View Full Version : The Brauden Experience

11-06-2004, 10:04 PM
Caladari just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
The ground begins to shake as a massive thorny vine breaks through. A quick look at the vine reveals that it's not one, but hundreds of smaller vines that twist and turn like a swirling vortex. A piercing howl screams out from the vines, forcing you to look away and shield your eyes. When you look again Brauden is standing there, with a mischievous grin.
Brauden says, "Afternoon."
>`now thats nice
You softly say, "Now thats nice."
Brauden asks, "Now, wanna tell me how you're doing that?"
>`doing what?
You softly ask, "Doing what?"
Brauden says, "Taking stuff out of constable boxes."
You laugh out loud!
>`Did you see me take anything out of anyones box?
You softly ask, "Did you see me take anything out of anyones box?"
Brauden says, "Nope, but I've noticed you commenting about it."
>`sorry, im not trying to be rude
You softly say, "Sorry, im not trying to be rude."
>`I did?
You softly ask, "I did?"
>turn cala
You turn around.
You softly ask, "When?"
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none
Brauden recites:

"[OOC]-Caladari: "I'm going to get all your shit""

You laugh out loud!
You softly say, "Nice."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none
Brauden says, "Yeah, real nice."
>`Didnt know that could be brought up in game, since its an outside median chat
You softly say, "Didnt know that could be brought up in game, since its an outside median chat."
* Rahl just bit the dust!
* Banisco just bit the dust!
Brauden says, "Some boundaries I don't mind crossing."
Brauden says, "You claiming to abusing bugs is one such reason I don't mind."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none
>`Well I claim alot of things on psinet
You softly say, "Well I claim alot of things on psinet."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none
>`I never stole from anyone's boxes
You softly say, "I never stole from anyone's boxes."
Brauden says, "Look at it this way."
Brauden says, "If I find out from other sources that you have been or do know how to..."
Brauden says, "I'll simply terminate all of your accounts."
Brauden says, "So if you do know, now would be the time to fess up."
Brauden says, "Choice is yours."
>`I was under the impression that GM's werent supposed to use psinet
You softly say, "I was under the impression that GM's werent supposed to use psinet."
Brauden says, "You should be under the impression that nothing will prevent me from locking your out if you have any such knowledge and don't share it with me."
>chat I'm being questioned by Brauden about the stealing from the constable boxes shit
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>`May I return to game, I really dont like being pulled out for a comment I made in an outside chat
You softly say, "May I return to game, I really dont like being pulled out for a comment I made in an outside chat."
>`Sorry to seem rude
You softly say, "Sorry to seem rude."
Brauden says, "No, you may not."
*** PsiNet Rest Mode sending EXP to game. Type RESTMODE to disable.
Timestamp: Sat Nov 06 20:24:34 2004

Level: 32 Deeds: 0
Experience: 1217342 Deaths this level: 15
Exp. until next: 1658 Recent Deaths: 5
Mental TPs: 4 Fame: 3175637
Physical TPs: 5 Mana: 10/10 max

Time since last check: 10 minutes Time since first check: 20 minutes
Fame Since Last: 0 (0 per minute, 0 per hour.)
Fame Since First: 151 (7 per minute, 452 per hour.)

Exp. Since Last: 310 (31 per minute, 1860 per hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds until level.)
Exp. Since First: 543 (27 per minute, 1629 per hour, 1 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds until level.)

Your seven day Gift of Lumnis cycle will complete in 2 days, 30 minutes, 11 seconds.
XP RESET to reset scan data.

Your mind is clear.
>chat Someone who was and is obviously watching psinet
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Brauden says, "Let's take a few minutes here, you should brush up on policy."

************************************************** **************

Please read the policy file at this time by typing POLICY and the page number that you wish to read. Once you have finished reading all of the policies, a GameMaster will return to answer any questions you may have.

************************************************** **************

Brauden quickly nods his head and a mass of thorny vines breaks through the ground below. The vines reach up, twisting and turning like a swirling vortex. With a quiet *whisp* the vines and Brauden are gone.

Brauden asks, "Any questions on that there policy?"
You softly say, "Nope."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none
>`thank you for allowing me to read it
You softly say, "Thank you for allowing me to read it."
>`I needed to brush up
You softly say, "I needed to brush up."
Brauden asks, "And do you agreed to abide by it without exception and understand that violations can result in the termination of your accounts?"
>`of course
You softly say, "Of course."
Brauden says, "Lovely."
>`excuse me
You softly say, "Excuse me."
Brauden asks, "So, care to shore up those claims you were making earlier?"
* Strahetya just bit the dust!
>`What did I do to warrant being pulled and reading the policy?
You softly ask, "What did I do to warrant being pulled and reading the policy?"
>restmode off
PsiNet Rest Mode disabled.
Type RESTMODE ON to turn it back on.

Brauden says, "You were bragging that you knew how to abuse a bug that allowed you to steal items from boxes in the constables office that were not yours."
>chat to aeh brauden just got back, gimme time to fix it
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>`I was doing so in an outside chatting client
You softly say, "I was doing so in an outside chatting client."
>`i believe that isnt against policy
You softly say, "I believe that isnt against policy."
Brauden says, "You were doing so in a public outside chat client."
>`I was not doing anything to break Gemstone policy
You softly say, "I was not doing anything to break Gemstone policy."
You softly say, "Correct."
Brauden says, "That's not against any sort of policy I'm required to abide by."
>`Well I dont believe we need to intermix them
You softly say, "Well I dont believe we need to intermix them."
>`I have not stolen any items from any constable box
You softly say, "I have not stolen any items from any constable box."
Brauden says, "Well I'm afraid that I'm not going to turn a deaf ear to someone claiming they're breaking policy."
* Kyrondsson just bit the dust!
Brauden says, "But you claim to know how to do so."
You softly say, "Understandable."
>`I claim alot of thigns on psinet
You softly say, "I claim alot of thigns on psinet."
Brauden says, "Which in itself is a violation of policy if you choose to not share it with us."
>`I claim I'm 12, and I'm gay, and I like to molest farm animals
You softly say, "I claim I'm 12, and I'm gay, and I like to molest farm animals."
>`I also claim that I like to sodomize little children, but thats all OOC and untrue
You softly say, "I also claim that I like to sodomize little children, but thats all OOC and untrue."
Brauden says, "I'm not terribly interested in your personable habits."
Brauden says, "However."
Brauden says, "When you claim to have knowledge of bugs, then I'm interested."
Brauden asks, "So should I just make a note in my logs that you're a liar?"
Brauden asks, "And the previous claims were nothing but a farce?"
>`You should make a note in your logs that anything I say on PSInet is probably untrue
You softly say, "You should make a note in your logs that anything I say on PSInet is probably untrue."
>`I have never used any bug in gemstone
You softly say, "I have never used any bug in gemstone."
Brauden asks, "And you don't have any knowledge of any bugs in our games?"
>`no i do not
You softly say, "No i do not."
* Grazencia just bit the dust!
Brauden says, "You have no knowledge, alrighty I'll log that for you."
You softly say, "Excellent."
Brauden asks, "Anything else you'd like to share with me?"
>`Not in gemstone, but I'de love to share a few things out side of game
You softly say, "Not in gemstone, but I'de love to share a few things out side of game."
>`Thank you for your time, Brauden
Brauden asks, "Oh?"
You softly say, "Thank you for your time, Brauden."
Brauden slyly says, "Sounds like your personal habits would conflict with mine, we'd better limit our interaction to this medium."
You snap your fingers.
Brauden says, "You have yourself a lovely evening."
>`Thats too bad
You softly say, "Thats too bad."
>nod brau`
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

11-06-2004, 10:08 PM
Um I would seriously have requested to speak to a different GM and complain about him. If you can't bring what happens in psinet IG as a valid reason to kill someone, then he can't do what he did.

11-06-2004, 10:08 PM
ROFL what a fucking tool.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:09 PM
I honestly don't know why Melissa lets Brauden interact with ANY Simutronics customer.

The guy's got about as much customer service skill as a rabid monkey.

11-06-2004, 10:10 PM
Um I would seriously have requested to speak to a different GM and complain about him. If you can't bring what happens in psinet IG as a valid reason to kill someone, then he can't do what he did.

Don't be dumb. GMs and anything they do as GMs are OOC. Someone bragging about abusing or knowing how to abuse a potentially serious bug is definitely pull worthy.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-06-2004, 10:13 PM
He should have banned you. I like Brauden.

11-06-2004, 10:14 PM
[OOC]-Caladari: "haha i created a script to read the policy"
[OOC]-Caladari: "gotta love that shit"

>chat report Caladari is using a script to read policy.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Thrakling Table]
Tallow candles set in tin pans light this table, their heavy scent mingling with the smells of roasts and ales in the Inn's air. A moth, having fluttered too close to the flames, has fallen onto its back in one of the pans. Little thraklings are painted beside egg-shaped knot holes, as though they are emerging from their nest.
Also here: Lord Bobmuhthol
Obvious exits: out
>'Why are you still here?
You ask, "Why are you still here?"

SEND[Brauden] we know ;)

11-06-2004, 10:17 PM
Nice to know there are still schlong-riding-brown-nosing people out there just begging for a chance to rub the balls of one of the GM's. Your probably the idiot who reported me for making my comment. Well Brauden is a little beyatch! Make sure he gets the message, please, GM-bitch?

11-06-2004, 10:17 PM
You softly say, "I also claim that I like to sodomize little children, but thats all OOC and untrue."
Brauden says, "I'm not terribly interested in your personable habits."

I just found that oddly amusing. :lol:

Anyway, if it was a bug, regardless of where or how he heard it, I think he has a right to question it. I think you were both on some sort of ego trip so I can't really tell who was being the bigger tool. I think there could have been a better way of saying it was a misunderstanding then how you presented it, and he didn't have to be a jerk. Ah well.

11-06-2004, 10:18 PM
To me it's almost like the GMs taking shit they find here or in AIM at face value. Find proof in the game or get the fuck away from me.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:18 PM
Brauden went easy on you.

Guess you need to watch your mouth and the BS claims from now on.

11-06-2004, 10:19 PM
some people do feel some things should be delt with in order to keep some type of ballence in game. Just as I reported the item dup bug that was being discussed last night on psinet.

If I had been in game, and you had mentioned that bug on psinet, I most likely would have reported it as well.

I feel correcting serious issues such as that are just as much our job as it is GM's

11-06-2004, 10:22 PM
For once, I agree pretty strongly with one of those anti GM rants. Brauden should not be allowed to speak to the public. He's not a CE GM, and he should do what he does well, code. Sarcasm and sniping is not a good strategy to take with upset customers...

And then, to top it off, if you try to actually report to make the game more IC, he bitches you out.

11-06-2004, 10:25 PM
Honestly, if this game did not have a huge time investment, I'd love to see people react like they would with a normal product.
"I will lock out your accounts"
"Fine, fuck you, I'll take my business someplace else"

Too bad we invest so much time into our characters.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:26 PM
To me it's almost like the GMs taking shit they find here or in AIM at face value. Find proof in the game or get the fuck away from me.

- Arkans

Why be retroactive and have to deal with extra shit when you can be proactive and nip the problem in the bud?

Your probably the idiot who reported me for making my comment.

Incorrect. What you saw in that log was the entirety of my GM interaction. There was no real report. I'd include the 15 or so minutes of deaths beforehand, but I was using the wizard at the time and don't have Autologging turned on.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Artha]

11-06-2004, 10:26 PM
Well all I can say is yes Psinet is OOC, but it does run with Simu GS. I mean you are IG and using Psinet, so umm he does have the right to pull you if he thinks your abusing a bug.

11-06-2004, 10:26 PM
Brauden wins for these comments, funniest thing I've heard in a long time:

You softly say, "I claim I'm 12, and I'm gay, and I like to molest farm animals."

You softly say, "I also claim that I like to sodomize little children, but thats all OOC and untrue."

Brauden says, "I'm not terribly interested in your personable habits."

..................cut to later...........

You softly say, "Not in gemstone, but I'de love to share a few things out side of game."

Brauden asks, "Oh?"

You softly say, "Thank you for your time, Brauden."

Brauden slyly says, "Sounds like your personal habits would conflict with mine, we'd better limit our interaction to this medium."


11-06-2004, 10:33 PM
Why be retroactive and have to deal with extra shit when you can be proactive and nip the problem in the bud?

Truthfully, because I hate the GMs using mediums that are outside of Gemstone. Monitor the situation, find proof of the situation, THEN pull players. Let's face it, he had information that he had no way of verifying. The last thing I want to happen to get pulled because of something I said jokingly OUTSIDE of Gemstone.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:34 PM
I'm not thrilled with the thought of GMs watching OOC. but yuo know, I always thought in the back of my mind they weer. How easy is it to create some alter for a gm, DL Psinet and park the fucking character and listen? It's bullshit, but what can you do?

Seems to me a better way to nail someone who brags about abusing bugs, rather than pull and try and force a confession out of them, would be to simply watch them in game. That's just me I suppose.

11-06-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Well all I can say is yes Psinet is OOC, but it does run with Simu GS. I mean you are IG and using Psinet, so umm he does have the right to pull you if he thinks your abusing a bug.

Wrong. Psinet is completely seperate from GS. All it does is run in the same window.

Its like conversing with someone over AIM.

PsiNet is a SEPERATE program on a SEPERATE server. It is NOT in the game, it is not PART of the game.

11-06-2004, 10:36 PM
Agreed. Pulling someone in-game for OOG statements without specific in-game evidence is just BS.

I am, however, still glad that Dhuul killed Caladari for stealing stuff on the floor during an invasion.

11-06-2004, 10:37 PM
Hey and lets not forget, what if it is/was true. You get arrested and Cala walks off with your 10X UBER SHIELD!

Then you bitch and complain saying well you should have pulled them up if you blah blah blah heard it on Psinet.

And again this program is running within GS it is GS's business.

11-06-2004, 10:40 PM
That's easy to remedy. They just check the log, see him pull the shield, take it back, and ban the crap out of him. This type of GM activity tends to restrict the open, wanton free-speech environment of PSI net that we have all come to know and love.

11-06-2004, 10:40 PM
That depends on your perspective.

It is a chat client and game utility.

