View Full Version : Do you actually LOOK?

The Ponzzz
12-12-2008, 10:57 AM
So, I'm curious. Do people actually LOOK at descriptions of various items we wear. With a game so gung-ho about getting things customized, I have to wonder, am I wasting my time? When do you stop LOOKing if you do?

Personally, the only turn off tome is people with wall-of-text descriptions who don't SORT AUTO HEADTOTOE. I don't mind just a plain ol'WoT if it's sorted, but I can't do it when it's all over the place.

My issue is, I can't hit that 8 and under desired iventory count that I'm told is the sort of fashionista limit. For me, a non combat look is:

4 containers (gems, coat, misc harness, sheath)
Gold ring holder
IFW jewelry (which I can stow)
DB ring

And combat is:
4 containers
Gold ring holder
DB ring
5 enhancives
3 Imbeds
Ruby amulet

I understand my combat gear is a lot, but there isn't much I can do. And I tend to wear my combat gear more often than non-combat. I'd rock a armor concealer, but they break self mana and self recharging armor.

Anyways, discuss.

12-12-2008, 10:57 AM

12-12-2008, 11:05 AM
You know what my peeve is? Shitty names. This may sound off topic but if you have a shitty name I don't bother with LOOK. If they have a decent name I'll LOOK at everyone and anyone. I look with Jesae because she's constantly comparing herself to others, and Minare always looks because she needs to see if she's going to get blasted out of boots if she attempts to steal from them.

12-12-2008, 11:09 AM
I look at almost everybody. Also for non combat why do you need four containers and gold rings?

I try to keep my inventory limited and SORT AUTO is definitely something I wish everyone did. I did get a bow case to carry most of my combat stuff in so if you count that with a cloak and gem pouch I wear then I have a few containers too, I am working on getting rid of my gem pouch but when I do it will be replaced anyways with a feed satchel.

My FWI transporter item is altered so I wear it most of the time, it is the one Nalfein item that Kynthelig wears though I may get another not sure yet.

12-12-2008, 11:10 AM
I don't tend to look at everyone, only people I'm truly interested in. Such as last night running into a house member only to find that we're practically twins.

For the most part, just doing my thing, I don't look. If I get into conversation with someone, I will to get an idea of what they look like, what kind of colors and items they prefer and such.

However once I've seen them, I don't keep looking at them. So unfortunately those that change their outfits daily or whatnot will be lost on me unless they point it out, because I personally never change. I don't see the point. I know, I'm not following female decor. My bad!

The Ponzzz
12-12-2008, 11:12 AM
Dhask in Platinum is a pirate, so I feel his scabbards and loot bag are very important. The coat always stays, and the harness has like 110 items in it, getting that in a locker is a PITA.

As for the gold ring holder, I dunno, I like keep it on. It's a 5 ring holder and it is neat.

The Ponzzz
12-12-2008, 11:14 AM
I don't tend to look at everyone, only people I'm truly interested in. Such as last night running into a house member only to find that we're practically twins.

For the most part, just doing my thing, I don't look. If I get into conversation with someone, I will to get an idea of what they look like, what kind of colors and items they prefer and such.

However once I've seen them, I don't keep looking at them. So unfortunately those that change their outfits daily or whatnot will be lost on me unless they point it out, because I personally never change. I don't see the point. I know, I'm not following female decor. My bad!

See, this is where I think most people who play are at, and yet, people get all bent out of shape about getting their gear altered. So it brings me to the fact, what for? Personal satisfaction of knowing how your character looks or the hope that someone DOES look at you?

I mean, just think of all the hours wasted in a merchant line/event to get things altered when I would assume, in most cases, no one even cares.

12-12-2008, 11:19 AM
For a long time I tried to balance attire between something that looks good, and maximum convenience in the field. Enhancive items and multiple containers basically kill an outfit, but putting them on and off all the time gets old, even when scripted. I will look at everyone I interact with atleast once, but I will very rarely try to inspect someone's items unless one catches my eye. The feature itself is more useful as a way to initiate a conversation than to check out someone's gear.

12-12-2008, 11:19 AM
Truthfully, the alterations and custom items are more for me and setting my character's tone than anything else, since I tend to get stuff with shows. So in the case that she is looked at, her outfit will make sense to people about who she is.

