View Full Version : Definition of cheating

01-07-2009, 03:17 PM
I'm in a situation with my girlfriend where cheating has been brought up and I'm looking for clarification. I haven't slept with another woman or even touched, only exchanged some raunchy, explicit emails. Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.

01-07-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm in a situation with my girlfriend where cheating has been brought up and I'm looking for clarification. I haven't slept with another woman or even touched, only exchanged some raunchy, explicit emails. Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.

You make the mistake of thinking that women are rational beings.

01-07-2009, 03:22 PM
Coming from a group of people who play a text based game, I doubt you will find much sympathy for sharing several cybersex-esque e-mails as not nearing the border of cheating. Some spouses may not have a problem with it if their wife has her Halfling being pounded out by a husky giantman, but I imagine they are in the minority. When you factor in that it wasn't fantasy, but thoughts shared between two people, it becomes all the more serious.

01-07-2009, 03:25 PM
Yeah I think that's serious. If my girl did that I'd be rightly very upset. Put yourself in her shoes.

01-07-2009, 03:25 PM
The answer to that varies with each couple, I'd say. It's obvious that she considers it cheating. Did you know her feelings on it before you did it? Did you try to hide it from her, and sneak around behind her back with it? How would you feel if she did it? Questions like that all affect whether or not it's considered "cheating."

My own personal definition? Anything you do online, no matter how explicit it gets, is still just words on a screen. Words on a screen are not cheating (doing that when you know your partner disapproves is still a problem - but that's not your question).

01-07-2009, 03:26 PM
Coming from a group of people who play a text based game, I doubt you will find much sympathy for sharing several cybersex-esque e-mails as not nearing the border of cheating. Some spouses may not have a problem with it if their wife has her Halfling being pounded out by a husky giantman, but I imagine they are in the minority. When you factor in that it wasn't fantasy, but thoughts shared between two people, it becomes all the more serious.

Yeah, she's pissed.

And yes Khariz, that may be a mistake on my part. She's a little more rational than other women though.

01-07-2009, 03:26 PM
why don't you exchange raunchy explicit emails with your girlfriend instead of someone else?

01-07-2009, 03:26 PM
Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.
I don't think it's the "standard" cheating, and I also don't think it's as bad as physical cheating, but that still leaves open the possibility that it's cheating... And I think that it is. Would you think it was if the situation was reversed?

01-07-2009, 03:27 PM
I did sneak about it and even lied when I caught. My god damn iPhone froze on the email screen and she saw it. All of this happened 5 minutes before midnight New Years Eve. Helluva New Years to say the least. My fault though

I just don't see it being as bad as physical cheating.

01-07-2009, 03:31 PM
Yeah, she's pissed.

And yes Khariz, that may be a mistake on my part. She's a little more rational than other women though.

You know...I take it back.

One time, when I used to play Everquest with my wife, her little female avatar had a little in-game boyfriend, and it gave me honest to goodness feelings of jealousy. I think "rational thought" goes out the window in relationships.

And you are right, it's not "as bad" as you putting your cock in someone, and so it should be easier to forgive, but again...logic...rational thought...not so much in relationship scenarios.

01-07-2009, 03:32 PM
I did sneak about it and even lied when I caught.

That puts it a whole lot closer to cheating, in my mind. I've always been far more concerned with intent than deed though. Sneaking behind your partner's back to kiss someone and lying about it is worse to me than fooling around with someone and confessing at the earliest opportunity. Both are cheating, but one is a mistake, while the other destroys the trust in your relationship.

01-07-2009, 03:32 PM
No, it isn't the same as physically cheating.

01-07-2009, 03:33 PM
Words on a screen are not cheating

01-07-2009, 03:40 PM

My boyfriend disagrees with my opinion... which invokes the "sneaking behind his back" rule. Not even tequila would get you that one.

01-07-2009, 03:41 PM
My boyfriend disagrees with my opinion... which invokes the "sneaking behind his back" rule. Not even tequila would get you that one.
tell your boyfriend not to be jealous of my post count.

Gallows Thief
01-07-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm in a situation with my girlfriend where cheating has been brought up and I'm looking for clarification. I haven't slept with another woman or even touched, only exchanged some raunchy, explicit emails. Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.

Sounds like your girl thought it was cheating. If thats the case you wasting your time arguing. Its a no win situation. Apologize and move on... or hit the Motel 8 with the girl you were emailing...

01-07-2009, 03:47 PM
Sounds like your girl thought it was cheating. If thats the case you wasting your time arguing. Its a no win situation. Apologize and move on... or hit the Motel 8 with the girl you were emailing...

At least I have options heh? Believe me, no changing my girls mind. I was just asking for personal clarification.

Gallows Thief
01-07-2009, 03:51 PM
At least I have options heh? Believe me, no changing my girls mind. I was just asking for personal clarification.


Least you still have your sense of humor.

01-07-2009, 03:52 PM
I wouldn't call it cheating, but I would call it a huge breach of trust unless you and your SO had agreed that it was OK ahead of time.

I just don't see it being as bad as physical cheating.

Shoot someone in the leg and they aren't going to be happy just because you didn't shoot them in the head.

01-07-2009, 03:56 PM
What you did could be considered emotional/mental cheating, which I think can be just as bad as physical cheating in many ways. If something wasn't lacking from your relationship though, I doubt you'd need to cybersex someone else in e-mails. Time to focus on what's wrong in your relationship and see if it's worth fixing.

If my J did that, i'd be very very upset. I know if I cybersexed someone in e-mails, he'd be furious. Only magnified if there was lying and sneaking involved.

01-07-2009, 03:57 PM
As long as I still get to see her naked and she still cooks I could care less who she gets textual with. Why? Because I'm a guy.

01-07-2009, 04:09 PM
As long as I still get to see her naked and she still cooks I could care less who she gets textual with. Why? Because I'm a guy.

Yeah its not that big of a deal to me either. So I did it behind her back, so I lied, but I didn't bang anyone.

01-07-2009, 04:09 PM
Yeah its not that big of a deal to me either. So I did it behind her back, so I lied, but I didn't bang anyone.

How would you feel about her doing it behind your back and lying to you?

01-07-2009, 04:10 PM
How would you feel about her doing it behind your back and lying to you?

I thought I answered this one for all guys already.

01-07-2009, 04:11 PM
I did sneak about it and even lied when I caught.That's why it's considered cheating.

The act has nothing really to do it. When you hide or lie about the person/activity from the person you are committed to, you're already being unfaithful because you couldn't be honest with her. The trust is shattered.

Women may take any kind of sexual activities as a betrayal, but I think the hiding and the lying cinched it.

