View Full Version : Web mechanics
Moist Happenings
12-04-2008, 10:50 PM
I just absolutely love how something 7 levels under me can web me 75% of the time without any trouble despite the fact that I'm unencumbered and overtrained for my armor.
I spent literally 22 minutes being webbed and plinked by major spiders today.
Web mechanics need a serious revamp.
12-04-2008, 10:54 PM
Berserk works wonders. My warrior in Plat dominates in the spider temple with it. Oh wait, you're a Paladin....Ouch. :(
12-04-2008, 11:04 PM
Berserk works wonders. My warrior in Plat dominates in the spider temple with it. Oh wait, you're a Paladin....Ouch. :(
Beseech that shit! ;)
12-04-2008, 11:18 PM
God forbid that the game may actually have some difficulty. I mean, it can't be your training or hunting tactics, it has to be the game mechanics. All characters are suppose to be able to pwn everything all the time when is Simu going to get this?
12-05-2008, 03:26 PM
Spider creatures will ALWAYS be awesome at webbing people. Come on, they're spiders!
12-05-2008, 04:55 PM
Get a higher TD
12-05-2008, 04:57 PM
Web is sweet to cast though, drop it on the ground and let them come to you...
Web is sweet to cast though, drop it on the ground and let them come to you...
Are PC made area webs on friendly fire mode?
12-05-2008, 05:04 PM
Are PC made area webs on friendly fire mode?
ok... so I read that wrong.
Heh, I only do it when grouped so I have never had an issue with it, I don't know what would happen if someone traveled through the room, but it hasn't ever messed up people in my group.
Moist Happenings
12-05-2008, 05:05 PM
I don't have any issue with getting webbed. It's a spider. It should be able to web you.
But for 20 minutes straight? Something 7 levels under me? I was strong enough that while I was lying on the ground webbed self spelled only that it took them 20 minutes to kill me. Four of them.
I don't know if there's a hidden TD check or just a maneuver check on those, but either way it doesn't show rolls.
I'm also not talking about some level 60 spider that webbed me at 67. That I can see.
I'm talking about major spiders outside the spider temple. 7 levels is a BIG difference at low levels.
There was one point in that 20 minute span where I was able to get up and try to get away. I should have crawled out, but instead I stood, and was immediately knocked down with another arm bleeder. If it weren't from the two arm bleeders I incurred from falling I wouldn't even have died.
In conclusion, I don't have any issue with the fact that I died. I don't have any issue with the fact that my character isn't going to be the best at EVERYTHING, but short of a warrior with a lot of berserk ranks, what other character could have done something about that situation?
Last night I was in a shitty mood due to some RL issues and I didn't really care how it worked, but I'm interested now to know how to prevent it in the future.
What goes into those checks? Is it a hidden TD roll? Combat Maneuvers? Encumbrance? Type of armor? Dodge ranks?
12-05-2008, 05:08 PM
Another cool thing that I have seen logs of, but never done myself, but I think people have done the area web then use fire spells to burn the critters trapped in the web and it was more effective somehow. I think I have seen that done before.
12-05-2008, 05:08 PM
Paladin with BESEECH.
A hunting partner? Some folks make Untrammel dust in alchemy.
Also, the minute you're seriously injured your defense will lower, so crawling away is by far the smartest thing to do. I still have to occasionally crawl in OTF, even. It's not like someone who you wanna bang nasty was watching you in laughter? :)
12-05-2008, 05:09 PM
Another cool thing that I have seen logs of, but never done myself, but I think people have done the area web then use fire spells to burn the critters trapped in the web and it was more effective somehow. I think I have seen that done before.
The burning creates 908-like flares.
Another interesting point, is a Ranger with Call Swarm can strengthen a foe's webbed state. The flies somehow reinforce it, it's super sexy.
Moist Happenings
12-05-2008, 05:15 PM
Don't have BESEECH yet, but that'll be nice to have when I get it. Still a pain for any other profession though.
