View Full Version : Repository admin

01-02-2009, 10:43 PM
Okay... ;repo's gettin kinda full

Also we have some pretty uber updates to infomonitor (by Tillmen) and Maps.dat, core Lich scripts.

I think we need an administrator and maybe even a small sub-committee with rights to modify the repository server without upload keys.

01-03-2009, 11:48 AM
yep, that would be useful. There are quite a few duplicated just from when people loose the update rights(i know i have pickup,pickup2 and pickup3 on there with probably a pickup4 when i get around to updating it).

Would make sense for the regular coders like tillmen to have the access rights.

01-09-2009, 03:59 PM
I agree. However, as I am the admin for the machine, I would prefer it if someone trustworthy (ie: Tillman) could send me a list of what needs to be removed.

Unless Shaelun wants to add this ability and test it thoroughly before releasing it into the wild, this will be the solution for the time being.