View Full Version : Fully equiped 50 Sorc, 37 pali, 26 warrior, 30m silver, 1200pps

12-05-2008, 05:22 PM
Account selling on hold

As of your last logon, your premium service has been continuous since 1/9/2008.
Premium points earned: 1200
Premium points spent: 0
Scrolls currently being worked on: 0
Total premium points available: 1200

Sorcerer 1st

House Paupers member

You currently have 6624 unspent bounty points.
You have accumulated a total of 52004 lifetime bounty points.


Race: Dark Elf Profession: Sorcerer (shown as: Sorcerer)
Gender: Male Age: 479 Expr: 2581144 Level: 50
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 60 (5) ... 60 (5)
Constitution (CON): 55 (-3) ... 55 (-3)
Dexterity (DEX): 75 (22) ... 75 (22)
Agility (AGI): 70 (15) ... 70 (15)
Discipline (DIS): 86 (8) ... 86 (8)
Aura (AUR): 100 (35) ... 105 (37)
Logic (LOG): 88 (19) ... 88 (19)
Intuition (INT): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (30) ... 105 (32)
Influence (INF): 92 (16) ... 92 (16)
Mana: 166 Silver: 153

(at level 50), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 40 8
Physical Fitness...................| 90 20
Arcane Symbols.....................| 175 75
Magic Item Use.....................| 175 75
Spell Aiming.......................| 175 75
Harness Power......................| 150 50
Elemental Mana Control.............| 151 51
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology........| 105 25
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 111 27
Perception.........................| 102 24
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 50 10

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 35

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 31

Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 66
Training Points: 44 Phy 0 Mnt (1448 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He is very tall and appears to be in the prime of life. He has almond-shaped silver eyes and ebon skin. He has long, coarse ghostly-white hair tightly plaited into complex geometric patterns gathered at the nape of his neck into a long tapered braid. He has an angular face, a sharp nose and high cheekbones.
He has an etched black vaalin ring in the upper ridge of his right ear, a complex pattern of flowing sanguine script cascading down his neck, a Dhe'nari Warlock caste tattoo on his ear, some tattooed interlocking sigils on his wrist, and a chain of intricate runes tattoo on his wrist.
He is wearing a gold slit-pupilled eye suspended from a shimmering black vaalin chain, a crystal amulet, a sleek shadowy crystal pendant, a sinuous black vaalin dragon pin, a copper-bound leather Adventurer's Guild badge, a silver-edged vruul skin thigh-sheath, a loose-weave white cotton shirt with rolled cuffs, some ebon-hued warlock leathers, an intricate gold ring, some elegant vaalin-tipped finger-armor, a demon-etched ebony scroll tube, a demon-etched orase scroll case clasped with an iridescent black vaalin dragon, some finely-tailored black pants with polished gold buttons, a pair of black leather boots polished to a mirror shine, and a supple vaalin-plaited nightmare hide whip set with a wrought-iron Dhe'nari branding sigil.


