View Full Version : Casino

02-04-2004, 11:31 AM
Shit, Casino's here. There goes my money.

[Pendore's Casino, Main Lobby]
Bright and colorful paintings and decorations hang from the walls and ceiling of this small but comfortable lobby. Loud cheers and the occasional disappointed groan echo from various passageways branching off in several directions and from a large polished oak door embedded in the wall. You also see a human cashier, a pinewood bar with some stuff on it, a crystal passageway and a large wooden hallway.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, out

EDIT: It's the pavilion tent by the Exchange Booth. Seems to be small stakes mostly (< 1m bets)

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Edaarin]

02-04-2004, 11:37 AM
I'm in room west of the entrance if you want to play tiles.

02-04-2004, 11:41 AM
Tiles? I don't remember that being in the casino last time. Any idea what other games they've got?

02-04-2004, 11:45 AM
There's a slots one for 100 coins a pull. The table I'm at is like poker.

| The object of the game is to get playing pieces given to you |
| that form patterns. The more rare the pattern, the higher |
| the payoff. |
| |
| To place a bet, you need to BET <amount>. Bets must be less |
| than 250,000 silver and divisible by 3. Once all players |
| have placed a bet, the round begins. Each player is then |
| dealt three tiles to start with. You may look at your tiles, |
| but no one else's. To look at your tiles, LOOK <name> TILE. |
| |
| You will then be asked to make a decision. If you feel your |
| tiles have sufficient potential, you may choose to let your |
| bet stand, or to pull one-third of your original bet if you |
| are unsure that it will amount to anything. To pull back |
| some of your bet, PULL TILE. To let it ride, TAP TILE. |
| |
| Once all players have made this decision, another tile is |
| dealt face-up for all to see. This tile is used by all the |
| players to form their hand. So, if the house turns up two |
| tens or better, then every player wins! To see the house |
| tile(s), LOOK HOUSE TILE. |
| |
| After this "house tile" is dealt, you then have another |
| chance to let your remaining bet ride, or to pull another |
| one-third of your original bet back. |
| |
| Finally, another tile is dealt face up to make a total of |
| five tiles. The dealer then collects or pays out, whichever |
| the case may be. |
| |
READ it again to see more.
| The payoff schedule is as follows: |
| |
| a pair of tens or higher - 1 to 1 |
| two pair - 2 to 1 |
| three of a kind - 3 to 1 |
| straight - 5 to 1 |
| flush - 8 to 1 |
| full house - 11 to 1 |
| four of a kind - 50 to 1 |
| straight flush - 200 to 1 |
| |
| Just ask these lucky gamblers: |
| 12000000 silvers Shern |
| 990000 silvers Mali |
| 749997 silvers Hawkster |
| |

02-04-2004, 12:29 PM
That's not poker, that's Let it Ride. I used to play it all the time when I was like 8.

02-04-2004, 02:32 PM
Doh. Coulda gotten another 800k.