And because of that, it's why I don't go out of my way for alterations. If I happen to be available for a merchant and they're offering what I like, I'll stick around. But I don't chase them.

My ranger is practically perfect and all her items are either store bought or gifts from people who think it will work for her. I'll probably want to get her hat or overalls altered to give it a more farmer look, but I'm happy with her as is.

12-12-2008, 11:25 AM
I don't look at very many people, and when I do, it's usually to see their race or physical description.

I'm afraid all of my characters wear way too much to be stylish, but even so, I try to keep everything somewhat coordinated. Most of my characters have two vla containers, two large containers, and two medium containers all the time, but that's more for organization than carrying capacity. Gems go into one med. container, alchemy supplies into another, herbs and magical things into one large, fluffy rp things and hunting items into the other, and loot goes into one vla with the other used for carryover.

12-12-2008, 11:27 AM
I just wish I could get a container big enough where I couldn't need to keep a backpack. No matter how many straps or diamonds or veniom or deathstones you strap to a backpack, you're still some idiot walking around with a backpack.

12-12-2008, 11:48 AM
I tend to look at people when I get bored. If I wander into a general area. I tend to look at everyone just to see race and physical description. I like to look at outfits too but if they're wearing 10 million things I won't even bother reading it all.

Because of one situation that has happened to me a few times I try and start looking at people more. Let's say Kayse is speaking in Elven and is involved in a conversation with one or two people and someone else addresses her that she doesn't know and they are speaking common. I've gotten in the habit of looking at them first. Before I was too quick to react or would forget to change her speech back over to common. And there would be an Aelotoi speaking Elven to a Halfing or something.

I always hate making up some excuse as to why she did it.

EDIT: I don't usually inspect anyone's items. Unless they flat out show them to me, I don't know there's a show or not.

12-12-2008, 11:54 AM
I just wish I could get a container big enough where I couldn't need to keep a backpack. No matter how many straps or diamonds or veniom or deathstones you strap to a backpack, you're still some idiot walking around with a backpack.

Ya... a shame you can't have you know... pants that hold a decent amount or something crazy like that(I finally got mine so this is no longer a problem for me, but I feel you), holy SHIT YOUR RUINING MY IMMERSION.

Except... you're carrying around 100 lbs in your cloak... how fucking stupid would that look?

12-12-2008, 11:57 AM
I try to keep my things under three or four lines and sorted. I do look at most people but I hardly ever inspect an item to see if it has a show. Even getting alters, I tend to go with long description rather than show. It's just a personal preference. I will only look at a persons features and race if there is a wall of items going on, sorted or not.

12-12-2008, 12:15 PM
See, this is where I think most people who play are at, and yet, people get all bent out of shape about getting their gear altered. So it brings me to the fact, what for? Personal satisfaction of knowing how your character looks or the hope that someone DOES look at you?

I mean, just think of all the hours wasted in a merchant line/event to get things altered when I would assume, in most cases, no one even cares.

The things I strive to get altered most are the ones that go against what I'd normally wear, for example my armor was "dwarven crafted blah blah," and my character wouldn't wear something overtly dwarven. Any other alterations I get are a result of good timing, not because I sought them out.

War Angel
12-12-2008, 12:27 PM
I look at people I interact with, to try and get an overall impression of their character. Sometimes there are things I see on someone and I think, "wtf is that?!" and have to google it, so then there's the, "oh okay" moment. I don't generally inspect peoples things unless invited to do so, it just seems ... rude.

Female characters are really difficult to maintain for me, in any sort of reasonable scroll of text. They just have too much junk available. My male characters are easier.

pack (I hate backpacks)
gem/misc container

get armor from VLA container
put armor on
sort auto head
remove armor at end of hunt
stow armor

Might not work for everyone, but it works for me.

12-12-2008, 12:35 PM
Yeah see, that whole having a non-combat and combat outfit concept just throws me.

12-12-2008, 12:36 PM
Women - :wtf:

12-12-2008, 12:39 PM
Women - :wtf:A man started this thread, BTW.

12-12-2008, 12:51 PM
I look often at various people to get an idea of what they look like, and I'll also look often at people to remind me of what they look like and in case they change clothes.

As has been mentioned, I'm starting to move away from doing shows in my alters for the most part. While I love shows, almost no one is going to look at them. It will be much easier to make a long so people can see it, and know for myself what it looks like.


