View Full Version : I'd like to take this moment to give a big "FUCK YOU" to Warclaidhm

11-02-2004, 11:08 AM
I don't mind being screwed out of silvers too much. In the end, it's just a bunch of 1's and 0's that aren't really there. However, it really pisses me off when I lose RL money and have nothing to show for it.

Warclaidhm wanted to trade me for an item that my character had. But this character was on a closed account that I was hesitant to re-open. (I'm poor) I told him that I'd only re-open the account if he'd promise me that he'd go through with the trade several times, and each time he promised. But lo and behold, not 2 minutes after I logged on and met him in game, he changes his mind. And the whole time I just knew he was going to do that.

So, thank you Warfelcherhm, I do appreciate you wasting my time and money.

Now, for the rest of you Ladies and Gentlemen, the latest Warclaidhmism : He's been to boot camp. That's right, he said it himself. But why doesn't he know shit about it...?

BlueLiner03: hey, foo'
LordWarclaidhm: Hello, this is the player of Warclaidhm. You wanted to talk to me? :-)
BlueLiner03: yeah man. My friend told me you were interested in a cloak I have
LordWarclaidhm: yeah I am
LordWarclaidhm: I'd trade but theres one problem: I need a claidh that can hit magical critters. Perhaps a 1x one.
BlueLiner03: sorry, man. The cloak is on a different account that I wasn't going to open up untill I got back from bootcamp. It'd have to be worth me doing so.
LordWarclaidhm: rofl
LordWarclaidhm: You serious?
LordWarclaidhm: I just came back from bootcamp too!
BlueLiner03: which branch?
LordWarclaidhm: Thats why I was gone for 7 months*

(he later tells us it's only 6 weeks long)

LordWarclaidhm: Army
BlueLiner03: What's your MOS?
BlueLiner03: or, whatever they call it in the army
LordWarclaidhm: It was a family owned disciplary camp though. For teens..and kids from 11 to 16 heh
LordWarclaidhm: They said operated almost identical to ABT
LordWarclaidhm: MOS?
BlueLiner03: yeah, sorry, I thought you meant the real thing
LordWarclaidhm: naw, I wish*

(he contradicts that wish with the very next thing he says)

BlueLiner03: MOS is Military Occupational Specialty
BlueLiner03: atleast that's what they call it in the Marine Corps
BlueLiner03: did they give you a rifle?
LordWarclaidhm: After kids got shot in my camp, and after they beat us to pulp physically, no way in fuck im gonna join the military now if they do that
LordWarclaidhm: hell no
LordWarclaidhm: It was military style, wasn't even a real boot camp. which sucks ass.
BlueLiner03: did you practice any rifle manual?

(They would have practiced rifle manual with wooden cut outs, or something)

LordWarclaidhm: nope
LordWarclaidhm: we learned like everything to march* though

(it's called Drill)

LordWarclaidhm: we mastered that
LordWarclaidhm: team work
LordWarclaidhm: fuckin obstacle courases
LordWarclaidhm: PT at 4:00 am
LordWarclaidhm: in shirts
LordWarclaidhm: er
LordWarclaidhm: shorts
LordWarclaidhm: when its 40 degrres outside*

(I thought I read somewhere he lives in Texas?)

LordWarclaidhm: degrees*
LordWarclaidhm: I swear some of us must've gotten hypothermia
BlueLiner03: yeah, I was on Parris Island in back in November
BlueLiner03: I've already been to Boot Camp for 2 months
LordWarclaidhm: they abused us
LordWarclaidhm: and they said this:
BlueLiner03: I got kicked out for sleep walking
LordWarclaidhm: "Go ahead and try and sue us. We will countersue."
LordWarclaidhm: 2 months? mine was 6 weeks .
BlueLiner03: mine is actually 3 months
BlueLiner03: I got kicked out in the middle of it
LordWarclaidhm: fuck dude
LordWarclaidhm: that sucks
BlueLiner03: it was actually alot of fun
LordWarclaidhm: In ours there was no way you could get kicked out*


LordWarclaidhm: you had to put up with the shit
BlueLiner03: I have a quick question for you...
LordWarclaidhm: Also, with the former marine Sgts. saying the Marines averaged 1 suicide a week in the real Marines..*

(I'm no expert, but, if *I* were setting up a Boot Camp-like atmostphere, I'd hire Marines that have ALREADY been Drill Instructors. With some exceptions, every Marine that makes the Corps a career, has to either become a Recruiter, or a Drill Instructor for about 3 years. They can't make "Gunnery Sargeant" without it. So, I doubt you'd find any "Sargeants" there.