I'm sorry, if it were my game you bet your ass I would creat dummy characters to monitor the happenings.

If you don't like it, don't use Psi-net, use AIM ... that fucking simple.

11-06-2004, 10:41 PM
Oh I only posted the log to share with everyone, I could care less if its against policy or to get him in trouble.... I just found great entertainment from the whole thing, especially since Brauden really couldnt do shit about it, except try to inconvience me with reading the policy, ouch... it hurt me right here :covers heart: Well good thing I just finished hunting , and didnt mind scripting that shit while I absorbed....


11-06-2004, 10:45 PM
Truthfully, because I hate the GMs using mediums that are outside of Gemstone. Monitor the situation, find proof of the situation, THEN pull players. Let's face it, he had information that he had no way of verifying. The last thing I want to happen to get pulled because of something I said jokingly OUTSIDE of Gemstone.

1.) You can't watch someone all the time. Even GMs are going to sleep eventually.
2.) If you do catch someone doing that, you have to fix it. And pull them. And then you have to return whatever they stole, possibly remake it if they stole it and welled it, and pull the person that was abusing the bug. If the person did it while no GMs were around or watching, then they get the added joy of tracking down just what caused the item loss. So it's either that...or pull them and see how they're doing it so you can fix it. Unfortunately, Caladari decided to be a cocksmack, leading to the log in the original post.

11-06-2004, 10:46 PM
You should have made it even harder on them. I would have. Fuck cooperating of they do shit like that.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:46 PM
I give you a week until you are banned. I've never been a big Brauden fan.. but he was completely within his right to pull you up and interrogate you. Certainly not the best of customer service individuals at Simutronics.. but then again, you were not acting like a customer at the time.. more like an immature fool.

Like I said.. I give you a week.

11-06-2004, 10:48 PM
Connecting to game - please wait...

*** PsiNet client version beta 12 build 31 running.
*** PsiNet client has intercepted connection. Attempting to contact Simutronics...

Please wait for connection to game server.
Your mind extends outward and links with the PsiNet.
The PsiNet embraces you, Jamus.
The PsiNet welcomes you, Administrator.

You sense 15 messages on the PsiNet directed to you.
You are able to sense the psychic activity on the following channels:
OOC [Default]
(Your Default channel is the one you will CHAT to by default.)

Welcome to GemStone IV (R) v5.10
Copyright 2004 Simutronics Corp.
All Rights Reserved

You have unread news articles. Type NEWS NEXT to view the first new article.

[Shimmarglin Inn, Anteroom]
The marble flagstones in this small chamber have been inlaid with thin lines of silver, forming a complex circular pattern on the floor. Suspended from the ceiling, a tripod-shaped lamp provides steady illumination. The comforting gurgle of flowing water echoes from an open doorway on the eastern wall, while an elaborate archway leads into the quiet din of the tavern room to the south.
Obvious exits: east, south, west
>report Hi, Brauden, you up there?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>report Yeah, I need to speak with Brauden. Is he up there?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

SEND[Zilana] Once second let me see if hes around.

SEND[Zilana] I can't find him at the moment.

>Sonorus just arrived.
Sonorus just went south.
Saryann just arrived.
Saryann just went south.
>report I must have just missed him! Could you pull me into a consultation lounge or somewhere where I can wait for him?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

* Candor just bit the dust!

SEND[Zilana] Sure thing but no guarantees on how long it might be.

>report Not a problem.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

Jamus just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Zilana
Obvious exits: none
>'To tell the truth, I reactivated my account just 20 minutes ago for this.
You say, "To tell the truth, I reactivated my account just 20 minutes ago for this."
You chuckle.

SEND[Zilana] Heh

[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Zilana
Obvious exits: none
>'Is there a way you can send him a note so he knows I'm waiting?
You ask, "Is there a way you can send him a note so he knows I'm waiting?"
Zilana says, "I can email him."
>'I'm sure that'll be sufficient, thank you very much.
You say, "I'm sure that'll be sufficient, thank you very much."
Zilana asks, "DId you want me to mention a subject?"
Zilana says, "And you don't have to tell me I just thought it might help on the email."
Zilana grins.
>'He's been responding to PsiNet communications authoritatively in the past several days.
You say, "He's been responding to PsiNet communications authoritatively in the past several days."
>'After openly criticizing and bashing my software with baseless claims.
You say, "After openly criticizing and bashing my software with baseless claims."
Zilana nods to you.
Zilana says, "Ok no problem I will get off the email for you in just a few moments."
>'Great, thank you.
You say, "Great, thank you."
Zilana says, "Surely."
Zilana bows to you.
Zilana waves.

11-06-2004, 10:48 PM
I agree with what he did. Claiming shit on the ooc is one thing but claiming something like bug abuse should set off some bells and at least get it looked at. Was he a bit brash? Probably but given your track record I don't think sugar coating things or going out of the way to be nice is in order.

11-06-2004, 10:49 PM
Thats fucking weak. Seriously. I'm a fan of Brauden, but that is some seriously fucked up shit. I totally disagree with that.

EDITED to add: I disagree with the fact that he pulled you with outright threats of banning and such, while watching and reading PsiNet without Jamus' approval or knowledge. I believe it would have at least been better to start with a send, and it would have been better that he wasn't an asshole. However, I disagree with the way both parties handled that

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Chadj]

11-06-2004, 10:50 PM
Sorry.. but with all the other stuff you do.. what did you expect? Personally I think that they are stupid if they dont have someone listening in. That he did what he did wasnt smart.. he should have watched and or logged you, and if he caught you doing something THEN got in your face.

11-06-2004, 10:50 PM
[qoute]1.) You can't watch someone all the time. Even GMs are going to sleep eventually.[/quote]

If you can't then hire more staff. You raised our prices you damn well to watch your product.

2.) If you do catch someone doing that, you have to fix it. And pull them. And then you have to return whatever they stole, possibly remake it if they stole it and welled it, and pull the person that was abusing the bug. If the person did it while no GMs were around or watching, then they get the added joy of tracking down just what caused the item loss. So it's either that...or pull them and see how they're doing it so you can fix it. Unfortunately, Caladari decided to be a cocksmack, leading to the log in the original post.

Truly, BOO HOO. Gemstone has some extremely talented coders. Use that talent to create more safety mechanisms if the game is that suseptable to bug abuse. Do not use mediums that you claim you are not allowed to use, but do anyway. Do not harass me when you have no solid proof that I did anything, but have a lead simply because some outrageous claim was made on a seperate media. My time is limited in game, do not waste it because you are fucking paranoid.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:52 PM
Awesome, Jamus. Really a good move on your part and definatly justified.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 10:53 PM
I don't use psinet because I've never been able to get it to work on my computer, but from what little I do know, I think GM's have a right to monitor it's usage. I don't think a person should be pulled for many things on the basis of psinet alone, but when someone states on it that they've found a bug and are abusing it, then yes, GM's should be able to act. Their livelihoods depend upon the game running smoothly and someone abusing a bug obviously means that things are taking place that need to be fixed. They certainly should be able to do something about a bug abuse, no matter how they became aware of the fact.

11-06-2004, 10:53 PM
I rarely tune into OOC anymore for this reason, a lot of the people on there really feel they have to prove themselves and it's becomes a bunch of liars and idiots screaming at each other.

After Reltov said "* Chivalrous bit the dust" on OOC, used PSInet to locate him, then came and found me and killed him because quote: "You have a stupid name" I stopped tuning in. Once out-of-game was brought in game and bought characters were killing me I realised it wasn't doing anything good for me.

I really would like a channel that is about Gemstone, you can ask about mechanics, or a puzzle or talk about a certain character or whatever, I think a lot of the more useful people would leave OOC and come to that and most of the idiots would stay there.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Drew]

11-06-2004, 10:54 PM
Gemstone has some extremely talented coders. Use that talent to create more safety mechanisms if the game is that suseptable to bug abuse.
You have to know what's broken before you can fix it.

Do not harass me when you have no solid proof that I did anything, but have a lead simply because some outrageous claim was made on a seperate media.
Pulling someone once to ask how to stop a potentially extremely disruptive bug is hardly harassment.

My time is limited in game, do not waste it because you are fucking paranoid
Don't make baseless claims in an attempt to look cool and be completely unprepared for the ramifications.

11-06-2004, 10:56 PM
Heh, I remember arguing countless times with people... They would say PSInet is OFF-LIMITS and GMs can't listen or do anything.

Give me a break, of course they listen, and of course they can do anything.

Glad we have proof now.

11-06-2004, 10:59 PM
You have to know what's broken before you can fix it.

Create programs, moniter suspected areas, hell, do a good job QCing things. Stuff spends enough time their already.

Pulling someone once to ask how to stop a potentially extremely disruptive bug is hardly harassment.

Acting like a complete jackass, forcing to read policy when you did nothing wrong, and threatening my access to the game is. [SEND] is a very awesome tool. Use that if you have a quick question, that doesn't disturb my playing.

Don't make baseless claims in an attempt to look cool and be completely unprepared for the ramifications.

Psinet was made with free communications and free speech in mind. Now you're advocating for GMs, people that not only do not support Psinet, but also bash it, to be allowed to impose restrictions such as these? You've got to be kidding me.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Drew
I rarely tune into OOC anymore for this reason, a lot of the people on there really feel they have to prove themselves and it's becomes a bunch of liars and idiots screaming at each other.

After Reltov said "* Chivalrous bit the dust" on OOC, used PSInet to locate him, then came and found me and killed him because quote: "You have a stupid name" I stopped tuning in. Once out-of-game was brought in game and bought characters were killing me I realised it wasn't doing anything good for me.

I really would like a channel that is about Gemstone, you can ask about mechanics, or a puzzle or talk about a certain character or whatever, I think a lot of the more useful people would leave OOC and come to that and most of the idiots would stay there.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Drew]

I love the psinet magic feature and some others, but your right the OOC channel is just at times so stupid and immature I have to tune it out.

Which sucks because intermixed with the BS is some funny stuff and good advice.

11-06-2004, 11:01 PM
Just an FYI as of me reading this:

Members viewing this page: 3704558, Amberlei, AnticorRifling, Arkans, BigBadBonar, Brattt8525, Delaroz, GS3 Michiko, Jack, JamusPsi, Jinnrui, Kitsun, LordAdredrin, Meges, The Cat In The Hat, Valgaav, Volstock (13 Guests)

Dat's alot of guests.

11-06-2004, 11:01 PM
If it were anyone but Brauden, I wouldn't have minded.

Jamus, Brian

11-06-2004, 11:02 PM
Yes it is and I'll use this time to say, "Fuck you GMs, you done and screwed the pooch on this one".

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 11:04 PM
Thats true, those guests are probably a lot of GM's.

I would like to send a personal 'You suck' to Brauden. It was Caladari, but that could have been handled better.

11-06-2004, 11:06 PM
I love how GMs go on Player's Corner when "Everything is suspect at best and an outright lie at worst". Or whatever that quote was.

- Arkans

11-06-2004, 11:06 PM
13 guests????? Holy Craps

::::::::::::waves to all the guests::::::::::::::::::::::::::

so how YOU doing? :P

11-06-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Which sucks because intermixed with the BS is some funny stuff and good advice.
Yeah, that's why I wish there was another channel for the good advice.

11-06-2004, 11:07 PM
Brat tryin to get the cyber sex from the guests, eh?

11-06-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Brat tryin to get the cyber sex from the guests, eh?

Good lord no, I much prefer to see the persons face as I satis...erm never mind :saint:

11-06-2004, 11:09 PM
Hey Caladari, you're a freaking tool and an idiot to boot. Why don't you ACTUALLY do something stupid enough in GemStone to get banned so we don't have to listen to your idiocy any longer. Moron.



11-06-2004, 11:10 PM
Wow, since Meges completely missed the point, I would like to ask them to shut the fuck up for being stupid.

Kudos on the Caladari bashing though.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Chadj]

11-06-2004, 11:11 PM
Eeesh, what a shitstorm. Sounds like Brauden has either been sleeping on the couch alot or is in need of some serious caffeene.

Its interesting how psinet is being used as a monitoring tool even though SIMU says that is NOT the case. Although, with the number of high maintenance characters in game nowadays, it could easily be said that they need all the tools/help they can get to keep a grip on things. It's just sad that they can not be consistent with what they tell their customers when questions are asked.

It also comes to mind that Brauden was just securing the documentation necessary to have this person perma-banned from the game just in case the claims were true and later confirmed through in-game observation. ie.. You were asked and denied, then caught red handed therefore it was no accident but intentional bug abuse and because you read policy you knew the consequences therefore... YOU"RE BANNED! CYA!

11-06-2004, 11:12 PM
My issue is more with Brauden in particular.

He has a nasty habit of going on the official boards and using scare tactics to unsettle my users. Claiming that PsiNet steals your passwords and allows me to control everything. Not that it could, or that they cannot guarantee it doesn't, which I would understand, but that it DOES.

He'd spit out a series of unbased, unsubstantiated claims and then refuse to respond when I replied.

And now he's using PsiNet to help him do his job? That's not cool in my book.

Jamus, Brian

11-06-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
And now he's using PsiNet to help him do his job? That's not cool in my book.

Jamus, Brian

If someone is posting on these boards that they're abusing a bug, I'd definitely expect the GMs to look into it. Saying they're abusing a bug on your program is very similar.

I don't care if it is OOG, OOC, not connected to the game, whatever. If there is a bug, or someone claims there is a bug, it is the job of the GMs to investigate and squash such bugs (and abusers) as necessary, regardless where the information came from.


11-06-2004, 11:19 PM
You appear to have ignored my post. My issue is that after slandering and lying about my software and how evil it is, he's now using it for his own means.

11-06-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn

Originally posted by JamusPsi
And now he's using PsiNet to help him do his job? That's not cool in my book.

Jamus, Brian

If someone is posting on these boards that they're abusing a bug, I'd definitely expect the GMs to look into it. Saying they're abusing a bug on your program is very similar.

I don't care if it is OOG, OOC, not connected to the game, whatever. If there is a bug, or someone claims there is a bug, it is the job of the GMs to investigate and squash such bugs (and abusers) as necessary, regardless where the information came from.