You are currently wearing and carrying:
a silver-edged vruul skin thigh-sheath
a black carmiln staff inlaid with silver crescent moons (4x)
an etched black vaalin ring in the upper ridge of his right ear
a sleek shadowy crystal pendant (griffon sword saga)
a crystal amulet
a gold slit-pupilled eye suspended from a shimmering black vaalin chain (gift box enhancive)
a copper-bound leather Adventurer's Guild badge
a complex pattern of flowing sanguine script cascading down his neck (tattoo)
a Dhe'nari Warlock caste tattoo
some tattooed interlocking sigils
a chain of intricate runes tattoo
a sinuous black vaalin dragon pin (premium pin)
a loose-weave white cotton shirt with rolled cuffs
some ebon-hued warlock leathers (Dark elf only)
-This armor design has been perfected over thousands of years resulting in a piece both beautiful and efficient. Dhe'nar crafting techniques have taken the light and strong hide of a jungle troll and created a supple and flexible suit of armor perfect for a spellcaster. Black vaalin thread has been used to embroider a snaking pattern of sigils all over the armor as well as the Dhe'nar warlock caste insignia on the chest, creating a beautiful dark iridescence that shimmers like stars in the night sky. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
The harmonics generated tell you that the leathers serves to reduce the severity of inflicted wounds. (temp 20 crit padding)
The leathers hums clearly, indicating that the restriction's conditions are as follows:
This item may not be used by the following races: Human Giantman Half-Elf Sylvankind Elf Dwarf Halfling Forest Gnome Burghal Gnome Half-Krolvin Erithian Aelotoi
The leathers resonates with your voice, revealing some details of its temporary enhancement:
The leathers's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should be able to withstand a fair number of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.
When its enhancement has degraded away, the item will lose its special ability.
As your song penetrates the warlock leathers, you determine that it is incredibly resistant to fiery attacks (temp) moderately vulnerable to disrupting attacks (perm) and very resistant to unbalancing attacks (perm)
some elegant vaalin-tipped finger-armor
an intricate gold ring
a demon-etched orase scroll case clasped with an iridescent black vaalin dragon (lightened, deepend a bunch of times)
a demon-etched ebony scroll tube
some finely-tailored black pants with polished gold buttons
a pair of black leather boots polished to a mirror shine
an ornate elven ceremonial dagger with elaborate quillions
a supple vaalin-plaited nightmare hide whip set with a wrought-iron Dhe'nari branding sigil (scripted)

Comes with a bunch of unlocked/infused scrolls


You study your current bank balances...

Kharam-Dzu: 8960 silvers
Icemule Trace: 2594 silvers
Vornavis: 202 silvers
River's Rest: 104242 silvers
Kharag 'doth Dzulthu: 21455 silvers
United City-States: 74974 silvers
Isle of the Four Winds Bank: 19002423 silvers

Your total silvers: 19214850

166 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2009.

Locker Contents:

On an armor stand:
some rusted steel half plate

On a weapon rack:
a katana
a nicked claidhmore with a yellowed bone hilt

In a magical item bin:
a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing golden potion
a crystalline flask containing a light blue potion
a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing golden potion
a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing golden potion
a crystalline flask containing a light blue potion
a crystalline flask containing a light blue potion
a shimmering rainbow agate cloakpin
a glimmering essence shard
a selanthan bloodjewel
a blood-red silver dragon clasp
a gold slitted-eye talisman
a silvery moonstone
a cerulean glimaerstone
a deep purple amethyst
a piece of banded onyx
a periwinkle feystone
a piece of green jade
a large yellow diamond
an arched-brow frowning death mask

In a clothing wardrobe:
a charcoal grey cambric shirt with tightly laced cuffs
a silk-lined chambray vest
a formal pale white harness
a butterfly charm
a deathstone Fash'lo'nae symbol
an imflass threaded war harness
a billowy ebon cape affixed with a single crimson gem

In a deep chest:
a pale white jade runestone
some silver bells
a shadowy black runestone
a shadowy black runestone
an iridescent black vaalin runestone with a gold slit-pupiled eye
an iridescent black vaalin runestone with a gold slit-pupiled eye
a solid gold offering plate
a yellow frosted two-layered butterscotch cookie cut into a slit-pupilled eye
a yellow frosted two-layered butterscotch cookie cut into a slit-pupilled eye
a yellow frosted two-layered butterscotch cookie cut into a slit-pupilled eye
a yellow frosted two-layered butterscotch cookie cut into a slit-pupilled eye
a yellow frosted two-layered butterscotch cookie cut into a slit-pupilled eye
a polished crystal shot glass
a small stone
a smooth stone
a light pink morganite stone
a smooth stone
a roomy suede pack embossed with the Wavedancer outline
an uncut diamond
a shadowy black runestone
a shadowy black runestone
a bunch of crimson salt crystals
a bunch of crimson salt crystals
a bunch of crimson salt crystals