A tile dealer exclaims, "Closing betting now! Your first tile is coming up!"
Lord Alfue just arrived.
Lord Alfue just went south.
A tile dealer flips a tile in your direction. It lands face-down in front of you.
Lord Dynauld just arrived.
Lord Dynauld just went south.
A tile dealer says, "Here comes tile number two!"
A tile dealer flips a tile in your direction. It lands face-down in front of you.
A tile dealer says, "Here comes your third tile!"
A tile dealer flips a tile in your direction. It lands face-down in front of you.
>l til
Your tiles are the eight of sapphires, the eight of rubies, and the six of coins.
A tile dealer says, "It's time to decide if you want to pull back some of your wager!"
A tile dealer asks, "What will it be, Edaarin? Do you wish to pull back a third of your original wager, or do you wish to let it ride?"
>pul tile
You make a pulling motion at your tiles, indicating to a tile dealer that you'd like to pull some of your wager.
A tile dealer pushes 80000 silvers back at you, which you hastily pocket.
A tile dealer says, "Here's your fourth tile!"
A tile dealer turns over a tile and places it on the table in front of him. It's the eight of coins!
A tile dealer says, "It's time to decide if you want to pull back some of your wager!"
A tile dealer asks, "What will it be, Edaarin? Do you wish to pull back a third of your original wager, or do you wish to let it ride?"
>tap til
You tap on your tile, indicating to a tile dealer that you'd like to let your wager ride.
A tile dealer says, "Ah, there's a good gamer, that Edaarin."
>l til
The house tile is the eight of coins.
>l ed til
Your tiles are the eight of sapphires, the eight of rubies, and the six of coins.
A tile dealer says, "Here's your fifth and final tile!"
A tile dealer turns over another tile and places it on the table near the first. It's the six of rubies!
A tile dealer says, "Well, let's see what you've got!"
>read sign
| The object of the game is to get playing pieces given to you |
| that form patterns. The more rare the pattern, the higher |
| the payoff. |
| |
| To place a bet, you need to BET <amount>. Bets must be less |
| than 250,000 silver and divisible by 3. Once all players |
| have placed a bet, the round begins. Each player is then |
| dealt three tiles to start with. You may look at your tiles, |
| but no one else's. To look at your tiles, LOOK <name> TILE. |
| |
| You will then be asked to make a decision. If you feel your |
| tiles have sufficient potential, you may choose to let your |
| bet stand, or to pull one-third of your original bet if you |
| are unsure that it will amount to anything. To pull back |
| some of your bet, PULL TILE. To let it ride, TAP TILE. |
| |
| Once all players have made this decision, another tile is |
| dealt face-up for all to see. This tile is used by all the |
| players to form their hand. So, if the house turns up two |
| tens or better, then every player wins! To see the house |
| tile(s), LOOK HOUSE TILE. |
| |
| After this "house tile" is dealt, you then have another |
| chance to let your remaining bet ride, or to pull another |
| one-third of your original bet back. |
| |
| Finally, another tile is dealt face up to make a total of |
| five tiles. The dealer then collects or pays out, whichever |
| the case may be. |
| |
READ it again to see more.
read sign
| The payoff schedule is as follows: |
| |
| a pair of tens or higher - 1 to 1 |
| two pair - 2 to 1 |
| three of a kind - 3 to 1 |
| straight - 5 to 1 |
| flush - 8 to 1 |
| full house - 11 to 1 |
| four of a kind - 50 to 1 |
| straight flush - 200 to 1 |
| |
| Just ask these lucky gamblers: |
| 12000000 silvers Shern |
| 990000 silvers Mali |
| 749997 silvers Hawkster |
| |
READ it again to see more.
A tile dealer grumbles a little and says, "Edaarin has a full temple."
A tile dealer none-too-happily counts out 1760000 silvers and hands them to you along with your remaining wager.

A tile dealer writes something on the payout sign.
>read sign
| |
| * You need to SIT at the table to play. |
| * All bets placed on the table are final. |
| No refunds will be given on bets for any reason. |
| * Bets must be multiples of three. |
| * Keep talking to a minimum. |
| * Use sign language: |
| - TAP TILE to let your bet ride. |
| - PULL TILE to pull back some of your bet. |
| * All payoffs are final, no refunds. |
| * No hiding, sneaking, or otherwise cheating! |
| * For a straight, a sword always counts as low. |
| |
read sign

| The object of the game is to get playing pieces given to you |
| that form patterns. The more rare the pattern, the higher |
| the payoff. |
| |
| To place a bet, you need to BET <amount>. Bets must be less |
| than 250,000 silver and divisible by 3. Once all players |
| have placed a bet, the round begins. Each player is then |
| dealt three tiles to start with. You may look at your tiles, |
| but no one else's. To look at your tiles, LOOK <name> TILE. |
| |
| You will then be asked to make a decision. If you feel your |
| tiles have sufficient potential, you may choose to let your |
| bet stand, or to pull one-third of your original bet if you |
| are unsure that it will amount to anything. To pull back |
| some of your bet, PULL TILE. To let it ride, TAP TILE. |
| |
| Once all players have made this decision, another tile is |
| dealt face-up for all to see. This tile is used by all the |
| players to form their hand. So, if the house turns up two |
| tens or better, then every player wins! To see the house |
| tile(s), LOOK HOUSE TILE. |
| |
| After this "house tile" is dealt, you then have another |
| chance to let your remaining bet ride, or to pull another |
| one-third of your original bet back. |
| |
| Finally, another tile is dealt face up to make a total of |
| five tiles. The dealer then collects or pays out, whichever |
| the case may be. |
| |
READ it again to see more.
>read sign

| The payoff schedule is as follows: |
| |
| a pair of tens or higher - 1 to 1 |
| two pair - 2 to 1 |
| three of a kind - 3 to 1 |
| straight - 5 to 1 |
| flush - 8 to 1 |
| full house - 11 to 1 |
| four of a kind - 50 to 1 |
| straight flush - 200 to 1 |
| |
| Just ask these lucky gamblers: |
| 12000000 silvers Shern |
| 1760000 silvers Edaarin |
| 990000 silvers Mali |
| |

02-04-2004, 04:24 PM
I lost 20k.

<--- so poor

02-04-2004, 04:58 PM
>bet 249999
You place 249999 silvers on the table as your bet.

