View Full Version : Shop Updated

01-26-2009, 12:12 PM

Put some new goods in finally, and Iashara been stocking it with forged toys.

Some high end items and i'm probably going to put more in to inspire the economy, move some things around, inspire trades, whatever...


If an item doesn't list what it is anywhere in the shop, its probably just an alteration or I don't care enough to know what it is, could be good really, or not. If you want to haggle on price, feel free to contact me.

Earring - mage charge spirit strike
figurine - 3x day locklore
clasp - 3x day traplore
jerkin - armor concealer
buckler - spiked, some enchant
dagger sheath - bandolier - deadly silver daggers
toys - scripted by Katrinket
felwood - strange old weapon

plain wooden table
a black vultite dagger (25,000 silvers) -4x
a coal black gauche (25,000 silvers) - 4x
a gaily beribboned sprig of white-berried mistletoe (5,000 silvers)
a glaes battle axe (25,000 silvers) - 3x
a golden spidersilk wand harness (100,000 silvers)
a pair of black-tinted glasses (5,000 silvers)
a rosebud embroidered skirt (10,000 silvers)
a vultite claidhmore pin (1,000 silvers)
some lacy rose pink shoes (5,000 silvers)
some silver bells (5,000 silvers)

slender driftwood counter
a black leather dagger sheath (75,000,000 silvers)
a black leather jerkin tied with an onyx-studded silver belt (2,500,000 silvers)
a length of felwood (500,000 silvers)
a self-absorbed toy Faendryl cleric (1,000,000 silvers)
a small jade clasp (25,000,000 silvers)
a small silver hawk earring (2,000,000 silvers)
a spiked imflass buckler etched with a six-pointed star (15,000,000 silvers)
a tattered and scorched Ninmah doll (5,000 silvers)
a tiny golden rogue figurine (25,000,000 silvers)
an imposing toy Faendryl high priest (1,000,000 silvers)
Number of Items: 20

Waraxes = scorched is 7x/cold, silvery is 8x/cold. No idea what the talismans are anymore, old spell item from the first and only (so far) gypsy festival Krash ran a decade or so ago.

elaborate white marble desk
a scorched dual-bladed rolaren waraxe with a carved veil iron haft (12,500,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe (18,500,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)

In the Common language, it reads:
Forged Weapons by MasterSmith Iashara
Custom work upon request
Elegant tiger-claw is unbreakable at 99/4221233
tempered heavy greataxe is 4x and heavily crit weighted
barbed rolaren flail is 4x and heavily damage weighted
quarterstaff is 5x and masterfully crit weighted
Forged weapons blessable and further enchantable

plain wooden table
a perfect bronze-shafted vultite lance (5,000,000 silvers)
a superior bronze-shafted vultite lance (500,000 silvers)
a superior bronze-shafted vultite lance (500,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-hafted vultite maul (150,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-hafted vultite maul (150,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-handled vultite fist-scythe (300,000 silvers)
an elegant maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (1,000,000 silvers)

slender driftwood counter
a barbed rolaren chain flail (8,000,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-gripped vultite tiger-claw (300,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-hilted mithril longsword (75,000 silvers)
a superior maoral-hilted mithril longsword (75,000 silvers)
a tempered heavy greataxe (8,000,000 silvers)
a translucent vultite-alloy quarterstaff (10,000,000 silvers)
Number of Items: 14

More to come...


01-26-2009, 01:07 PM
I believe the Talismans cast 2 different spells depending on how they are activated.