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12-21-2008, 12:23 PM
wtf is wrong with this rod:

>prep 420
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Magic Item Creation spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my rod
You gesture at a slim rod.
A faint golden thread grows between you and the rod. It glows brilliantly for a moment and then fades into invisibility but you still feel attuned to the rod.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>imbed 120 in rod using raise for 10 charges
Something goes wrong with the process and you feel your power rush away from you.
>prep 420
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Magic Item Creation spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my rod
You gesture at a slim rod.
A faint silver thread grows between you and the rod. It glows brilliantly for a moment and then fades into invisibility but you still feel attuned to the rod.
>imbed 120 in rod using raise for 5 charges
Something goes wrong with the process and you feel your power rush away from you.

So I try it on a baton:

>prep 420
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Magic Item Creation spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my baton
You gesture at an etched silver alloy baton.
A deep blue thread grows between you and the baton. It glows brilliantly for a moment and then fades into invisibility but you still feel attuned to the baton.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>imbed 120 in baton using raise for 10 charges
You concentrate on funneling your power into the baton.
You manage to successfully place 2 charges of the Lesser Shroud when it begins to overheat, so you stop.

i try the rod again:

>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my rod
You gesture at a slim rod.
You sense that this is a magical item. There seems to be no spells or charges but the flows of essence are strangely attracted to it. You estimate that it can contain an extraordinary amount of mana and it is not well suited for duplicating.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 420
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Magic Item Creation spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast my rod
You gesture at a slim rod.
A vibrant violet thread grows between you and the rod. It glows brilliantly for a moment and then fades into invisibility but you still feel attuned to the rod.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>imbed 120 in rod using raise for 10 charges
Something goes wrong with the process and you feel your power rush away from you.


12-21-2008, 12:26 PM
You're trying to place 200 mana into a rod? Are there any that even hold that amount?

Try putting 2-4 charges in and see what your success rate is then.

12-21-2008, 12:30 PM
but it worked on the baton

i also tried using "5 charges" on the rod and got the same result

12-21-2008, 01:25 PM
I'm way past capped and I can put 2 charges (of 120) in at about 90% success and 3 charges maybe 70% success. I'd think your 5 charges (100 mana) is going to be 50% chance or lower.

12-21-2008, 01:37 PM
ok thanks i didn't know the chance of failure increases by increasing the attempted charges

12-21-2008, 03:00 PM
The rod is probably just broken from whatever you caught making that porno.

12-21-2008, 04:39 PM
not my rod :D

12-21-2008, 05:44 PM
Ranger made rods hold a max of 93 mana. 5 x 20 = 100.

12-21-2008, 06:37 PM
well why doesn't it just overheat like the baton does after putting the maximum charges in it instead of being a bitch!

12-21-2008, 06:53 PM
wtf is wrong with this rod:...

I bet you get that a lot don't you?

12-21-2008, 07:20 PM
well why doesn't it just overheat like the baton does after putting the maximum charges in it instead of being a bitch!

Because they Nerfed..... err.... "Fixed a known bug" in 420 that was supposedly around for more than 10 years. Which basically has made it a new spell.

Now imbedding is a lot harder. Success in this spell depends on material, level of spell, level of caster, being in a workshop and number of charges.

You got lucky. Most of the time when I tired to imbed a spell like that in a Ranger imubed rod, it would explode breaking my hand.

12-22-2008, 07:43 AM
There is also a bug with some ranger made rods that cause them to randomly not work from time to time. I will leave it to a ranger to explain further on that one.