12-12-2008, 12:51 PM
Meh, I always looked. At EVERYONE. I don't know why I developed the habit, but yeah, I did, and it was good to know who I was interacting with. I didn't usually bother to look at shows on people.. or try, since most were cold or reserved.. unless I was on an awesome-alteration-finding quest for the website.

12-12-2008, 12:53 PM
See, this is where I think most people who play are at, and yet, people get all bent out of shape about getting their gear altered. So it brings me to the fact, what for? Personal satisfaction of knowing how your character looks or the hope that someone DOES look at you?

I mean, just think of all the hours wasted in a merchant line/event to get things altered when I would assume, in most cases, no one even cares.

One of the things is yes for me. I do want my guy to look how I want.

The other thing is that it is for the people that pay attention and have similar playstyles to me. I have a couple people I role play with that we notice changes and I like to see what good outfits they come up with, it just sort of happens when you get in that kind of playstyle.

I don't worry about the whole lot of players because a good chunk of them are just worried about their levels and enchancives. I have different goals and things I enjoy and try to play with people that are similar.

12-12-2008, 01:35 PM
I might piss off some people here by saying this, but... really, what's the point of having a show on everything if nobody ever looks at it, and you never really show it to anyone except to post it on the "What are you wearing?" thread? Sure, we do have the inspect verb, but how often do you run into someone doing that more than once, for a specific item? Or for that matter, how often do you not react in some sort of hostile manner (regardless of demeanor) when someone uses it on you?

I know everyone hates her (and I'm no exception here), but I've only run into one person that usually makes an effort to inspect someone's items, and that's Foxs. And you can bet she tends to get a hostile reaction from people (again, no exception here), but at least someone's actually trying to use the verb with a slightly more than fleeting attempt.

12-12-2008, 01:38 PM
Doesn't anybody get any satisfaction in designing, then obtaining the alteration just for one's own personal enjoyment? Beyond that, aside from retail, everything else is just gravy.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
12-12-2008, 01:44 PM
Meh, I always looked. At EVERYONE. I don't know why I developed the habit, but yeah, I did, and it was good to know who I was interacting with. I didn't usually bother to look at shows on people.. or try, since most were cold or reserved.. unless I was on an awesome-alteration-finding quest for the website.

I always look too. I don't tend to inspect shows or whatever, but they're cool if someone shows it to me.

12-12-2008, 01:45 PM
Heh... given the amount of brain-wracking to come up with an idea (usually under pressure, for me anyway), combined with the amount of self-loathing and suffering required to sit at merchants and enduring the idiots?

I think anyone who enjoys that shit is nuts. Which, of course, probably says a lot about me, since I endure it anyway, but I don't go after shows. Usually I'm just as happy with a simple color change, or material change. Something that is seen right off, rather than something nobody sees unless I want them to. And yes, that DOES make me happy, but of course, I don't focus my entire game time and enjoyment around it.

12-12-2008, 01:48 PM
For me, yes. The alteration design process itself blows. Agonizing over every word in relation to the sentence it is in, then the entire design. That's terrible., but when everything finally clicks and you have the item looking EXACTLY how your appears in your mind, and fits the character, it is well worth it. If you have like 50 toons, though, and don't really care about any of them I can see how it would fail to be worh it.

Hell, some people come up with/get alterations for their locker character's locker character.

12-12-2008, 01:48 PM
Actually I really only have shows on my bodice and a few containers. And frankly if you can see details in my bodice, you're too fucking close. :D

12-12-2008, 02:03 PM
I used to get into arguments with Zuie about this sort of thing all the time. I do LOOK at people (and from what the rest of you've said, a reasonable number of you all do this as well), but I basically never INSPECT what someone is wearing to see the shows (and, apparently, neither do many of you). This is one of the reasons that I tend to go for long-description alterations rather than alterations with shows; almost no one ever even sees the latter, unless I'm like, "Hey, check out my cloak," and shove it in their face, which is something my characters (if I'm remaining IC) usually have no interest in doing anyway. So, yeah, I often do feel like show alterations are a waste, for me. That said, I have a few.