Deception is why people get upset, not the act (not usually anyway).

01-07-2009, 04:11 PM
I thought I answered this one for all guys already.

If all guys thought how you did, I wouldn't be prohibited from posting my tatas in the boob thread. (not saying i'd do it otherwise, but still.)

01-07-2009, 04:11 PM
I thought I answered this one for all guys already.

Shoo. He's obviously unrepentant, and I'm trying to guilt trip him. You are not helping.

The Ponzzz
01-07-2009, 04:22 PM
That's why it's considered cheating.

The act has nothing really to do it. When you hide or lie about the person/activity from the person you are committed to, you're already being unfaithful because you couldn't be honest with her. The trust is shattered.

Women may take any kind of sexual activities as a betrayal, but I think the hiding and the lying cinched it.

Deception is why people get upset, not the act (not usually anyway).


If you can't be honest about it, then you're cheating. I'd fucking be pissed if my girlfriend was emailing some raunchy shit to someone that I didn't know. This is an age of the internet, where online dating isn't just an LawlFest anymore. People do it and it has become accepted by most people.

You better start a thread that is titled, "What do I buy my upset girlfriend that thinks I am cheating."

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-07-2009, 04:47 PM
You hid the person and the activity from your partner, which is why it's considered cheating. It has far less to do with the act and a lot more to do with the deception, IMO.

As far as the "at least I didn't bang anyone.." line of thinking. For some people, the emotional betrayal of lying about a relationship (even an online one) far outweighs betrayal from the physical act of having sex with someone other than your gf/bf.

Without writing out the raunchy details of my relationship and personal life, the idea of my boyfriend having sex with some girl is not even close to as hurtful as if I found out he was talking on the phone for an hour each day with some girl, all about his life and going to her for emotional support. Even among couples with physically open relationships, emotional monogamy is important and valued. Lying and deception destroys that.

01-07-2009, 04:55 PM
You hid the person and the activity from your partner, which is why it's considered cheating. It has far less to do with the act and a lot more to do with the deception, IMO.

As far as the "at least I didn't bang anyone.." line of thinking. For some people, the emotional betrayal of lying about a relationship (even an online one) far outweighs betrayal from the physical act of having sex with someone other than your gf/bf.

Without writing out the raunchy details of my relationship and personal life, the idea of my boyfriend having sex with some girl is not even close to as hurtful as if I found out he was talking on the phone for an hour each day with some girl, all about his life and going to her for emotional support. Even among couples with physically open relationships, emotional monogamy is important and valued. Lying and deception destroys that.

Per this since your GF is ass chapped about the email she's cool with you gettin some strange, go do that.

01-07-2009, 04:59 PM
Per this since your GF is ass chapped about the email she's cool with you gettin some strange, go do that.

This sentence should win an award for best use of the English language.

01-07-2009, 05:01 PM
Per this since your GF is ass chapped about the email she's cool with you gettin some strange, go do that.

Ever wonder why men and women have trouble communicating?

01-07-2009, 05:02 PM
Ever wonder why men and women have trouble communicating?

Because even with two black eyes she just won't listen?

01-07-2009, 05:03 PM
Because even with two black eyes she just won't listen?

Because men insist on this macho crap? :club:

Stanley Burrell
01-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Ever wonder why men and women have trouble communicating?

I think women confuse communication with words.

01-07-2009, 05:05 PM
Because men insist on this macho crap? :club:
Whatever mixed signals I want to be a delicate flower unless I'm in the mood to be a feminist that stands to pee when it's convenient and you'll figure it out or else. :)

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-07-2009, 05:09 PM
Per this since your GF is ass chapped about the email she's cool with you gettin some strange, go do that.

My point is that, you know, maybe it's a wonderful idea to be an adult and get into a relationship with someone who has the same expectations and can agree to the same things you're comfortable with. If that means you're basically swingers, great. If it means you're totally monogamous, that's cool too. But the bottom line is that you shouldn't be having to lie or deceive one another, and when you do is when you cross into the cheating territory. It's defined by the boundaries of your relationship, NOT by a black and white rulebook of "this is cheating, that isn't."

Men and women are both awesome at being total fucktards about sex and relationships.

01-07-2009, 05:09 PM
Whatever mixed signals I want to be a delicate flower unless I'm in the mood to be a feminist that stands to pee when it's convenient and you'll figure it out or else. :)

Ah, that's right - you're married!

I think women confuse communication with words.

A lot of men sure don't have that problem.

01-07-2009, 05:12 PM
You know I'm not, in any way shape or form, serious with 99.982% of my responses right?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-07-2009, 05:15 PM
You know I'm not, in any way shape or form, serious with 99.982% of my responses right?

I totally think you punch women in the face...!


01-07-2009, 05:16 PM
You know I'm not, in any way shape or form, serious with 99.982% of my responses right?

You should so check your rep for the answer to that question :)

01-07-2009, 05:16 PM
I was under the impression the definition of cheating is "when he/she/it finds out about it".

Who knew it wasn't as clear as I thought it was.

01-07-2009, 05:18 PM
I was under the impression the definition of cheating is "when he/she/it finds out about it".

Who knew it wasn't as clear as I thought it was.
Yeah, if they found out on their own is because it was being hidden/lied about. Same thing.

01-07-2009, 06:26 PM
It depends. If your emails were along the lines of "When I see you I am going to...." then it is just as bad because you were eventually going to cheat on her.

I don't really understand what else you would be saying to her. Is this like a cyber sex type thing? If so, wtf?

01-07-2009, 06:28 PM
< I don't really understand what else you would be saying to her. >

Insert bloodninja snippet here.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-07-2009, 06:29 PM
I'm in a situation with my girlfriend where cheating has been brought up and I'm looking for clarification. I haven't slept with another woman or even touched, only exchanged some raunchy, explicit emails. Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.

The definition varies between couples. If you can't agree on what is/isn't, eventually one of you leaves because they perceive they are being cheated on.

01-07-2009, 06:36 PM
I totally think you punch women in the face...!


Donkey punches are A-OK in my book!

01-07-2009, 06:37 PM
Back of the head != face.

01-07-2009, 06:39 PM
Back of the head != face.


I meant a donkey punch is cool, instead of a face punch

01-07-2009, 06:49 PM
I am with the group of people that feel this is cheating. Sex/physical is definetly not the only form of cheating. If some other guy was receiving more attention than me from my girlfriend I'd be pretty upset. (*though in my case almost all guys are getting more attention than me anyway)

It might even be seen as trying to set something up for an up-coming break up.

As for me, the realism is starting to hit me of what my gf does and it is starting to suck, not sure how much longer I can hold out.

