View Full Version : Just thought I would mention...

Dighn Darkbeam
07-15-2003, 01:02 PM
River's Rest is by far the best town in the game....so there?

07-15-2003, 01:52 PM
Too bad it takes a freaking week to get there; if you don't get kicked off the boat and left on Solhaven Beach. Then it takes 2 weeks. Ridiculous if you ask me (if they haven't changed it yet).

Dighn Darkbeam
07-16-2003, 10:29 AM
They havent. The reason they have not and will not until all of the current residents leave is because the majority requested it. There are many different reasons why they do, and I dont feel like listing and then defending all of them.

I personally believe MORE areas should be like that. Nothing like an existing area becoming difficult like RR, but a new area now and then that doesnt take 3 minutes to script to and back.

Kris na Su'ta

07-16-2003, 11:30 AM
I'm all for realism once in a while, but when it takes hours and days to reach a virtual town in a game, it starts to get aggravating. I don't even think River's Rest is such a hot spot that it's the place you have to go to. Because of that change I never again had the desire to go there because of the traveling hassle.

There better be gold in them there hills for me to go there now. :D

Dighn Darkbeam
07-16-2003, 11:37 AM
No, just a great sense of community (once you are accepted; people complain). Everyone stays in character and there are is a full cast of dedicated Roleplayers.

The townspeople are all very active on the Official boards and GM's respond to their request with good speed.

I cannot say enough about the town, its RP events, and the people. As I said before, best town there is.

Kris na Su'ta

07-16-2003, 11:52 AM
I guess it just sounds like an elitist thing to have a town you have a hard time accessing and then you have to be accepted. It's just a town. If the RP is so strong, you don't need to have it isolated, it should be available enough so that people can get that sense of community as well. Solhaven most of the time has that type of feeling and you don't have to take days to get there. But that's my opinion, not everyone has the same feelings about all towns. <shrugs>

07-16-2003, 12:10 PM
I am not a big fan of having to spend hours waiting to get someplace, or getting tossed off a boat.

If the people there want to be alone, then let them. I just can't be bothered to wait that long, myself.:) I always got along with people there too.


07-16-2003, 03:12 PM
Hey I agree, all towns shouldn't be a 3 min script. But RR is just ridiculous. One day I literally spent hours tryin to get there. Showed up right after boat left, waited for next one......got kicked off, had to walk back from sol beach, buy another ticket....wait.....sail.......by the time I was there I was tired and logged LOL.

Even the trek to EN is better than RR. It's ridiculous.

Dighn Darkbeam
07-16-2003, 03:47 PM
There are several valid points in this argument. Though many on the isle would not agree, I believe some modifications should be done to the trip.

1. The boat should never have a drop-off run only. Every time the boat comes to the island, you should be able to take the return trip.

2. The information on how and where to get the ticket and get to the ship should be READILY available to all who want to know. I understand the reasoning behind the current setup, but it also causes alot of undue hatred towards RR.

3. VERY RARELY should you be totally kicked off the ship. The added sense of danger I approve of, though it should be a longshot that you ever have to repeat the journey. Having to walk an extra distance once at your destination does not bother me.

Kris na Su'ta

09-29-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Dighn Darkbeam
There are several valid points in this argument. Though many on the isle would not agree, I believe some modifications should be done to the trip.

1. The boat should never have a drop-off run only. Every time the boat comes to the island, you should be able to take the return trip.

2. The information on how and where to get the ticket and get to the ship should be READILY available to all who want to know. I understand the reasoning behind the current setup, but it also causes alot of undue hatred towards RR.

3. VERY RARELY should you be totally kicked off the ship. The added sense of danger I approve of, though it should be a longshot that you ever have to repeat the journey. Having to walk an extra distance once at your destination does not bother me.

Kris na Su'ta

I always wished that every now and then (most part because of Grandsome's hatred of the Imperial Navy) that the Navy boat would catch up with the Cutter and board it, leaving you the option of helping Knaydl fight off the ...Seamen (teehee) or surrender yourself. To make it fair for the real little guys, we could make it so they don't kill you, just take you prisioner and fine you a bit. (Or, make them like morphs, having it depend on what level you are as to how hard they are.) If you successfully help Knaydl kill off enough ...Seamen (teehee) they retreat and you go on your way. Depending how how many times you are caught could affect the severity of your punishment.

Or maybe sometimes, instead of running like a little girl, Knaydl could initiate the attack. Ooooo, and a real sucessful raid could give her another boat, reducing the wait time for a boat, maybe just temporarily.