When it comes to my own inventory, I always sort headtotoe, and I try to keep it around 4 lines (with a full 3 as an ideal, and 5 as a maximum). This can get hard with a lot of long descriptions, but it's doable. The THREE LINE MAX!!1!!1!! rule is an arbitrary, largely girl-enforced rule that can get unrealistic quickly. ;)

12-12-2008, 02:06 PM
The whole line max is BS because I may have 3 lines but you may see 5. I don't know how your system is setup. What exactly do they mean by 3 lines? Better to limit number of items than that.

12-12-2008, 02:12 PM
I dunno.. lots of people inspected Lysistrata's shows. I'm not sure why. Random, unknown people would walk up and try for a close look at her choker or whatever. So it happens.

I always tended to put shows on small things. Like rings. Very rarely did I put them on big things like cloaks and gowns.

12-12-2008, 02:13 PM
The whole line max is BS because I may have 3 lines but you may see 5. I don't know how your system is setup. What exactly do they mean by 3 lines? Better to limit number of items than that.
Agreed. Since I moved to a much greater screen resolution, I can see three lines but it'd probably 4 or 5 to most other people. The lines thing is usually arbitrary or based on a person's level of comfort with inventory length. It also depends on whether someone has a lot of longs in their description. 5 lines of long alters might actually be easier to picture than 5 of short/shows.

I used to have the '3 lines or it's cluttered' mindset, and even took pride at one point if my character was only wearing so many items in a finished outfit. But it really doesn't make sense. If it makes sense at 6 lines and I can picture it, who cares? Better than 2 lines of assembled junk with no purpose. It also depends on what the outfit is. I'm obviously going to be wearing more things if I'm bundled up for winter than someone dressed for a formal in the middle of summer.


12-12-2008, 02:15 PM
Well, how about the people that change outfits two and three times a week? Again, I'll probably piss people off in saying this, but... the majority doesn't give a shit. Which, to me, says that the whole design/acquiring/wearing process of items is largely personal more than anything else.

12-12-2008, 02:18 PM
Well, how about the people that change outfits two and three times a week? Again, I'll probably piss people off in saying this, but... the majority doesn't give a shit. Which, to me, says that the whole design/acquiring/wearing process of items is largely personal more than anything else.
This is basically my sentiment. But I realize that people play for different reasons. Some play in order to get to cap. Others play their characters like Barbie dolls. As long as the goals for all are attainable, it's all good.

That said, you won't ever see me in anything different unless it's a wedding, and I just don't go to those anymore. I may change my inventory because I'M tired of seeing the same things, but once I do, it doesn't change again for a long time.

12-12-2008, 02:19 PM
I love it when people confuse their personal view with the majority. Anyway, it probably doesn't matter. Speaking as someone who had a character that changed clothes every day that she was logged in, I can say that the people who mattered to me gave a shit. So I guess you just have to choose your audience. Why care what people who don't mean anything to you care about?

Edited to add, why is it crazy to enjoy a different facet of the game that most others might?

12-12-2008, 02:24 PM
When I see "wall of text" outfits, I basically check to see if any of the following things appear on more than 50% of the items: scarab, rune, Faendryl, any one single color, etc. If so, I feel that that single word tells me enough. I always wear less than a dozen items (usually 9-10) and will only fully read someone's description if they have a similar number of items (3-4 lines). Different outfits for combat/lounging around town... hell no.

With regards to carrying lots of containers, my main is a locksmith and I've gotten pretty pleased with my container selection. I have a toolkit (belt, lockpicks), harness (shoulder, weapons), cloak (shoulders, loot), kit (belt, herbs/etc).

The kit is "a leather survival kit" and it's really my favorite container now. It's 2 lbs, medium, has some scripts for when you remove herbs from it but it also sorts items that are herbs when you use RUMMAGE:

>rumm my kit
You rummage through your survival kit, taking careful note of its contents.

In the smaller compartments you see some pothinir grass, some cactacae spine, some calamia fruit, some aloeas stem, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, some ephlox moss, and some acantha leaf.

In the leather loops you see a white flask, a stone soot brew, a sticky lichen tea, a rose-marrow potion, and a rose-marrow potion.

You also see a twisted steel lockpick, a twisted steel lockpick, a twisted steel lockpick, a twisted steel lockpick, a glaesine crystal dragonfly, a small statue, a ribbon-bound stalk of monkeyflower, a large green dragonfly, a black crystal, some prayer beads, a small gold ring, a big shiny black beetle, a pair of small steel jaws, and a crystal amulet in the survival kit.

