View Full Version : a sitting beanbag homunculus ( bean bag toy )

01-11-2009, 11:47 AM
a sitting beanbag homunculus

The beanbag toy is the kind that can turn into a bunch of different things with a bunch of scripts. Right now it's set up as one of its two unique positions (those two have special scripts). I have not played with it since I bought it and have no list of the various verbs, buyer needs to find them.

CB 1.5m to Winter's Kiss Sold!.

Bid here, PM or vuwh60a@play.net


01-11-2009, 11:50 AM
You didn't do your signature smiley face :(

01-11-2009, 12:07 PM


01-11-2009, 01:08 PM
Lowered MB to 1m.


01-11-2009, 01:09 PM

01-11-2009, 01:11 PM
1m to Kitsun going once!


01-11-2009, 01:21 PM
I think it's interesting that little Styrofoam balls exist in Elanthia. Unless they are filled with something else...

01-11-2009, 01:24 PM
Actual beans! Or grain.

01-12-2009, 08:35 AM
CB 1.25m to Faulkil going once!

01-12-2009, 11:16 AM
Vebs courtesy of Krakii, sorry about the formating:

Verb Description Ending Adjective
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

pull You tug at {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> until it's back to its original shape. <may go to "tiny">
clench SKWEEE-ka! You give {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> a firm squeeze. <no change>
pet You thumb your beanbag <noun>. <no change>
push [any other] You push <noun> along the ground, making <noun>-ish noises as you go. <no change>
push [homunculus] You push {a/n} <adjective> beanbag homunculus along the ground, exclaiming, "Super-'Munculus hunts for juicy angleworms!" <no change>
rub You rub {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>. <no change>
throw You toss {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> high into the air! As it plummets toward the ground you reach out and catch it, saving it from certain disaster. <no change>
touch You thumb your beanbag <noun>. <no change>
wave [any other] You wave {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> around. <no change>
wave [homunculus] You wave homunculus up and down, making the limp wings flap, and exclaim, "Super-'Munculus soars through the air! Peasants below look up in fear, knowing it is on some deadly mission for its powerful Mistress!" <no change>
kiss You kiss {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, causing it to flash with a faint pink light! blushing
eat You absently chew on the ear of {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>. chewed-on
punch You punch {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, causing it to flash with a crimson light! crying
lean You lean on {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, squashing it as flat as if the largest lass in the lands just sat on it! flattened
pinch You pinch the stitched face of {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> into a frown. frowning
tickle You tickle {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> , causing it to flash with a faint golden light! giggling
roll You start to roll your beanbag <noun> onto its back, but in the middle of the process the beanbag <noun> glows an angry red, abruptly rights itself and baps you in the face! glaring
turn Turning your beanbag <noun> this way and that, you decide to fiddle and futz with it a bit. In the middle of your manipulations you hear a distinct CLICK! SET CHANGE (1, 2, 3, 4)
spin You try to spin {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> like a top, but it flashes with a white light and collapses in a beanbaggish heap! SHAPE CHANGE (in set)
poke You poke {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> in the middle. sitting
cuddle You cuddle with {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, causing it to flash with a faint blue light! sleeping
hug You give {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun> a warm hug, causing it to flash with a faint pink light! smiling
nudge You nudge {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, causing it to flash with a faint green light! smirking
punish You severely beat {a/n} <adjective> beanbag <noun>, causing it to flash with a muted red light! weeping

01-12-2009, 07:00 PM
CB 1.25m to Faulkil going twice!


01-13-2009, 08:35 AM
CB 1.25m to Faulkil last call!!!

Closing at midnight EST Tuesday if no furthur bid.

01-14-2009, 08:46 AM
CB 1.5m to Winter's Kiss going once!


01-14-2009, 08:27 PM
CB 1.5m to Winter's Kiss going twice!


Moist Happenings
01-14-2009, 08:35 PM
Anyone considering bidding, keep in mind that if you poke it into a sitting position, you can wear it on your shoulder. That's kinda fun. :D

01-15-2009, 09:08 AM
CB 1.5m to Winter's Kiss last call!

Auction closes at midnight EST tonight (Thursday) if no further bids.

01-16-2009, 11:32 AM
CB 1.5m to Winter's Kiss Sold!
