View Full Version : 405... Just In General

01-12-2009, 04:24 AM
This is really just sort of funny. I realized I hadn't ever cast 405 with my rogue so I decided to humor myself:

>incant 401
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Defense I spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A silvery luminescence surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>incant 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You detect the following spells on yourself:
You sense a spell but can't quite determine what it is.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

As-is all I can really use it for is checking up on enchant jobs. Basically everyone uses something to manage spell times so it's really a weak redundancy there. You can only determine the enchant level of an item that's your own project too, right? The fact that I can't tell anything about a spell I just cast on myself is also pretty silly.

What do you guys think about 405?

01-12-2009, 05:41 AM
It gets better as you level up. Or gain MnE ranks. Or both, I don't remember. It doesn't suck forever though. Just for a little while.

01-12-2009, 09:44 AM
You can already see the magic you have on yourself by typing 'spell active' albeit without durations. As was said prior, you learn to detect more as your spell ranks go up. You'll have an issue with magic outside of circles you know.

Above and beyond just detecting spells, you can also see if an item contains spells or is imbeddible with 405. It will even give you an idea of it's capacity.

I suggest a little reading; http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/405

01-12-2009, 10:54 AM
I know what the spell does and how it gets better, I just don't think it should work that way. My character knows the spell 401 yet he can't discern it from any other spell (he can't even tell what the spell is). My wizards can do well with 405 though I think with mixed results for imbedable items. Can you even detect anything about enhancive items? I barely ever use it for item identification because the act of juggling the item between characters to a wizard so he can 405 it is more time consuming and less fruitful than just waiting around until I see a bard.

Also, it sucks that you can't 405 an item then drop it in your shop and have the info show up as with bard loresongs.

Edit: Also, don't worry; I'm familiar with 'spell active.'

01-12-2009, 10:56 AM
Hopefully the elemental lore review will add some much needed boosts to the spell with the proper TP investments. Dont hold your breath, though. Bards bitch and moan whenever improvements to the spell are mentioned.

01-12-2009, 11:21 AM
<< Can you even detect anything about enhancive items? >>

No, you still need a bard, or ORDER 5 at the guild.

With enough training 405 will tell you if a wand can be duplicated. :D

01-12-2009, 11:32 AM
I wish the messages given for the spell durations we're more specific. Perhaps with upper trainings or lores??

01-12-2009, 11:43 AM
<< Can you even detect anything about enhancive items? >>

No, you still need a bard, or ORDER 5 at the guild.

With enough training 405 will tell you if a wand can be duplicated. :D

ORDER 5 at which guild? And what does it do?

I wish the messages given for the spell durations we're more specific. Perhaps with upper trainings or lores??

Just get PsiNet.

01-12-2009, 11:54 AM
ORDER 5 at which guild? And what does it do?

AvG, order 5 = charge enhancive. If it is enhancive, it says "this is already full," otherwise it says "i don't know what you think you're enhancing with that"

Just get PsiNet.

01-12-2009, 11:58 AM
Just get PsiNet.

No thanks, been there, done that.

01-12-2009, 11:59 AM
No thanks, been there, done that.

What was so bad about it? Did it steal your bike?

01-12-2009, 12:00 PM
What was so bad about it? Did it steal your bike?

The only downside to psinet is the OOC channel, and that is something you can easily ignore. Otherwise psinet massively increases efficiency and you're crazy if you don't use it.

01-12-2009, 12:02 PM
What was so bad about it? Did it steal your bike?

I just didn't use it much, and it seemed it was down more than it was running properly. Hmm, I could use a new bike...

01-12-2009, 12:04 PM
It's usually pretty stable, and even when it's down, you can still use most of its features. Only a handful of features require their server to be up I think.

01-12-2009, 12:16 PM
Yeah, Psinet being down has absolutely nothing to do with using its functions. You basically only miss out on chat and being able to see OTHER people's spells, etc.