I used to carry an extra container with the utility stuff and the herbs so they would stay sorted but this does the trick.

12-12-2008, 02:27 PM
It's not just my personal views. My main is married to someone that changes outfits fairly often. It's just... a simple fact. Unless you have people other than your normal crew noticing it, commenting on it, and making a fuss about it... then that's my point. Those 250-500 people logged in at any given time, other than your social circle, aren't ever going to see it, notice it, remark on it, or anything else. They aren't going to care about it. They aren't going to care that you're changing your outfits daily. They aren't going to care that my characters don't.

I'm not going to care either. Only reason I "care" at the moment is because it's a topic of discussion. My underpants aren't going to get twisted outside of here because of it.

As I said in my previous post, it's clear to me that it's a personal thing for others. That's fine. It's just something I disagree with and see little point in continually pursuing. We're allowed to disagree, unless you're Emeradan.

12-12-2008, 02:44 PM
Personally I have this anal habbit of constantly looking at people who talk to me IG. I don't know what it is, but just constantly looking. Perhaps to remind my self how someone looks.

Also, I try to look at everyone. To me, seeing someone who is organized and clothed right and whatnot, is a sign to me that they actually RP. Which gives me flutters to want to interact with them.

Zuie dresses every day, probably once or twice a day. It's a hobby to say, I find it as something believable that a character should do. Honestly, are you going to wear that linen skirt and blouse every day for the whole bloody year? Unless you're a really low-class character, I'd have to say not.

And of course, the people that do this GS fashion thing are aware that not many people will appreciate it, but nonetheless there are a certain few who will notice and respond to it. Speaking for myself, I don't do it for anyone else. I do it for me, and cause it's something that adds to the enjoyment of the game.

12-12-2008, 02:48 PM
Zuie dresses every day, probably once or twice a day. It's a hobby to say, I find it as something believable that a character should do. Honestly, are you going to wear that linen skirt and blouse every day for the whole bloody year? Unless you're a really low-class character, I'd have to say not. Granted, however this isn't reality, as our characters don't have to eat and drink to stay alive, not everyone has a home, nor do they have an unlimited amount of space to put away 4-5 different outfits. It's another one of those things you have to suspend your disbelief for in order to enjoy it for what it is.

12-12-2008, 02:53 PM
Quite true, which I have taken that all into account, and I'd be deathly afraid if GS turned into a RPG The Sims.

Personally, I just think that people who stick to that whole one outfit for the rest of their GS playing time, are lazy. If they were really interested in the game and for the RP aspect, which I think we all agree is hard to come by now a days, they'd make atleast a bit of effort.

12-12-2008, 02:53 PM
I look but only to see the nifty things other people are carrying around.

12-12-2008, 02:57 PM
I admit that I do not inspect much very often usually more to admire an item than to see if it has a show or anything.

I can say that the people who mattered to me gave a shit. So I guess you just have to choose your audience. Why care what people who don't mean anything to you care about?

That is my overall feeling really. I already said earlier it is about who sees me that I interact with.

I do wish male items that looked good were easier to come along or I would change more than once a week and special occasions.

12-12-2008, 03:00 PM
Personally, I just think that people who stick to that whole one outfit for the rest of their GS playing time, are lazy. If they were really interested in the game and for the RP aspect, which I think we all agree is hard to come by now a days, they'd make atleast a bit of effort.
I just don't feel that's a fair rationalization. You're not really saying that unless you change your outfit regularly you're not really a roleplayer, are you? I didn't peg you as the type to feel that way.

Like I said, if you there is a limitation to storing all these outfits anyway, what exactly are they supposed to do?

12-12-2008, 03:11 PM
No, that wasn't what I meant. What I meant was that even thought there are alot of real-life situations blocked from GS, doesn't mean to go completely diminish that fact that you are roleplaying in the old times, therefore keep atleast some reality in there.

And I was commenting on how there is a bunch of bullshit roleplaying now in the game. That saying, "If you want roleplay go and find it" is quite true. Not to say I haven't met alot of awesome roleplayers in houses and the like, but their definetly hard to come by.

It's like playing Halo (I don't play Halo, fyi.) just to check out the sweet weapons you can use, instead of actually playing the damn game to beat it, I guess. (God, I need to play video games asap again.)