LordWarclaidhm: No way Im' joining.
BlueLiner03: if you're in formation, at order arms, and your platoon comander comands you to open ranks, what do you do?
LordWarclaidhm: You can't do anything*

(Wrong. "Open Ranks" is done at order arms.)

BlueLiner03: and why?
LordWarclaidhm: your not at attention

(Um, no, I'm sorry, that's wrong, too. Order Arms is a position of attention.)

BlueLiner03: what's attention?
LordWarclaidhm: whatever the command was heh, its been awhile
LordWarclaidhm: uhm
LordWarclaidhm: its been probably 2 months
LordWarclaidhm: I forgot a ton of the commands*

(It's been a year for me, and I've only forgotten 1.)

LordWarclaidhm: I know, but I forget the command he has to give you for you to do anything*

(The executing command is either March, or Arms, not that hard)

BlueLiner03: but in real boot camp, they aren't allowed to touch you
LordWarclaidhm: yeah right
LordWarclaidhm: Well they weren't supposed to in this camp. but they broke the rules anyway
LordWarclaidhm: They told us in the marines they went to someone killed themselfs and they went up to the body, spit on them, and left them there.
LordWarclaidhm: They then sent a report to the reports of the suiciude and called it an "accident"

(Everything I say from here on is a lie.)

BlueLiner03: O yeah, that happened to this one kid in my platoon
LordWarclaidhm: Really? What happened?
BlueLiner03: Drill Instructor shot him.
LordWarclaidhm: Hah
LordWarclaidhm: for what?
BlueLiner03: article 90, assault, or disrespect of a superior commisioned officer
LordWarclaidhm: For what?
LordWarclaidhm: he assulted him?
BlueLiner03: yeah
LordWarclaidhm: physicaly?

(Hmm, you'd think they'd teach atleast the basics of the Code of Military Justice (UCMJ))

BlueLiner03: a superior commisioned officer
BlueLiner03: yeah
LordWarclaidhm: oh
LordWarclaidhm: as long as he was in danger of his life
LordWarclaidhm: then its ok
BlueLiner03: no, he wasn't
LordWarclaidhm: wtf
BlueLiner03: the kid was only 12 years old
LordWarclaidhm: What did the kid do/?
BlueLiner03: ...he punched a superior commisioned officer
LordWarclaidhm: Where?
BlueLiner03: then tried to run
BlueLiner03: in the stomache
BlueLiner03: and I think he said something about his mom
LordWarclaidhm: and he shot him??!
BlueLiner03: yeah, it's crazy on Parris Island
BlueLiner03: for lunch, they give you dirt
LordWarclaidhm: Literally?
BlueLiner03: and you eat it, because there's nothing else to eat
BlueLiner03: yeah
LordWarclaidhm: thats how it is in the Military
BlueLiner03: sometimes you get lucky and find a worm
LordWarclaidhm: are you serious?
LordWarclaidhm: wtf, they never gave you food?
BlueLiner03: yeah, I only got one once. Because it was raining that day
BlueLiner03: no, they gave us food
LordWarclaidhm: and you ate it?
BlueLiner03: at dinner we scraped up roadkill
BlueLiner03: and had that
LordWarclaidhm: holy shit
BlueLiner03: we had to fight other platoons for it
LordWarclaidhm: thats lame shit
LordWarclaidhm: for roadkil?
LordWarclaidhm: How in fuck do you like the military?
LordWarclaidhm: thats lame
LordWarclaidhm: exactly why I won't join
BlueLiner03: yeah, or we could go into the swamp, find a snake or something
BlueLiner03: this one kid tried to find one
BlueLiner03: but a fuckin' croc took his leg off
LordWarclaidhm: seriously?
BlueLiner03: yeah, that was messy
LordWarclaidhm: His whole leg?
BlueLiner03: at the knee
BlueLiner03: he still had to train, though
LordWarclaidhm: ...
BlueLiner03: yeah, we had to help him out all of the time
LordWarclaidhm: Dude, how the hell does Jael know I was in bootcamp/
BlueLiner03: he was a pain in the ass
BlueLiner03: I've never heard of Jael
LordWarclaidhm: This guy
LordWarclaidhm: XXXXXXXXX: rofl, when were you in boot camp?
BlueLiner03: nope, never heard of him
LordWarclaidhm: did they bandage his leg up?
BlueLiner03: no
BlueLiner03: we put a tourniqute, or how ever you spell it
LordWarclaidhm: ah
LordWarclaidhm: Did it get infected? heh
BlueLiner03: yeah, because the Drill Instructors would come in at night and pick the scab
LordWarclaidhm: he didnt die from it?
BlueLiner03: I dunno. I got kicked out
BlueLiner03: There was this one night, though....
LordWarclaidhm: are you happy you did?
BlueLiner03: we all woke up, and this kid was screaming on the top of his lungs
BlueLiner03: the drill instructor was so pissed, he hog tied him
BlueLiner03: and threw him in the back of his car
BlueLiner03: and the next morning, there were strange lumps in the food at breakfast
LordWarclaidhm: What was it?
BlueLiner03: though, I fully support canniblism, as it's less wasteful, it kinda made me sick
BlueLiner03: man, I miss it there.
LordWarclaidhm: Why?
LordWarclaidhm: Sure ..
LordWarclaidhm: Why?
BlueLiner03: it's really pretty, and scenic down there
LordWarclaidhm: stop fucking with me dude. I know your lying
BlueLiner03: nice and warm
BlueLiner03: very resort like
BlueLiner03: yeah, ok, I'm a liar
BlueLiner03: I've only been there for two months
LordWarclaidhm: Are you serious or being sarcastic?
BlueLiner03: what do I know?
BlueLiner03: I'm wicked serious
LordWarclaidhm: So you miss the place?
LordWarclaidhm: From all the shit they gave you?
BlueLiner03: I had a friend, that, to this day, has to breathe through a straw, because a Drill Instructor throat chopped him