You're missing the point Jorddyn. He's not mad that someone is using psinet to monitor for potential bug abuse. He's mad because said person is saying it's a shit program but then is using it to make his job easier. That person either needs to stop using it to make their life easier or shut their gob as to the shittiness of said program.

I haven't read or seen anything of Brauden doing that but I don't make it a habit to read the official boards, I can see it being an issue though. If a GM is going to say Psinet sucks ass and is dangerous and blah blah unfounded claims blah. But then turns around and uses it to enforce policy that's kind of weak. Hell that's not even kinda weak, that's like Bobmuhthol trying to lift weights kind of weak.

11-06-2004, 11:20 PM
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


11-06-2004, 11:20 PM
Is it against PSInet policy for a Simu employee to use the program Jamus? If so is there any way you could enforce that?

11-06-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn
If there is a bug, or someone claims there is a bug, it is the job of the GMs to investigate and squash such bugs (and abusers) as necessary, regardless where the information came from.

It's their job to investigate it. Not to make wild accusations and threats.

Did Brauden really expect any sort of confession from Caladari after he started off the conversation with a threat to terminate his accounts?

If they had any suspicions, they should have monitored Caladari carefully and attempt to catch him in the act. If they wanted to coax a confession out of him, they should have sent a GM that actually had some skill in human interaction, which Brauden has proven repeatedly he does not have.

11-06-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


Thank you for putting yourself on some high moral horse and talking down to the rest of us "children". No, really, I mean it's great that you know me so well as to make judgement on my morals as well as my maturity level. Please continue to keep it up I'm sure it will get you nothing but respect for your sage like wisdom.

Ohh and while you're up on that horse, do me a favor and RTFM then you can realize you can just untune the OOC and continue to use the features you like about psinet without having to remove it from your computers.

*Edit to add the untunination of the OOC manifestation.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AnticorRifling]

11-06-2004, 11:22 PM
No, it's not against my policy for them to use my software.

Perhaps excluding Brauden.

11-06-2004, 11:23 PM
Jamus, Brauden ccomplimented you in an odd way! He is using your program to help himself ...whoo hoo guess solance can be taken in knowing after what he said, he finds it useful? :up:

11-06-2004, 11:25 PM
No, it really irritates me. Which is why I'm waiting in a consultation room to tell him exactly what I think about it.

11-06-2004, 11:27 PM
You know.. if PEOPLE FOLLOWED THE RULES .. this sort of crap wouldn't happen.. but there's always some ass who has to try and bend or break em.. I applaud the GMs for using any means to keep rules enforced.. I dont think it's right that people get away with the shit they get away with. Bugs should be reported so they can be fixed, not used till you are done THEN reported. Having said that.. anyone slandering Jamus's software isnt cool either.. there's no call to make groundless accusations.

11-06-2004, 11:28 PM
I wasn't talking to you Chadj, so kindly shut your hole.



11-06-2004, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


I use PSINet, and reap all it's benefits without being tuned in to the OOC channel. I agree that the OOC channel has some pretty vulgar conversations, but having that be your reason for uninstalling PSINet is ridiculous, at least to me.

11-06-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I use PSINet, and reap all it's benefits without being tuned in to the OOC channel. I agree that the OOC channel has some pretty vulgar conversations, but having that be your reason for uninstalling PSINet is ridiculous, at least to me.

I imagine she didn't know you could untune OOC and thought that you had to uninstall PSInet to get untuned.

11-06-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


Thank you for putting yourself on some high moral horse and talking down to the rest of us "children". No, really, I mean it's great that you know me so well as to make judgement on my morals as well as my maturity level. Please continue to keep it up I'm sure it will get you nothing but respect for your sage like wisdom.

Ohh and while you're up on that horse, do me a favor and RTFM then you can realize you can just untune the OOC and continue to use the features you like about psinet without having to remove it from your computers.

*Edit to add the untunination of the OOC manifestation.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AnticorRifling]

I can only go by what is typed into the OOC chat. It sure isn't very mature...
I am not on a high horse, nor being moral, I just don't happen to enjoy all that immaturity. I also pay my money for this game and have the right to get pleasure from it instead of the constant contraversy that the actions and words of the immature cause. I have the right to expect the staff to use whatever means they need to to protect my investment.


11-06-2004, 11:32 PM
Brauden is a :tool: and Jamus is the shit. Nuff said

11-06-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Mikare

I can only go by what is typed into the OOC chat. It sure isn't very mature...
I am not on a high horse, nor being moral, I just don't happen to enjoy all that immaturity. I also pay my money for this game and have the right to get pleasure from it instead of the constant contraversy that the actions and words of the immature cause. I have the right to expect the staff to use whatever means they need to to protect my investment.


How much do you pay for psinet?

11-06-2004, 11:36 PM
No that I'm agreeing one way or another but you aren't saying that OOC is anything near mature, are you Anticor?

11-06-2004, 11:37 PM
Oh good grief. He didn't make wild accusations and threats. He pulled him in, gave him the chance to explain himself, and pretty much made it plain that if what's his face ever steals from the constable's boxes, he'll be banned. I for one hope that's a promise, not a threat. I think the entire reasoning behind the pulling was to document it all and prepare the way for a ban if needed. This way he can't say "Oh, I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to steal stuff from the boxes. Nobody ever told me and I thought that if it's possible then it must be alright to do it."

Also, in response to Drew's post asking if it's against Psinet policy for a Simu employee to use it, why on earth should it be? Psinet is a utility designed to work with Gemstone and does not exist as it's own entity, meaning that it doesn't stand alone but is dependant upon gemstone (as I understand it. Remember, I don't use psinet myself). Therefore, thought it may be considered an OOG medium, the fact that it's only accessible IG should render it under the scrutiny of Simu.

11-06-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Drew

Originally posted by Izalude
I use PSINet, and reap all it's benefits without being tuned in to the OOC channel. I agree that the OOC channel has some pretty vulgar conversations, but having that be your reason for uninstalling PSINet is ridiculous, at least to me.

I imagine she didn't know you could untune OOC and thought that you had to uninstall PSInet to get untuned.

I do know that I can untune OOC, hav eknown it since I started using Psinet cause I read all about it in order to be able to use it correctly.

Not even sure whay I actually still have it on my computers at this point.

Again, my main thrust is that I applaud Brauden and all GMs for monitoring it and using it to keep mine and your investment as safe as possible from the abusers.


11-06-2004, 11:40 PM
By the way, any and all points being made by Caladari, Jamus and others are quite simple to understand. I missed nothing. The only resolution to this particular situation I'd like to see, is that Caladari be removed from the game and by consequence also be removed from PsiNet access since he won't be able to open his Simu account, which activates the PsiNet program. Unless, of course, he then opens a UL account.

11-06-2004, 11:41 PM
If that is your main thrust why did you feel the need to include the other sludge with your first post?

11-06-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
My issue is more with Brauden in particular.

He has a nasty habit of going on the official boards and using scare tactics to unsettle my users. Claiming that PsiNet steals your passwords and allows me to control everything. Not that it could, or that they cannot guarantee it doesn't, which I would understand, but that it DOES.

He'd spit out a series of unbased, unsubstantiated claims and then refuse to respond when I replied.

And now he's using PsiNet to help him do his job? That's not cool in my book.

Jamus, Brian

I specifically recall a discussion where Brauden did make claims about PSInet that weren't accurate, and Brian did his best to answer the questions that people raised.

It was apparent from the first log of Melissa and Brauden talking to Jamus about it, that Brauden doesn't like PSInet.

Not to diminish Brian's position here, but I find it amusing that some of these people are complete and utter assholes and troublemakers inside the game - but when they get called out for being dicks - they come here and post up the log and whine about how their rights have been violated.

11-06-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Meges
I wasn't talking to you Chadj, so kindly shut your hole.



You posted on a message board... Thus you were clearly making a statement for ALL to read, which does include me. If it was a personal comment to someone, use a U2U.

Please learn to not be stupid. Thank you.

Anyways, a little more on topic; as previously stated, I don't believe Brauden had any right to do what he did in that instance. A SEND to start off would have been nice, or at least a conversation that did NOT start out with threats. However, I was not aware he was making baseless claims on the Official Boards.. For that, he is a little fuckface. A hypocritical one at that. If it's so evil, why is he using it?

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Chadj]

11-06-2004, 11:53 PM
To clarify:

The Brauden character has never activated PsiNet, that I can determine. However, from a collection of logs I've received over the past week, it seems either someone is referring him to the messages or he is using a separate character to watch it.

In any event, he's using PsiNet (even if he's not using the software) for his own means.

Jamus, Brian

11-06-2004, 11:55 PM
Yeah, well, he's a retard for doing it.

I should bust out the bugs that I know just to teach those fuckers a lesson.

11-06-2004, 11:56 PM
Anticor....I hate you for your sig....I am never going to be the same. :weird:

11-06-2004, 11:57 PM
How, my I ask, is what I posted sludge? It's my opinion of this whole situation and the person who began this thread.

And Chadj, I realize this is a public message board, thank you for making sure I knew that. Be that as it may, I'll say once again, that I was posting my opinion of this whole situation and the person who began this thread.

By the way, thank you for your opinions, both of you. I'll be sure to add them to my Book of Noteworthy Comments and Suggestions. You have my permission to ignore mine.

11-06-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
To clarify:

The Brauden character has never activated PsiNet, that I can determine. However, from a collection of logs I've received over the past week, it seems either someone is referring him to the messages or he is using a separate character to watch it.

In any event, he's using PsiNet (even if he's not using the software) for his own means.

Jamus, Brian

As previously stated, I applaud Simutronics staff for using any means to keep your and my accounts as safe as possible from potential abusers.


11-06-2004, 11:59 PM
Brauden bashing PsiNet...bad. Using it to keep a watch on a potential major bug abuse? Good. On the off chance I'm forced to kill someone for being an idiot, I don't need them rifling through my gear while I'm in jail for it. (That was a theoretical, not to say the original poster can or has). As Arkans said, we all put a considerate amount of time into our characters, and I don't mind one bit if a GM is taking actions, extreme or not, to prevent others from destroying the efforts of our time.

11-07-2004, 12:03 AM
What I don't understaind is why Brauden had to say he saw on PsiNet that Caladari was abusing a bug? Why couldn't Brauden have just said something like, "well 'sources' tell me you're bragging about abusing a bug" He didn't have to disclose the fact that GM's are spying. He could've said anything, you know? It's like a undercover cop announcing "HEY everybodeee I am a cop and I is gonna bust u nowz!" BUT "oh wait you haven't done anything yet have you!? Dur. Maybe I should stfu and like watch you while under cover still." "Since I just outted myself that's kinda out the door now isnt it?"

That's what I thought of while reading that log. I'm like damn what an idiot. He should've kept his mouth shut, and watched and waited to see what Caladari was really doing. Of course, people already thought the GM's were watching OOC, but now its confermed.

11-07-2004, 12:04 AM
The answer, Chelle, would appear to be the following: Brauden is an idiot.


I used to like him, but.. I don't know. He seems to have really messed up his image with this fuck up move.

11-07-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Chelle
Of course, people already thought the GM's were watching OOC, but now its confermed.

Nothing is confirmed. I honestly doubt any staff members are using PsiNet. What more than likely happened was that another player saw the remarks on the OOC channel and reported/pasted it to the GMs. Per policy, anyone who is aware of bug abuse has to report it or risk having their account terminated as well as the bug abuser's. It's likely extremely difficult to prove someone has knowledge, but that's policy nevertheless.

The Cat In The Hat
11-07-2004, 12:22 AM
I was at Dragonbones once, and I whispered to Atlanteux something that I did with another character, I can't recall what it was exactly now, but it could have sounded like a bug. Ninmah (Khaladon) waited until Dragonbones was over, and gave me a [Send], asked if he could talk to me, pulled me up and asked me about it nicely. I explained it, he thanked me after seeing it wasn't a bug and sent me on my way.

Khaladon handled it perfectly.

11-07-2004, 12:25 AM
Thats because Khaladon rocks.

11-07-2004, 12:25 AM
Why did Brauden use a direct quote from PsiNet, then? If someone else reported it then he would've said someone reported you abusing a bug. He didn't, he took a direct quote from PsiNet.

You doubt they're using PsiNet? I don't. It would probably be beneficial for them to us it, especially for situations like this. Some tool bragging about abusing a bug. No I wouldn't put it past them at all. Though, I *think* it would be a good idea to see if said person is ACTUALLY abusing bugs.

Like I said before I think it was dumb of Brauden to say where he got his information, regardless.

Edited to add: The Cat In The Hat your avatar is beautiful.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Chelle]

The Cat In The Hat
11-07-2004, 12:31 AM
Consider that if GM's are banned from useing Psinet, then Brauden could be in violation from Simu. I was given the impression (by someone reliable) that GM's are not allowed to have Psinet installed on any computer containing their GM software. I would think though, that if they had a second computer that didn't contain their GM software, they could use it there. in any case, Simu should be made perfectly aware, and I suggest asking to speak to Melissa instead of anyone else.

Edited to add: The Cat In The Hat your avatar is beautiful.

;) Thank you

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

11-07-2004, 12:39 AM
Using that more-than-likely reported quote makes it appear as though he has direct evidence. Caladari simply had to deny saying it. Plain and simple. GMs cannot do ANYTHING against a player unless they have direct evidence, which has been stated time and time again. I've seen people do some pretty vindictive things in GemStone. Someone fabricating an OOC quote then reporting it to the GMs would not surprise me. That doesn't matter in the case though, Caladari actually said it, because like I said before, he's a moron.

REPORT I think you guys should be aware of this: [OOC]-Chelle: "I just duped a 1 mil bank note 50 times! I rox0rz!"

Anyway, Brauden using that quote only served to make Caladari nervous. GMs have better things to do than to monitor that nonsense on the OOC channel on PsiNet. Like getting all that RSN crap finished.

11-07-2004, 12:41 AM
There is a hidden GameMaster menu in the Wizard FE, that can be enabled with the correct data sent to it, although it of course will not function without proper authentication server-side.

Just thought I'd point that out on the "GM software" issue.