Your tiles are the dame of rubies, the three of rubies,
and the knave of rubies.

A tile dealer turns over a tile and places it on the table in front
of him. It's the two of rubies!

A tile dealer turns over another tile and places it on the table near
the first. It's the seven of sapphires!

A tile dealer says, "Pallon has to find another way to make a living."

A tile dealer happily scoops up your wager and pockets it.


02-04-2004, 06:19 PM
This game has surely been crafted by Satan himself.

<has butt marks in the stool in the black room>

02-04-2004, 09:05 PM
bleh i got a 5 6 7 8 of sapphires and on the last card was a sword of coins :(

02-04-2004, 09:08 PM

[Let It Ride, Emerald Room]
Elegant emerald pile carpet covers the floor of the small room
surrounding a varnished thanot card table flanked by several velvet-padded
chairs and attended by a smiling table dealer. An elaborate crystal
chandelier swings overhead, the glowing candles illuminating the table
brightly. You also see some silver coins, a rules and payout sign and a tile
Obvious exits: southeast
>A tile dealer says, "Sit down at my table and try your luck!"

>l coins
There are 460320 coins there.
The silver is the coin of the realm, accepted by most Elanthian

I only carried away around 120k before it disappeared for some reason

02-04-2004, 09:09 PM
Huka once crashed the game by dropping 100k in at least 20 rooms of the Landing.

I got one of the piles, game crashed, no more coins.

02-04-2004, 09:14 PM
Where are the slot machines?

02-04-2004, 09:16 PM
Through a door or something, it should be in the center room.

I don't really know, but I think that's where it was when the casino last came.

02-04-2004, 09:19 PM
Got it, thanks

02-04-2004, 09:24 PM
Crock of shit... you win one in ten pulls if you're lucky and then it's 100 coins back, shitty slots.

02-04-2004, 09:27 PM
Goddamn, I pissed away two million already

I may have a gambling problem

02-05-2004, 01:57 PM
R>pull chain
The attendant steps over to you and collects your money. She smiles and says, "Good Luck!"

You pull on the chain until the catch releases and the tumblers begin to spin! One by one they begin to lock into place...
Round Time: 8 sec.
The tumblers lock in with: roa'ter - roa'ter - roa'ter

*** A tumbler begins ringing its jackpot bell! ***

The attendant runs over and starts beating a gongwith great excitment. She begins to yell, "Grand Prize Winner! We have a grand prize winner!"
The attendant continues, "Everyone congratulate Bargio!
The attendant claps and yells, "Harsaaah! Bargio is a winner!

The attendant hands over your winnings of 100000 silver coins.

02-05-2004, 02:00 PM


02-05-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by MPSorc
R>pull chain
The attendant steps over to you and collects your money. She smiles and says, "Good Luck!"

You pull on the chain until the catch releases and the tumblers begin to spin! One by one they begin to lock into place...
Round Time: 8 sec.
The tumblers lock in with: roa'ter - roa'ter - roa'ter

*** A tumbler begins ringing its jackpot bell! ***

The attendant runs over and starts beating a gongwith great excitment. She begins to yell, "Grand Prize Winner! We have a grand prize winner!"
The attendant continues, "Everyone congratulate Bargio!
The attendant claps and yells, "Harsaaah! Bargio is a winner!

The attendant hands over your winnings of 100000 silver coins. A 100k jackpot. Zoweeeeeeeee. Now a 100mil jackpot would be something to 'Harsaaah" about.

02-05-2004, 05:02 PM
well seeing as i only spent 100 silvers for that roll, and was already up by 5k from when i started, that was pretty nice, im not rich enough to do all this high rollin stuff all you richie richie people do, im not lucky enough for that.

02-05-2004, 05:09 PM
I hate DragonBones :(

02-06-2004, 02:50 AM
>read sign
| The payoff schedule is as follows: |
| |
| a pair of tens or higher - 1 to 1 |
| two pair - 2 to 1 |
| three of a kind - 3 to 1 |
| straight - 5 to 1 |
| flush - 8 to 1 |
| full house - 11 to 1 |
| four of a kind - 50 to 1 |
| straight flush - 200 to 1 |
| |
| Just ask these lucky gamblers: |
| 12000000 silvers Shern |
| 1999992 silvers Sintik |
| 1760000 silvers Edaarin |
| |
READ it again to see more.

02-06-2004, 12:23 PM
Son of a bitch.

EDIT: Dear Sintik

Kiss my ass.

>check bal
The teller thumbs through the books and says, "Your balance is currently at 72000000 silvers. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Edaarin]