a very successful cardiologist and president of a hospital, married a very nice woman. This was the second marriage for both of them. My uncle has two children now in their early 40's, and she had four sons the same age. Her sons and their families were always pretty distant from my side of the family. Whenever there was a family get together, they would always tend to exclude us from everything. But we got along well enough.

About four years my aunt was diagnosed with severe lung cancer. My uncle, using his medical connections and got her in to see the top doctors at Dana Farber. He probably ended up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for her treatment and medication. After getting a diagnosis of three months to live from multiple doctors, thanks to my uncle, she was able to survive comfortably for three years.

Sadly, she passed in May of last year while in hospice at their home. I have absolutely nothing against this woman, I loved her as if she was part of my family. Very delightful, always friendly. When she passed I actually cried, which is something I don't do often.

So, we go through the funeral process. Very sad day, very hard day.

Four days after her funeral, her sons call my uncle. They say they want to come and take her laptop, very high end digital camera, and Mercedes. All paid for by him. My uncle says no, he's not ready yet. Her purse was still hanging from the coat rack -- he hadn't moved a single thing of hers yet. They immediately drive over and start yelling at him that he's disrespecting her memory, how dare he do this, yadda yadda yadda. He actually felt threatened, as one of them is a cop and is fairly large.

At this point I should mention that our family has a hereditary heart disease called assymmetric cardiomyopathy. My uncle had it the worse out of all of us. And he ignored it through the three years his wife had cancer, so as not to worry about it. Around this time my uncle goes to my mother and says, "I'm in trouble." With him being a very successful cardiologist, that's a scary thing to hear from him.

So he immediately starts going to the hospital to see what can be done. He's in and out for three months. He also moves in with my mother and step-father, as he's having trouble getting around and taking care of himself. He also attempts to apologize to one of the sons. He's on oxygen when he does this. The son says, "I can't accept your apology because I think you're faking."

Two weeks later my uncle passes away after spending a week in the hospital getting an LVAD implanted in his heart. Very hard time for my entire family, to say the least.

We have the service (he was cremated) two days after he passed (Jewish). Not 24 hours after the service, we get a call from one of the sons, and he starts screaming at my mother. He was trying to get into the condo, and found the locks changed. He said that if we weren't there in 10 minutes, he was going to break the door down.

Now, the condo was theirs. When my aunt was dying, she expressed regret that she didn't have anything big to pass onto her sons. So my uncle signed the condo over to her estate, even though he had paid for the entire thing in full. But everything inside the condo, aside from a few personal items, belonged to my uncle.

So we go over, lots of yelling, they try to break into my uncles desk, because they know there's a letter from their mother there expressing some of her final wishes. Of course they didn't know we also had a copy of that letter. It was at this point that my mother let them know that my uncle had cut them out of his will after they had treated him so poorly after his wife died. Four sons, he was planning on giving them $25,000 each. They also believed they had some sort of claim to the house he owned on Cape Cod.

Moving on, lawyers get involved. The biggest point of contention was the wedding ring, which my aunt expressed in her letter be given to my uncle's granddaughter. This is one of the reasons they wanted the letter. So they threaten to sell all the stuff in the condo, still claim they should have part of the Cape house, say the ring was stolen from their mothers dead body, yadda yadda.

My mother is the executor of my uncles will, and she's not really a woman to be messed with. She ran a pharmacy on her own in New York City for 15 years, she's a tough cookie. So when one of the sons said to my mother, "You have no idea who you're dealing with," she just kind of chuckled.

In the end, the sons were left with the condo, a flat-screen television, and a gurgling water pitcher. The ring went to my uncles granddaughter as planned. The Cape house is entirely intact. They lost out on $100,000 from the will. This past weekend my cousins came up to pack up the condo furniture and my uncles belongings to put in storage until they decide what to do with it. They plan on taking the fridge and dishwasher with them, just for the hell of it.

Throughout the entire ordeal of all of this, their sons were telling their family how horrible my family is, how dysfunctional we are, that we're cheap Jews, etc. So they've all stopped talking to us, even the ones we thought we were close with.

These people are basically the scum of the earth. Not only did they disrespect their mothers wishes (ie the ring), but they were extremely cruel to the man who had given their mother everything she could ever want. She went into that marriage with nothing, and he made sure she was never left wanting. Because of my uncle, what would have been three painful months turned into three comfortable years that she could spend watching her grandchildren grow from toddlers into children. And they repaid him by showing their true colors.

They're pure white trash, utter filth. Two of them are alcoholics, one of them's a cop in a dead-end job in a nothing town. The only one that's even moderately successful will probably get fired (the company he works for, SAP, hasn't been doing so well), and he has three young boys. One is severely autistic. The other one's already a flaming homosexual with advanced ADD.

I keep thinking I need to conduct some sort of online revenge on the douchebag, but figure it's best to just let him live out what must be a hellish life.

So yeah, that's my rant. Thanks for reading. Good to get that off my chest.

This reminded me a whole hell of a lot of my grand aunt who passed away recently. She lived her whole life hounded by her children of her first husband (who was an iota as wealthy as my grand uncle, whom she had been married to for at least four decades [Edit: Her second husband, that is.])

When he passed, there was some serious fucking shit. In short, since this is your story, you can counter-sue people for harassment if they still won't leave you alone after already making a living off of millions of dollars worth of your belongings. One of her grandsons became a judge (the one who dropped the successful counter-suit) because I believe he really saw what this woman (my grand aunt) went through because of money and loved her to the point where he made a name for himself defending her.

I don't understand money. Or people. But when you mix the two together, it's never the perfect mixture that everyone dreams of. Only fucking way I could suddenly become unbelievably rich; and be able to handle it in a psychologically O.K. fashion, would be if I discretely deposited 8 digits into my debit account and I was the only one who knew about it. And I'd still feel guilty as shit about every worldly tangent that my money wasn't funding because of it. So I'd probably start drinking heavily.

I just hope when I win a tremendous lump sum of money, I only have 3 days left to live, and can hire a non-utilitarian helicopter pilot from Sikorsky to drop a jillion dollars over Bridgeport.

Anyway, I just got sidetracked as shit. Sorry about your aunt and I wish the best for your uncle, Numbers. I hate money. I want to keep trying to buy things with Monopoly money until the cops come. Fack.

01-27-2009, 07:02 PM
Nasty death/inheritance situations fill lawbooks. I've had my own recently. You have my sympathies.

01-27-2009, 07:09 PM
You had my sympathy until here. Thanks for lumping homosexuality with autism and white trash-ness. You're a swell guy. I'd say quit being butt hurt but I don't think you can. Pwnt.

01-27-2009, 07:11 PM
It only hurts for a minute.

01-27-2009, 08:51 PM
It only hurts for a minute. That's only because you're loose like a wizard's sleeve. Like when you fart people mistake it for a yawn.

01-27-2009, 08:58 PM
Sorry to hear it, Numbers. Money is one of the ultimate mechanisms of familial rifts. I've got them running a-fucking-mok in my life, so I can empathize.

Best thing to do is forget about it, move on, and remember your aunt and uncle fondly.

01-27-2009, 09:05 PM
Money is one of the ultimate mechanisms of familial rifts. I've got them running a-fucking-mok in my life, so I can empathize.

It does buy happiness though.