01-07-2009, 07:20 PM

I meant a donkey punch is cool, instead of a face punch


01-07-2009, 07:39 PM
Yeah its not that big of a deal to me either. So I did it behind her back, so I lied, but I didn't bang anyone.

This statement pretty much assures you that you'll never have a successful relationship. At least not until you understand what a fucked up statement this is in the context of your current problem.

Adequate Picker
01-07-2009, 07:39 PM
I did sneak about it and even lied when I caught. My god damn iPhone froze on the email screen and she saw it. All of this happened 5 minutes before midnight New Years Eve. Helluva New Years to say the least. My fault though

I just don't see it being as bad as physical cheating.

You cant be just a little bit pregnant can you?

If you go see a Proctologist and he shoves his finger up your ass, then you cant really say you have never had a homosexual experience can you?

If you kill someone with a rusty nail sticking out of a 2x4, and then go kill someone with a skill saw then they are both dead right? Does it matter if one is as bad as the other? Dead is dead.

And so is cheating my man.

01-07-2009, 07:42 PM
This statement pretty much assures you that you'll never have a successful relationship. At least not until you understand what a fucked up statement this is in the context of your current problem.


01-07-2009, 07:46 PM
This statement pretty much assures you that you'll never have a successful relationship. At least not until you understand what a fucked up statement this is in the context of your current problem.

Successful relationships are boring, man. Keep doing what your doing, Shaft. Keep that woman on the edge of her seat. Go out for a week long bender. Make out with her sister. Get an STD. Go crazy!

01-07-2009, 07:56 PM
It's only cheating if she gets pregnant and even then only if she finds out

01-07-2009, 08:05 PM
You didn't cheat, but that's because you didn't have the opportunity to actually cheat.

You had the opportunity to send dirty emails and you took it.

You felt guilty and tried to cover it up.

You fucked up.

Might as well dump her now and avoid what's coming to you, btw.

01-07-2009, 09:26 PM
If something wasn't lacking from your relationship though, I doubt you'd need to cybersex someone else in e-mails. Time to focus on what's wrong in your relationship and see if it's worth fixing.


Many have responded that it was the hiding and lying that is what pissed her off, but, lets get honest. What the real problem is she is feeling hurt because you went to someone else and not her. And she is probably wondering within her own mind, 'what's wrong with me?'

So, it would probably help if you tried to sooth her pain, before you defuse her anger. You need to be reassuring that this was your form of porn, and its not because of her, if this is the case. Also, be honest about what IS lacking, if anything. She is probably feeling pretty insecure at this point.

And of course, was it just cybering, or was there talk of a rendezvous?

01-08-2009, 02:33 AM
I'm in a situation with my girlfriend where cheating has been brought up and I'm looking for clarification. I haven't slept with another woman or even touched, only exchanged some raunchy, explicit emails. Is this the standard cheating? I think not. Its not great and I should be ashamed of course, but its not as bad as physical cheating.

She is probably more upset that you lied then the raunchy emails. I can't imagine anyone calling that cheating though.

01-08-2009, 02:51 AM
We've been together for a little over 3 years and about a yet and half ago I noticed her putting on weight. I asked her to hit the gym. She understood and said ok. Well, as of now she's not lost any weight, probably put on more, and yeah, I lost the attraction. I looked elsewhere. I probably would/will bang this other chick cause she's hot.

My girl could be really great looking if she took better care of herself. But she's put on 30-35 lba since we've hooked up and clearly isn't interested in changing that. There are other issues with us but I feel that's what made me look elsewhere.

01-08-2009, 02:52 AM
We've been together for a little over 3 years and about a yet and half ago I noticed her putting on weight. I asked her to hit the gym. She understood and said ok. Well, as of now she's not lost any weight, probably put on more, and yeah, I lost the attraction. I looked elsewhere. I probably would/will bang this other chick cause she's hot.

My girl could be really great looking if she took better care of herself. But she's put on 30-35 lba since we've hooked up and clearly isn't interested in changing that. There are other issues with us but I feel that's what made me look elsewhere.

01-08-2009, 02:54 AM
We've been together for a little over 3 years and about a yet and half ago I noticed her putting on weight. I asked her to hit the gym. She understood and said ok. Well, as of now she's not lost any weight, probably put on more, and yeah, I lost the attraction. I looked elsewhere. I probably would/will bang this other chick cause she's hot.

My girl could be really great looking if she took better care of herself. But she's put on 30-35 lba since we've hooked up and clearly isn't interested in changing that. There are other issues with us but I feel that's what made me look elsewhere.

LoL! Your an ass but that's cool. Why don't you just dump her then?

01-08-2009, 02:55 AM
We've been together for a little over 3 years and about a yet and half ago I noticed her putting on weight. I asked her to hit the gym. She understood and said ok. Well, as of now she's not lost any weight, probably put on more, and yeah, I lost the attraction. I looked elsewhere. I probably would/will bang this other chick cause she's hot.

My girl could be really great looking if she took better care of herself. But she's put on 30-35 lba since we've hooked up and clearly isn't interested in changing that. There are other issues with us but I feel that's what made me look elsewhere.

With an attitude like that you better be some hot shit yourself.

Edit: Or just stick to random banging and stay away from relationships

01-08-2009, 02:56 AM
It's all about the confidence.

01-08-2009, 03:10 AM
When your live-in girlfriend leaves the apartment on the night of Xmas to say she has to console a girlfriend who's all alone on Xmas, comes back the next morning and a few days later you find sticker pictures of her kissing some random Japanese dude, wake the bitch up from her beauty sleep, interrogate her, grab her phone and find the dude's number, call him, confirm that she was with him that night and break the phone in two.

01-08-2009, 03:31 AM
Then go star in a porno

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 06:23 AM
We've been together for a little over 3 years and about a yet and half ago I noticed her putting on weight. I asked her to hit the gym. She understood and said ok. Well, as of now she's not lost any weight, probably put on more, and yeah, I lost the attraction. I looked elsewhere. I probably would/will bang this other chick cause she's hot.

My girl could be really great looking if she took better care of herself. But she's put on 30-35 lba since we've hooked up and clearly isn't interested in changing that. There are other issues with us but I feel that's what made me look elsewhere.

Then just dump her instead of being a dick head about things.

Cheating on her isn't going to make her suddenly think, "Oh I should go on a diet and go to the gym!" In fact it's likely to make her incredibly depressed and make her do even less.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 06:40 AM
Man my girl gained weight and I was happy. That and she sort of earned it having the two children I could never hold it against her.

