View Full Version : Master/Grandmaster still after being kicked out?

12-14-2008, 01:01 AM
I thought I had posted this topic already. Guess it didn't go through. Odd.

Anyway. I'm thinking about taking a break from Gemstone from a while...I'll inevitably come back, though, barring HJ somehow coming out in the interim or Itzel becoming product manager. But I'm worried about Renian's grandmaster status if I'm away for more than four months. If he's reinitiated, will he automatically be a grandmaster again?

12-14-2008, 01:09 AM
I thought I had posted this topic already. Guess it didn't go through. Odd.

Anyway. I'm thinking about taking a break from Gemstone from a while...I'll inevitably come back, though, barring HJ somehow coming out in the interim or Itzel becoming product manager. But I'm worried about Renian's grandmaster status if I'm away for more than four months. If he's reinitiated, will he automatically be a grandmaster again?

Time out of the game shouldn't affect you. If you log back in and run to the guild and check in, you should be fine. It's only after getting kicked out via constant reminders to not pay that you get hosed like that.

The game gives you some warnings before it happens now.

12-14-2008, 01:52 AM
Even if you do get stripped of your status all it should take is to get re-inducted by 5 masters. You automatically get your grandmaster status when you are a gld master with all skills finished.

Sean of the Thread
12-14-2008, 02:11 AM
How much for the rogue?

12-14-2008, 03:02 AM
Even if you do get stripped of your status all it should take is to get re-inducted by 5 masters. You automatically get your grandmaster status when you are a gld master with all skills finished.

The problem is finding five masters in a diminishing population.

How much for the rogue?

72 virgins.


Female virgins. Hot ones.

12-14-2008, 03:29 AM
I thought I had posted this topic already. Guess it didn't go through. Odd.

Anyway. I'm thinking about taking a break from Gemstone from a while...I'll inevitably come back, though, barring HJ somehow coming out in the interim or Itzel becoming product manager. But I'm worried about Renian's grandmaster status if I'm away for more than four months. If he's reinitiated, will he automatically be a grandmaster again?

Just make your last logout be at the guy you check in to, then if/when you come back, you're be right there to check in and update your status.

The Ponzzz
12-14-2008, 03:31 AM
Yeah. If you plan on taking a long break, just logout infront of the NPC you can checkin with. Leave yourself a note to do that ASAP upon log in, and no worries at all.

12-14-2008, 02:14 PM
Yeah, thought of that already. He's totally parked at the Illi guildmaster.

12-14-2008, 04:33 PM
I was stalking you and 130'd the second before you logged out, actually. Then I stacked 214 for 3 hours.