Obvious items: 53


On an armor stand:
a scarred black steel breastplate
a black skull helm

On a weapon rack:
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
a claidhmore
an uncut ruby

In a magical item bin:
a ruby amulet
a small pale paper charm inked with spiritual runes
a marble Voln sculpture
a bold red pillar candle inset with a garnet flame charm
a silvery blue potion
a tiny chocolate elf bride
a feverfew potion
a golden monocle

In a clothing wardrobe:
a large sack
an inflated gold pig's bladder
an umber signet ring etched with a green oak leaf
a dark sapphire blue signet ring etched with a peacock
a scarlet signet ring etched with a ruined black keep
a scarlet signet ring etched with a grey tower
a jade green signet ring etched with a black rose
a crimson signet ring etched with a golden wyvern
some enruned platinum claws
a three-stranded silver chaplet strung with an onyx teardrop
an etched silver crown
a silver brooch
a battered battle horn
a large sack
a corked crystalline globe filled with glowing mineral water
some glimmering blue essence dust
some glimmering blue essence dust
some glimmering blue essence dust
an ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
an elemental core
an elemental core
an elemental core
a white crystal
a white crystal
a s'ayanad crystal
an ayanad crystal
an ayanad crystal
a white crystal
a white crystal
a white crystal
an ayanad crystal
a s'ayanad crystal
a s'ayanad crystal
a s'ayanad crystal
a pair of worn leather boots
a carved obsidian crow pin
an emerald-set embossed silver band
a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm
a plain cotton pouch (registered)
a threadbare orc hide coin pouch
a flowing blue-black wig
a bone-inlaid ora armband
a striking burnished gold half-mask with emerald swirls
a rune-etched vaalin armband inset with a yellow sapphire slit-pupilled eye (registered)
a grosgrain bodice
a plain cotton pouch

In a deep chest:
a Mandis Crystal shard
a slim dark mahogany cane capped in gold
a glossy blue-black crow feather
a detailed village map
a lump of grey ambergris
a lump of grey ambergris
a leaf-green carved emerald eyeball
a gleaming bronze coil overlaid with a webwork of thin yellow lines
an opaque crystal ball
a hazy black runestone
a dull black runestone
a shiny metallic runestone
a petrified moulis root
some back bones
a jagged edged shadowy runestone
a serpentine green runestone
a craggy granite runestone
a diminutive grey runestone
a shadowy black runestone
a light limestone runestone
an iridescent black vaalin runestone with a gold slit-pupiled eye
a tarnished silver chain
a dried firethorn necklace
a bottle of dark Faendryl wine
a crimson runestone painted with a golden dragon's eye
a crimson runestone painted with a golden dragon's eye
an iridescent black vaalin runestone with a gold slit-pupiled eye
a faceted black diamond solitaire hung from a platinum chain
a leather tome embossed with a yellow eye
a mahogany dark elf statuette
a solid chocolate Halfling
a tiny diamond stud earring

Obvious items: 93


On a weapon rack:
a triple-strand jade-tipped bola
a feras tiger-claw
a burnished vultite moon axe inlaid with tiny golvern stars

In a magical item bin:
an essence shard
an essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a ruby and golden musical note
a blue crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a black crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a black crystal
an ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a n'ayanad crystal
an ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a s'ayanad crystal
an ayanad crystal
an essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard

In a clothing wardrobe:
a pair of dented steel shackles
a pair of elbow-length gloves