Plus curves are nice. Warmer to cuddle with as well.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 06:42 AM
When your live-in girlfriend leaves the apartment on the night of Xmas to say she has to console a girlfriend who's all alone on Xmas, comes back the next morning and a few days later you find sticker pictures of her kissing some random Japanese dude, wake the bitch up from her beauty sleep, interrogate her, grab her phone and find the dude's number, call him, confirm that she was with him that night and break the phone in two.

rofl is that for real?

Hey I thought my old lady was cheating but turns out she wasn't. But I sure as fuck thought she was. Trimming up her landing strip and bought new underwear and bra's... but now she lives in the fucking mountains rofl.

Unless it's a Deliverance type of deal.

01-08-2009, 06:47 AM
Man my girl gained weight and I was happy.

My old female lost a shitload of weight while I was with her. It was gross.
All boney and stuff. I'd cuddle myself if I wanted that.
I made her gain weight, and I too was happy.

Then I left her.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 06:51 AM
Lol. I've said it before but skinny girls is like sticking your dick into a cheese grater.

This was her at 98 lbs when we first started dating. She's pushing like 150 now but that was just fine with me.


Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 06:52 AM
Damn she looks so happy there. I sorta feel bad for fucking up her life.

01-08-2009, 06:56 AM
This was her at 98 lbs when we first started dating.


Did you put on a new collar and go to the groomer for your first date?

01-08-2009, 07:09 AM
She so doesn't look like she weighs 98lbs there, not fat but definitely not that skinny. Is she like 4.5 feet tall?

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 07:53 AM
She so doesn't look like she weighs 98lbs there, not fat but definitely not that skinny. Is she like 4.5 feet tall?

Yeah actually she's like four foot and some change.

And I swear she was 98lbs in that picture. She did have a lot of muscle kind of a hard body. Fitness freak like yoga and steppy thing.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2009, 07:54 AM
Did you put on a new collar and go to the groomer for your first date?

That's samson. His first day at the house. That dog can't walk now. Keep in mind that picture is about 13 years ago now.

01-08-2009, 01:19 PM
I have a dog named Samson.

01-08-2009, 03:02 PM
Ha. I could have posted the same thread myself recently.

Cheating is defined by the two people in the relationship, I've decided. We all know how open I am. I make sexual comments, flash my boobs (usually when excessively drunk) to other people in front of my husband all the time. I recently found out though, that doing the same online is considered cheating in his opinion.

Huge fight ensued and I ended up telling him I'd never do it again. And I wont. The problem there was the communication. I assumed saying/doing shit over the internet was even LESS dangerous because I'd never see these people IRL versus doing it right infront of them. I was wrong. I wished my husband had just sat me down when he found out (I left these boards open one night when I went to bed and he went to check his bank account and saw something I wrote on here) and simply TOLD me it bothered him without screaming at me that I was cheating on him. WTF?

Either way, what's done is done on my end. But it sounds like you've got other issues to worry about (like your problem with gaining 30lbs, really? Is that it?) besides the cheating thing.

On an unrelated note, if you had told me that I needed to lose weight and go to the gym I'd tell you to go fuck a goat.

01-08-2009, 03:52 PM
He's a douche and need to turn in his man card.

01-08-2009, 04:14 PM
Ha. I could have posted the same thread myself recently.

Cheating is defined by the two people in the relationship, I've decided. We all know how open I am. I make sexual comments, flash my boobs (usually when excessively drunk) to other people in front of my husband all the time. I recently found out though, that doing the same online is considered cheating in his opinion.

Huge fight ensued and I ended up telling him I'd never do it again. And I wont. The problem there was the communication. I assumed saying/doing shit over the internet was even LESS dangerous because I'd never see these people IRL versus doing it right infront of them. I was wrong. I wished my husband had just sat me down when he found out (I left these boards open one night when I went to bed and he went to check his bank account and saw something I wrote on here) and simply TOLD me it bothered him without screaming at me that I was cheating on him. WTF?

Either way, what's done is done on my end. But it sounds like you've got other issues to worry about (like your problem with gaining 30lbs, really? Is that it?) besides the cheating thing.

On an unrelated note, if you had told me that I needed to lose weight and go to the gym I'd tell you to go fuck a goat.

Yeah, I knew she didn't like it because I was keeping it from her. I was just intrigued by the other girl. She found out, I paniced, tried to lie, then realized there wasn't any point in lying and came clean. She freaked and I left.

As far as the weight thing goes, I am now a firm believer that when people finally land the relationship they want they tend to let themselves go. Why continue to hit the gym and diet, you have what you wanted. That's why I'm so against marriage, well, one of the reasons. And then you have kids and the guy plays second fiddle and he can't get laid anymore......yada yada yada....

Men are visual animals. Especially when it comes to attraction and women. We go after the things that look good. So when I hooked up with my ex she was thinner and she looked better, and as the relationship continued she started to put on weight, which started to turn me off. I don't believe I'm wrong about that. I came to her and mentioned this a while ago because I wanted to feel that attraction again. Over the last 16 or so months I've brought it up numerous times and she always said she'd work on it but never did. I don't think I'm in the wrong for being upset by that.

01-08-2009, 04:18 PM
Men are visual animals. Especially when it comes to attraction and women. We go after the things that look good. So when I hooked up with my ex she was thinner and she looked better, and as the relationship continued she started to put on weight, which started to turn me off. I don't believe I'm wrong about that. I came to her and mentioned this a while ago because I wanted to feel that attraction again. Over the last 16 or so months I've brought it up numerous times and she always said she'd work on it but never did. I don't think I'm in the wrong for being upset by that.

I'm with you on this one. Both parties should work to stay attractive to each other, unless the man is dumping the woman during pregnancy because she gained weight.

01-08-2009, 04:23 PM
I'm with you on this one. Both parties should work to stay attractive to each other, unless the man is dumping the woman during pregnancy because she gained weight.

Thank you. Attraction is a huge part of any relationship and when you start to look at someone and you notice things that didn't use to be there, you're like wtf?

For instance, I was guilty of this myself when her and I first got together. For years I had been 180-185 and after 5 months of being with her I ballooned to 215. That's a lot of weight. She never indicated it was a problem for her but it was a problem for me. Well, I got off my ass and dropped 40 lbs and now I'm down to 175. Was it too much to ask for her to do the same?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 04:23 PM
Men are visual animals. Especially when it comes to attraction and women. We go after the things that look good. So when I hooked up with my ex she was thinner and she looked better, and as the relationship continued she started to put on weight, which started to turn me off. I don't believe I'm wrong about that. I came to her and mentioned this a while ago because I wanted to feel that attraction again. Over the last 16 or so months I've brought it up numerous times and she always said she'd work on it but never did. I don't think I'm in the wrong for being upset by that.