(There's a hint of truth in this.)

LordWarclaidhm: Dude
BlueLiner03: yeah, it's all worth it in the long run
LordWarclaidhm: Why did you say this then: BlueLiner03: we all woke up, and this kid was screaming on the top of his lungs
BlueLiner03: the drill instructor was so pissed, he hog tied him
BlueLiner03: and threw him in the back of his car
BlueLiner03: and the next morning, there were strange lumps in the food at breakfast
LordWarclaidhm: err I mean:
LordWarclaidhm: BlueLiner03: we all woke up, and this kid was screaming on the top of his lungs
BlueLiner03: the drill instructor was so pissed, he hog tied him
BlueLiner03: and threw him in the back of his car
BlueLiner03: and the next morning, there were strange lumps in the food at breakfast
LordWarclaidhm: but in real boot camp, they aren't allowed to touch you
BlueLiner03: yeah, they aren't
BlueLiner03: but who are you going to complain to?
LordWarclaidhm: Sue the fuckers. its agianst the law
BlueLiner03: if you complain to you company comander, they'll hang you at Leatherneck Square.
LordWarclaidhm: no once your out, of course
BlueLiner03: they'll find you
LordWarclaidhm: they hanged people there?
BlueLiner03: yeah, this one kid was complaining about the whole dirt eating thing
BlueLiner03: they fuckin' strung him up on the Confidence Course
LordWarclaidhm: and they killed him?
BlueLiner03: his fuckin' eyes popped right out of his head
BlueLiner03: no, he survived
BlueLiner03: the drop didn't break his neck
BlueLiner03: only fractured it
LordWarclaidhm: why did his eyes come out?
BlueLiner03: the force with which he dropped
BlueLiner03: I guess
LordWarclaidhm: and he survived still with no eyes?
BlueLiner03: yeah, he got sent home, though

You keep saying you've changed, but you're still just a pile of shit.


[Edited on 11-2-2004 by Tsa`ah]

11-02-2004, 11:13 AM
He's changed! I swear! It's not the same old song and dance we've grown accustomed to! Give him a chance!

11-02-2004, 11:16 AM
I can't believe I read half of that.

And if anyone reads more then half of that - your attention span kicks ass.

Not sure which is more retarded - Warclaidhm or you for carrying on a conversation with him that long.

11-02-2004, 11:17 AM
Well, what else does this account have, item-wise? Maybe you can sell some other stuff to buffer the hurt of reactivating the account?

11-02-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Ivex
Well, what else does this account have, item-wise? Maybe you can sell some other stuff to buffer the hurt of reactivating the account?

Vulture. :D

11-02-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
I can't believe I read half of that.

And if anyone reads more then half of that - your attention span kicks ass.

Not sure which is more retarded - Warclaidhm or you for carrying on a conversation with him that long.

Exactly.. I read the opening part and the first part of the log.