In a deep chest:
a heavy backpack
a lump of grey ambergris
a scintillating fishscale
an etched wood lyre
a misshapen wood lysard
a sprucewood theorbo
a lemon-glazed berry lollipop
a lustrous sprucewood zither
a brass flute
a jade-studded leather whip
a short sword
a pewter and chrysoberyl talisman
a glittering white starstone necklace
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a lump of black ambergris
a silvery parchment list
an intricate gold ring
an intricate gold ring
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a scintillating fishscale
a small troll tooth
a lump of black ambergris
an ivory-inlaid blue starstone ring
a lump of grey ambergris
a scintillating fishscale
a scintillating fishscale
a scintillating fishscale
a twilight grey granite amulet
a scintillating fishscale
some glowing violet essence dust
a scintillating fishscale
a silver and smoky topaz band
a lump of grey ambergris
a braided gold ring
a talneo potion
a lump of grey ambergris
a red drake snapper
a lustrous white diamond choker
a smooth stone
a scintillating fishscale
a crystal amulet
a heavy backpack
a triple-strand jade-tipped bola
a triple-strand jade-tipped bola
a ruby red ora javelin
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a narrow black and grey volume
an enruned parchment page
an enruned parchment page
an enruned parchment page
an enruned parchment page
an enruned parchment page
a bone necklace
a string of glossy jade beads
a silver-edged pure white jade pendant
a triple-strand black pearl choker
a near-black violet
a glimmering blue essence shard
a shard of red stained glass candy
a lump of black ambergris
a duffel bag (I think these are 4x)
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star

Obvious items: 104

River's Rest:

In a deep chest:
an ebony velvet-covered box adorned with intricate dragon cutwork (registered)
a bunch of crimson salt crystals
a bundle of moonflowers
a smeared scroll
an arcane scroll
a sheet of old vellum
a small granite runestone
a sheaf of smeared paper
a tattered scroll
an opalescent white silk box stitched with a crimson dragon
a round blueberry cookie decorated with a sprawling candy dragon
a crimson runestone painted with a golden dragon's eye
a delicate fel rune brush
a rusty iron cup
a small glaes vial of rune ink
a grey meditation mat edged with gold slit-pupiled eyes
a platinum key
a diamond-dusted platinum dice case
a glittering pewter orb

In a magical item bin:
a white owl pendant

On a weapon rack:
a tanik-hafted imflass handaxe

Obvious items: 21

12-05-2008, 05:39 PM


Race: Dwarf Profession: Paladin (shown as: Exemplar)
Gender: Male Age: 100 Expr: 1542279 Level: 37
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 93 (31) ... 93 (31)
Constitution (CON): 78 (29) ... 78 (29)
Dexterity (DEX): 97 (23) ... 97 (23)
Agility (AGI): 96 (18) ... 96 (18)
Discipline (DIS): 80 (25) ... 80 (25)
Aura (AUR): 91 (10) ... 91 (10)
Logic (LOG): 75 (17) ... 75 (17)
Intuition (INT): 54 (2) ... 54 (2)
Wisdom (WIS): 87 (18) ... 87 (18)
Influence (INF): 46 (-12) ... 46 (-12)
Mana: 104 Silver: 0


(at level 37), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 180 80
Shield Use.........................| 174 74
Combat Maneuvers...................| 166 66
Blunt Weapons......................| 174 74
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 120 30
Physical Fitness...................| 153 53
Dodging............................| 20 4
Harness Power......................| 126 33
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 58 12
Climbing...........................| 70 15

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 3

Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 30
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed blunt, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - pole arms, you are a master with 500 ranks.

He appears to be a Dwarf of the Khanshael.
He is shorter than average and appears to be past his prime. He has brooding stormy grey eyes and black skin. He has long, flowing white hair worn in elaborate braids. He has a broad face, a broken nose and a long braided beard.
He has a polished dark clay pipe clenched between his teeth, a golden anvil tattoo on his arm, a tarantula tattoo on his neck, and an orcish horde tattoo on his chest.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a sleek black longcoat, a brilliant white diamond beard-clip, a silver belt buckle, a silver-tipped feather stickpin, a chased sterling silver stickpin, a heavy backpack, a leather crafter's apron, a deathstone studded band, an exquisite gold ring, a perfect maoral-handled mithril forging-hammer, an enruned ebonwood pipe case, a burnished silver treasure kit, some reinforced black leather trousers, some old spiked glaes leg greaves, and some black steel-plated boots.


