View Full Version : Awesome training

12-21-2008, 08:18 PM
So, I just got back from perhaps the most awesome training I've ever heard of for my government job. I've got to say that in this economy, if any of you are looking for a stable job, apply to the Department of Defense as a civilian, they have sites all over the US to work from.

Sure, 80% of my job is in a cube farm on a computer...but the 20% other is always awesome. The fact that I could get to do this kind of stuff for training at no cost to me is completely ridiculous.

Day 1-2: Driving around Austin, Texas while being tailed by several trained surveillance personnel. My job was to protect two actor VIPs from detection or tag the surveillance assets. It was a game the size of the city, a ton of fun.

Day 3: Tactical Driving School. First, I get to take over driving from an incapacitated driver from the passenger seat while the car is in full gear. Then, both forward and reverse 180s while staying in your lane or an alley. Later we get to both PIT and be PITted. I am one of the grandma-iest drivers ever, and now I know the proper technique for all three of those things.

Day 4: M9 and M11 qualification. I've qualified on rifles, but this was a chance to qualify on handguns too. Always good times shooting out in farm fields in Texas with Texas Ranger weapon experts.

Day 5: Krav Maga basics. Knocking shit out of people's hands and breaking headlocks. With my eyes closed. Against multiple opponents. Fun shit. Although my fists are all beat up now even with pads.

Every night hanging out drinking margaritas in various bars with the trainees and such.

Cost to me: $0, cost to you guys the taxpayers: probably a lot.

Anyway, I just felt like I had to share. I hate my actual job, but this deployment training stuff is pretty damn good. I just hope I never have to use any of it.

12-21-2008, 08:23 PM
Alot = $3000

12-21-2008, 08:38 PM
Well my actual per diem is about $3,000 but to pay all the instructors and the airfare and such and the insurance is a bunch more than that, and there were ten people getting that per diem.

12-21-2008, 08:41 PM
Yea. I meant the course tuition is about $3000. Personnel costs like Per diem are usually ate by your home organization and don't get accounted for in the training budget.

12-21-2008, 08:46 PM
Keep in mind. The J-7 training budget is about 7 billion dollars. To say nothing of individual service training requirements.

A week long course is a drop in the bucket. (This is what I work on if you can't tell).

12-21-2008, 09:30 PM
I wonder if it's the same week that you can buy for a vacation package.