You know, I've had to try a bunch of different medications the past year that all made me put on weight. My boyfriend likes a curvy girl, but he could tell that my extra weight was making me miserable.

One time he broached the subject with me.. asked me how I felt about it, etc. After leveling, he agreed to help me out to lose the excess weight (it was maybe 20 lbs). That meant he didn't keep any of his unhealthy, tempting food in our house (also meant he didn't snarf down pizza in front of me).. he went with me to the gym or out to run, and encouraged me whenever I dropped even just a few pounds.

You understand, now, how that is utterly different than if he came to me and said "You've let yourself go. Lose some weight, I want to feel attracted to you again." And then just left the ball in the court that I either lost weight so he'd want to bang me again, or else he'd go have sex with someone else. My response would have been the same as Shari's: Go fuck a goat.

I don't think people should let themselves go.. but when they do, IMO, there's a right and a wrong way to go about trying to fix it.

And again-- if you don't want to do the supportive thing, then just dump her. Don't drag it out and then blame your weakness/bad judgement on the fact that she put on a few pounds.

01-08-2009, 04:26 PM
You know, I've had to try a bunch of different medications the past year that all made me put on weight. My boyfriend likes a curvy girl, but he could tell that my extra weight was making me miserable.

One time he broached the subject with me.. asked me how I felt about it, etc. After leveling, he agreed to help me out to lose the excess weight (it was maybe 20 lbs). That meant he didn't keep any of his unhealthy, tempting food in our house (also meant he didn't snarf down pizza in front of me).. he went with me to the gym or out to run, and encouraged me whenever I dropped even just a few pounds.

You understand, now, how that is utterly different than if he came to me and said "You've let yourself go. Lose some weight, I want to feel attracted to you again." And then just left the ball in the court that I either lost weight so he'd want to bang me again, or else he'd go have sex with someone else. My response would have been the same as Shari's: Go fuck a goat.

I don't think people should let themselves go.. but when they do, IMO, there's a right and a wrong way to go about trying to fix it.

And again-- if you don't want to do the supportive thing, then just dump her. Don't drag it out and then blame your weakness/bad judgement on the fact that she put on a few pounds.


01-08-2009, 04:27 PM
You know, I've had to try a bunch of different medications the past year that all made me put on weight. My boyfriend likes a curvy girl, but he could tell that my extra weight was making me miserable.

One time he broached the subject with me.. asked me how I felt about it, etc. After leveling, he agreed to help me out to lose the excess weight (it was maybe 20 lbs). That meant he didn't keep any of his unhealthy, tempting food in our house (also meant he didn't snarf down pizza in front of me).. he went with me to the gym or out to run, and encouraged me whenever I dropped even just a few pounds.

You understand, now, how that is utterly different than if he came to me and said "You've let yourself go. Lose some weight, I want to feel attracted to you again." And then just left the ball in the court that I either lost weight so he'd want to bang me again, or else he'd go have sex with someone else. My response would have been the same as Shari's: Go fuck a goat.

I don't think people should let themselves go.. but when they do, IMO, there's a right and a wrong way to go about trying to fix it.

And again-- if you don't want to do the supportive thing, then just dump her. Don't drag it out and then blame your weakness/bad judgement on the fact that she put on a few pounds.

Its funny because I offered to go to the gym with her. I would have loved to help her with it. I even gauranteed that after a few months she'd drop the weight. She'd bring it up to me saying she wanted to lose weight, but never did anything.

Most guys are superficial. I'm not gonna apologize for that. If you look good when we hook up, I expect it to continue.

Imagine you're boyfriend was straight when you hooked up and then one day he said he was into dudes. Would you stick with him?

01-08-2009, 04:29 PM
Imagine you're boyfriend was straight when you hooked up and then one day he said he was into dudes. Would you stick with him?

So you're saying when you gained your weight, you suddenly turned gay? Or was that just a ridiculously stupid analogy?

01-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Nm, thanks for all the responses at least, even the ones calling me an asshole. I don't mind being an asshole.

01-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Men are visual animals. Especially when it comes to attraction and women. We go after the things that look good. So when I hooked up with my ex she was thinner and she looked better, and as the relationship continued she started to put on weight, which started to turn me off. I don't believe I'm wrong about that. I came to her and mentioned this a while ago because I wanted to feel that attraction again. Over the last 16 or so months I've brought it up numerous times and she always said she'd work on it but never did. I don't think I'm in the wrong for being upset by that.

If she dumped you for a better looking/skinnier/fitter man, would she be wrong?

I'm sure you'd think so.

Edit: What have you actively done to help her loose weight other than tell her?

01-08-2009, 04:31 PM
Its funny because I offered to go to the gym with her. I would have loved to help her with it. I even gauranteed that after a few months she'd drop the weight. She'd bring it up to me saying she wanted to lose weight, but never did anything.

Most guys are superficial. I'm not gonna apologize for that. If you look good when we hook up, I expect it to continue.

Imagine you're boyfriend was straight when you hooked up and then one day he said he was into dudes. Would you stick with him?
What the motherfuck? Gaining weight is the same thing to you as switching sex gears? What the fuck is wrong with you?

OMG, I feel bad for the girl. Dump her so that she can find someone who isn't a complete asshole.

Tea & Strumpets
01-08-2009, 04:35 PM
Men are visual animals.

I agree to a certain extent, but I don't think you or me (guys) can use those kind of stereotypes to excuse your behavior.

I do think it's an awesome excuse, though, mostly because it's funny.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 04:38 PM
Its funny because I offered to go to the gym with her. I would have loved to help her with it. I even gauranteed that after a few months she'd drop the weight. She'd bring it up to me saying she wanted to lose weight, but never did anything.

Most guys are superficial. I'm not gonna apologize for that. If you look good when we hook up, I expect it to continue.

Imagine you're boyfriend was straight when you hooked up and then one day he said he was into dudes. Would you stick with him?

Wow, that is a really dumb analogy.

Also, I don't believe that most guys are extremely superficial. I think people with an immature outlook on life are extremely superficial, but that's not a majority by any means IMO.

You don't have to apologize for it. It does make me feel really sorry for you though.

Tea & Strumpets
01-08-2009, 04:39 PM
What the motherfuck? Gaining weight is the same thing to you as switching sex gears? What the fuck is wrong with you?

OMG, I feel bad for the girl. Dump her so that she can find someone who isn't a complete asshole.

There's no need to start with the personal attacks when someone is here just looking for relationship advice.

P.S. - Stop getting older or I will know you are a lesbian.

01-08-2009, 04:40 PM
What the motherfuck? Gaining weight is the same thing to you as switching sex gears? What the fuck is wrong with you?