Another log I got:

>chat report Caladari is using a script to read policy.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Thrakling Table]
Tallow candles set in tin pans light this table, their heavy scent mingling with the smells of roasts and ales in the Inn's air. A moth, having fluttered too close to the flames, has fallen onto its back in one of the pans. Little thraklings are painted beside egg-shaped knot holes, as though they are emerging from their nest.
Also here: Lord Bobmuhthol
Obvious exits: out
>'Why are you still here?
You ask, "Why are you still here?"

SEND[Brauden] we know ;-)

11-07-2004, 12:43 AM
Jamus, that one could have nothing to do with psinet.

Its been pointed out before (either by you, Kranar, or both..) that the front ends that simu has supplied send out a command once you start a script. I'm sure GM's can see the command.

Just a thought *shrug*

11-07-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Meges

REPORT I think you guys should be aware of this: [OOC]-Chelle: "I just duped a 1 mil bank note 50 times! I rox0rz!"

Time to go shoppin for something UBAR!

Where's Ardwen? I'll just ask Warclaidhm, that's quicker than using locate.


11-07-2004, 12:54 AM
It wasn't reported, it was chatted. Brauden responded with a send.

The wizard FE, at least, sends no such notification that I'm aware of.

As a quick test:

>mail write
You gather your thoughts and begin to compose a message in your mind. (MAIL CANCEL to abort)
Who will you deliver this message to? (Type names separated by commas, like: Name1,Name2,Name3
Okay, this message will go to Jamus.
What will you title your message?
(Default is "Message from Jamus")

You decide to title your message, "Message from Jamus".
You begin to compose the body of your message. (Type MAIL SEND when you are finished, or MAIL PREVIEW to see what it will look like so far. MAIL CANCEL to cancel, and you can send commands to the game by prefixing them with !)
\mark highlightthisword
/mark highlightthisword
.mark highlightthisword

[*** Error opening Wizard script file!]

.mark highlightthisword

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]

AddToHighlightNames: highlightthisword added successfully.

[Script finished!]
mail send
You gather your thoughts and begin to transmit your message onto the PsiNet.
You notice, in the back of your mind, that there seems to be a new message on the PsiNet for you.
You sense that your message made it to its destination.
mail read
You feel the following message seep into your mind:
From: Jamus
Time: Sun Nov 07 01:48:26 2004
Subject: Message from Jamus

\mark highlightthisword
/mark highlightthisword

Had the script mark.cmd sent any message, it would have been inserted into the mail.

I can't speak for StormFront though.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 12:59 AM
chat. Oh snap, I did not realise that was chatted. LOL. Ya that was a slip up ;)

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by LordAdredrin]

11-07-2004, 01:03 AM
Sorry, can't say I care for Brauden at this point. He should have at least watched Caladari to see if he did it before bringing it up. Bleh. Why couldn't it have at least been a decent GM?

Brian, you've got every right to be pissed. What a jerk. You're awesome hun, don't let him get to you too much.

Now. Because people are being dumb about PsiNet.

Well all I can say is yes Psinet is OOC, but it does run with Simu GS. I mean you are IG and using Psinet,

I'll remember that when I'm playing UL and on PsiNet. Obviously if you're using PsiNet, you're on Gemstone. Besides that, your commands go to PsiNet, which sends to whatever game you're playing. Simu has nothing to do with it.

After Reltov said "* Chivalrous bit the dust" on OOC, used PSInet to locate him, then came and found me and killed him


I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers.

Umm. Yeah. UNTUNE OOC . Really easy. It's not even like when you first log on it defaults to being tuned.

11-07-2004, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
>chat report Caladari is using a script to read policy.
SEND[Brauden] we know ;-)

I think the part where they actually reported it was cut out of the log and it just starts where he sent it to the PSInet.

Atleast, that's what I made of it when I first read it.


11-07-2004, 01:29 AM
It was sent to me because that's not the case, supposedly.

11-07-2004, 01:33 AM
In reaction, I think you should develope the an auto stocks feature!

11-07-2004, 02:46 AM
I haven't read many of the posts after the first one, so sorry if I am totally off-topic to the off-topic conversation that's likely sprouted:rolleyes:

Anyway.. I agree with the fact that most Simu customer service is poor. Although, I can't say I wouldn't do what Brauden did.

It's like kids who brag that they do drugs to sound cool. Some slut came to class the other week all drunk and stumbling and was spewing 'Do NOT drink on a sunday night!' Wtfever, like we care that you were getting jacked up by some guy so he can get to you easier.

I'd love to have been in Brauden's position. Someone bragging about abusing an error on an online text game to try and sound cool.. Pull him up and give him a little 'online roughin.' Yeah, it was shitty customer service, but who says Gemstone would be worse off?

11-07-2004, 02:53 AM
I'd probably have pulled your punk ass too. Getting pretty tired of immature dipshits who continuously push to see how far they can take shit and then whine when they get slapped on the wrist. Grow the fuck up.

11-07-2004, 03:11 AM
:yeahthat: I'm glad you got your ass pulled. I can definitely understand Jamus' position and I'd also be upset if he Brauden talked shit on the program, then turned out he's using it.

11-07-2004, 03:11 AM
< continuously push to see how far they can take shit and then whine when they get slapped on the wrist. >

Honestly, I was thinking the exact same thing. Some people on these boards like to constantly push the envelope, and use loopholes and semantics to try to prove their point. I wish someone people wouldn't be so easy on people constantly being pulled. But to Simu it's about $$$$ I guess.

11-07-2004, 03:25 AM
I can understand Jamus' concerns, but I never saw Brauden say it steals your password, just state concerns about changing input and perhaps recording some keystrokes.

But he still gets points from me for dealing with anyone that gloats about violating policy on PsiNet! Those that brag shouldn't expect to get a free ride.

I'll actually give Caladari more than a week until lockout, because I'm betting she'll fly under the radar for a while before acting like a twit again. It'll definitely be before the end of 2004 though.

11-07-2004, 03:33 AM

That was funny.

1. Caladari, still saying stuff said on Psinet cant be dealt with in game?
2. Chadj, like Brauden gives a flying fuck whether you like him or not? Not everyone is so desperate for friends as you.

That log had me laughing so much. Fucking hilarious. I understand Jamus' points but Brauden did OK in my book. Had he been dealing with a reasonable person, he would have been behaving extremely badly, but it wasnt. It was Caladari and he pitched it exactly right. Love it.

11-07-2004, 03:34 AM
I bet you won't even think about abusing a bug anymore though.

11-07-2004, 03:38 AM
Anyone who was under the misguided impression that GMs would not be monitoring PsiNet needs a reality check, fast. Of course, they will monitor it. It has, by default, made itself a part of the game of GemStone, whether OOC or not. That was made clear in the original conversation between Jamus and Melissa/Brauden about the PsiNet product. The GMs were concerned about the impact of PsiNet on their product, as well they should be.

Brauden is certainly not the most user-friendly of the GMs. However, I always liked the guy. He's not tactful, but he is proactive in stopping/preventing abuse of game mechanics and bugs. In a product as large and ever-changing as GemStone, there WILL be bugs. Those bugs WILL be found by players. There are those who will abuse said bugs and those who will Report said bugs. Caladari's in-game behaviors would lead one to believe, not without reason, that he is one of the former.

There are not enough GMs to watch every problem player 24/7 and monitor all other events/needs within the game, as well. There never will be, unless you'd like your game costs to skyrocket even more than they already have. How many of you want to work in excess of 40 hours a week for what amounts to chicken feed?

If you don't want your arse troubled with being pulled from the game to discuss abuse of bugs (which you have claimed on PsiNet) don't make such claims. Take it to AIM and claim to be Father Christmas, if that's what floats your boat, but keep that kind of childish repartee off of PsiNet and out of the game. Otherwise, somebody is likely to take you seriously and start checking you out.

If Brauden has, indeed, dissed PsiNet on the Official Boards, that might just warrant a letter to Melissa, David, and Feedback. He should not be doing that, especially if he is intimating that passwords are being stolen by the program when he has no proof that they are. If he simply states that stealing passwords is a POSSIBILITY, he has a right to so state if he believes it to be true. To say it HAS happened, or IS happening, when he does not offer proof of same is wrong.

Pulling Caladari for possible bug abuse was not wrong, in my opinion. It was prudent protection of the product that is GemStone IV. It was also an indication that the character, Caladari, will be watched. I consider that rather kind, actually. I would not have given such warning. I'd have watched, waited, and pounced when the time was right.

11-07-2004, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by Amalee

After Reltov said "* Chivalrous bit the dust" on OOC, used PSInet to locate him, then came and found me and killed him


The locate options has many legitimate uses. I don't think it's too much to expect someone to act like a decent person and not abuse it. Unfortunately Jamus has said he won't allow locating amongst your "psinet friends" only.

11-07-2004, 05:49 AM
I'm in the "Brauden did the right thing" camp.

The risk of Bug abuse should be jumped on immediatly and delt with from the offset. If that had been me, even joking around, I would have just politly explained it was a joke and not worried about it. It's a GM doing his job.

I know if my stuff got stolen from the box should I get arrested and I found out they knew someone knew the bug but didn't act.... I would be pissed even when I got my stuff back because I shouldn't have had to go through it at all.

So props to any GM trying to quell abuse asap.

11-07-2004, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by Mikare

Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


Thank you for putting yourself on some high moral horse and talking down to the rest of us "children". No, really, I mean it's great that you know me so well as to make judgement on my morals as well as my maturity level. Please continue to keep it up I'm sure it will get you nothing but respect for your sage like wisdom.

Ohh and while you're up on that horse, do me a favor and RTFM then you can realize you can just untune the OOC and continue to use the features you like about psinet without having to remove it from your computers.

*Edit to add the untunination of the OOC manifestation.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AnticorRifling]

I can only go by what is typed into the OOC chat. It sure isn't very mature...
I am not on a high horse, nor being moral, I just don't happen to enjoy all that immaturity. I also pay my money for this game and have the right to get pleasure from it instead of the constant contraversy that the actions and words of the immature cause. I have the right to expect the staff to use whatever means they need to to protect my investment.


I'm not sure who has responded to this yet tonight or what they have said -- but I've had a shitty night and you, darling, are going to get the shit-end of it.

I wasn't going to respond to your intolerable stupidity at first, but it seems as though when Anticor explained the notion of UNTUNE you didn't get it. Then you want to compare Gemstone, a roleplaying game you pay 15+ dollars a month to play and Psinet, a free program which hosts "chat-rooms" of which you tuned into of your own free-will. Here's an idea, untune ooc, then tune whiny bitch. I'm sure you'll have plenty to say. The best part is none of us will ever have to hear it.

Please don't ever reproduce.

11-07-2004, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by Meges
Hey Caladari, you're a freaking tool and an idiot to boot. Why don't you ACTUALLY do something stupid enough in GemStone to get banned so we don't have to listen to your idiocy any longer. Moron.



I thought long and hard about my response and wanted to make sure I was intellectual but clever, and I came up with this

Suck my balls

11-07-2004, 06:30 AM
Alrigth look here motherfuckers, nobody was complaing or bitching about anything, I just wanted to share the situation because I found it to be humorous... If you dont like OOC chat GET THE FUCK OFF, and stop complaining about it, Dont like PSInet or its function, UNINSTALL it, Most of us enjoy having mindless conversation and insulting each other, talking shit, and I wasnt bragging about a god damn thing, I was just making shit up so all the little snitches could run and BUG it as quick as possible, I didnt expect the GM to pull me and when I did I was amazed and found it to be funny, I'm not bitching, other people are bitching, but I just wanted to share it. The topic name was not an attack on brauden or the way he handled the situation.
I could give two fucking shits about what any one of you motherfuckers think, if you dont like me in the game, QUIT, go fucking pay attention to your wife or kids or some shit.

Whoever said I'll be banned within a week, oh i'm pretty damn well sure I will, but dont thnk banishment means that person doesnt play. ;-)

Fuck you and good night

11-07-2004, 06:35 AM
JFYI, my post was more directed at other posters who didn't like what Brauden did.

I agree with his actions, and found it funny. I'm easy going though.

11-07-2004, 06:36 AM
Boy for not caring so much you sure did go off.

11-07-2004, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by Meges
By the way, any and all points being made by Caladari, Jamus and others are quite simple to understand. I missed nothing. The only resolution to this particular situation I'd like to see, is that Caladari be removed from the game and by consequence also be removed from PsiNet access since he won't be able to open his Simu account, which activates the PsiNet program. Unless, of course, he then opens a UL account.

That will NEVER ... NEVER fucking happen
I do have a UL account, I do have an account in gemstone, I will open another account if they ban this one, and I will always be around. Either you put up with my ass or YOU can leave.... kthnx

I think some of you fucking people just want someone to point fingers at, and bitch and complain. My character is an asshole, she robs, and she kills, and she'll plainly and blatantly act like a big cunt to everyone. But she is IN CHARACTER, although, of course, as you all will be so quick to point out, because .... you have no lives and have to live your pointless and lonely lives through Gemstone, I have gotten OOC sometimes, as a mistake-making human sometimes does... But most of the time my characters is IC, and I enjoy to roleplay... Fuck you if you dont like me as a person outside the game, who the fuck cares? You dont like me on PSI? Heres a little command we all know about "PSINET IGNORE CALADARI" easy enough for you? You dont like me in game? WARN CALA OF INTERACTION, jesus some of you people are just big fucking babies, go point your fingers and throw your holyier-then-thou opionons in another direction.

edit: had to fix my typo's or else someone would point them out and tell me how im not an english major, you know who the fuck you are...

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by CalaDheNar]

11-07-2004, 06:48 AM
I really have to laugh at people who tell others that because they play GemStone they have no lives, or have to live their "pointless and lonely lives through Gemstone", while simultaneously playing the game themselves. Nothing like a good dose of hypocrisy to start a gal's morning off right! :rofl:

11-07-2004, 06:50 AM
I for one enjoy Caladari. She is the town assassin and trouble-maker. I'd take her over an MA'ing slave-abuser like Tsin anyday.

Just my opinion.

PS - I think he is right about people just needing someone to bitch at. I've seen it over and over. The hoardes move from person to person every day that passes. Hell, today might be my day!

11-07-2004, 06:57 AM
I personally love that Brauden is actually doing something about a potential bug.

It may not transfer as good customer service, but the man really cares about the game and works hard all the time to make it better for us. So I'd back off a bit on bashing him.