Psinet is a godsend.

01-12-2009, 05:28 PM
The ? library is the thing I miss most about the server being down.

01-12-2009, 05:29 PM
The ? library is the thing I miss most about the server being down.

True. I'm just glad GOTO stays up.

01-12-2009, 06:26 PM
The ? library is the thing I miss most about the server being down.

?cyber7 is my favorite...

at least I think it's #7, read all ten, they're funny as hell

01-12-2009, 10:36 PM
The only downside to psinet is the OOC channel, and that is something you can easily ignore. Otherwise psinet massively increases efficiency and you're crazy if you don't use it.

how does it increase efficiency?

01-13-2009, 09:23 AM
It allows you to have a ton of aliases and shortened commands, it keeps track of your durations to the second. It allows you to spell yourself up to your exact specifications and smartly enough not to blow mana. It has a movement aid that keeps scripts from fucking up, it has an extensive library of information that can be accessed in the IG-window. My personal favorite before I left was the BAGGAGE system, which automatically sorted and bundled all containers, either on your person or otherwise, making viewing inventory MUCH, much easier. Gemstone definitely needs to steal that bit of code.

Other features I don't normally use are the ability to sense other people's spells and spell them up accordingly, see people's skills, allows you to locate, or message someone directly without the aid of an amulet/spell regardless of where they are in the game. Atlas, one of the latest additions allows for scripted movement in many instances from WHEREVER you are to a primary location. There are some scripts that do it better, but from what I have heard it is a very groovy feature.

It is just a godsend in a 100 different ways, and for the most part you can toggle on/off the features you desire. My only complaint is Jamus STILL hasn't implimented the friend/foe system of the previous incarnation. That was quite useful when you only wanted to deal with a handful of people. You can still achieve what you want in some regards, it is just more of a pain in the ass.

01-13-2009, 10:16 AM
well i don't need or want any of that, so i guess im "crazy."

01-13-2009, 10:18 AM
It is like someone who chooses to play without movement scripts, or assigns macro's to most tasks. I wouldn't describe them as "crazy", just willfully inefficient.

01-13-2009, 11:31 AM
I play with the java-based front end.

01-13-2009, 11:33 AM
I play with the java-based front end.


01-13-2009, 11:54 AM
well i don't need or want any of that, so i guess im "crazy."

By crazy I mean "I don't understand why you wouldn't want to be as efficient as possible." Why do the extra stuff when gemstone already excels at being tedious. I understand you can do macros and scripts, but they're much more limited/slower than psinet's features. Atlas is basically a movement script to any specific room in the game, without having to write a new script for each place. Not to mention you can make the haven/landing run in < 10 seconds.

01-13-2009, 01:06 PM
yeah, i had a pretty good idea what you meant. i was just poking fun.

i just don't agree. to me it just detracts from the experience.

but to each is own.

01-13-2009, 01:10 PM
You can even turn most of the messaging off if that distracts you. I also forgot the EXP tracker. Love that damn thing.

01-13-2009, 01:18 PM
If the program were just this, I would still use it:

