View Full Version : Event RP Whoring

11-30-2008, 11:57 PM
Vote and/or post your opinions on RP whoring.

"Roleplay Whoring" for purposes of this poll is defined as going out of your way to roleplay more than you ordinarily would because you know a GM is watching/participating (in hopes of earning an RPA, gaining their favor somehow, etc). An example scenario: There's 8 people camping out in Sproink's wagon completely silent. He shows up, locks the door and some of them spring to life roleplaying with one another (taunts, flirts, cultural/outfit discussions, etc), gazing on with fascination at Sproink working, making spectacles of themselves, etc.

Moist Happenings
12-01-2008, 12:11 AM
I'm all for roleplaying in most any situation, but something about being completely devoid of it 99% of the time then springing to life as soon as a GM's involved bothers me. Nobody likes the teacher's pet.

Edit to add: If you are someone who roleplays moderately the rest of the time, and then you're just putting your best foot forward in front of the GMs, that's okay, but I hate seeing it from vulture empaths, mule accounts, script whores, and the like.

12-01-2008, 12:18 AM

12-01-2008, 12:19 AM
Sometimes it reminds me of overly man-oriented women. I had a co-worker... she was a real piece of work. When it was just us girls hanging around, she snort-laughed, swore like a sailor, and managed to be quite competent. The MINUTE a man walked into the room, she'd immediately turn her body towards his, leaning like a flower to the sun. Her voice would rise an octave to that cutesy titter some guys like. She'd giggle and pout her way through their company and flounder around like a damsel-in-distress until the guy helped her out, even if it was a task she'd just accomplished by herself, quietly, ten minutes ago.

I loathe it.

12-01-2008, 12:23 AM
Stab her. I'll help bail you out of prison. I hate chicks like that.

12-01-2008, 12:31 AM
I'm all for roleplaying in most any situation, but something about being completely devoid of it 99% of the time then springing to life as soon as a GM's involved bothers me. Nobody likes the teacher's pet.

Edit to add: If you are someone who roleplays moderately the rest of the time, and then you're just putting your best foot forward in front of the GMs, that's okay, but I hate seeing it from vulture empaths, mule accounts, script whores, and the like.


Sometimes it reminds me of overly man-oriented women. I had a co-worker... she was a real piece of work. When it was just us girls hanging around, she snort-laughed, swore like a sailor, and managed to be quite competent. The MINUTE a man walked into the room, she'd immediately turn her body towards his, leaning like a flower to the sun. Her voice would rise an octave to that cutesy titter some guys like. She'd giggle and pout her way through their company and flounder around like a damsel-in-distress until the guy helped her out, even if it was a task she'd just accomplished by herself, quietly, ten minutes ago.

I loathe it.

Stab her. I'll help bail you out of prison. I hate chicks like that.

Sometimes I just love the chicks here...stabbity stabbity

12-01-2008, 12:34 AM
It would be justifiable homicide, I'm sure. I could just pay a fine or something.

Fortunately, I don't have to work with her anymore. I did make her cry before I left, though, when I made my farewells.

Moist Happenings
12-01-2008, 12:40 AM
Just another addition, as I read this tonight and it sparked in my memory a minute ago:

From Rusticus I received the impression that my character required improvement and discipline; and from him I learned not to be led astray to sophistic emulation, nor to writing on speculative matters, nor to delivering little hortatory orations, nor to showing myself off as a man who practices much discipline, or does benevolent acts in order to make a display; - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

12-01-2008, 12:58 AM
I wish RP Whoring were grounds for CvC.

12-01-2008, 01:03 AM
The poll results so far don't jive with my experience. Anytime I've seen an event/merchant/gm-interaction, people start trying a little harder. So for everyone to say "No, it's not ME!!" seems a bit disingenuous. Besides, what's wrong with trying to RP your best during an event? Isn't that what they're for? I'm not saying change your whole character, make up a backstory on the spot or some crap, but in all reality, I'm betting people are more conscientious about their RP during events than they're letting on.

12-01-2008, 01:10 AM
my view is simple. event = a lot of people in a confined space. Stop trying to be a whore and shut up. the scroll is usualy bad enough w/ auto-scrollers as is. I don't need your(insert rp whores name) dumb ass cluttering up my screen any more then it already is. So STFU and DIAF. You want to break your norm and RP for once fine, do it someone where else.

Stanley Burrell
12-01-2008, 01:40 AM
Vote and/or post your opinions on RP whoring.

