View Full Version : I need advice....

02-04-2004, 10:35 AM
I need advice.
I know some of you here fairly good in diffrent walks of life so I need some advice.
Well the history first. I had a case of Identity theft where somebody used my ID to rent games from a local video and movie store. well over $1000 worth. The issue was taken care of by me going in and seeing the clerk who rented all the videos, and him confiming it was not me. By that time they had already send something to a Debt collection agency. I was told that they would be taking care of it ASAP and I would not have anything to worry from them. I recently recieved a letter telling me that I owe money and have come to learn that the Debt collection Agency has put something on my credit Report. The issue that comes up is In the backround check for the military my credit report is a vital key in my getting my clearence. This being on that will completely ruin any chance I have.
My questions are 1, what is the best way to go about handleing this so it is not even on my credit report anymore. Two if it is not cleared up in time Can I take legal action Against Family Home Video for what they did in error. Three. I need something to calm my nerves so please help me out here.

02-04-2004, 10:43 AM
how long has this been going on?

02-04-2004, 10:47 AM
i just got back from vacation and had two letters one informing me I should dispute it and two that I owe.... they said its from december 31st
I took care of it with Family home video prior to that

02-04-2004, 10:59 AM
I had a case where I got in a car accident in my company vehicle. It wasn't my fault and the doc bills should have been paid by the guy who hit me insurance. Since my old work was so freaking slow, they never got around to billing the guy and I started getting letters from the hospital's collection agency. What I did was I called the agency and explained the error to them. I gave them the contact info for my work (like five names so they could call and harrass them) and explained that it wasn't MY bill to pay.

If I were you, I'd call the agency (if you haven't already) and tell them the story. Give them the clerk's name and the number for the Family Video for contacts, even if they say they have it to cover yourself. I find them to be daft and make sure you keep records cause it took a year for my bill to be paid and they called me every 60 days saying they had no info on my case. Continue to tell them to call the video store.

Go back to the video store and bring a letter for the clerk to sign to state that it wasn' t you who rented the videos and that you are in no part responsible for the claims. Also, see if you can get the manager to be present when the clerk states that it was not you and have them agree it's not your fault.

Generally, one claim on your credit report should be OK, though I don't know about the Army. I know that a friend of mine who joined had an EXCESSIVE amount (over 500 dollars) in parking fines and was allowed to join. Also, when you call the agency ask them to remove any statements from your credit report until they can figure out the whole story or ask them to put that you are disputing it. I thought that it took awhile for it to show on your credit and they may just be using it as a scare tactic.

Most importantly, keep calm and professional.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by MaryJane]

02-04-2004, 11:01 AM
Get a lawyer. Really. This is no time to screw around.

02-04-2004, 11:01 AM
Unfortunately the only way I could see fixing it is spending alot of time on the phone with the family video manager of your local store. Find out if they sent the claim to the collection agency or if they forwarded it to corporate management. Make sure they have recorded that you've been cleared of owing any money to the company.

After that talk to the collection agency, tell them what's up and they should check back with whoever filed the claim and they should check back with them and see that the back charges against you have been cleared.

also don't be hesitate to curse, and tell them that this is serious business for you and you don't need to deal with them fucking around, you want it taken care of now and the right way.

If that doesn't work call the family attorney.

02-04-2004, 11:02 AM
no claim on my report is ok for the military.
i already called they told me that i have to pay.
I need a top secret clearence and anything bad will not get me that

02-04-2004, 11:04 AM
Cursing at the person on the phone isn't going to do jack. It's someone making $8 an hour for a phone center, and what that person will do is hang up on you or key onto your computer log, "Debtor says 'I won't pay now or ever' and threatened violence."

Get a lawyer. It'll cost you a few hundred, but it will get cleared up fast and sure.

02-04-2004, 11:08 AM
don't start swearing at them that's for sure, when your talkin with someone who has to pull in the company that's when you use a strategicly place WHAT THE FUCK or something like that.

02-04-2004, 11:12 AM
no didnt swear or anything i just called and asked a few questions and got the answers i expect.

should i just pick one out of the yellow pages or what should I do to get one?

02-04-2004, 11:20 AM
talk to some friends and find out if they know anyone. Your in Chicago right? I use a guy named JAmes Geocaris, he used to be a judge in cook county distract 3. He's pretty good and has alot of pull. His number is 847-358-9400. If he can't help you, I'm sure he could point you to someone who could.

He;s out of palatine too, I don't know if your in the burbs or whatver, but give him a ring.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Meos]

02-04-2004, 11:24 AM
would you be able to give me your name so i can let him know who directed me to him?

02-04-2004, 11:25 AM
I'll u2u it just in case there's some psyco that wants to hunt me down.

02-04-2004, 11:27 AM
thanks Im calling right away

02-04-2004, 11:32 AM
hes not at that office anymore heh

02-04-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Meos
I'll u2u it just in case there's some psyco that wants to hunt me down.

Who would want to do that.

BTW, how was World Reg. Geography last semester w/ Mr. Healy?

02-04-2004, 11:32 AM
I was affrid of that, 411 it and let me know, if not I'll try and get ahold of his number for you.

02-04-2004, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Meos
I'll u2u it just in case there's some psyco that wants to hunt me down.

Who would want to do that.

BTW, how was World Reg. Geography last semester w/ Mr. Healy?

HOLY FUCK DUDE! I'm scared! I dropped that class BTW!

02-04-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Meos

Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Meos
I'll u2u it just in case there's some psyco that wants to hunt me down.

Who would want to do that.

BTW, how was World Reg. Geography last semester w/ Mr. Healy?

HOLY FUCK DUDE! I'm scared! I dropped that class BTW!

100 question multiple choice final, I'd drop it too.

02-04-2004, 11:36 AM
what else can you tell me about myself?

02-04-2004, 11:39 AM
dude wezas you scare me

02-04-2004, 11:40 AM
Yo Edine I got the right number, he's not in at the moment but you can leave a message. it's 847-705-3879

02-04-2004, 12:05 PM
If only real life problems could be handled with an inviso amulet, and ewave and a void :(

02-04-2004, 12:11 PM
I wish... syberus

02-04-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
no didnt swear or anything i just called and asked a few questions and got the answers i expect.

should i just pick one out of the yellow pages or what should I do to get one?
What you want to check out is this link right here:

http://www.martindale.com/xp/Martindale/Lawyer_Locator/Search_Lawyer_Locator/search_result.xml?PG=0&STYPE=P&search=2&PAREA=739& SET=&CN=Chicago&CTY=&STS=15&CRY=1&LNG=&LSCH=&MTY=& MTR=&FSZ=&BR=

That's the link from Martindale-Hubbell's website for lawyers in Chicago who practice Debtor and Creditor law.

You could also call the Cook County courthouse and ask for a referral number for the county legal association or area legal clinics.