I think it could do for a little bit of a nerf like ewave got, making it so if it's casted over and over and over again it loses effectiveness after a while.
I was just frustrated that the damn things couldn't kill me after I was webbed, and there was nothing I could do to get out of it.
Maybe after you get pecked away a bit while you're in the webs, the attacks will break through the webbing a bit, at least lowering the duration.
Doesn't make that much sense that if you're encased in webs, and you get a leg hacked off that those webs stay 100% intact.
I don't think this necessarily should apply for CS based web spells. That's a simple TD check, but it just seems completely random on the hidden checks. My TD was fine against something 7 levels below me, my DS was more than fine to fight them lying on the ground in offensive if I could. I was unencumbered, overtrained for the armor I'm wearing. Just doesn't make that much sense to me that they could keep me webbed for 20 minutes.
12-05-2008, 05:19 PM
12-05-2008, 05:30 PM
I know there's a hidden roll in there somewhere. Whether it's maneuver or TD based, persistent 109 (with blessings lores?) gives you a second chance on a fail, and I think just overall better defenses against webs. Tough to get as a paladin though.
Moist Happenings
12-05-2008, 05:43 PM
Hmm, it's not a huge deal for me at any rate. I stay away from anything that webs or boils usually. I just decided that since they were such low level compared to what my bounty was for they wouldn't affect me while I was there gettin' my task done. They got me a few times when I was lower level because I got cocky when I was all spelled up, so I steered clear.
BESEECH will be more than good enough for me down the road.
spiders have always been somewhat buggy. They'll web, and stack, and stack, and stack.
7 levels under you? Shit I remember being 40 levels over them and being in infinity stacked webs.
OOC the stacking ability sucks and should be nerfed, but IC, it doesn't make sense for it to fall away... Then again it doesn't make sense for player webs to fall away either and yet they do..
Stanley Burrell
12-05-2008, 05:53 PM
12-05-2008, 06:14 PM
I know there's a hidden roll in there somewhere. Whether it's maneuver or TD based, persistent 109 (with blessings lores?) gives you a second chance on a fail, and I think just overall better defenses against webs. Tough to get as a paladin though.
I'm pretty sure it's been said on the officials that it's a TD check.
From my own experiences, when I get my 100's dispelled, I always fail at avoiding cast or area webs. With my TD at normal, I just shrug them off.
I think you mean 115, Fastr Reward, versus 109 Dispel inviso
Moist Happenings
12-05-2008, 06:16 PM
spiders have always been somewhat buggy. They'll web, and stack, and stack, and stack.
7 levels under you? Shit I remember being 40 levels over them and being in infinity stacked webs.
OOC the stacking ability sucks and should be nerfed, but IC, it doesn't make sense for it to fall away... Then again it doesn't make sense for player webs to fall away either and yet they do..
No, it doesn't make sense that they should fall away, but in situations with the spider webs I think something could be implemented where every round you take some sort of struggle check to see if you can break free of the webs, like fear. And it's not completely out of character to say that maybe it's a little easier to struggle out of a web now that something's swatted you a few times with a falchion or an axe, or whatever it is that arachne acolytes use in that area.
But yeah, web, stack, stack, stack stack gets old after a while. There's no defense against it unless you're a warrior with berserk at that level. I know at least the stack effect has no check or an insanely easy check. I've never seen anything fail it once you were webbed. That makes sense though. Just..ugh.. I'm almost THANKFUL for the second bleeder because if I didn't have it it wouldn't have been a 20 minute wait. It would have been an hour.
12-05-2008, 06:32 PM
I'm pretty sure it's been said on the officials that it's a TD check.
From my own experiences, when I get my 100's dispelled, I always fail at avoiding cast or area webs. With my TD at normal, I just shrug them off.
I think you mean 115, Fastr Reward, versus 109 Dispel inviso
He meant 209? I think, whatever untrammel is.
12-05-2008, 06:35 PM
Ah. Probably.
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