OMG, I feel bad for the girl. Dump her so that she can find someone who isn't a complete asshole.

I'm not saying its the same thing, I'm saying she was one thing when we hooked up and she started to change with no hope of stopping. It was only going to get worse the longer the relationship went on, I'm sure.

I'm not saying weight gain and a sexual preferance are the same thing. I'm not saying it was right for me to exchange these emails behind her back, which isn't as bad as physical cheating, but if she'd have tried harder to improve her appearance then maybe I'd have rejected this other girl.

I'm sure you've all heard of men cheating on their wives because they can't get laid at home anymore. Well women, if you'd have given it up he wouldn't have to go somewhere else. Again, not the same, but similar.

Some Rogue
01-08-2009, 04:40 PM
Also, I don't believe that most guys are extremely superficial. I think people with an immature outlook on life are extremely superficial, but that's not a majority by any means IMO.

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. "Most guys are superficial."

Yeah, then they grow up. :shrug:

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 04:41 PM
I'm not saying its the same thing, I'm saying she was one thing when we hooked up and she started to change with no hope of stopping. It was only going to get worse the longer the relationship went on, I'm sure.

I'm not saying weight gain and a sexual preferance are the same thing. I'm not saying it was right for me to exchange these emails behind her back, which isn't as bad as physical cheating, but if she'd have tried harder to improve her appearance then maybe I'd have rejected this other girl.

I'm sure you've all heard of men cheating on their wives because they can't get laid at home anymore. Well women, if you'd have given it up he wouldn't have to go somewhere else. Again, not the same, but similar.


Just stop while you're.. not ahead.

But stop.


01-08-2009, 04:42 PM
I'm not saying its the same thing, I'm saying she was one thing when we hooked up and she started to change with no hope of stopping. It was only going to get worse the longer the relationship went on, I'm sure.

I'm not saying weight gain and a sexual preferance are the same thing. I'm not saying it was right for me to exchange these emails behind her back, which isn't as bad as physical cheating, but if she'd have tried harder to improve her appearance then maybe I'd have rejected this other girl.

I'm sure you've all heard of men cheating on their wives because they can't get laid at home anymore. Well women, if you'd have given it up he wouldn't have to go somewhere else. Again, not the same, but similar.Oh my fucking God. Just stop.

01-08-2009, 04:43 PM

Just stop while you're.. not ahead.

But stop.


Hehe, whatever. I still appreciate the comments.

01-08-2009, 04:43 PM
I'm not saying its the same thing, I'm saying she was one thing when we hooked up and she started to change with no hope of stopping. It was only going to get worse the longer the relationship went on, I'm sure.

I'm not saying weight gain and a sexual preferance are the same thing. I'm not saying it was right for me to exchange these emails behind her back, which isn't as bad as physical cheating, but if she'd have tried harder to improve her appearance then maybe I'd have rejected this other girl.

I'm sure you've all heard of men cheating on their wives because they can't get laid at home anymore. Well women, if you'd have given it up he wouldn't have to go somewhere else. Again, not the same, but similar.

I'm sure that she's incredibly sorry that she let you get away.

01-08-2009, 04:47 PM
I started out somewhat on your side - your girlfriend was freaking out over words on a screen. Said words may have headed in the direction of cheating, but they weren't there yet.

Then you told us that you did all this behind her back, and lied when she caught you. Suddenly, her reaction looked a little better.

Then you told us that the problem started when she put on a few pounds and wouldn't lose it, even though you told her to.

Seriously, you're just digging this hole deeper. Leave the girl so she can get on with her life. You go find someone with the same attitude as you, and enjoy your shallow relationship (at least the sex will be good, right?)

01-08-2009, 04:51 PM
at least the sex will be good, right?
hey, he's young. what more is there?

But seriously, OP, bad way to go about life, man. Have your fun now, but recognize that an attitude like that won't fly with any half-way decent, self-respecting female.

01-08-2009, 04:53 PM
Seriously. Like said before, you better be some hot shit or something, cause that is incredibly shallow. And by hot shit I mean like fucking Hugh Jackman-esque.

01-08-2009, 04:58 PM
Seriously. Like said before, you better be some hot shit or something, cause that is incredibly shallow. And by hot shit I mean like fucking Hugh Jackman-esque.


01-08-2009, 04:58 PM
hey, he's young. what more is there?

But seriously, OP, bad way to go about life, man. Have your fun now, but recognize that an attitude like that won't fly with any half-way decent, self-respecting female.

Believe me, I know. I'm 25. I probably shouldn't have been in a serious relationship so young anyway. Every time marriage got brought up I wanted to vomit.

01-08-2009, 04:58 PM
Seriously. Like said before, you better be some hot shit or something, cause that is incredibly shallow. And by hot shit I mean like fucking Edward-esque.

Fixed for Zuie accuracy

01-08-2009, 04:58 PM

Hugh Jackman doesn't have shit on me ;)

01-08-2009, 04:59 PM
Believe me, I know. I'm 25. I probably shouldn't have been in a serious relationship so young anyway. Every time marriage got brought up I wanted to vomit.

At least you know now.

I suggest apologizing for everything (even if you don't feel that way) and moving on as nicely as possible.

Then fitting in as many skinny hot chick you find at the bars for one night stands as possible.

01-08-2009, 05:00 PM
Hugh Jackman doesn't have shit on me ;)

Well, he has the confidence part down.

01-08-2009, 05:03 PM
At least you know now.

I suggest apologizing for everything (even if you don't feel that way) and moving on as nicely as possible.

Then fitting in as many skinny hot chick you find at the bars for one night stands as possible.

I did. She's a good girl and I do feel bad.

01-08-2009, 05:05 PM
It's basic human sexuality. To a man, generally speaking, physical intimacy is more important because of parental investment (he doesn't want to be caring for a kid that isn't his). To a woman, emotional intimacy is more important because of parental investment (she wants the guy to care for the kid that is his with her not other women). Even the possibility is considered a threat, in either case.

It doesn't matter if it's text or not. Emotionally, your time was invested with somebody else. Your woman could go out and grope some guy's leg, would it be cheating? No sex occurred, but you sure as hell would probably be agitated.

01-08-2009, 05:06 PM
I only date chicks I'm not physically attracted to just to prove that I'm mature. Shaft may look like a douche bag for wanting out because of her weight issues but according to him he talked to her about it and offered to help her but she was unmotivated to change despite her words. What else is he supposed to do pretend to be happy just for the sake of maintaing a relationship with someone he's no longer attracted to? (Obviously the answer isn't cheating on her.)