You study your current bank balances...

Isle of the Four Winds Bank: 11476444 silvers

Your total silvers: 11476444

River's Rest

On an armor stand:
some ora-plated golden invar gauntlets
a squid-crested breastplate

On a weapon rack:
an enruned dusk grey vultite whip-blade
a coal black dagger-blade
a twisted dagger
a fine maoral-hilted vultite dagger
a shadow grey Dhe'nar training whip
a black ruby dagger
a black-tipped ruic long bow
a silver cudgel head-glyph
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star

In a magical item bin:
a large gold ring
a crystalline flask containing a scintillating pale blue potion
a crystalline flask containing a scintillating pale blue potion
a bold red pillar candle inset with a garnet flame charm
a pale blue glaesine orb

In a clothing wardrobe:
a long black leather cloak
a snake-etched brass circlet
a heavy crystal-studded mace
a six tentacled star-etched flask
a small white satin box
a low-slung spray of obsidian shards mingled with feathers
a whorled white pearl diadem
a pair of small platinum specie inscribed with Lorminstra's symbol
an opalescent praying child figurine
a wide silver and blue diamond band
a dark vaalin Fash'lo'nae symbol
a silver pentagram earring
a zorchar-spiked glaes morning star
some grey steel vambraces set with dark storm agate
a stout carmiln short bow
a voluminous black stalking cloak
a wickedly spiked silver pauldron
a silver stick pin
a mithril bracer enameled with a pattern of repeating triskelions

In a deep chest:
a spiral-inset black leather pack
a utilitarian black wand belt
a ironwood block
a black ash block
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a large skin of twice-enchanted oil
a heavy imflass slab
a heavy imflass slab
a blue-eyed white sackcloth constable toy
a petrified Ithzir hand
a heavy imflass slab
a heavy zorchar slab
a silver-based sleek crystal sphere
a heavy imflass slab
a rough vultite hammer-head
a hammered vultite slab
a silver morning star head-glyph
a heavy white ora slab
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head
a rough vultite hammer-head

Obvious items: 70

Zul Logoth:

On a weapon rack:
a black-veined crimson mithril sledgehammer
a faenor-tipped ora fist-scythe
a vaalorn-edged mithril handaxe

In a deep chest:
an onyx-clasped black leather pack
a golden scroll
a leather crafter's apron
a bloodstained black eyepatch
some fine dwarven-made chain
an emerald-set imflass pendant
a heart-cut red dreamstone stickpin
a brilliant alexandrite stickpin
a fiery jacinth neckchain
a silver spear head-glyph
a crystal amulet
an ayanad crystal
some acantha leaf
a white flask
a maoral toothpick
a long mithril needle
a t'ayanad crystal
an ayanad crystal
a t'ayanad crystal
a small glowing vial
a fine gold ring
a crystal amulet
a bronze bar
a bronze bar
a bronze bar
a bronze bar
a silver morning star head-glyph
a finely woven soot black tunic
an intricately tooled ebony satchel

Obvious items: 32

Mist Harbor:

In a deep chest:
a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick
a pearl-handled rolaren lockpick
a scallop-edged invar lockpick
an opalescent ora lockpick
a golvern alloy alum lockpick
a finished vultite dagger-blade
a finished vultite dagger-blade
a maoral toothpick
some basal moss
some calamia fruit
some pothinir grass
a gold dagger hilt-glyph
a bundle of frost-tipped arrows
a sylvarraend ruby pendant
a diamond-tipped armor and weapon scriber

In a clothing wardrobe:
a supple leather longcoat tooled with twisting liana vines
an enruned crushed velvet belt
a heavy backpack
a plainly wrapped package
a maoral block
a bottle of fletching glue
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of fletchings
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a bundle of rough faewood arrow shafts
a rune-stamped black leather satchel
a silver hammer of Kai head-glyph