11-02-2004, 11:20 AM
Uhhh, I cant believe you trusted a person like that you didnt even know. :weird:

Warclaidhm asked me for money and I was like: 'HELLZ THE FUCK NO'

No trust for strangers. kthnx

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-02-2004, 11:20 AM

What's the cloak, maybe I buy it :)

11-02-2004, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Exactly.. I read the opening part and the first part of the log.

Not to mention the opening part has nothing to do with the log.


11-02-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
I can't believe I read half of that.

And if anyone reads more then half of that - your attention span kicks ass.

Not sure which is more retarded - Warclaidhm or you for carrying on a conversation with him that long.

Agreed... seriously, I had to stop about 1/3 way down.. :P

11-02-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Not sure which is more retarded - Warclaidhm or you for carrying on a conversation with him that long.

I enjoyed talking to him. I haven't laughed that hard since I was a little girl.


11-02-2004, 11:28 AM
I got two lines into this and realized it's something I've seen before.

I really wish that his mental health buddies would observe some of this behavior. This kid needs medication.

11-02-2004, 11:34 AM
Ish. I'm sorry you had to pay out money you didn't have, Grandsome, because some idiot has no thought for anybody but himself. Warclaidhm, you're a JACKASS! :grr:

11-02-2004, 11:45 AM
I've read about those silly little boot camps parents send their out of control kids to. Maury Povich sents kids to them on his show, too. Didn't anyone ever see the South Park with Cartman on Maury, saying "Whateva, I'll do what I want!"

Anyway, I've always heard bad thing about those boot camps. A kid died at one in Arizona a few years ago. Obviously they don't work, I mean, look at Warjackasshm.


11-02-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I've read about those silly little boot camps parents send their out of control kids to. Maury Povich sents kids to them on his show, too. Didn't anyone ever see the South Park with Cartman on Maury, saying "Whateva, I'll do what I want!"

Anyway, I've always heard bad thing about those boot camps. A kid died at one in Arizona a few years ago. Obviously they don't work, I mean, look at Warjackasshm.


The point of the IM log was just to show that he was, once again, lying. He never went to any kind of boot camp. I can't even fathom why he would want to tell me that. What would he have gained from it?


11-02-2004, 11:50 AM
He was hoping you would be gullible and fall for his bullshit.

just like, why does he go to merchants without money, get picked, then beg for money? he knows people will do it just to shut him up.

11-02-2004, 11:51 AM
What Warjackasshm needs is a full-time bootcamp, IN HIS FREAKING HOUSE! His parents need to get a clue and start kicking ass when ass needs kicking.

That kid wouldn't get near a computer without me hanging over his shoulder, making damned sure he was using the computer for something besides making an ass of himself. Since, by his own account, he kicks down doors when he doesn't get his way, he'd find out very quickly that kicking down doors buys one a home on the curb!

I have a feeling, by the time I was through, he'd be begging to go back to bootcamp!:whistle:

11-02-2004, 11:52 AM
Someone needs to kick him in the head. Preferably with a steel toe boot.

11-02-2004, 11:53 AM
I swear, if everyone ignores him, he will just go away.

I know, I ought to take my own advice, but the only time I've interacted with him was when he started talking to me in the Landing, and then at Ebon's Gate.

He will go away. Just avoid him.

11-02-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Someone needs to kick him in the head. Preferably with a steel toe boot.

Or buy him another scooter, minus breaks and a helmet, plus a POWER PIPE!

11-02-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by NihilistInc
So, thank you Warfelcherhm,


My favourite part of all that post

11-02-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Someone needs to kick him in the head. Preferably with a steel toe boot.

I have a pair of steel-toed Doc Martens if anyone wants to sponsor me. :saint:

11-02-2004, 01:14 PM
I don't think either person in that log of IM's has ever been to boot camp or has a clue as to what they are talking about. That, and I can't believe I read the entire thing.

11-02-2004, 02:35 PM
I agree with you HN, its the parents who need a boot up the arse. When I caught my son, doing things on the computer he wasn't supposed too.. (porn, which I think is todays equilvilent of the mag under the mattress, but when it costs me money pisses me off) I jerked his computer completely, I sold it and he worked his ass off to pay me back the money. His tv, video games, stereo, phone were history for a long long time. The up side was he got serious about working out, and then became a jock. He played HS football and really enjoyed his HS years. Was it easy? Hell no, he fought me the whole way. The first 3 months without his *stuff* was awful for the whole family, when he saw I wasn't going to cave, he got over it. To this day he doesn't even look at a computer, he is too busy.