So in whole, I was commenting about the roleplaying aspect of the game, not entirely of the fashion hobby.

12-12-2008, 03:13 PM
And to add: I've met quite a handful of character who don't go and change their outfits everyday or at all, and are still quite good roleplayers.

So, there. :D

12-12-2008, 03:14 PM
Going to have to agree with CT, here, that just seems... overly shallow to make such a judgment. I, personally, think that if you hold people to that standard, and render a verdict that they're lazy and not good roleplayers just because they don't change their outfits, then you're definitely going to run into a real noticeable lack of good roleplayers in the game.

Granted, we might be blowing that out of proportion, but it's hard not to feel insulted by such a statement. As CT also said, there's a variety of reasons why, each one of them completely valid. None of them should justify someone being put in a "bad roleplayer" corner.

Edited to add, looks like you posted a reply quicker than I did.

12-12-2008, 03:18 PM
I look at pretty much everyone. I check the race and gender, then I look at the size of your outfit. Outifts about 10 items or less I'll read. Anything more gets ignored.

12-12-2008, 03:18 PM
Meh, I see both sides to the arguement.

That being said, for shit like climate conditions if you can't dress properly, you should get some jawing. Like the winged one with a thigh-high skirt sitting on IceMule Trace's well in the middle of a snowstorm....Bleh.

12-12-2008, 03:19 PM
I just feel that roleplaying and changing your character's outfit are mutually exclusive. One doesn't have to have anything to do with the other for either to be good on their own merit.

Hell you don't even change clothing when you're playing D&D for the most part, and you can't get anymore good roleplaying than that.

12-12-2008, 03:21 PM
But, but... you do realize that wearing such an outfit will keep her warm? As in, attract one of the (unlucky) men to come and "warm" her?

<mutters about textually transmitted diseases>

12-12-2008, 04:01 PM
My problem is that I'm addicted to capacity, and by extension, containers. Between my 7 containers, I have a capacity of 660 lbs, not counting my warrior weapon harness, weapon displaying belt, pants and boots--a place for everything and everything in its place. As a giant with an effective 65 strength bonus (606 and 509) and maxed CON, my encumbrance is insane. I find myself carrying 20-30+ boxes fairly regularly, so the capacity isn't going to waste. Furthermore, I think the covered-in-containers look fits the mountain man theme I'm going for with Droit. The only problem is that the look gets a little long, so I've been using my alterations to shorten my inventory descriptions. It helps that I don't wear much fluff. On my screen at least, my inventory takes up 7 lines.

12-12-2008, 04:08 PM
Personally, the only turn off tome is people with wall-of-text descriptions who don't SORT AUTO HEADTOTOE. I don't mind just a plain ol'WoT if it's sorted, but I can't do it when it's all over the place.

I hate that too, but I don't even bother with a wall of text if I do a once-over and see it's all stupid pins and crap.

And on some of my gals, I don't keep under the 8 item limit either. I don't really care how many items i'm wearing so long as i'm not a wall of text. Many of my items will have shows, so it's not so bad. So on my screen, my girls' "wearing" line is always a small paragraph. 5 lines on the one i'm looking at right now.. which I guess would depend on resolution anyway.

Truthfully, the alterations and custom items are more for me

Same here, and honestly I keep my gals on reserved so their shows can't be peered at by people I don't know, heh. I just find that weird, someone gawking at your shit all up in your business.

12-12-2008, 04:34 PM
i have a habit of looking at everyone over and over again. no good reason for it. maybe i just have restless finger syndrome. a lot of times i wont even look at any of it, but i'll still type look at ____.

and i never change outfits. i dress for combat and only have two fluff items (talisman & ring), so i see no need.

i also agree heavily with Evarin that backpacks suck. i too wish i could just afford some crazy bag of holding. but for now im stuck with my ruck :(.

12-12-2008, 05:23 PM
I change clothes every day, I try and keep it to 6 - 8 items, I drag out a coat when I am in Icemule, and I have several altered containers, cause I hate backpacks, too. I have a shoulder bag, a smock, a carryall, a brocade sack, and a few satchels. The whole clothing thing is a part of my rp - for me. My friends will notice, especially at a formal event, and that gives me a ridiculous amount of pleasure. I wish there was a flag to set for items with shows. Like it would show up with an asterick, or in italics or some such. I do sometimes inspect people's things, usually at a formal event or when sitting around waiting on an alterer. No one has ever reacted negatively, if they glance at me or whatever, I just tell them I was noticing their cloak (or whatever).