In a magical item bin:
a jade-inlaid mithril alloy earring (enhancive)
an opal-inset mithril torc (enhancive)
a red garnet studded mithril pendant
a tincture of ephlox
a sheet of blood-stained vellum
a heart-cut smoky topaz medallion
a marble Marlu sculpture (some mage rechargeable)
a glyph-etched star sapphire earcuff (606 mage rechargeable)
a sparkling amber barrette (enhancive)

On a weapon rack:
a vaalorn flail (enhancive)
a swept-hilt rolaren longsword
a mithril awl-pike (enhancive)
an archaic kakore runestaff (enhancive)
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
an elegant invar-hafted steel morning-star
a kelyn halberd
an imflass twohanded sword (enhancive)
an elegant mithril-hafted vultite Hammer of Kai
a sigil-etched imflass mace
a deep violet mithril war mattock (enhancive)
an elegant invar-hafted eonake morning-star
a kelyn-edged rolaren broad axe
a burnished vultite moon axe inlaid with tiny golvern stars

On an armor stand:
a pear-cut pink dreamstone torc (enhancive)
some mithril arm greaves trimmed in polished bronze (enhancive)
a diamond-inset silvery rolaren sallet
some shining vultite platemail
some lacquered azure vambraces trimmed with pale dream agate (enhancive)
a thick ora greathelm (enhancive)
some dark brown full leather fastened with silver loops and buckles (enhancive)
an old engraved imflass shield (enhancive)
a gold-trimmed dark blue kite shield

Obvious items: 80


a sturdy black steel breastplate (4x)
some blackened tightly-woven ringmail
a black vultite greatshield
some jet black imflass half plate (registered, super light think maybe light damage padded)

On a weapon rack:
a kelyn-tipped imflass awl-pike
an oak-handled gornar crowbill
a midnight blue imflass Hammer of Kai
a pitch black obsidian scorpion

In a magical item bin:
an engraved red dreamstone ring
a delicate green garnet earring
an enruned dark alloy lockpick earring

In a clothing wardrobe:
a silver liana vine bracelet inlaid with feystones
a dusty soot black mantle
an onyx and star sapphire bracelet
a selanthan bloodjewel earring
a small gold lockpick earring
a multi-layered frost blue silk cloak
a sturdy black leather gem pouch
a glimmering blue essence shard
a gold filigree bloodjewel band
a charred ash grey pouch
some tasselled deep pink socks
a sturdy dark leather gem pouch

In a deep chest:
a vaalorn-bound dwarven battle harness
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a feras mace
a well-crafted maoral-hafted steel morning-star
a duffel bag
a black crystal
a crystal amulet
a black crystal
a black crystal
a black crystal
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a crystal amulet
a superior walnut-hilted steel broadsword
a duffel bag
a diamond ring
a small statue
a small crystal flask
a white crystal
a white crystal
a lump of black ambergris
a bolmara potion
a candied wild black rose
a glass of Dhe'nari blood wine
a candied wild black rose
a candied wild black rose
some bright ruby red blood wine
a glass of ochre-swirled blood wine
a glass of Dhe'nari blood wine
a glass of Dhe'nari blood wine
a glass of deep red wine
a bright chrysoberyl gem
some glimmering blue essence dust
some glimmering blue essence dust
some glimmering blue essence dust
some glimmering blue essence dust
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a glimmering blue essence shard
a small statue
a small statue
a small statue
a small statue
a superior walnut-hilted steel broadsword
a sorrel imflass short sword

Obvious items: 72

12-05-2008, 05:55 PM


Race: Giantman Profession: Warrior (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 26 Expr: 831311 Level: 26
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 56 (18) ... 56 (18)
Constitution (CON): 56 (13) ... 56 (13)
Dexterity (DEX): 76 (8) ... 76 (8)
Agility (AGI): 77 (8) ... 77 (8)
Discipline (DIS): 78 (14) ... 78 (14)
Aura (AUR): 87 (13) ... 87 (13)
Logic (LOG): 91 (15) ... 91 (15)
Intuition (INT): 78 (14) ... 78 (14)
Wisdom (WIS): 87 (18) ... 87 (18)
Influence (INF): 81 (20) ... 81 (20)