In the black marbrinus carryall you see some fine crystalline chalk, some long translucent chalk, a pinch of night black powder, a snowflake elixir, a golden leather book, a fine smoky topaz barrette, a copper-swept gornar cinquedea, an onyx-edged deringo leaf pin, a filigreed mithril crown, a long ebon arashan-carved staff, a delicate silver charm bracelet, a void black invar rose wristlet, a ringleted silver coronet, a large sack and the following:
9 Reagents: an elemental core, an ayanad crystal (x4), a n'ayanad crystal (x2), some essence of fire (x2)
6 Herbs: a tincture of bolmara, some sovyn clove, some woth flower, some acantha leaf, some torban leaf, some wolifrew lichen
50 Gems: a piece of golden amber, a bumpy Kezmonian honey beryl, some polished pink coral, a silver-strung black despanal, a faceted black diamond (x2), a petrified aivren egg (x4), an uncut emerald, a mithril fang (x2), an urglaes fang, a green garnet, a bright chrysoberyl gem, a golden beryl gem, a medium pink pearl, a medium white pearl, a piece of citrine quartz, a piece of rose quartz, a star ruby (x2), a blue sapphire, a green sapphire (x2), a lavender shimmarglin sapphire, a star sapphire (x2), a violet sapphire, a jagged glossy black shard, an amethyst clam shell, a black-spined conch shell, a crown conch shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, a purple-cap cowrie shell, a sea urchin shell, a Solhaven Bay scallop shell, a split-back pink conch shell, a tiger cowrie shell, a violet spinel (x2), an iridescent labradorite stone, a light pink morganite stone (x2), a pink rhodochrosite stone, a multi-colored wyrdshard, a clear zircon, a yellow zircon (x2)
1 Magic: an opalescent blue gemstone orb
1 Scrolls: a speckled silver parchment
4 Skins: a platinum fang, a deep blue sapphire talon, a fiery ruby talon (x2)
3 Boxes: a sturdy mithril chest, an acid-pitted silver coffer, an engraved wooden coffer
>psinet options
In the black marbrinus carryall you see some essence of fire, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, some fine crystalline chalk, some wolifrew lichen, a bumpy Kezmonian honey beryl, a split-back pink conch shell, an elemental core, some long translucent chalk, some sovyn clove, a pinch of night black powder, a snowflake elixir, an opalescent blue gemstone orb, a speckled silver parchment, a tincture of bolmara, a golden leather book, a jagged glossy black shard, a fine smoky topaz barrette, a copper-swept gornar cinquedea, an onyx-edged deringo leaf pin, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, some acantha leaf, a silver-strung black despanal, a filigreed mithril crown, a n'ayanad crystal, some essence of fire, some woth flower, some torban leaf, a long ebon arashan-carved staff, a lavender shimmarglin sapphire, a petrified aivren egg, a star ruby, a green sapphire, a faceted black diamond, an urglaes fang, a violet sapphire, a petrified aivren egg, a blue sapphire, a green sapphire, a deep blue sapphire talon, an uncut emerald, a petrified aivren egg, a n'ayanad crystal, some polished pink coral, a medium pink pearl, a medium white pearl, a delicate silver charm bracelet, a void black invar rose wristlet, a ringleted silver coronet, a multi-colored wyrdshard, a star sapphire, a platinum fang, a bright chrysoberyl gem, a green garnet, a faceted black diamond, a mithril fang, a star sapphire, a mithril fang, a petrified aivren egg, a star ruby, a fiery ruby talon, a fiery ruby talon, a sea urchin shell, a crown conch shell, a piece of citrine quartz, a piece of golden amber, a sturdy mithril chest, a tiger cowrie shell, a Solhaven Bay scallop shell, a purple-cap cowrie shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, a golden beryl gem, a light pink morganite stone, a clear zircon, a piece of rose quartz, a yellow zircon, a light pink morganite stone, an iridescent labradorite stone, a yellow zircon, a black-spined conch shell, a violet spinel, an amethyst clam shell, a violet spinel, a pink rhodochrosite stone, an engraved wooden coffer, an acid-pitted silver coffer and a large sack.

01-13-2009, 01:19 PM
Hell yeah. Baggage is the best.

