View Full Version : Your favorite Aliases

01-19-2009, 03:14 PM
I'm sure everyone has a bunch set up, but here are my favorites:

scroll: rummage in case for spell \?\r

hol: sym holiness \?\r (useful for undead that are after my child in resuce tasks)

ls: get my \?\r put \? on counter\r ring bell\r pay\r get \? from counter\r open my \?\r

bank/bounty/herbs/gemshop/furrier/townguard/etc: GOTO X; I keep them updated per town so I don't have to think too much

01-19-2009, 03:35 PM

01-19-2009, 03:36 PM
ls: get my \?\r put \? on counter\r ring bell\r pay\r get \? from counter\r open my \?\r

bank/bounty/herbs/gemshop/furrier/townguard/etc: GOTO X; I keep them updated per town so I don't have to think too much

The first one is definitely one I'll be stealing from you.

I have the same for your second. So handy.

01-19-2009, 03:43 PM
ls: get my \?\r put \? on counter\r ring bell\r pay\r get \? from counter\r open my \?\r
I might just have to thief this one and try it myself, too.

01-19-2009, 03:47 PM
Besides the aliases to fix my most common mistakes (bou=bounty, not bounce), I love my set of ambush ones. Once I started hunting Grimswarm, I began to favor a "target <creature>, aim <body part>, ambush" system over the "ambush <target> <body part>" one, if that makes sense. Target and aim are both usable while in RT so I've found that this system is much more tactical overall. To that end, I made my ambush aliases do the aiming for me, make the attack, then return to my default (head for my axe, right eye for my knife):

ALIAS NEC=aim neck\rambush\raim head\r
ALIAS LEG=aim r leg\rambush\raim head\r
ALIAS EYE=aim l eye\rambush\raim r eye\r

This way, I get to pay less attention to what's in the room or what's running in and out of the room as I make my attacks.

Also, this spell alias model has saved me from accidentally thorning people so many times:

ALIAS UNP=release\rprep unpoison\rcast \?\rtar clear\r

01-19-2009, 04:01 PM
I like to use "Dave Brubeck" when talking to girls at a bar that I do not wish to have my real name. I say that I play jazz piano, and to go ahead and google me sometime.

If they deign to call me out, then it means that I may indeed be wrong about them. *shrug*

Oh, wait, did you mean some other kind of alias? Fuck.

01-19-2009, 04:06 PM
Forgot, for my warrior:

WAPP=wtrick appraise \?\r

edit: if you keep boxes in disks, you'll want to take the my out of the first part of the ls macro.

01-19-2009, 05:30 PM
Also, this spell alias model has saved me from accidentally thorning people so many times:

ALIAS UNP=release\rprep unpoison\rcast \?\rtar clear\r

When using Psinet I suggested once to Jamus to implement some kind of feature that releases the current spell if you're trying to prep/cast one that's different (once I crit-killed myself with my own cast of 908 because I had that prepped instead of 410).

He just told me to alias my spells with a pre-pended "release" and didn't seem to think that I had a good idea. Or he just didn't give a shit about the idea. Either way, his moms.

01-21-2009, 03:35 PM
ALIAS DEAD=sheath\r get my knife\r kneel\r skin \?\r stand\r put my knife in my case\r gird\r search \?\r

(for when something's dead)

01-22-2009, 09:54 PM
alias PACK=get \?\rput \? in my pack\r

i think i use that like 2930483983 a session

01-22-2009, 10:56 PM
Try GRAB instead... it's now built-in.

05-19-2009, 10:40 PM
ALIAS NEC=aim neck\rambush\raim head\r
ALIAS LEG=aim r leg\rambush\raim head\r
ALIAS EYE=aim l eye\rambush\raim r eye\r

Great idea Droit! New player just starting a ranger and the ambush command was taking way to long to type out. I made one change to allow attacking other mobs in a room.

ALIAS LEG=aim r leg\rambush \? \raim clear\r

New usage is LEG {target}

05-20-2009, 11:17 AM
I use

DISARMED=tell spirit to give runestaff to mikalmas

05-20-2009, 02:33 PM
I have a bunch of aliases for "goto" commands. They are really helpful.

Like "tsne" = goto 1001.

Also use "askg" instead of "ask guard for bounty".