11-02-2004, 03:18 PM
You're old.

11-02-2004, 03:49 PM
Hell, if you want I can go get my Reality Ranch boot camp shirt and take a picture of it. I guess that's not enough, then it will never be.

We did do "weapon training", it was with pugil sticks. They were not raw wooden sticks, but rather padded.

I didn't get on my crotch pad fast enough, and the damn ass Sgt. Perez hit me over the head with it and knocked me cold for a few seconds.

11-02-2004, 03:57 PM
He knocked you cold with a giant foam stick? you should go to the nurse and get your pussy checked

11-02-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Alarke
He knocked you cold with a giant foam stick? you should go to the nurse and get your pussy checked

That is sig worthy!

11-02-2004, 04:04 PM

They look pretty happy to me.

11-02-2004, 04:05 PM
"Re-shape and Motivate"

Sounds like fat camp to me.

11-02-2004, 04:10 PM
Holy crap...

Reality Ranch?

Are you for real?

And you're saying that you went to "boot camp?"

Boy, that's like riding Space Mountain and saying you went to space.

Get with it.

11-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

I always wanted to go whaling. I'm insanely jealous.

11-02-2004, 04:22 PM
All Campers Receive Classes In:
Teen Pregnancy
Goal Setting
Anger Management
Future Planning
Peer Pressure
Care and Consideration of Others
Drug/Alcohol abuse
Environmental Awareness
Personal Hygiene

Ditch a few classes, Warclaidhm?

11-02-2004, 04:30 PM
Yeah, I cant wait til I get home from work so I can paintbrush some of the pictures from the photo-gallery....


11-02-2004, 04:53 PM
All I can think about is "Mandela Boot Camp" from Chappelle show.

11-02-2004, 06:21 PM
Our exciting "Re-shape and Motivate" is our six week boot camp, which is run amazingly similar to actual United States Army Basic Training.

Cept for the Cookies you get before bed!
Love War's Spin on Reality.

Oh and the camp is in Arizona yeah It has harsh weather I can see why you guys were all getting Hypothermia.

11-02-2004, 06:32 PM
I read the whole log and laughed the whole way through.. though the reason Warclaid pulls the bullshit he does it because people pay attention to him.. if people HONESTLY ignored him.. it would stop being fun for him to act like a retard and he'd go away.

11-02-2004, 07:08 PM
LordWarclaidhm: fuckin obstacle courases
LordWarclaidhm: PT at 4:00 am
LordWarclaidhm: in shirts
LordWarclaidhm: er
LordWarclaidhm: shorts
LordWarclaidhm: when its 40 degrres outside*

In Arizona?? :nutty:

11-02-2004, 07:18 PM
Read #6 of the FAQ y'all.

11-02-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
I read the whole log and laughed the whole way through.. though the reason Warclaid pulls the bullshit he does it because people pay attention to him.. if people HONESTLY ignored him.. it would stop being fun for him to act like a retard and he'd go away.

If statements like this were only true..., though I have been absent for about 6 months, I bet Shaun/Shawn (what the fuck ever) is still pulling his shit.


11-02-2004, 07:22 PM
Why the hell would we want to read a FAQ about a bootcamp for recalcitrant kiddies? They obviously didn't do YOU any good! You're still the same jackass!

11-02-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by Kainen
I read the whole log and laughed the whole way through.. though the reason Warclaid pulls the bullshit he does it because people pay attention to him.. if people HONESTLY ignored him.. it would stop being fun for him to act like a retard and he'd go away.

If statements like this were only true..., though I have been absent for about 6 months, I bet Shaun/Shawn (what the fuck ever) is still pulling his shit.


Seany has been banned, yet again, Finiswold. :rofl:

11-02-2004, 07:25 PM
If you want to lose some weight, you don't have to get your parents to shell out thousands of bucks.


11-02-2004, 07:25 PM
Seany has been banned, yet again, Finiswold. :rofl:

How, there is a silver lining to some things, isn't there. :)


11-02-2004, 07:42 PM
Warclaidhm on Maury Povich:


Maury: Interesting. Here's R. Lee Ermey, your new boot camp instructor!

11-02-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Why the hell would we want to read a FAQ about a bootcamp for recalcitrant kiddies? They obviously didn't do YOU any good! You're still the same jackass!