I would hope that they would monitor to make sure bugs are not being abused.

I am biased, I guess. Brauden is a nice guy in real life, so I have a real hard time finding reason to bash him at all.:grin:


[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Ilvane]

11-07-2004, 07:21 AM
no no no you misunderstand. I play gemstone, I dont live gemstone.... I may play alot, but thats because I dont have much else I'de RATHER be doing...

Alot of these people forget that there is a life beyond the game, and take things a tad bit too serious....

Don't forget its all just words in the end.... FOR...OUR....ENTERTAINMENT....

11-07-2004, 07:34 AM
Personally, Caladari, I don't play at all and haven't in years. Yet, I come to these boards to interface with people who do play. Shall that be interpreted to mean that I have no life? If so, that interpretation would be pretty damned far off the mark! Sometimes, I wish I had less life!

To say that someone else takes something "too seriously" is presuming a bit much, in my opinion. What is serious to you may not be serious to another, and vice versa. For those to whom the game is an important part of the way they spend their leisure time, it may be important...moreso than it is to you.

That's really what I'm trying to get across. You always have to be careful when you start throwing rocks at others (not just you, Caladari...everyone), because you can bet some of those rocks are going to come back your way.

11-07-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
I was at Dragonbones once, and I whispered to Atlanteux something that I did with another character, I can't recall what it was exactly now, but it could have sounded like a bug. Ninmah (Khaladon) waited until Dragonbones was over, and gave me a [Send], asked if he could talk to me, pulled me up and asked me about it nicely. I explained it, he thanked me after seeing it wasn't a bug and sent me on my way.

Khaladon handled it perfectly.

There is a clear difference here though... you are not an asshole and conduct yourself maturely in the game. The same cannot be said for this thread starter. You are a customer up until the point where you then become a liability to the company. Clearly that line was crossed more than once.

Like I said.. I give him a week.

11-07-2004, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< continuously push to see how far they can take shit and then whine when they get slapped on the wrist. >

Honestly, I was thinking the exact same thing. Some people on these boards like to constantly push the envelope, and use loopholes and semantics to try to prove their point. I wish someone people wouldn't be so easy on people constantly being pulled. But to Simu it's about $$$$ I guess.


11-07-2004, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar

Originally posted by Meges
By the way, any and all points being made by Caladari, Jamus and others are quite simple to understand. I missed nothing. The only resolution to this particular situation I'd like to see, is that Caladari be removed from the game and by consequence also be removed from PsiNet access since he won't be able to open his Simu account, which activates the PsiNet program. Unless, of course, he then opens a UL account.

That will NEVER ... NEVER fucking happen
I do have a UL account, I do have an account in gemstone, I will open another account if they ban this one, and I will always be around. Either you put up with my ass or YOU can leave.... kthnx

I think some of you fucking people just want someone to point fingers at, and bitch and complain. My character is an asshole, she robs, and she kills, and she'll plainly and blatantly act like a big cunt to everyone. But she is IN CHARACTER, although, of course, as you all will be so quick to point out, because .... you have no lives and have to live your pointless and lonely lives through Gemstone, I have gotten OOC sometimes, as a mistake-making human sometimes does... But most of the time my characters is IC, and I enjoy to roleplay... Fuck you if you dont like me as a person outside the game, who the fuck cares? You dont like me on PSI? Heres a little command we all know about "PSINET IGNORE CALADARI" easy enough for you? You dont like me in game? WARN CALA OF INTERACTION, jesus some of you people are just big fucking babies, go point your fingers and throw your holyier-then-thou opionons in another direction.

edit: had to fix my typo's or else someone would point them out and tell me how im not an english major, you know who the fuck you are...

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by CalaDheNar]

I'm a great roleplayer who goes OOC frequently. Is that what you meant to say?

Hold on while I laugh at you for not knowing what roleplaying is:


Thanks... I needed that laugh today.

11-07-2004, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I really have to laugh at people who tell others that because they play GemStone they have no lives, or have to live their "pointless and lonely lives through Gemstone", while simultaneously playing the game themselves. Nothing like a good dose of hypocrisy to start a gal's morning off right! :rofl:

It's even better than that HN.. he laughs at us for having no life.. but if he gets banned, he will make a new account to get back in.

Got Hypocrite?

11-07-2004, 08:43 AM
Just desserts. I agree with the decision the GM made in pulling you. If you are abusing a skill or pushing the limit then now you know your limit. Customer service does not mean everyone will be dealt with in the same friendly manner as the next person who is actually bringing substance to the game. If you are dealing with a known or potential bug abuser, why would the GM be expected to treat you as if you are someone bringing worth to the game.

Miss X
11-07-2004, 08:54 AM
I agree, while Brauden may not be the best PR man, if someone is abusing a bug that could affect me I don't care where the GM's get the info from, I want them to do something about it.

Having said that, Brauden did make some pretty stupid claims about PsiNet and I can totally see why Jamus would be pissed about him using it to help himself.

11-07-2004, 09:25 AM
I think the part where they actually reported it was cut out of the log and it just starts where he sent it to the PSInet.

Atleast, that's what I made of it when I first read it.


The Cat In The Hat
11-07-2004, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
I was at Dragonbones once, and I whispered to Atlanteux something that I did with another character, I can't recall what it was exactly now, but it could have sounded like a bug. Ninmah (Khaladon) waited until Dragonbones was over, and gave me a [Send], asked if he could talk to me, pulled me up and asked me about it nicely. I explained it, he thanked me after seeing it wasn't a bug and sent me on my way.

Khaladon handled it perfectly.

There is a clear difference here though... you are not an asshole and conduct yourself maturely in the game. The same cannot be said for this thread starter. You are a customer up until the point where you then become a liability to the company. Clearly that line was crossed more than once.

Like I said.. I give him a week.

Well, while this may be true, I just thought I would throw another GM's handing of something similar in here. it goes to show 2 things. 1. If you're not a problem, they won't treat you like one when Something happens. 2. Even though said person is a trouble maker, Brauden could have handled it a little bit better.

I agree that he pulled him into consultation. I don't agree, however, that he should have been as immediatley rude as he was from the get go.

11-07-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Keller

Originally posted by Mikare

Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


Thank you for putting yourself on some high moral horse and talking down to the rest of us "children". No, really, I mean it's great that you know me so well as to make judgement on my morals as well as my maturity level. Please continue to keep it up I'm sure it will get you nothing but respect for your sage like wisdom.

Ohh and while you're up on that horse, do me a favor and RTFM then you can realize you can just untune the OOC and continue to use the features you like about psinet without having to remove it from your computers.

*Edit to add the untunination of the OOC manifestation.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AnticorRifling]

I can only go by what is typed into the OOC chat. It sure isn't very mature...
I am not on a high horse, nor being moral, I just don't happen to enjoy all that immaturity. I also pay my money for this game and have the right to get pleasure from it instead of the constant contraversy that the actions and words of the immature cause. I have the right to expect the staff to use whatever means they need to to protect my investment.


I'm not sure who has responded to this yet tonight or what they have said -- but I've had a shitty night and you, darling, are going to get the shit-end of it.

I wasn't going to respond to your intolerable stupidity at first, but it seems as though when Anticor explained the notion of UNTUNE you didn't get it. Then you want to compare Gemstone, a roleplaying game you pay 15+ dollars a month to play and Psinet, a free program which hosts "chat-rooms" of which you tuned into of your own free-will. Here's an idea, untune ooc, then tune whiny bitch. I'm sure you'll have plenty to say. The best part is none of us will ever have to hear it.

Please don't ever reproduce.

Perfect example of what I am talking about maturity-wise...


11-07-2004, 09:53 AM
Thanks for quoting all of that with a 1 sentence reply.

11-07-2004, 10:10 AM
Here's my two cents, since I own Aehrick who in the orginal log you can see Caladari chatting to me and I was there for the whole thing:

Taking into account Caladari is a trouble maker I still think Brauden say over stepped the line. If Brauden wants to badmouth the software over the boards and then monitor it thats not only lame, its hypocritcal. If they're not monitioring and they have snitches or whatever, then are they going to pull anyone just cause someone else reports them? They need proof before they go and pull people and make them read policy. The only proof I see them having was he was monitoring OOC, otherwise any of those "trouble makers" people have been talking about could report people how receiving private messages about abuse and others would be pulled as a result. It's stupid that Brauden handled it in that manner, that's why it was posted and it was funny and good for people to read.

As for Caladari, people say whatever they want on OOC and you can choose to listen or not, but that's not in question. He made one comment that would have gone unnoticed had people not CHOSEN to talk about it, which ended up in him getting pulled. People not only put a bunch of crap on OOC, but also on regular amulet channels so who cares, Jamus was just nice enough to give us one where we can talk out of character and thats what is should be used for. Don't forget about the ignore command, it can be useful to get rid of some people how are ALWAYS annoying....

Other than that calling Caladari names is not warranted, and she was doing was posting so people like me who were interested could read the post and not have to explain it IG. Not to get yelled at.

11-07-2004, 10:16 AM
Ignore does not work because people still respond.

11-07-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Alrigth look here motherfuckers, nobody was complaing or bitching about anything, I just wanted to share the situation because I found it to be humorous...

That's why it's in Staff and Policy COMPLAINTS right?

As far as Brauden starting off rude from the get-go, if he really was monitoring Psinet, I'm sure he's familiar with Caladari's complete-asshole personality. I'd be in "attack-mode" too if I had to talk to him.

11-07-2004, 12:19 PM
While you are a tool who probably does deserve banning for one reason or another, the GM's should have no recourse or reason to attack/pull anyone due to Psinet or indeed any other medium that is OOG such as AIM or even here at the PC (and I know they read this). Seems a tad unprofessional to me.

11-07-2004, 12:26 PM
The only irrationality is thinking just because it was an OOG medium, that he can make claims that he has compromised part of the game by some unknown bug. You folks need to remember that you are subscribing to a service that Simutronics is offering. Just because you pay X amount of dollars, doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want. You forget both the corporate policy and the TOS you agreed to abide by before purchasing your account. If one person knew something that could have a negative consequence to my product, I'd have restricted his access in a heartbeat.

11-07-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Ramus
Other than that calling Caladari names is not warranted, and she was doing was posting so people like me who were interested could read the post and not have to explain it IG. Not to get yelled at.

Just so you know, Caladari was the one doing the insulting first because people didn't agree with the log.

Nice to know there are still schlong-riding-brown-nosing people out there just begging for a chance to rub the balls of one of the GM's. Your probably the idiot who reported me for making my comment. Well Brauden is a little beyatch! Make sure he gets the message, please, GM-bitch?

Nice attitude. Yeah Caladari's all hearts and flowers with the replies, right?

No one called Caladari a motherfucker, but chose to call that to everyone who's posted in here. But that's okay, right? Good lord.

Tell your friend that the next time they want to convey a GS story to put it in General Gemstone and not Staff and Policy COMPLAINTS. :rolleyes:

Edited to make it not gender specific since the poor chap is confused.

[Edited on 11/7/2004 by CrystalTears]

11-07-2004, 01:00 PM
CalaDheNar is a bloke, by the way.
He plays a girlie in game.

:heart: Brauden

11-07-2004, 01:06 PM
Okay, is Caladari male or female? People are saying he and some are saying she when talking about her/him/it. Some of.. its posts are beginning to remind me of someone, but I won't say who at this time.

I am sure you know when you post something here, Caladari that you will find some will agree and some won't agree. Some of the "motherfuckers" actually agreed with you and were actually on your side, yet you decided to lump everyone into the motherfucker catagory. Good job.

I fail to see why someone would go on to PsiNet and lie about stuff like bugs in the first place? I mean, people will want you to share the information so they can do it too. And then theres GM's listening to it. So I don't see the point of all the lies, when you know you'll be eventually outted, and be deemed a liar. Which brings me to your point of people who play GS have no life shpeel. Well what do you call a person who has to lie about stuff while playing GS with a bunch of no lifers? :?:

11-07-2004, 01:07 PM
ah read my mind Nieninque.. hehe So its a s/he

11-07-2004, 02:04 PM
1) It doesn't matter what Caladari's Player's Gender is. I'm a girl. I have a male character in game. OMG I R LOOZERZZ!!!!!!1111

2) It bothers me on some base level that Simu *SEEMS TO BE* monitoring Psinet's Chat. It would bother me on the same level if they were monitoring my AIM conversations.

3) On the note above, Jamus has every right to be incredibly angered. I really doubt AOL/Time Warner would stand for Simutronics monitoring their service without their knowledge. Why should Jamus?

4) Brauden did make several unbased claims on the Official boards. If they actually archived instead of deleting posts, I would go back and give you a quote. The ones I remember off hand were calling Psinet "a security hole," warning people of it being able to "steal their passwords," as well as it "disrupting the game."

5) Psinet is not in the game, for the fiftieth time. It is a program SEPERATE from the game. It runs on a SEPERATE server. Nothing from Psinet passes through the Simu servers. It may be in the same window, but whats the difference between me starting an AIM chat with 20 of my friends and clicking "Always on top" and putting that chatroom overtop of the Wizard Window in the same place as the Psinet chat window? Nothing.

6) Caladari is a jerk in game. Whether its RP or not, I don't know. I've never interacted with her. The player occasionally starts crap on OOC, and if it gets out of hand, its smacked down. As a Mod, I don't consider the player a "high-maintenance" user of Psinet.

7) Despite your opinions, I have to say what Brauden did is crap. If someone copy-pasted and reported that, then its fine. However, if he's monitoring Psinet for enforcement of Simu policy, there's a big problem here. I'm personally talking to a friend of mine who is a lawyer regarding what actions Brian could or should take.

[Edited for spelling errors.]

[Edited again because ironically, I can't spell "edited."]

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AlahnnaDenale]

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AlahnnaDenale]

11-07-2004, 02:09 PM
I agree that Brauden using PsiNet AND bad-mouthing it is out of line. However I don't disagree with him pulling up someone that could be abusing a bug. I'm sorry but I don't care if someone emailed him and said so-and-so may be abusing a bug. For me, that's enough to look into it.

I'm personally talking to a friend of mine who is a lawyer regarding what actions Brian could or should take.