Or maybe...I just watched Pirates of the Carribbean to many times....<shrug>

Anywho, shout out to SPC Darkbeam. 36 days and counting.....


09-29-2003, 10:08 PM
I also am in favor of more/better roleplaying. I simply think making it take hours to get somewhere is an idiotic way to do it.

Hey, shocker, make the hame actually a roleplaying game and enforce it.:!:

I also did enjoy the smaller sense of a town in RR, but guess how many times I have gone since they changed the damned way to get there? None, zilch, nada.

I quite simply do not have the time to waste on such a trip. Hell, I have been to the Elven Nations like five times and I don't even like it there but it doesnt take the same time as to get to RR.

It was simply a huge mistake to make it as it is now.:thumbsdown:

09-29-2003, 10:15 PM
River's Rest is a cute little town. I cannot stand the trip there though. Waiting wouldn't be too bad if you knew that you could get on the boat (and stay there) when it did come.

There was a festival not too long ago with a special event I wanted to attend. I left over 3h ahead of time and never made it in time. It is totally ludicrous to have to buy another 50k ticket every time you get kicked out.

I swore on Adhara's lost mother's head that the only reason that would EVER make me go to River's Rest again is the wedding of my good friend Shakrean.

But that's Adhara. Me? I'm so pissed off about the cutter that I say RR can burn to the ground.

09-29-2003, 11:28 PM
River's Rest is a soap opera. I hate soap operas. And I hate kissing ass. Kissing ass is the only currency those who reside there trade in.

09-30-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
River's Rest is a soap opera. I hate soap operas. And I hate kissing ass. Kissing ass is the only currency those who reside there trade in.

Sadly, I see River's Rest becoming more and more of a soap opera. A bad soap opera (a bit redundant?). In fact, most of the crap I've seen belongs no where else but the Jerry Springer show. I see all of it, not most, not some, but ALL of it coming from the newer residents of the town. It started to make me sick, and I'm kind of glad I'm no longer around to see it anymore. During the krolvin occupation, it was like our sancturary turned into a prono movie set, we had everything, girl on girl, guy on girl, girl on girl on guy. You name it, they did it. It got to the point where most of the older residents (and people who took their characters more seriously) set up camp right outside the sancturary. Hopefully, when I return in March, our resident swingers will have changed their ways, and start acting like the Lords and Ladies they are.

I myself, don't see much ass kissing down there though.


09-30-2003, 01:50 PM
Hmmm, what to say about RR...

Its a cute little town and a nice place to get away from some of the craziness of the bigger towns.

Oh yeah, MEEP.


09-30-2003, 03:10 PM
Oh yeah, MEEP. ~KIA

Hey! Heard you landed the lead role in the new Veggie Tales Movie, congrats!

<Hangs a "MEEP FREE ZONE, kthnx" sign on the RR Forum and nods in approval.>

Ma$on, rah rah?

[Edited on 9-30-2003 by Grandsome]

09-30-2003, 05:18 PM
Oh sure, blow a girl's cover!


P.S. I'll MEEP where and when I wanna!

09-30-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Grandsome
Sadly, I see River's Rest becoming more and more of a soap opera. A bad soap opera (a bit redundant?). In fact, most of the crap I've seen belongs no where else but the Jerry Springer show. I see all of it, not most, not some, but ALL of it coming from the newer residents of the town. It started to make me sick, and I'm kind of glad I'm no longer around to see it anymore. During the krolvin occupation, it was like our sancturary turned into a prono movie set, we had everything, girl on girl, guy on girl, girl on girl on guy. You name it, they did it. It got to the point where most of the older residents (and people who took their characters more seriously) set up camp right outside the sancturary. Hopefully, when I return in March, our resident swingers will have changed their ways, and start acting like the Lords and Ladies they are.

I myself, don't see much ass kissing down there though.


The thing that makes me blow the town off in its entirety, isn't the longtime residents and people who actually care about the town.

It's the people that showed up and suddenly decided they were one of the longtime residents, and therefore they had the right to do whatever they wanted, including bossing the 'new' people around.

None of my characters ever planned to reside there; they simply showed up to either help heal when it was needed (At the time i was on a night schedule, so that was quite often)... or to rescue the dead, though Maimara was really more there to find a friend of hers.

The annoying thing was that the second Maimara showed up people automatically assumed she was there to quest whore. That's when I decided to take her out of any possible involvement in quests.