..I wonder why? Maybe because it says:

6. My child is bi-polar/violent/severely depressed/suicidal, can he still attend camp?

No, we do not recommend that your son attend Reality Ranch, nor do we feel our program would be beneficial to these types of children.

There you go, fucking HarmAll.

Have I changed? Hell no. It's only made me more angry, and you and kranars fuck boards don't help any just make it worse.

I can't stop coming here and playing GS because I'm ADDICTED to it, like nictotine.

Seriously HarmNone if you think I'm fucking BS'ing everything perhaps you should learn some more about physchology, because calling people a jackass and fucktard like you like to do so much won't help any HarmAll.

If you really cared like you said you did in your PrivateMessage you did awhile ago, you WOULD help me out, truth is YOU DON'T CARE, unless you would PM me again and apologize, and I'd gladly forgive you for what I've called you.

11-02-2004, 08:12 PM
My brains!

11-02-2004, 08:15 PM
Dear God in Heaven Above! :deadhorse:

Warclaidhm I offered to help you on one of the other many threads about you, but in all honesty after seeing your recent behaviour I really don't think I, or ANYONE on these boards can help you. You need serious psychological help, your parents need to see this for themselves and do something because at the rate you are going it is truely worrying.

Blaming Harmnone is not going to make it better. I honestly don't blame her for feeling animosity towards you after she, and from reading here many others have tried to help you, why don't you try and talk to the people you made friends with on the other board where you seem to have made some friends.

Maybe then you can work on yourself and start anew.

11-02-2004, 08:16 PM
I can't stop coming here and playing GS because I'm ADDICTED to it, like nictotine.

Perhaps we should pursuade the staff to ban your IP from coming to the boards since you can't seem to discipline yourself, and your parents aren't doing it either. This isn't a healthy place for you, you know it, but don't seem to care about your health, your state of mind or how this is affecting the people around you. You have serious problems and if I knew who your parents were I'd give them a call and have them remove your computer and let you have a raging fit by yourself in your room until you calm down and return to reality.

11-02-2004, 08:17 PM
you can't get addicted to a fucking text game...jesus you're sad

11-02-2004, 08:20 PM
One can become addicted to anything if one already has a predisposition to addiction.

That said, his "addiction" is more of a cry for attention. Said addiction is also a cop-out.

11-02-2004, 08:30 PM
Even if it's true, so what? Waaaah I'm addicted. Waaaah, I'm screwed up in the head. Waaaah, pity me.

Why? What is he doing to help himself? How has he changed? What effort is he making? None that I have seen from any posts here. He talks a good game. Except he's used the same crap so often no one believes him any more.

Any in any case, no one here is his mommy nor his therapist. He should be going to them for help and understanding instead of pulling the same old tired crap here. But of course, it IS the same old tired crap which is exactly why not a single person believes him. Funny how that works.


11-02-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm

Originally posted by HarmNone
Why the hell would we want to read a FAQ about a bootcamp for recalcitrant kiddies? They obviously didn't do YOU any good! You're still the same jackass!

..I wonder why? Maybe because it says:

6. My child is bi-polar/violent/severely depressed/suicidal, can he still attend camp?

No, we do not recommend that your son attend Reality Ranch, nor do we feel our program would be beneficial to these types of children.

There you go, fucking HarmAll.

Have I changed? Hell no. It's only made me more angry, and you and kranars fuck boards don't help any just make it worse.

I can't stop coming here and playing GS because I'm ADDICTED to it, like nictotine.

Seriously HarmNone if you think I'm fucking BS'ing everything perhaps you should learn some more about physchology, because calling people a jackass and fucktard like you like to do so much won't help any HarmAll.

If you really cared like you said you did in your PrivateMessage you did awhile ago, you WOULD help me out, truth is YOU DON'T CARE, unless you would PM me again and apologize, and I'd gladly forgive you for what I've called you.

Okay, smartass, you want a piece of me? I'll give you one!

We've all read your whining posts about your "depressed state" and your "suicidal thoughts". You admitted to kicking down doors in your parents' home, which seems pretty damned violent to me. If that camp was not set up to deal with such people, what the hell were YOU DOING THERE?

Secondly, I have NEVER called anyone a FUCKTARD in my life! I don't use that word. I don't need to. I have, however, called you a jackass because...get ready now...YOU ARE A JACKASS!

Tell ya what, asshole...you're going to get exactly what you dish out. You want to call others names, start threads about people with the intent to denigrate, lie, cheat, and otherwise dink around with others? By all means, go right ahead. Just know this...there is a thing called karma, pal. It's a freaking BITCH!