Oh c'mon now. Are you serious? :lol:

[Edited on 11/7/2004 by CrystalTears]

11-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I agree that Brauden using PsiNet AND bad-mouthing it is out of line. However I don't disagree with him pulling up someone that could be abusing a bug. I'm sorry but I don't care if someone emailed him and said so-and-so may be abusing a bug. For me, that's enough to look into it.

I'm personally talking to a friend of mine who is a lawyer regarding what actions Brian could or should take.

Oh c'mon now. Are you serious? :lol:

It warms my heart to see that we actually agree on things aside from politics, CT.


11-07-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
1) It doesn't matter what Caladari's Player's Gender is. I'm a girl. I have a male character in game. OMG I R LOOZERZZ!!!!!!1111

No, but clarifying it helps when people are calling the player a her when it is a him.

2) It bothers me on some base level that Simu *SEEMS TO BE* monitoring Psinet's Chat. It would bother me on the same level if they were monitoring my AIM conversations.

Yet if someone sent an email to Simu saying "Hey I got this log from **** of an AIM conversation where someone told me they can abuse a bug in GS4" would you be as pissed off about them acting on it?

3) On the note above, Jamus has every right to be incredibly angered. I really doubt AOL/Time Warner would stand for Simutronics monitoring their service without their knowledge. Why should Jamus?

Because it affects their service.

4) Brauden did make several unbased claims on the Official boards. If they actually archived instead of deleting posts, I would go back and give you a quote. The ones I remember off hand were calling Psinet "a security hole," warning people of it being able to "steal their passwords," as well as it "disrupting the game."

And Brauden was wrong for doing that if he did that.

5) Psinet is not in the game, for the fiftieth time. It is a program SEPERATE from the game. It runs on a SEPERATE server. Nothing from Psinet passes through the Simu servers. It may be in the same window, but whats the difference between me starting an AIM chat with 20 of my friends and clicking "Always on top" and putting that chatroom overtop of the Wizard Window in the same place as the Psinet chat window? Nothing.

Actually, quite a lot. If I type "AIM LOCATE JAMUS" into AIM, it just sends that to the other person I am chatting to. AIM doesnt add things to the character in the game. nor take things from the game (i.e. locate/shareskills etc.) Psinet affects the game. Some people have/will abuse that function. The game is owned by Simu. They have every right to be concerned about their product.

6) Caladari is a jerk in game. Whether its RP or not, I don't know. I've never interacted with her. The player occasionally starts crap on OOC, and if it gets out of hand, its smacked down. As a Mod, I don't consider the player a "high-maintenance" user of Psinet.

He is a prick though. And as for providing "smack down", would you not think that's what Brauden was doing?

7) Despite your opinions, I have to say what Brauden did is crap. If someone copy-pasted and reported that, then its fine. However, if he's monitoring Psinet for enforcement of Simu policy, there's a big problem here. I'm personally talking to a friend of mine who is a lawyer regarding what actions Brian could or should take.

[Edited for spelling errors.]

[Edited again because ironically, I can't spell "edited."]

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AlahnnaDenale]

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AlahnnaDenale]

Thats a lot of spelling errors

11-07-2004, 03:01 PM
I'm personally talking to a friend of mine who is a lawyer regarding what actions Brian could or should take

Here. I am not a lawyer, but I can tell you everything you need to know.

He is in a position to do positively nothing. Being it that he is using a service, and has purchased nothing but service, and in doing so, agreed to a TOS that explicitly states that they can remove such service at any time for basically any reason, he cannot do much of anything. Furthermore, there is no issue of burden of proof one way or another via logging systems. Computer game text has a history of not standing up too well in court, especially if he's going to use the "I'm a bullshit artist" defense to deny knowledge of a bug when he claims that he does.

You talk to a whole audience of people about how to rob a bank in a parking lot. You spend your entire day in that bank. The bank finds out about what you said. Think they're gonna just leave that matter alone? And then when the bank confronts you, you say they can leave the parking lot and not listen to what you said? Hate to break the news to you, but that game = money for them. They are going to protect their own investments. And if that means they choose to do so by banning you, there isn't much you can do.

Hate to break it to you, but even if you use PSINET, it is a medium within a trademarked games. They don't own PSINET, but they do technically have rights on anything said on psinet by a character logged into the game who is using any software that connects to their server.

11-07-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
.... A whole bunch of baseless stuff ...

You're kidding right? Tell me you really don't believe that or you just don't know what you're talking about.

Psi-net is interactive with the game in that it plugs into the front end. It is understood that it does not interact directly with Simu servers, but an indirect interaction is taking place. The front end is also a Simu product.

You're fooling yourself in thinking that GMs, acting on behalf of Simutronics, do not have the right to monitor the happenings of Psi-net. This isn't AIM. AIM does not interact with the game. GMs can't monitor instant messaging, nor are they able.

There was a short lived stink some years ago about product reps (GMs as it were) monitoring game chats on the service. Guess what AOL said ... When you discuss ways of cheating our clients on public channels, expect our clients to remove you from the service they provide through us.

If you sent a complaint to AOL today about GMs monitoring public AIM chats, they would probably laugh at you for hours on end and then reply ... "It's a free service so any issue you may have will be with them as it is not our concern. Don't be a moron and make your chats public."

The only problem, and rightly so as it has been pointed out, is with Brauden's alleged comments about Psi-net.

11-07-2004, 03:44 PM
He doesn't have much anything that's actionable... but making Brauden look bad is always fun.

11-07-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

3) On the note above, Jamus has every right to be incredibly angered. I really doubt AOL/Time Warner would stand for Simutronics monitoring their service without their knowledge. Why should Jamus?

Because it affects their service.

Psinet affects their service in the same way that AIM does.

5) Psinet is not in the game, for the fiftieth time. It is a program SEPERATE from the game. It runs on a SEPERATE server. Nothing from Psinet passes through the Simu servers. It may be in the same window, but whats the difference between me starting an AIM chat with 20 of my friends and clicking "Always on top" and putting that chatroom overtop of the Wizard Window in the same place as the Psinet chat window? Nothing.

Actually, quite a lot. If I type "AIM LOCATE JAMUS" into AIM, it just sends that to the other person I am chatting to. AIM doesnt add things to the character in the game. nor take things from the game (i.e. locate/shareskills etc.) Psinet affects the game. Some people have/will abuse that function. The game is owned by Simu. They have every right to be concerned about their product.


AlahnnaDenale: Hey, where are you?
Person: [River's Rest, Town Commons]

AlahnnaDenale: Whats your training plan look like?
Person: *pastes skills*

Psinet affects GS in the exact same way that AOL Instant Messenger or god knows whatever chat program does.

Originally posted by GSTamral

I wasn't refering to that, but of the fact they're using his program to monitor their game, thereby leeching off of it.

Oddly enough though, you're correct. My friend says its one of those things that just doesn't hold water in a court, small claims or not. I was wrong there.f

11-07-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale
Psinet affects their service in the same way that AIM does.

There was a short lived stink some years ago about product reps (GMs as it were) monitoring game chats on the service. Guess what AOL said ... When you discuss ways of cheating our clients on public channels, expect our clients to remove you from the service they provide through us.

If you sent a complaint to AOL today about GMs monitoring public AIM chats, they would probably laugh at you for hours on end and then reply ... "It's a free service so any issue you may have will be with them as it is not our concern. Don't be a moron and make your chats public."

AIM does not interact with the game. It takes the effort and ignorance of the player to do so.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Tsa`ah]

11-07-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

There was a short lived stink some years ago about product reps (GMs as it were) monitoring game chats on the service. Guess what AOL said ... When you discuss ways of cheating our clients on public channels, expect our clients to remove you from the service they provide through us.

If you sent a complaint to AOL today about GMs monitoring public AIM chats, they would probably laugh at you for hours on end and then reply ... "It's a free service so any issue you may have will be with them as it is not our concern. Don't be a moron and make your chats public."

AIM does not interact with the game. It takes the effort and ignorance of the player to do so.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Tsa`ah]

Neither does Psinet.

If Psinet is such an integral part of GS when its installed, explain to me how I use it when playing Unwritten Legends?

If my knowledge of programming was a bit better, I could probably figure out a way to Port AOL Instant Messages into the Wizard FE. It would be the same as Psinet.

11-07-2004, 04:07 PM
Comparing AIM to Psinet is like comparing apples to chimpanzees.

11-07-2004, 04:11 PM
Time to pump up the cranial cavity; you seem to have lost some precious PSI that is needed to keep your ears apart and the top of your skull off of your tongue.

AIM does not interact with the game what so ever. Not one bit.

Psi-net does. Psi-net is a utility used in conjunction with the game that also has a chat feature that interacts with the front end.

AIM can't run a spell up script.
AIM can't locate.
AIM does not display chats in the game window.
AIM does not have a spell up timer.
AIM does not execute scripts.
AIM does not do many of the things Psi-net does.

You're trying to dance around the facts and are failing miserably in the attempt.

Go shut down OOC for another 30 minutes and use board happenings as an excuse.

11-07-2004, 04:16 PM
Oh, for pity's sake! PsiNet sends commands to the game. Nobody is saying that PsiNet ONLY links with GemStone. As you say, it also links with UL; but, it DOES send commands to the game.

You can type "get my uber sword of ultimate awesomeness" all damned day on AIM and get nothing for it but carpal tunnel syndrome. That's because AIM does NOT send commands to the game.

Why is that such a difficult concept?

11-07-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Why is that such a difficult concept?

Too much exposure to lead as a child.


11-07-2004, 04:23 PM
:rofl: Thanks, bird! I needed that! :D

11-07-2004, 04:26 PM
I'm sticking with "air leak" myself.

11-07-2004, 04:29 PM
:rofl: :rofl: You guys are cracking me up!

11-07-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Amberlei
Comparing AIM to Psinet is like comparing apples to chimpanzees.


11-07-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Mikare

Originally posted by Keller

Originally posted by Mikare

Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Mikare
I use psinet but the immaturity of OOC has me to the point of taking it off my computers. Seeing any of the curse words just about every other word, hearing bout people watching hookers on tv and what they do to themselves, listening to people rant when they are abusing game mechanics and get in trouble for it is so boring and tiring.

I realize that most on the OOC are under 21 or if older have never matured to the point to be able to hold a conversation without using the f-word every other word.

He did the crime, or stated he did, be a man and accept responsibility for your actions or for your bragging. If you didn't do it yet brag about it then you deserve to be pulled up. If you are doing it and stealing other characters items, you deserve to be banned from the game and hopefully never darken the doors of GS again.

I applaud GS staff for listening on Psinet. I feel a bit safer knowing they do that. Perhaps they will catch all the abusers and get rid of them. One can only hope.

Now flame away children...


Thank you for putting yourself on some high moral horse and talking down to the rest of us "children". No, really, I mean it's great that you know me so well as to make judgement on my morals as well as my maturity level. Please continue to keep it up I'm sure it will get you nothing but respect for your sage like wisdom.

Ohh and while you're up on that horse, do me a favor and RTFM then you can realize you can just untune the OOC and continue to use the features you like about psinet without having to remove it from your computers.

*Edit to add the untunination of the OOC manifestation.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by AnticorRifling]

I can only go by what is typed into the OOC chat. It sure isn't very mature...
I am not on a high horse, nor being moral, I just don't happen to enjoy all that immaturity. I also pay my money for this game and have the right to get pleasure from it instead of the constant contraversy that the actions and words of the immature cause. I have the right to expect the staff to use whatever means they need to to protect my investment.


I'm not sure who has responded to this yet tonight or what they have said -- but I've had a shitty night and you, darling, are going to get the shit-end of it.

I wasn't going to respond to your intolerable stupidity at first, but it seems as though when Anticor explained the notion of UNTUNE you didn't get it. Then you want to compare Gemstone, a roleplaying game you pay 15+ dollars a month to play and Psinet, a free program which hosts "chat-rooms" of which you tuned into of your own free-will. Here's an idea, untune ooc, then tune whiny bitch. I'm sure you'll have plenty to say. The best part is none of us will ever have to hear it.

Please don't ever reproduce.

Perfect example of what I am talking about maturity-wise...


Please redirect any comments to PSInet channel Whiny bitch.

I've gone ahead and created it for you.

11-07-2004, 05:26 PM
Mikare, you are being stupid.

Keller was quite correct in the comments that PsiNet is not only free, but also used on your free will. If you don't like it, then untune. It is 'immature' to do something on your own free will, complain that you don't like it, and then continue.

11-07-2004, 05:38 PM

he is majoring in it

11-07-2004, 05:39 PM

11-07-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone

"get my uber sword of ultimate awesomeness"

500K sword!

11-07-2004, 07:03 PM
Dear God, I thought this would be over.

Ok. If it hadn't been Brauden, I wouldn't have minded. Here's what I've said on OOC at least a hundred times: if you say somehting on a public forum, expect to be heard. If you brag about afk scripting or bug abuse, I will laugh at you when you get pulled.

To draw a distinction: SAYING you abused a bug is stupid. I would have expected a GM to watch the player to catch them, having had their attention drawn by the stupid, stupid chat.

Brauden lied about my software, stating that it did do terrible things, NOT that it "could" or "might". Now he's using its content to do his own job. Therefore, I feel he's a hypocrite.


Psinet is NOT IG. It is not not not not not. It interacts with the front end and servers. It is NOT a part of the game. It does not AFFECT the game any more than AIM does, although it does INTERACT with the game more than AIM does.

AIM cannot automatically reply to a locate request, and PsiNet can. That is because PsiNet interacts better.

AIM can manually reply to a locate request, as well as PsiNet can. That is because they both have the same net affect on the game. PsiNet offers nothing but convenience, because that's all I CAN offer.

Someone mentioned that "AIM does not execute scripts." To clarify, PsiNet does not either, with the possible exception of SPELLUP, which was referred to separately in that post.

"PsiNet sends commands to the game. Nobody is saying that PsiNet ONLY links with GemStone. As you say, it also links with UL; but, it DOES send commands to the game. "

This might be a misleading statement. PsiNet sends commands to the game, but always on your behalf and never automatically. Either your commands are exactly transmitted without modification, or in some instances, your command invokes a series of other commands to be sent instead, such as ALIAS, AWAY, or SPELLUP.

I think that's all for now..