(at level 26), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 138 39
Armor Use..........................| 160 60
Shield Use.........................| 114 28
Combat Maneuvers...................| 152 52
Edged Weapons......................| 152 52
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 120 30
Physical Fitness...................| 152 52
Dodging............................| 152 52
Harness Power......................| 20 4
Elemental Mana Control.............| 10 2
Perception.........................| 108 26
Climbing...........................| 70 15
Swimming...........................| 50 10

He appears to be a Giantman.
He is very tall and appears to be extremely young. He has piercing crystal blue eyes and tanned skin. He has short, blue-black hair swept back from the temples. He has a clean-shaven face.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a smooth obsidian bracelet, a heavy silver chain (Hanging from your silver chain you see a dull gold ring, a plain gold ring, an intricate gold ring, an inlaid gold ring, an intricate gold ring, a shiny gold ring, a narrow gold ring, a plain gold ring, a twisted gold ring, a shiny gold ring, an ornate gold ring, a small gold ring, a flawless gold ring, a bright gold ring, a polished gold ring, an intricate gold ring, a scratched gold ring, a shiny gold ring, a dingy gold ring, and a twisted gold ring.), a tree bark amulet, a cloudy grey scarlet-chased cloak, a copper-bound rat hide Adventurer's Guild badge, an oversized vultite tower shield slung over his shoulder, a reinforced weapons harness bearing an insignia of two crossed silver swords slung over his other shoulder, a suit of rugged black vaalorn chain edged with deathstones(4x), an iron and mithril band, a deathstone inset silver flask, and some boots.

Items of interest:
Thin mithglin longsword (3x, temp slashing blades)

The slender mithglin blade of this finely wrought weapon is both well-balanced and honed to a razor-sharp edge. Etched along the center of the blade in a blocky and slightly messy hand is an intricate pattern of overlapping Dark Elven runes. The long blade is balanced by a star-shaped wrought iron pommel with sparkling musical note-shaped emeralds set at each point. Two large clef-shaped rubies cap each side of the crosspiece. Two slender metal blades are attached to the handle of the longsword. They are angled so that they lie parallel to one another, against the length of the weapon. Tightly coiled steel springs are clearly visible beneath the blades. The springs appear to be in flawless condition. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.

an oversized vultite tower shield

Exceptionally large, the tower shield is clearly wrought for the hand of a Giantkin. Glistening from the night-black vultite surface are hundreds of silver stars swarming about a silver-edged black sword engraved into the center of the shield's face. Along the imflass binding is wording in silvery T'Kirem script. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read shield
In the Giantman language, it reads:
Fear not the dark, for it is in darkness that hope is born.

It has a bonus of +30 from a normal shield, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it serves some type of defensive purpose, different from that of normal armor.

a jagged mithril backsword

It has a bonus of +5 from a normal backsword, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively.
The backsword resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus to Edged Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 33 times.
It provides a bonus to Combat Maneuvers Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 13 times.
It provides a bonus to Ambush Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 17 times.
It provides a bonus to Stamina Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 4 times.

12-08-2008, 02:14 PM
Will keep the package deal up until the weekend then will start breaking it up into pieces...

12-12-2008, 01:05 AM
I know it's a little early but if you're interested in something make an offer, will be splitting up piece by piece if you want it drop me a pm

12-15-2008, 12:31 PM
Started the process of trying to split it up myself and turned out to be too much work. Taking offers on anything listed, silver/cash/isk. PM

Sean of the Thread
12-15-2008, 02:38 PM
I don't get how people can stand to play EVE still.

12-15-2008, 02:51 PM
Eve is fun in spurts

12-15-2008, 05:16 PM
I don't have much time to play nowa days, hence the thread...Like the train outta game/don't have to grind aspect. And it's also tons of fun to fly in roving drunken frig gangs...