"Roleplay Whoring" for purposes of this poll is defined as going out of your way to roleplay more than you ordinarily would because you know a GM is watching/participating (in hopes of earning an RPA, gaining their favor somehow, etc). An example scenario: There's 8 people camping out in Sproink's wagon completely silent. He shows up, locks the door and some of them spring to life roleplaying with one another (taunts, flirts, cultural/outfit discussions, etc), gazing on with fascination at Sproink working, making spectacles of themselves, etc.

I might say something upon greeting with a little bit of that extra RP fiber, i.e.,

>SAY ::SPROINK =STATE How fair thee short one and good tidings.

And then upon leaving I'll be all:

SING :WISTFUL ::SPROINK How thou hath brightened mine day,;Hadlir: Your alters are never ghey.

But for the most part, I stay quiet like there were still enough people playing for screen scroll to be an issue when everyone started trying to get RPAs. Life is just that complicated.

12-01-2008, 01:40 AM
The thing that bothers me most is the "it really is a treat watching you work" stuff. I have yet to ever see someone look on with admiration at a master fletcher making arrows but you always see it when a merchant is sewing.

The GM merchants, for the most part, would not be perceived by characters as anything different from any of the NPC merchants in town. The fact that they make custom items is a practical limitation of the game more than anything else.

12-01-2008, 03:39 AM
Jesus, merchant events are BORING as fuck so I never cared when people RP'd, regardless of their intention in doing so. Anything to break the monotony. And no, I never really did it myself unless someone tried to interact with me first.

The Ponzzz
12-01-2008, 04:28 AM
This happens often in Platinum where people who don't do much go above and beyond when there is an NPC or merchant working. I usually do less or leave because of it.

12-01-2008, 05:18 AM
This happens often in Platinum where people who don't do much go above and beyond when there is an NPC or merchant working. I usually do less or leave because of it.

Platinum? It's probably just the first time they've seen another character.

12-01-2008, 05:27 AM
I don't go out of my way to heavily RP anytime.

However, if someone's interacting with me, I usually spend more effort. If that happens to be at merchant, I guess that makes me an rp whore.

Sean of the Thread
12-01-2008, 05:31 AM
Nothing wrong with being smart to get ahead of the "game" imho but I never did it.

I'd be quiet most the time and I swear if the rooms weren't sancted someone would die the rest of the time.

12-01-2008, 06:50 AM
The poll results so far don't jive with my experience. Anytime I've seen an event/merchant/gm-interaction, people start trying a little harder. So for everyone to say "No, it's not ME!!" seems a bit disingenuous. Besides, what's wrong with trying to RP your best during an event? Isn't that what they're for? I'm not saying change your whole character, make up a backstory on the spot or some crap, but in all reality, I'm betting people are more conscientious about their RP during events than they're letting on.

Most of the people sitting in the room around a merchant are played by the same person. It's even more fun to watch them try to rp and mess up who should be speaking.

12-01-2008, 09:30 AM
Here's what makes me insane and labeling people as RP whoring:

People who kiss-ass to merchants who are roleplayed as snobs/assholes/etc. If MY tailor/jeweler/etc were talking to me like I were a piece of shit I'd tell them to go fuck themselves and take my needed work elsewhere.

People who will alter their characters attitude to fit around the scenario at hand. Evil characters acting sweet and nice for work, blunt confident characters acting shy/coy, shit like that. I HATE HATE HATE when people will do a total 180 with their character's usual nature just make it work for what is going on at the time.

People who giggle, fart, play instruments, sing poems, sneeze, etc every 30 seconds just to get someone to respond to them. Yeah, I'll respond....WITH A LIGHTNING BOLT TO YOUR FACE!

Anyway, that's my two cents.

The Ponzzz
12-01-2008, 09:43 AM
Platinum? It's probably just the first time they've seen another character.


I've never had any issues finding any interaction in Plat.

12-01-2008, 10:22 AM
Life would be so much easier if we could string and restring our own items...

12-01-2008, 10:25 AM
my view is simple. event = a lot of people in a confined space. Stop trying to be a whore and shut up. the scroll is usualy bad enough w/ auto-scrollers as is. I don't need your(insert rp whores name) dumb ass cluttering up my screen any more then it already is. So STFU and DIAF. You want to break your norm and RP for once fine, do it someone where else.