01-08-2009, 05:11 PM
Shaft may look like a douche bag for wanting out because of her weight issues but according to him he talked to her about it and offered to help her but she was unmotivated to change despite her words.

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he didn't approach the situation as Narcissia's boyfriend did, but instead said something like "You've packed on a few. How 'bout hitting the gym?" That doesn't work. Trust me :)

What else is he supposed to do pretend to be happy just for the sake of maintaing a relationship with someone he's no longer attracted to?

Nope. He can encourage her, or he can end it. Both are highly superior to getting quasi-involved with someone he admits he probably would have cheated with given the chance.

01-08-2009, 05:15 PM
I like how this started out as cheating and ended up about weight.

01-08-2009, 05:15 PM
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he didn't approach the situation as Narcissia's boyfriend did, but instead said something like "You've packed on a few. How 'bout hitting the gym?" That doesn't work. Trust me :)

Nope. He can encourage her, or he can end it. Both are highly superior to getting quasi-involved with someone he admits he probably would have cheated with given the chance.

Forgive me for not typing out the many conversations we had regarding the topic of weight. Believe, I know talking to a woman about her weight is like playing with fire. I said it much more delicately than you gotta hit the gym. For the sake of typing I shortened things.

When you offer to go to the gym with someone and show them the way to do it because you've done it yourself, I don't know what more to ask at that point. I would have paid for her to sign up if she'd have come to me and said yes, I want to do this. Lets go.

Thanks Sean.

01-08-2009, 05:16 PM
I like how this started out as cheating and ended up about weight.

Because women are very sensitive about their weight. ;)

01-08-2009, 05:17 PM
If she is a size 4 then you should have bought her a size 2 gift. She'll get the message and she can't be mad at you for buying a gift. Plus, she thinks your stupid anyways so there is no way you will know her size.

01-08-2009, 05:17 PM
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he didn't approach the situation as Narcissia's boyfriend did, but instead said something like "You've packed on a few. How 'bout hitting the gym?" That doesn't work. Trust me :)

Unless she has some severe self esteem issues if she was offended by his methodolgy the door was open for her to say something to him about how it made her feel or leave him. She agreed with his positions and he claims he offered her help at the gym if she wanted it but yet never took him up on it.

Nope. He can encourage her, or he can end it. Both are highly superior to getting quasi-involved with someone he admits he probably would have cheated with given the chance.

I agree with you.

01-08-2009, 05:21 PM
Unless she has some severe self esteem issues if she was offended by his methodolgy the door was open for her to say something to him about how it made her feel or leave him. She agreed with his positions and he claims he offered her help at the gym if she wanted it but yet never took him up on it.

I agree with you.

I agree with both of you. It wasn't the right thing to do. Would I have slept with the other girl if we ended up in a room together? I don't know. Men are usually as faithful as their options.

The relationship appears to be over so its time to move on.

01-08-2009, 05:23 PM
Nope. He can encourage her, or he can end it. Both are highly superior to getting quasi-involved with someone he admits he probably would have cheated with given the chance.

If she isn't willing or able to lose the weight and you've talked to her about it numerous times then it may be time to move on before you end up doing something you'll regret even more. If you don't you will eventually cheat on her and she will find out about it since you're not good at it even without sex involved.

Do yourselves a favor and come to terms with what you honestly want out of the relationship. If she doesn't turn you on anymore and the passion has died, be honest with her and yourself. You only have one life and you should do whatever it takes to make yourself happy while avoiding hurting others in the process.

01-08-2009, 05:34 PM

If she isn't willing or able to lose the weight and you've talked to her about it numerous times then it may be time to move on before you end up doing something you'll regret even more. If you don't you will eventually cheat on her and she will find out about it since you're not good at it even without sex involved.

Do yourselves a favor and come to terms with what you honestly want out of the relationship. If she doesn't turn you on anymore and the passion has died, be honest with her and yourself. You only have one life and you should do whatever it takes to make yourself happy while avoiding hurting others in the process.

Again I agree.

01-08-2009, 05:57 PM
I'm kind of sick of the whole "men are superficial" bit as an excuse for anything. Human beings are visual in general, but we're more than just animals, and should be striving for something more than our animal nature (which ES summarized, and can be learned in any Animal Behavior class).

Attraction is important, yes, but in these 3 years, you weren't attracted to anything else about her but her looks? That makes you sound like an immature ass. I'm 27, but even two years ago, the thought of dating someone just based on looks was and still remains repugnant.

I'm tired of the modern world, I feel like an anachronism, except men have never behaved more maturally in past times.


01-08-2009, 06:05 PM
Fixed for Zuie accuracy


Nah. I'm over that.

01-08-2009, 06:22 PM
I'm not saying its the same thing, I'm saying she was one thing when we hooked up and she started to change with no hope of stopping. It was only going to get worse the longer the relationship went on, I'm sure.

I'm not saying weight gain and a sexual preferance are the same thing. I'm not saying it was right for me to exchange these emails behind her back, which isn't as bad as physical cheating, but if she'd have tried harder to improve her appearance then maybe I'd have rejected this other girl.

I'm sure you've all heard of men cheating on their wives because they can't get laid at home anymore. Well women, if you'd have given it up he wouldn't have to go somewhere else. Again, not the same, but similar.

Rofl yeah that's why men cheat because women just one day out of the blue say 'The hell with this I'm not having sex anymore, ever.' Nothing leads up to it, we're just like that. Horrible example. :club: Do yourself a favor & stop posting on this before you make yourself look any more shallow & clueless.

01-08-2009, 06:28 PM
Rofl yeah that's why men cheat because women just one day out of the blue say 'The hell with this I'm not having sex anymore, ever.' Nothing leads up to it, we're just like that. Horrible example. :club: Do yourself a favor & stop posting on this before you make yourself look any more shallow & clueless.

It makes sense to me.

Miss Ismurii
01-08-2009, 06:30 PM
You fail badly SHAFT.

01-08-2009, 08:06 PM
Fat chicks rule.

01-08-2009, 08:08 PM
Is that Wizzo?

01-08-2009, 08:10 PM
Hell yes its Wizzo.

01-08-2009, 09:41 PM
So you're saying when you gained your weight, you suddenly turned gay? Or was that just a ridiculously stupid analogy?

Jorddyn wins.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 09:59 PM
I only date chicks I'm not physically attracted to just to prove that I'm mature. Shaft may look like a douche bag for wanting out because of her weight issues but according to him he talked to her about it and offered to help her but she was unmotivated to change despite her words. What else is he supposed to do pretend to be happy just for the sake of maintaing a relationship with someone he's no longer attracted to? (Obviously the answer isn't cheating on her.)

That's a total skewing of what I and others have said.