Now, that last paragraph of yours deserves special consideration. I wouldn't PM to apologize for anything, even if this was my last freaking day on earth! Furthermore, DUMBASS, it isn't up to me to apologize to you for "what you called me"!

You, sir, are a waste of DNA. The only one who can change that is you, and you're too busy blaming the rest of the world for your problems to get off your dead ass and get the job done. Don't come crying to us when you reap exactly what you've sown. Apparently, due to this "addiction" you have, you need us one hell of a lot more than we need you.


11-02-2004, 08:48 PM
See what you did? You got HarmNone pissed off enough to call you names. I think she's done that for about five people ever on these boards. Three of them are banned. You must feel proud. :banghead:

11-02-2004, 08:53 PM
<<Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. >>

You can do it! All night loooong!

Ok that's the end of my impressions of rednecks in The Waterboy.

Go Harmnone! It's your birthday! heh


11-02-2004, 08:53 PM
you know if any moderators wanted to help Warclaidhm with his addiction to this game, I suggest banning him from these forums.

I mean you don't stock booze in the fridge of an alcoholic, eh? Don't you see he's crying for help? banhimbanhimbanhim.

11-02-2004, 08:53 PM
Heh. It takes a bit of effort, CT, but Warclaidhm has accomplished it. Never have I seen a greater waste of flesh!:weird:

11-02-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur
<<Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. >>

You can do it! All night loooong!

Ok that's the end of my impressions of rednecks in The Waterboy.

Go Harmnone! It's your birthday! heh


Heh. I don't have to sacrifice this particular idiot, hon. He's doing quite a good job of it all by his lonesome. ;)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-02-2004, 09:39 PM
Can't you ban him for being high maintenance? Like creating yet ANOTHER handle for these boards?

11-02-2004, 09:40 PM
Warclaidhm, please hear me out: Keep up the good work, but be a little more smarter.

11-02-2004, 09:46 PM

:heart: Harmnone!

She's cute when shes mad ;)

11-02-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Can't you ban him for being high maintenance? Like creating yet ANOTHER handle for these boards?

Creating another name under which to post is not breaking TOS, hon. Creating another name and pretending to be someone other than who you are, or creating another name and posting while banned...those break TOS.

11-02-2004, 09:59 PM
Then can't you guys delete a few of them or something? I know its not illegal but it sure is freaking annoying.

11-02-2004, 10:03 PM
That would be up to Kranar, Toxicvixen. I don't imagine he'd do that, simply because it wouldn't seem right to delete people's posting names when they've done nothing to break TOS. There are a number of people who post under more than one name. It's not breaking any rules. :shrug:

11-02-2004, 10:04 PM
But who cares?

He does it to his own amusement, ignore him and prove him you are wiser/more mature.

11-02-2004, 10:22 PM
Warc, are you sure you weren't in a Residential school versus a Bootcamp?

11-02-2004, 10:36 PM
anyone attempting to drive warclaidhm out of GS4 by annoying him to death is doing him a great service in trying to break his vicious, degenerative addiction

11-02-2004, 10:39 PM
Go get addicted to drinking paint you fucking wanker.

11-03-2004, 12:26 AM
harmnone gets me excited when she talks like that!

11-03-2004, 12:40 AM
HN you swore! Repeatedly even......Warc you made our sweet HN swear, DAMN YOU TO HELLL

Tara passing HN a Baileys

11-03-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
I know its not illegal but it sure is freaking annoying.

So is the gigantic anime freak flag that you use a signature...

11-03-2004, 01:00 AM
I have avoided Warbollockshm all my life in game.
Never ever RP'ed with him or spoken or anything of any kind.
Everytime I see his name on these boards I go by it without looking , until this one time I thought I would see what all the fuss is about . .
And the first thing i see is HM's post.

That explained it all.


11-03-2004, 01:21 AM
Heh. A Bailey's or two, and the whole thing got funnier than hell, Tara! :rofl:

11-03-2004, 02:14 AM
Aw Longshot doesn't like my Banner. :cry:

11-03-2004, 02:18 AM
If any of you have ever spent time with Grandsome the IM log would make sense. He’s a unscrupulous thief, a liar, and just an all around bad guy who would probably enjoy toying with someone like Warclaidhm. Real fun guy to RP with if you ever get a chance.