:yeahthat: w/o the aggressive stance. I tend to view most merchant sessions as OOC these days unless the merchant themselves indicates RP is called for by initiating it but in a room of 30 or more people the less movement or interaction the better in my opinion and tends to make the session go much faster.

12-01-2008, 10:25 AM
I find that people are accused of RP merchant whoring because they often RP in their little circles, without much exposure to a large variety of people. People like Querthose ham it up during a merchant, but the truth is he is pretty much like that wherever you come across him.

The question becomes, is said person focusing all of their RPing AROUND the NPC/Merchant in question. Calling people merchant RP whores just because they are RPing NEAR a merchant is silly. It creates an atmosphere where people don't want to RP at all in front of a crowd for fear of being labeled as such. However, if you KNOW someone doesn't RP at all, and suddenly is speaking in shakespearian prose once the merchant shows up. Yeah, probably a merchant RP whore.

Bottom line, this IS a Roleplaying game. Even Merchant RP whoring is RP. There are worse things in the world...Like asshats who play instruments, or let all their damned tattoo/lizards/idle script objects go nuts in the middle of a crowded room.

Edited to add: Also, yes. Please shut the fuck up for the first 30 mins of a merchant's arrival. There is a lot of explaining and sorting out who is going when and for how long. However, to say that NO ONE SHOULD MAKE A FUCKING SOUND FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT is also quite silly. After the first batch have been picked for service, the room is usually DEAD silent. Bitching about people RPing at that point is stupid. RPing to the point of distracting the merchant IS bad, but these people (GMs) have the right to roleplay just as much as the PC's there to get their services. If they want to stop for a few minutes every hour to chit-chat, don't tar and feather the poor bastard in the crowd who speaks up to interact.

12-01-2008, 10:32 AM
I interpreted this thread more as about RP whoring...not merchant whoring. You don't want to get me started about THAT.

Because there are times when GM-run NPC's are in the game for some storyline and the twits that come out of the woodwork are mindblowing. Those were who I thought we were referring to?

That Jay
12-01-2008, 10:41 AM
This happens often in Platinum where people who don't do much go above and beyond when there is an NPC or merchant working. I usually do less or leave because of it.

So thats why you leave whenever I come in the room.


12-01-2008, 10:45 AM
You missed an option:

"I don't give a crap."

Seriously. I may be an RP "whore", but only if it's with someone I know or someone who tries to interact with me. I don't like people when they talk over merchants, sure... but RP is RP is RP, no matter when or where it is, so I don't really give a crap if someone RP's more or less at merchants. :shrug:

12-01-2008, 10:51 AM
Let's talk about quest whores. Those are the ones that bother me the most.

12-01-2008, 11:08 AM
I actually go the other way and tune down my RP when a merchant is around. I don't want to contribute to the incessant scroll, so I'll just sit and watch people or whisper to those people I know. I'll certainly respond if someone talks to me and I'll RP if the merchant indicates they'd like it, but otherwise I'm not making things worse.

RP events are another matter entirely. The idea is to RP, so staying quiet isn't going to help. However, RP events also require staying true to the character. As much as an event looks interesting, destroying my RP just to get involved also destroys any credibility I had in making RP claims. People just can't take me seriously if I can't stick to one thing.

Continuing the RP even though the event or interaction is over is also key. You look more like you suffer from bouts of memory loss if you only pick up the RP when you know a GM is watching. You also get a higher chance of GM interaction if you keep RP'ing outside the actual event, since some will go looking for people doing just that to stir stuff up.


12-01-2008, 11:09 AM
Ah, the much discussed Quest whoring issue. Double edged sword. The RP events are made for people to RP. I will say this, there are people who stay out of sight, highlight all the known NPCs in the quest, and are generally only seen once they see a name pop up in the WHO database. That's pretty bad. The worst of the "quest whores" will be roleplaying whether or not GMs are watching, but you damn well better believe they will be front and center when one is about.

I had some of my best experiences involved in quests, but as gay as it sounds, getting involved in that crap was just too damned stressful. I prefered to putter around with my friends and such unless a storyline falls into your lap.

12-01-2008, 11:17 AM
I don't think the problem is that people try to RP more in front of a merchant. It's people who go from "I'm a killer and hate everyone" to "I LOVE YOU".

I've over RP'd at events and have got work done because of it. But I've never changed whichever character I was playing at the time's personality.

12-01-2008, 11:20 AM
Heh. I would say I have gotten my character barred from services and killed more than I have gotten him actual work for RPing at merchants. Still a lot of fun.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-01-2008, 11:32 AM
I totally do it ;)

12-01-2008, 11:41 AM
They need RP training, like the guy in the Thrak in for newbies.