Sorry if this is a huge shock, but your looks are fleeting. Once almost all of us hit a certain age, it's downhill from there no matter how much plastic surgery we get done or make-up we wear.

Yes, you should date someone who you're physically attracted to. But, there should be more than just that physical attraction to keep your relationship going and to bring value to your relationship. What happens if one of you gets into a car accident and becomes horribly disfigured? What happens when you simply grow old and stop being "hot"?

Maybe Shaft simply hasn't expressed it, but it comes across like weight had more value in his relationship than anything else, which IMO is a very immature outlook. When you're in a 3 year long relationship, I'd hope there'd be more than just the physical aspect of your relationship that gives you a feeling of loyalty and respect towards your partner.

And it's that last bit that it comes down to. He didn't do the right thing and showed her quite a bit of disrespect by not simply ending it. Fine, so he's no longer attracted to her.. it's still not really a valid excuse for his behavior.

01-08-2009, 10:22 PM
That's a total skewing of what I and others have said.

Sorry if this is a huge shock, but your looks are fleeting. Once almost all of us hit a certain age, it's downhill from there no matter how much plastic surgery we get done or make-up we wear.

You mean that women's looks are fleeting. With a little physical effort and a proper diet, guys look good well into their 60's. And after that, its the sweet embrace of death.

Bring that good old red rep!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
01-08-2009, 10:24 PM
You mean that women's looks are fleeting. With a little physical effort and a proper diet, guys look good well into their 60's. And after that, its the sweet embrace of death.

Bring that good old red rep!


It's sad because it's true.

01-08-2009, 10:29 PM
You mean that women's looks are fleeting. With a little physical effort and a proper diet, guys think they look good well into their 60's. And after that, its the sweet embrace of death.

Truth is, the standard for men is significantly lower than the standard for women. Toss a couple laugh lines and some wrinkles on a man, he's distinguished. Do the same to a woman, she's "ridden hard and put away wet" or "led a rough life".

However, give me a guy with a few gray hairs, a few laugh lines, a little pot belly, toss in a sense of humor, a decent job, and a strong respect for most people and I'm twenty times happier than if I had a 21 year old with rock hard abs. I don't mean to say that makes me in any way better than someone who judges on looks first, I'm just saying I like the results a hell of a lot better.

01-08-2009, 11:24 PM
Nikki is right, I did not do the right thing. But this whole thing is coming off track and you're missing the point.

It's true about women though. I'm gonna get flames for this but you can't tell me I'm wrong. Women, as far as looks go, are at their most valuable point right now, or whenever right now is. Womens physical beauty departs as they get older. It's why older men bang younger chicks and vice versa. For men, we get more valuable as time goes on. We generally make more money and our looks don't get as bad.

Chew on that ladies

01-08-2009, 11:30 PM
Nikki is right, I did not do the right thing. But this whole thing is coming off track and you're missing the point.

It's true about women though. I'm gonna get flames for this but you can't tell me I'm wrong. Women, as far as looks go, are at their most valuable point right now, or whenever right now is. Womens physical beauty departs as they get older. It's why older men bang younger chicks and vice versa. For men, we get more valuable as time goes on. We generally make more money and our looks don't get as bad.

Chew on that ladies

Holy bitter 25 year old.

01-08-2009, 11:30 PM
It's true about women though. I'm gonna get flames for this but you can't tell me I'm wrong. Women, as far as looks go, are at their most valuable point right now, or whenever right now is. Womens physical beauty departs as they get older.


Stiffler's mom disagrees.

01-08-2009, 11:40 PM
I'd hope there'd be more than just the physical aspect of your relationship that gives you a feeling of loyalty and respect towards your partner.

I bet it's drugs.

Stanley Burrell
01-08-2009, 11:42 PM
It's why older men bang younger chicks and vice versa. For men, we get more valuable as time goes on. We generally make more money and our looks don't get as bad.

QFT, just look at Otis:


It's hard to say no to this guy.

01-09-2009, 12:16 AM
There are so many gorgeous older women who still look amazing. lol @ SHAFT

01-09-2009, 12:21 AM
There are so many gorgeous older women who still look amazing. lol @ SHAFT

But generally speaking, women get older and their looks fade and suddenly the once hot 25 year old is now 50 and she's not quite the same as she used to be. There are exceptions to the rule. Hell, even Stephanie Seymour has some cellulite and baggage, and she was once one of the hottest women on the planet.

01-09-2009, 01:15 AM
And you guys get ED. Fair trade off. I'd rather have some saggy skin than a saggy, flaccid penis.

01-09-2009, 02:16 AM
And you guys get ED. Fair trade off. I'd rather have some saggy skin than a saggy, flaccid penis.

They have drugs for saggy, flaccid penis. I haven't seen any drugs for butt-ass ugly.

Never mind, forgot about booze.

Sean of the Thread
01-09-2009, 02:20 AM

01-09-2009, 02:28 AM
They have drugs for saggy, flaccid penis. I haven't seen any drugs for butt-ass ugly.

Never mind, forgot about booze.

It's called botox (since we're talking aging, not someone who is butt-ass ugly), duh.

01-09-2009, 02:38 AM
It's called botox (since we're talking aging, not someone who is butt-ass ugly), duh.

I'd rather have to take a pill to turgidify the ol' general instead of blasting my face full of botulism, but hey, I am just crazy like that.

Sean of the Thread
01-09-2009, 02:43 AM
turgidify the ol' general... seriously?


01-09-2009, 02:53 AM
I'd rather have to take a pill to turgidify the ol' general instead of blasting my face full of botulism, but hey, I am just crazy like that.

Hey, you simply said there wasn't a drug for it. I gave an example of one. :shrug:

01-09-2009, 03:07 AM
Hey, you simply said there wasn't a drug for it. I gave an example of one. :shrug:

You are right.

I should have said a decent drug, since IMO it makes the user look like an assfaced-buttzombie usually.

Stanley Burrell
01-09-2009, 04:43 AM
If you give those pills to Otis you will wake up with a sore anus.

Age and lack of financial well-being only makes him stronger.

Otis is a pretty cool name. Bai.

Stanley Burrell
01-09-2009, 04:48 AM

01-09-2009, 11:14 AM
But generally speaking, women get older and their looks fade and suddenly the once hot 25 year old is now 50 and she's not quite the same as she used to be. There are exceptions to the rule. Hell, even Stephanie Seymour has some cellulite and baggage, and she was once one of the hottest women on the planet.

Amusingly, it's the women that obsess over their beauty in their younger years and go to tanning salons once a week (or simply tanning on the beach) that end up super-wrinkled/saggy down the road because they couldn't bother listening to basic dermatological advice.