I think one of the nicest items aroound are the pin sashes that came out a few years ago. Allows you to display your commemorative pins without all the clutter. Personally, I keep one locker for momentos, I just pull out my manifest when i want to trip down memory lane.

As an empath, I do spend a lot of time sitting around, so I remove my leathers and enhancives when I am in town. Gotten me killed a few times, when I pop out on rescues without putting the armor back on! It is just how I like to do it. No better than someone who does it differently. It just makes me ... happy.


12-12-2008, 05:44 PM
It is just how I like to do it. No better than someone who does it differently. It just makes me ... happy.



12-12-2008, 05:51 PM
I like getting ugly farmer/ish alters for my main. For me it's mainly the challenge to see how many different things I can turn into farm gear. I might have 200+ items that are farmerish, but I still try to keep what he wears normally to a minimum.

longcoat (which I need to change into a jacket)
Jerkin (conceals his plate)
wedding wristband
amulet holder
MA overalls
fwi stickpin
gold ring holder
farmer's satchel
turnip sheath
plow flask
MA boots

Everything except the fwi transporter and satchel are altered with shows.
Now for combat, I tack on another 10 or so items with extra containers, enhancives, armor pieces, etc.

As for looking at other people, I do constantly.

Moist Happenings
12-12-2008, 05:51 PM
i have a habit of looking at everyone over and over again. no good reason for it. maybe i just have restless finger syndrome. a lot of times i wont even look at any of it, but i'll still type look at ____.

I do the same thing. I also like looking at everyone because sometimes it'll give you some insight into how they play.

Look at a character with all sorts of mismatched containers, armor, and nothing else, and there's a fair chance you're looking at a powerleveler with little interest in standing around and roleplaying with you. Doesn't make the decision for me to try of course. I just like to guess.

Look at somebody with very close attention to detail to their outfit, and the chances they're a roleplayer are better. I mean, obviously everybody's a roleplayer to some extent in Gemstone, but some more than others.

Look at somebody to see they've got 2 pages of fluff scroll and there's a good chance you're lookin' at somebody who rarely leaves town.

It's not some be all end all system to know how a character's going to act, of course. I just find it fun if I haven't got the time to sit and chat with them.

12-12-2008, 06:10 PM
I like getting ugly farmer/ish alters for my main.

I notice you're still lacking that turnip-shaped butt plug you so desperately need.

12-12-2008, 06:39 PM
I think one of the nicest items aroound are the pin sashes that came out a few years ago. Allows you to display your commemorative pins without all the clutter.

i've been wondering, if you put pin enchancives on those sashes, do you still get the enhancement?

12-12-2008, 06:51 PM
I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Nor can use you magic items on the sash.

Stanley Burrell
12-12-2008, 08:17 PM
When I actually go into one of the Town Centers, then definitely.

Usually though, no. Either I'm being textually ...socially avoidant... by powerhunting and resting in less known supernodes. Or I get shit-in-my-pants-nervous about not being able to spontaneously, on-the-spot, bust out some ridiculously l33t RP if I'm DAYDREAMing in a populated resting spot and then my e-peen will shrivel into a tiny raisin. Without a show involving foreskin grape dessication :(


12-12-2008, 11:26 PM
I used to have the '3 lines or it's cluttered' mindset, and even took pride at one point if my character was only wearing so many items in a finished outfit. But it really doesn't make sense. If it makes sense at 6 lines and I can picture it, who cares? Better than 2 lines of assembled junk with no purpose.

12-13-2008, 03:05 AM
I just wish I could get a container big enough where I couldn't need to keep a backpack. No matter how many straps or diamonds or veniom or deathstones you strap to a backpack, you're still some idiot walking around with a backpack.

My backpack is a doublet. Find a backpack slot container with the cloak description and you can alter it into a number of clothing-esque items. I prefer that much more than wearing a backpack.

War Angel
12-13-2008, 08:42 AM
i've been wondering, if you put pin enchancives on those sashes, do you still get the enhancement?

The answer is a definite no. Bought a sash with this in mind, and when I finally found an enhansive to go on it, no bonus.
That should be changed IMO, you ARE wearing the item, it's just not present for everyone to see.