01-13-2009, 01:21 PM
If the program were just this, I would still use it:

In the black marbrinus carryall you see some fine crystalline chalk, some long translucent chalk, a pinch of night black powder, a snowflake elixir, a golden leather book, a fine smoky topaz barrette, a copper-swept gornar cinquedea, an onyx-edged deringo leaf pin, a filigreed mithril crown, a long ebon arashan-carved staff, a delicate silver charm bracelet, a void black invar rose wristlet, a ringleted silver coronet, a large sack and the following:
9 Reagents: an elemental core, an ayanad crystal (x4), a n'ayanad crystal (x2), some essence of fire (x2)
6 Herbs: a tincture of bolmara, some sovyn clove, some woth flower, some acantha leaf, some torban leaf, some wolifrew lichen
50 Gems: a piece of golden amber, a bumpy Kezmonian honey beryl, some polished pink coral, a silver-strung black despanal, a faceted black diamond (x2), a petrified aivren egg (x4), an uncut emerald, a mithril fang (x2), an urglaes fang, a green garnet, a bright chrysoberyl gem, a golden beryl gem, a medium pink pearl, a medium white pearl, a piece of citrine quartz, a piece of rose quartz, a star ruby (x2), a blue sapphire, a green sapphire (x2), a lavender shimmarglin sapphire, a star sapphire (x2), a violet sapphire, a jagged glossy black shard, an amethyst clam shell, a black-spined conch shell, a crown conch shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, a purple-cap cowrie shell, a sea urchin shell, a Solhaven Bay scallop shell, a split-back pink conch shell, a tiger cowrie shell, a violet spinel (x2), an iridescent labradorite stone, a light pink morganite stone (x2), a pink rhodochrosite stone, a multi-colored wyrdshard, a clear zircon, a yellow zircon (x2)
1 Magic: an opalescent blue gemstone orb
1 Scrolls: a speckled silver parchment
4 Skins: a platinum fang, a deep blue sapphire talon, a fiery ruby talon (x2)
3 Boxes: a sturdy mithril chest, an acid-pitted silver coffer, an engraved wooden coffer
>psinet options
In the black marbrinus carryall you see some essence of fire, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, some fine crystalline chalk, some wolifrew lichen, a bumpy Kezmonian honey beryl, a split-back pink conch shell, an elemental core, some long translucent chalk, some sovyn clove, a pinch of night black powder, a snowflake elixir, an opalescent blue gemstone orb, a speckled silver parchment, a tincture of bolmara, a golden leather book, a jagged glossy black shard, a fine smoky topaz barrette, a copper-swept gornar cinquedea, an onyx-edged deringo leaf pin, an ayanad crystal, an ayanad crystal, some acantha leaf, a silver-strung black despanal, a filigreed mithril crown, a n'ayanad crystal, some essence of fire, some woth flower, some torban leaf, a long ebon arashan-carved staff, a lavender shimmarglin sapphire, a petrified aivren egg, a star ruby, a green sapphire, a faceted black diamond, an urglaes fang, a violet sapphire, a petrified aivren egg, a blue sapphire, a green sapphire, a deep blue sapphire talon, an uncut emerald, a petrified aivren egg, a n'ayanad crystal, some polished pink coral, a medium pink pearl, a medium white pearl, a delicate silver charm bracelet, a void black invar rose wristlet, a ringleted silver coronet, a multi-colored wyrdshard, a star sapphire, a platinum fang, a bright chrysoberyl gem, a green garnet, a faceted black diamond, a mithril fang, a star sapphire, a mithril fang, a petrified aivren egg, a star ruby, a fiery ruby talon, a fiery ruby talon, a sea urchin shell, a crown conch shell, a piece of citrine quartz, a piece of golden amber, a sturdy mithril chest, a tiger cowrie shell, a Solhaven Bay scallop shell, a purple-cap cowrie shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, a golden beryl gem, a light pink morganite stone, a clear zircon, a piece of rose quartz, a yellow zircon, a light pink morganite stone, an iridescent labradorite stone, a yellow zircon, a black-spined conch shell, a violet spinel, an amethyst clam shell, a violet spinel, a pink rhodochrosite stone, an engraved wooden coffer, an acid-pitted silver coffer and a large sack.

It would be nice if we could modify what it considered what. IE, there are some gems it recognized as pelts or something along those lines. I don't have a specific example off hand, but to be able to modify exceptions or something.