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 07:10 PM
You know, it'd not be an inch of skin off of any Simutronics employee's back to declare that PsiNet is an imappropriate utilization of there software with a third party application they deem in violation of end-user agreements. How easy would it be for a server admin to ban the IP that PsiNet information is relayed from. A step further, what would stop them (Simutronics) from sending policy violation warnings to everyone they see using the program?

Jamus, you have a great thing in PsiNet, but it's users need to be abit more moderated in case Simutronics gets fed up and does one of the above.

11-07-2004, 07:11 PM
It does not AFFECT the game any more than AIM does, although it does INTERACT with the game more than AIM does.

thats a contradiction

11-07-2004, 07:14 PM
"Computer game text has a history of not standing up too well in court, especially if he's going to use the "I'm a bullshit artist" defense to deny knowledge of a bug when he claims that he does."

Brian (me) is not Caladari. I'm not going to defend him.

"...TOS that explicitly states that they can remove such service at any time for basically any reason, he cannot do much of anything. "

This is very true, but the issue of banning me hasn't come up (yet).

"Hate to break it to you, but even if you use PSINET, it is a medium within a trademarked games."

No, it's not. It is not in any way within either the game server or the front end software. It exists between them, separately, and is capable of modifying the stream so that their client displays additional data.

The medium is completely separate, and the psinet communications move through a different server.

"They don't own PSINET, but they do technically have rights on anything said on psinet by a character logged into the game who is using any software that connects to their server."

Nope. They do own your characters, but the characters are not logged in to PsiNet. The PsiNet client is, and it conveniently assigned you a PsiNet login name equivalent to that of your logged in character, (most of the time).

Therefore, they have no rights whatsoever to the communicatoins passing through MY server. They do have the right to modify their front end software not to display data from an unverified source (ie PsiNet).

"You're fooling yourself in thinking that GMs, acting on behalf of Simutronics, do not have the right to monitor the happenings of Psi-net. This isn't AIM. AIM does not interact with the game. GMs can't monitor instant messaging, nor are they able."

GMs do have this right, but only because I allow them to. PsiNet is only as public as I'd like it to be, and I'd be within my rights to restrict its access to people who are not employees of Simutronics for security concerns.

I have not done that, and don't plan to. Simutronics employees are welcome to use my software and take part (or even just listen) to the public chats therein.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 07:29 PM
[Script]>Decedeck murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
[Script]>You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>Your left arm feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
[Script]>Decedeck gestures.
Decedeck's back looks better.
[Script]>Klaser just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
>You squint.
You stand back up.

************************************************** **************

Please read the policy file at this time by typing POLICY and the page number that you wish to read. Once you have finished reading all of the policies, a GameMaster will return to answer any questions you may have.

************************************************** **************

>You are currently tasked with reading the POLICY file, please type "POLICY 1" to read your next unread page.

report I have a question, why am I being held here without any reason
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

SEND[Brauden] After you read policy you'll have the opportunity to discuss your current incarceration with some lovely GameMaster

'Stop abusing me * Sindani joins the adventure.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "Stop abusing me."

<<< Im reading the policy >>>

report Im being forced to read the policy while dreamring gets to call my unit small, and talk about my other accounts outloud in TSC?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

SEND[Brauden] Yes, you'll need to read policy now.

<<< I'll leave this page in here >>>
GemStone IV Player Policy: Abusive Or Disruptive Behavior

Because GemStone IV is a multi-player game, there can sometimes be a conflict between an individual player's idea of entertainment and that of the majority of the players as a whole. In such situations, the majority will be given the greatest weight.

GemStone IV is designed for the enjoyment of everyone, and as a general rule, any behavior which is specifically targeted to lessen that enjoyment for another player may be in violation of GemStone IV policy. While what is disruptive is an extremely long list, it includes things such as harassment, sexual advances, and actions specifically targeted to be disruptive.

Your next unread page is page #4.

You have completed reading the policy file.
>l>[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
'Alright, lets go
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "Alright, lets go."

Active Players: 726

Staff on duty:
GameMaster Zilana
GameMaster Sirina

Use WHO HELP for more options.
>waitTime drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.

report Im done reading, can you now tell me what I may or may not have done?
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>l[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Brauden
Obvious exits: none

'Why am I here?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Why am I here?"
>speak com

>You are now speaking Common.

Brauden asks, "Do you have any questions on our current policy?"

'No, I have a question on why im here
* Strahetya returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>You say, "No, I have a question on why im here."
'You're policy is fine
You say, "You're policy is fine."
>'I don't see how I've violated it
You say, "I don't see how I've violated it."

Brauden asks, "And do you agree to abide by it without question and understand that violations of the policy can result in termination of your accounts?"
'Of course
You say, "Of course."

Brauden says, "Wonderful."

You say, "Can you please tell me why you've incarcerated me."

Brauden says, "The manner in which you choose to script heal in TSC is disruptive."
You ask, "How?"
>Brauden says, "And it needs to stop."

'So my healing is disruptive but her calling my dick small isnt?
You ask, "So my healing is disruptive but her calling my dick small isnt?"

'Or her saying, "Oh, hes on qahaar now"

You say, "Or her saying, "Oh, hes on qahaar now"."

Brauden says, "It clearly is disruptive to other players of the game and by definition is a violation of policy."

'Her actions were disruptive to me
You say, "Her actions were disruptive to me."

'Im a player
You say, "Im a player."

Brauden says, "We're not talking about anyone but you."

Brauden says, "And I'm letting you know that you need to change the way you play the game."

Brauden says, "Because it isn't appropriate."

'So being a vulture is now against policy
You say, "So being a vulture is now against policy."

Brauden says, "Again, we're talking about you."
>'Im talking about me
You say, "Im talking about me."
>Brauden says, "Let's stay focused on that."

'I roleplay a vultureY
>You say, "I roleplay a vulture."

Brauden says, "Being disruptive is against policy, yes."

'Is being a vulture against policy?
You ask, "Is being a vulture against policy?"

Brauden says, "If you're interpretation of a "vulture" is disruptive then you cannot be a vulture."

'Im just healing people
You say, "Im just healing people."
You say, "And doing it really fast."

Brauden says, "And the manner in which you're doing it is disruptive."

'Now, hypothetically
You say, "Now, hypothetically."

'Lets say Im a wizard
You say, "Lets say Im a wizard."

'A level 50 wizard
>You say, "A level 50 wizard."
>'and Im going to spell up everyone in the park
You say, "And Im going to spell up everyone in the park."

>'so I put on rapid fire
You say, "So I put on rapid fire."
'and spellup everyone
>You say, "And spellup everyone."
'REALLY fast
You say, "REALLY fast."

'Is that disruptive?
You ask, "Is that disruptive?"

Brauden says, "Again, we're talking about you here."

'Im a wizard
You say, "Im a wizard."

Brauden says, "No, you're an empath."
Brauden says, "And a rogue."

You say, "I just wanna know where you stand on this topic."

>Brauden says, "Here's where I stand."

Brauden says, "If you continue to behave in the manner that you've chosen to in the past I will without hestitation lockout your accounts."

Brauden says, "That's our official stance."

>Brauden says, "Now you can continue your line of discussion here but that fact will always remain."
>'GreatYou say, "Great."

'I want to talk about dreamring now
You say, "I want to talk about dreamring now."

'Can we do that?
You ask, "Can we do that?"

Brauden says, "As long as you agree to stop being disruptive then we can move on."
You say, "Sure."
>'I agree
You say, "I agree."

Brauden says, "Then what's your question."

'Why is she allows to call my unit small, and be completely OOC with everything she does?
You ask, "Why is she allows to call my unit small, and be completely OOC with everything she does?"
You say, "Allowed."

Brauden says, "I didn't hear her say anything to that effect."

Brauden asks, "Have you assisted about her?"
>'NoYou say, "No."

>Brauden says, "Then you should do that first."

>You say, "So you only see what other people tell you."

Brauden says, "No, I only see what I watch."

'Alright, fine whatever
You say, "Alright, fine whatever."

'I dont care anymore
You say, "I dont care anymore."

Brauden asks, "Alrighty, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
>'NoYou say, "No."
>Brauden says, "Lovely."
>'Isnt it?
You ask, "Isnt it?"
>l brauden
You see Brauden Finawyn the terribly mischievous Sylvankind Ranger.
He appears to be rather young, nimble and lithe.
His long golden hair is pulled back, revealing his slightly pointed ears.
He is holding a perfectly rounded snowball in his left hand.
He is wearing a big silver button, an ashen black leather thighband and a ragged puce velvet ice pack.

Brauden says, "You have a fabulous evening then."

Brauden says, "And it's not nice to stare."
>Brauden waves.
>The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Luswenda disk, the earth brown Raggler disk, the Thornack disk, the Voe disk, the Dorie disk, a large acorn, a plainly wrapped package, the Dreamring disk, the Tornne disk, the Omnipitant disk, the Kaelowyn disk, a field mouse that is sleeping, a large acorn, a grey wolf that is sitting and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Vythann, Great Lady Luswenda, Raggler, the body of Proudfoot who is lying down, Thornack who is sitting, Voe, Great Lord Halgard, Journeyman Eginer, Crofchak who is sitting, Lady Dorie who is kneeling, Morsith who is sitting, Dreamring who is lying down, Tornne who is sitting, Omnipitant, Kaelowyn
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
>(Tornne licks his fingers.)

[Changed formatting]

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by MrFeature]

11-07-2004, 07:35 PM
Oh, and for you rogues:

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by MrFeature]

11-07-2004, 07:36 PM
yup ... he needs to not be in customer service.

11-07-2004, 07:45 PM
It's bad when someone makes Qahaar/Klaser look civilized.

11-07-2004, 07:47 PM
"You know, it'd not be an inch of skin off of any Simutronics employee's back to declare that PsiNet is an imappropriate utilization of there software with a third party application they deem in violation of end-user agreements."


"How easy would it be for a server admin to ban the IP that PsiNet information is relayed from."

Impossible. PsiNet information is relayed from the psinet client on your own machine, so its IP is the same. In actuality, there is no way for Simu to detect that you are using PsiNet other than by using PsiNet themselves.

"A step further, what would stop them (Simutronics) from sending policy violation warnings to everyone they see using the program?"

I would then be forced to insist that no Simutronics employee is permitted to use PsiNet, and therefore hide the user list from them.

Jamus, Brian.

11-07-2004, 07:50 PM
Every log I read makes it that much more difficult to respect him..

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 07:51 PM
<< Neither does Psinet. >>

First we need to define what we mean by the "game". The game consists of the server which provides output, and the client, which provides input. PsiNet is a proxy between both the client and the server, meaning it provides both game input and output. It takes all its input from the WizardFE as all as all the output from the server and processes them. Thus, PsiNet is directly involved with the game.

AIM neither receives its input from the WizardFE, nor does it receive any output from the server. Thus, AIM is not directly involved with the game.

<< If Psinet is such an integral part of GS when its installed, explain to me how I use it when playing Unwritten Legends? >>

You could use the WizardFE to play Unwritten Legends as well. You know... technically, you could use PsiNet and the WizardFE to play Everquest or even browse the world wide web. Of course, none of this is of much relevence to the discussion.

<< If my knowledge of programming was a bit better, I could probably figure out a way to Port AOL Instant Messages into the Wizard FE. It would be the same as Psinet. >>

It would also no longer be AIM. And that's part of the point really; once you modify something to such an extreme, it's no longer what it originally was.

11-07-2004, 07:53 PM
Seems that Brauden has declared war on all of the disruptive folk in the game.

The Klaser/Quahaar combination seems to be popular in the landing as well as Illistim from whence I learned about them.

Yet after reading both Brauden consultation logs I find I do not have much sympathy for the participants. And neither does SIMU since they have not yanked Brauden's leash for his actions.

11-07-2004, 08:03 PM
"You could use the WizardFE to play Unwritten Legends as well. "

I do.

11-07-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
The Klaser/Quahaar combination...

Its spelled Qahaar you fucking moron, its right infront of you too, about 3 posts up.

11-07-2004, 08:08 PM
Who gives a shit on how you spell your retarded character's name besides you. You obviously got the point so perhaps its not as huge a deal as you make it out to be.

11-07-2004, 08:10 PM
What point was I supposed to get? Not be disruptive? I wasn't being disruptive in the first place so I obviously didn't get the point.

11-07-2004, 08:10 PM
I think we need to start posting Qahrar/Klaser death logs.

11-07-2004, 08:12 PM
I'd rather be healed by Klaser than 75% of all the other empaths.

11-07-2004, 08:12 PM
"I would then be forced to insist that no Simutronics employee is permitted to use PsiNet, and therefore hide the user list from them."

See, this is exactly where you invite disaster. When you actively make the statement that you'd make an amendment to the PsiNet use policy denying the use to Simutronics employee, you are in truth making a threat against the staff. Let's try to keep things cool so that no forceful measures will be used, because I think PsiNet is great.

Another point to think about: How difficult would it be for someone like.. SimuAndy from making a change to both the Stormfront and Wizard products that'd prevent your software from initializing or interacting with its frontend? It is possible, very possible for this to be done. This is exactly why you don't give the finger to the establishment, because in the end.. they have the power to win.

11-07-2004, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I'd rather be healed by Klaser than 75% of all the other empaths.


11-07-2004, 08:16 PM
Most other empaths suck.

11-07-2004, 08:17 PM
It is possible, very possible for this to be done.

Whatever they did, Jamus could probably* get around it.


Because most other empaths follow at least 5 points from my guide. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=8026)

*preceding word may or may not be necessary.

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by Artha]

11-07-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Because most other empaths follow at least 5 points from my guide. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=8026)

Funny stuff. So I take it you were a Barumples fan eh?

11-07-2004, 08:25 PM

Also, Brauden/Andy/Anyone cannot do a single thing about PsiNet that Jamus cannot just get around with some sort of patch.

11-07-2004, 08:27 PM
Jamus talked about SIMU altering the code to their launchers that would block psinet from engaging in an earlier thread and said that the tags (?) that are used are readily available and easily read to those who know how to do so. And all he would have to do is modify psinet on his end to accept the new changes to enable psinet to connect.

11-07-2004, 08:36 PM
Seran, there are very very specific conditions that would have to happen before I did such a thing-- namely banning my users. At that point, it wouldn't make too much difference WHAT I did, would it? Politics would have been exhausted.