12-13-2008, 10:03 AM
Doesn't anybody get any satisfaction in designing, then obtaining the alteration just for one's own personal enjoyment?

Absolutely. That's why I do it. This may shock some, but I am NO fashionista IRL. I shop second hand, and go to a lot of "last chance" outlets for my clothes. 90% of what I wear is paired with jeans. And if its "dry clean only" I don't even bother. So in a way, I get to live vicariously through my character and look great, expensive, and stylish and not have to worry about ripping it, spilling food on it, or having to take it to a dry cleaners.

As for shown items, I stay away from them myself. I do have a few items that are but they're for my own personal enjoyment. That being said I RARELY inspect other people's items unless it looks genuinely unique. If you've got some snug black suede boots with a show, not a chance.

12-13-2008, 10:13 AM
When I actually go into one of the Town Centers, then definitely.

Usually though, no. Either I'm being textually ...socially avoidant... by powerhunting and resting in less known supernodes. Or I get shit-in-my-pants-nervous about not being able to spontaneously, on-the-spot, bust out some ridiculously l33t RP if I'm DAYDREAMing in a populated resting spot and then my e-peen will shrivel into a tiny raisin. Without a show involving foreskin grape dessication :(



12-13-2008, 10:56 AM
Absolutely. That's why I do it. This may shock some, but I am NO fashionista IRL. I shop second hand, and go to a lot of "last chance" outlets for my clothes. 90% of what I wear is paired with jeans. And if its "dry clean only" I don't even bother. So in a way, I get to live vicariously through my character and look great, expensive, and stylish and not have to worry about ripping it, spilling food on it, or having to take it to a dry cleaners.

As for shown items, I stay away from them myself. I do have a few items that are but they're for my own personal enjoyment. That being said I RARELY inspect other people's items unless it looks genuinely unique. If you've got some snug black suede boots with a show, not a chance.
That about sums it up for me, too. I like to look somewhat nice, but not nearly on the level of my characters.


12-13-2008, 12:09 PM
The answer is a definite no. Bought a sash with this in mind, and when I finally found an enhansive to go on it, no bonus.
That should be changed IMO, you ARE wearing the item, it's just not present for everyone to see.

Items worn on sashes don't count for your item limit. So, technically you aren't "wearing" it.

Why would staff nerf their own rules? They just updated the inventory system.

War Angel
12-13-2008, 12:53 PM
Hrmm, used to be able to see a listing of what was on the sash using inventory full, but I stand corrected, that is no longer the case. Good to know. Thanks Farmer. :)

12-13-2008, 02:11 PM

12-13-2008, 02:27 PM
I look at people but I don't look at their item shows, unless they for some reason show it to me.

And then I usually won't read it.

12-13-2008, 03:23 PM
I try to keep it around 4 lines (with a full 3 as an ideal, and 5 as a maximum). This can get hard with a lot of long descriptions, but it's doable. The THREE LINE MAX!!1!!1!! rule is an arbitrary, largely girl-enforced rule that can get unrealistic quickly. ;)

Wait, there's a rule? Because I go over that limit on occasion. Depends on the character.

Anyway, I basically don't do too many shows, I tend to do longs, I'll have a few pieces with shows mostly like CT said, because it's a fleshing out a character and setting the mood, whatever. Sometimes if I have a really complex design that can't be done in a long I'll do a show and pair that item with longs.

Also when looking at other people, which I do a lot, I like longs, because honestly I think it's silly for someone to lean over and "carefully inspect" someones items and then the whole room can see you do it.

If this message wasn't publicaly broadcast, I'd most likely do it more.

The Ponzzz
12-13-2008, 03:27 PM
The unofficial limit is 8 items. Not lines. My res is huge, so most everyone is on 2-3 lines here.

12-13-2008, 09:21 PM
>look at skyfawn

Due to the large amount of text generated by this command, it is necessary to type LOOK AT SKYFAWN CONFIRM

12-13-2008, 09:50 PM
>look at skyfawn

Due to the large amount of text generated by this command, it is necessary to type LOOK AT SKYFAWN CONFIRM


12-13-2008, 11:22 PM
I know people look at me because they stop and pause in a room I'm in. I refuse to look back.

12-13-2008, 11:23 PM
Neither does Anothi it seems.