It was a toss up for me for a long time about how I felt about Warclaidhm. I didn’t know if I felt bad for him or if he was the most annoying person alive. Well after spending some quality time observing him at Ebon’s Gate begging it’s a clear winner for annoying. It made so sense to me, at one point he was complaining about not getting any alters then he was begging for silvers to pay for his alters. If he wasn’t getting any work done why did he need the silvers? Makes my head hurt trying to make sense out of it.

11-03-2004, 09:46 AM
If anyone checked out the Photo Gallery on the site Tayre posted, you could see it didn't resemble anything military-like. I mean, they were wearing jeans for crying out loud. There's a fat kid on the rope obstacle (who I assume to be Warclaidhm) that's SMILING. They hit you upside the head with a pugil stick (by the way, he would have had a football helmet on, folks) because you didn't get your jock on fast enough...but they let you smile at the camera? Another fuckin' lie. And by the looks of it, they were far from "mastering" anything resembling Drill, like he said he did. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure they were all facing the wrong way.

Oh yeah. AND THEY WENT BOWLING! I don't remember seeing bowling week on my boot camp schedule.

It was just a regular summer camp. Like 4H or some shit.


11-04-2004, 03:26 PM
I find it interesting that Warclade would post in this thread yet never address the original problem of the renege on the cloak - I've been expecting to read his excuse/story/BS.


Edited for spelling

[Edited on 11-4-2004 by Askip]

11-04-2004, 03:45 PM
After the deal went down, he blocked me from IMing him. So I logged onto someone else's and asked him what he did and he admitted to it. Then I told him who I was and that I was going to find out where he lived and shit on his lawn. So I don't think he'll make an excuse as to what he did because he knows it was fucked.

On an unrelated note, I've been playing to much San Andreas.


XXXXX: sike, bitch. This is Grandsome, motherfucka. I'm gonna skull fuck yo' bitch ass. I'm gonna find out where you fuckin' live and shit on your fuckin' lawn, busta.
XXXXX: that's right, mof. I'm gangsta
LordWarclaidhm signed off at 4:31 PM

[Edited on 11-4-2004 by NihilistInc]

11-04-2004, 03:46 PM
You know, I am seriously beginning to think that the player of Warclaidhm is just some old guy getting his kicks acting like some dumbass kid who has serious mental problems. I just cannot fathom a real life person being this way. It makes no sense. If it is real then wtf is up with his parents? I just don't get it.

Parents seriously need to bash his computer with a sledgehammer and be done with it.

[Edited on 11-4-2004 by Chelle]

11-04-2004, 03:48 PM
Said it, will resaid it (Agian) Warclaidhm = smart.

11-04-2004, 03:50 PM
:lol: That whole log had me cracking up but this made me laugh the longest and loudest...and I'm at work!! :rofl:

Originally posted by 3704558
Holy crap...

Reality Ranch?

Are you for real?

And you're saying that you went to "boot camp?"

Boy, that's like riding Space Mountain and saying you went to space.

Get with it.

This is quote worthy to me.

11-04-2004, 03:50 PM
How do you come to the conclusion that he is smart? Or are you being sarcastic? It's hard to tell.

11-04-2004, 06:54 PM
I went to bootcamp for 3 days with my Battalion in NROTC which I was in 2 years. We couldn't go for too much longer than that because it was through my highschool. I've still got emotional scars from it. I know I'm a wuss, I cried the first night. Real Marine Cadets and DI's were there (we had one Marine and one Navy instructor at school) this one girl even screamed out that they were making her want to commit suicide. In the end in was the huge amounts of pressure and not the harsh way they treated us that broke most people down.

11-04-2004, 06:55 PM
:wtf2: :nutty:

11-04-2004, 06:55 PM
I went to two and a half weeks of bootcamp for JROTC and I loved it.

11-05-2004, 02:17 AM
If you're addicted, then ASK your parents for help for crying outloud and have them CANCEL your account. Don't keep coming back and become more miserable. What kind of life is that?

11-05-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by carolienaine
I cried the first night.

Everyone cries the first night. Erm, the first night you actually get to sleep, that is.


11-05-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by NihilistInc

Originally posted by carolienaine
I cried the first night.

Everyone cries the first night. Erm, the first night you actually get to sleep, that is.


No they don't.

11-05-2004, 09:05 AM
Anticor cried for the first week.. not just the first night.

11-05-2004, 11:08 AM
Shhh. Let us not mention the name of the dreaded one. He has not reared his head in a couple of days.:smilegrin:

11-05-2004, 11:09 PM
i should fucking smack you for even wasting space on this wonderful forum :) you jackass