It would be difficult but not impossible to modify their software to a point that I could not circumvent it, and completely impossible without requiring ALL of their customers to update.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 08:37 PM
So i'm like 70% right.

11-07-2004, 08:37 PM
And I don't really expect they want to be contentious with me any more than I do with them. It's dirty and unnecessary.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 08:48 PM
Just to clarify, Brauden is a tool.

11-07-2004, 08:53 PM
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Simu could so easily block Psinet by simply having the WizardFE or Stormfront check what I.P address it's connecting to, if that I.P. address is the same as the local I.P. address, then it can just refuse to connect.

This threatening back and forth, as Seran said, is just dirty and in my opinion egotistical on the part of both Brauden and Jamus.

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by Kranar]

11-07-2004, 08:59 PM
This I'm not sure on. Jamus said Psinet does not change the IP that the packets are comming from..so they could not tell. :shrug:

11-07-2004, 09:04 PM
<< This I'm not sure on. Jamus said Psinet does not change the IP that the packets are comming from..so they could not tell. >>

The way Psinet works, is it instructs either SF or the WizardFE to connect to, which is the local I.P. address, then PsiNet connects to Simutronics, and passes info back and forth.

Simu could change SF and the WizardFE so that if they are told to connect to, to simply refuse that connection.

It's about 3 lines of code, and it would be the end of Psinet.

11-07-2004, 09:04 PM
We need to see some logs from people who aren't known troublemakers. I know Brauden is not very good with customer's but I think that these guys who wreak havoc get up in the lounge then expect him to yes and no sir them.

At least it's some consolation to those of us who aren't disruptive 24/7 that the end for some of these guys/gal is coming.

11-07-2004, 09:08 PM
There are ways to circumvent such behavior, Kranar, but let's not get into it.

And I haven't threatened anybody. Someone asked what I would do if Simu were to act vengefully, and I gave the logical self-protecting answer.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 09:13 PM
<< There are ways to circumvent such behavior, Kranar, but let's not get into it. >>

There is absolutely no way to circumvent such behaviour. If the client refuses to connect to the local host, then Psinet can not be used as a proxy between the client and Simu.

This method is already used by online gambling sites to prevent bot gambling. It's a very simple, but effective way to prevent local host connections, which Psinet is.

11-07-2004, 09:32 PM
They can quite easily enough block PSINET if they so chose to. They are currently allowing PSINET to connect to their game.

PSINET was built with a specific purpose to allow for an enhanced gaming experience to some people. However, if Jamus wants to be combatative with Simutronics regarding the use of PSINET, I don't think anything wrong with them preventing it from being used. It provides people with access to a different chatroom, specifically gemstone players, while connected to the game. If this room is being used for making statements detrimental to the gaming experience of others, then by all means, something needs to be done.

11-07-2004, 09:41 PM
I'll cross that bridge if it comes, and hopefully prove you wrong, Kranar. ;)

And again, it's not my intention to force myself upon anyon, Tamral, And under no circumstances would I ever intitiate an unpleasant situation with simu.

Jamus, Brian

11-07-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by MrFeature
Oh, and for you rogues:

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by MrFeature]

If your going to fake a log, at least be good at it.


11-08-2004, 12:09 AM
Man, Braduen cracks me up. Anyway, that last post of the vulture dude raised an interesting question in my mind. I've worked for various MUDs over the years and one thing that intrigues me about GemStone and PsiNet are player keystrokes. On other MUDs, anyone with the proper tools can see ANY and ALL keystrokes inputed by the player, regardless if the keystrokes are recognizable commands to the game. Quszuwarwholy, whatever, LOOKed at Brauden and Brauden replied with the stare comment. This brings up a question in my mind. Another way GMs might observe PsiNet chat is if they happen to be actively watching players in the game typing to the PsiNet chat rooms. Granted, they'd likely see something like "chat yo, I R Ub3r!" I'm curious whether a PsiNet command totally circumvents the game or if those keystrokes are also visible in the game.

The Cat In The Hat
11-08-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Artha

Because most other empaths follow at least 5 points from my guide. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=8026)

*preceding word may or may not be necessary.

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by Artha]

Um... I dont suck as an empath, and I dont follow that guide...

but Ill agree, most do. Especially 99% of the recently rolled empaths.

11-08-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Artha

Because most other empaths follow at least 5 points from my guide. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=8026)

I'm staying out of this. Artha knows my mind. I don't want to have to slap him, either. ;)


11-08-2004, 01:29 AM
I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have pulled just anyone for hearing that on Psinet. He probably just pulled you up there because your a dumbass and most GM's want a reason to ban you?

11-08-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Meges
Man, Braduen cracks me up. Anyway, that last post of the vulture dude raised an interesting question in my mind. I've worked for various MUDs over the years and one thing that intrigues me about GemStone and PsiNet are player keystrokes. On other MUDs, anyone with the proper tools can see ANY and ALL keystrokes inputed by the player, regardless if the keystrokes are recognizable commands to the game. Quszuwarwholy, whatever, LOOKed at Brauden and Brauden replied with the stare comment. This brings up a question in my mind. Another way GMs might observe PsiNet chat is if they happen to be actively watching players in the game typing to the PsiNet chat rooms. Granted, they'd likely see something like "chat yo, I R Ub3r!" I'm curious whether a PsiNet command totally circumvents the game or if those keystrokes are also visible in the game.

I'm fairly sure that those commands NEVER get sent to the GS server in any way, only the PSInet server sees chat commands and it forwards non-psinet commands.

Now if you did something like "chatt Brauden is a total ass" I think it would get sent to the game because PSInet wouldn't recognize it and then they would see it.

[Edited on 11-8-2004 by Drew]

11-08-2004, 03:38 AM
Either you put up with my ass or YOU can leave.... kthnx

Someone's still unclear on the concept. Once you get locked out, Caladari, they'll figure out who else you are, one way or another.

Since all the characters you play act like jerks, you'll give your true colors away in any form, it'll just take a little time.

When that happens, you'll find your 30-day ban turns into 60 days or perhaps permanent, for continuing to abuse game mechanics by circumventing a lockout.

Too bad Brauden didn't toss your ass this time around, he could have saved everyone some wasted time.

11-08-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Meges
This brings up a question in my mind. Another way GMs might observe PsiNet chat is if they happen to be actively watching players in the game typing to the PsiNet chat rooms. Granted, they'd likely see something like "chat yo, I R Ub3r!" I'm curious whether a PsiNet command totally circumvents the game or if those keystrokes are also visible in the game.

Commands sent to PsiNet that are one of the keywords (ie. chat, lookup, www, etc) never get seen by GMs. It doesn't not pass through PsiNet to the game, it stops when PsiNet picks it up.

So... chat yo, I R Ub3r! wouldn't be seen by a GM.

11-08-2004, 04:10 PM
Dare you to answer this Caladari, but call it just a hunch -- who's your old GS character that previously got locked out of the game before?

11-08-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Dare you to answer this Caladari, but call it just a hunch -- who's your old GS character that previously got locked out of the game before?

I am curious too. Also why exactly does Simu dislike PsiNet so much? Is it because of the chat feature?

11-08-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
I am curious too. Also why exactly does Simu dislike PsiNet so much? Is it because of the chat feature?

It "promotes the destruction of RP."

As if there is much, if any, RP left to destroy.

11-08-2004, 05:06 PM
Just because it's bad doesn't mean that you encourage it to get worse.

11-08-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Just because it's bad doesn't mean that you encourage it to get worse.

Who says Brian encourages it to get worse? He quit GS because of the lack of RP. If you hadn't noticed, he reactivated his account just to talk to Brauden.

11-08-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Amalee

Originally posted by Chelle
I am curious too. Also why exactly does Simu dislike PsiNet so much? Is it because of the chat feature?

It "promotes the destruction of RP."

As if there is much, if any, RP left to destroy.

Originaly posted by Me
Just because it's bad doesn't mean that you encourage it to get worse.

Where in all that does it say I was referring to Brian?? Brian offers PsiNet, I don't consider them one in the same, but if you do, well then, bad me.

I was talking about PsiNet affecting RP with you saying that there's not much left to destroy. Again, just because there's not much left doesn't mean that you encourage it to get worse, thus why Simu doesn't like PsiNet very much. Savvy?

Personally I think PsiNet is a good tool... without the chat. Take that out and I think Simu would have a buttload less issues with the product.

[Edited on 11/8/2004 by CrystalTears]

11-08-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Amalee

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Just because it's bad doesn't mean that you encourage it to get worse.

Who says Brian encourages it to get worse? He quit GS because of the lack of RP. If you hadn't noticed, he reactivated his account just to talk to Brauden.

LOL. I'm not one to say how he feels, but when you look at the overall effect of Psinet on the game, versus what he claims to try to protect, those things are mutually exclusive, to a certian extent. Even if you look at the simplest examples, people killing others over Psinet incidents, the command that used to exist that would compliment Jamus and basically announce to anyone that knows about Psinet that you're using it and the slipups where chat commands get sent to the game or reported, it's still distracting from whatever RP is left in GS.

I'm not the King of RP, and I don't much care, but I don't think you can bitch about the lack of RP on one hand, and promote your program that, at best, detracts from the RP of the game unintentionally.

I'm not a Psinet fan, and I uninstalled it some time ago, but I don't have any problem with those that use it. I just don't think it adds anything to the RP element of GS, and even takes away from it in the case of some users.

11-08-2004, 06:57 PM
My favorite:

Also here: Lord Bobmuhthol
Obvious exits: out
>'Why are you still here?
You ask, "Why are you still here?"

11-08-2004, 07:00 PM
Now let's all get on PsiNet and make up some bugs that we're exploiting all at the same time.

11-08-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Methais
Now let's all get on PsiNet and make up some bugs that we're exploiting all at the same time.

Buy arrows, eblade them, sell them one by one for nice profit. I got a script.

11-08-2004, 07:29 PM
Personally, I don't see how PsiNet hurts RP at all. The people who RP'd before still RP, those who were OOC people before, still are OOC.

Besides, it's like they say: it's not the gun that kills people, it's the person who uses it.

11-08-2004, 07:42 PM
Simu has never used the excuse that PsiNet destroys RP as a reason for their concerns about their staff using it. Brauden was very clear about that when he was posting about it on the official forums.

That might be your personal opinion, but it sure isn't Simu's from what I've read.

11-08-2004, 07:56 PM
I'm sorry I neglected this thread before. Give me a fucking break. GMs DO see OOC chat, and they do monitor public conversations regarding abuse of bugs in-game. The fact that Brauden posted here about another bug is proof enough of that.

I agree, he went easy on you. Suck it up.


11-08-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Caladari decided to be a cocksmack,

Hott Damn, Artha, you're shaping up to be my favorite potential bitch...

Keep it up... keep it up... <3

11-08-2004, 10:25 PM
where was this bastard when I said that I know someone stole my account from me? Rejects.....

"I hate you Brauden"

11-08-2004, 10:27 PM
He was off doing this:

11-08-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Caladari decided to be a cocksmack,

I like the saying cockwarmer better there's always cock sock too. :D

11-09-2004, 01:31 PM
You feel the memory of Caladari blend with yours for a moment, and see their location as they last saw it:
[The Cell]
You are in a specially-created exitless room. This room was created because of your unacceptable activities in GemStone, which will no longer be tolerated. Please contact us at lockout@simutronics.com for further information, if you desire.
Also here: Speyeth, Sykix
Obvious exits: none

11-09-2004, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I give you a week until you are banned.


Although a week was 5 days too generous :lol:

Originally posted by Caramia
I'll actually give Caladari more than a week until lockout,

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too generous :lol:

11-09-2004, 01:51 PM
God.. I'm good.

You women should want me even more now.


11-09-2004, 04:41 PM
Props to Parkbandit for calling it. Yes, I was way too generous, but silly me... I thought Caladari couldn't be THAT stupid to get caught so soon after being chastized by Brauden. Way to go!

11-09-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Props to Parkbandit for calling it. Yes, I was way too generous, but silly me... I thought Caladari couldn't be THAT stupid to get caught so soon after being chastized by Brauden. Way to go!

A common mistake... giving too much credit to the completely ignorant.

As you can see.. I too made that mistake.. giving a full 7 days when it only took 2.

11-09-2004, 05:16 PM
Simu has never used the excuse that PsiNet destroys RP as a reason for their concerns about their staff using it. Brauden was very clear about that when he was posting about it on the official forums.

I'm pretty sure they have. I really don't care though.

11-09-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
You feel the memory of Caladari blend with yours for a moment, and see their location as they last saw it:
[The Cell]
You are in a specially-created exitless room. This room was created because of your unacceptable activities in GemStone, which will no longer be tolerated. Please contact us at lockout@simutronics.com for further information, if you desire.
Also here: Speyeth, Sykix
Obvious exits: none

This makes me smile.

11-09-2004, 06:43 PM
:lol2: It's about time!

11-09-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Amalee

Simu has never used the excuse that PsiNet destroys RP as a reason for their concerns about their staff using it. Brauden was very clear about that when he was posting about it on the official forums.

I'm pretty sure they have. I really don't care though.

I'm pretty sure they haven't. I am pretty sure that plenty of players have made that claim however.

11-09-2004, 10:11 PM
Caladari, one last request: don't come back, you freaking moron.



11-09-2004, 10:57 PM
Whoever said I'll be banned within a week, oh i'm pretty damn well sure I will, but dont thnk banishment means that person doesnt play. ;-)

Fuck you and good night

I just had to see that again......

11-09-2004, 11:07 PM
Hopefully Aecrybre/Lycain and crew are next.

11-10-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Whoever said I'll be banned within a week, oh i'm pretty damn well sure I will, but dont thnk banishment means that person doesnt play. ;-)

Fuck you and good night

I just had to see that again......

I'll bet Brauden finds out who her new character is within a month.

[Edited on 11/10/2004 by Caramia]

11-10-2004, 09:26 PM
heh. this whole thing makes me laugh, seriously.
he says people who play gs have no life, yet will do whatever it takes to get back into the game when locked out :lol:

tamral (nice seein ya around btw) - thanks for using the bank analogy, i was going to say something similar.

[Edited on 11-11-2004 by iohova]