12-01-2008, 11:52 AM
They need RP training, like the guy in the Thrak in for newbies.

I'd love it if there were an NPC with basic tips. Some people just don't believe you when you tell them fame, level, AS/CS/DS #s are all OOC. Of course the NPC would have to speak in OOC whispers...

12-01-2008, 11:56 AM
They need RP training, like the guy in the Thrak in for newbies.

The problem is, the only people who know about that are people who aren't strangers to the game and have already made up their minds as to how to play the game. They're either doing it "right" before they go in, or won't change from doing it "wrong" when they leave.

Hai Lawd ZeeAir
12-01-2008, 05:23 PM
My opinion: If the player wants to RPWhore themselves, it's their $15, so good for them. But I think if a GM is dumb enough to fall for this, they shouldn't be running merchants. If I was a GM merchanting something, i'd arrive 5 minutes late, and i'd spend those first 5 minutes, invisible in the room monitoring people. If people are talking and stuff and I show up and they continue to do so, then they get rewards.

If people are dead silent, just absently monitoring the screen while they play wow or something, and then I show up, and they're clinging to me like fanbois, then maybe i'll throw a spring at them, or introduce them to my coat that has spikes shoot out of it when I push a button. Anyone who hugged/touched/prodded/snuggled up to me within the last 20 seconds, gets a steel spike in them somewhere. Or maybe i'll just throw steel springs.

12-01-2008, 05:51 PM
My personal favorite.

Trying to RP while waiting for a merchant only to find that you are surrounded by 50 zombies.

Enter said merhcant. Its now RP central. Gotta love that.

Hai Lawd ZeeAir
12-01-2008, 05:59 PM
And I bet at least 2 groups of 12 or so are all one person. It's funny when people try to multiplay RP and they wind up asking themselves a question and then answering it on the same window, and they 'cross their eyes' or something, like they were going to glance at their other char, and glanced at themselves instead.

12-01-2008, 09:09 PM
Yeah. That feeling sucks whether it is at a merchant, or a hunting ground..or the dais, etc.

12-01-2008, 10:50 PM
My personal favorite.

Trying to RP while waiting for a merchant only to find that you are surrounded by 50 zombies.

Enter said merhcant. Its now RP central. Gotta love that.


12-02-2008, 03:10 PM
Heh. Sometimes if your NPC is not know its like pulling teeth to find someone to roleplay against.

I tried to throw characters into the game to do just that just roleplay no treasures nothing that was going to cause a great horrible event just plain ole roleplaying. Some of my more favorite moments were the ogre who thought he was an elf. The drunken but dead food taster who got in a screaming fashion match with a young woman at a merchant. The old lady who just needed help getting in carriages. I rarely found the "rp whores" I found players willing to jump into the story even though they were not even sure I was a gm.

If you were offered the opportunity would you stay in character? Most will. Big events are a bit different and sometimes bring out the bad because people are desparate for the gm's attention.

Merchant whores are a different story other than a few moments I was too involved in helping the person I was working with to even pay attention to what was going on. So they could "act" all they wanted. Heh


12-02-2008, 03:15 PM
it seems like it works, because you see the same people getting stuff done/winning stuff.

i've never really considered the merchant events a place for RP, especially where the merchants are concerned.

i know in real life if there were 50 people surrounding a shop vender trying to have a conversation, whispering, playing instruments, etc it wouldn't go well. kinda like a toys r us during christmas.

i try to just sit back, be quite, get the service done, pay and be gone. hardly ever gets that far because i don't win shit.

Stanley Burrell
12-02-2008, 03:16 PM
Heh. I would say I have gotten my character barred from services and killed more than I have gotten him actual work for RPing at merchants. Still a lot of fun.

Has anyone actually offed Sproink? I know there have been attempts. Mekthros never caterwauled, "ALLAHU AKHBAR GNOME INFIDEL" but he came close. Sproink'd just probably form an anti-text-based terror wall with RP-chiseled husks of all the adjacent buttkisses.

A permanent purple mushroom stamp alter to the man/woman or man pretending to be a woman who kills the enemy of the Arkati: Sproink.

God. I hope Sproink sets the printing press on "PURPLE MUSHROOM" and just goes apeshit on the whole room. He's already done some pretty interesting stamps as is.

12-02-2008, 03:31 PM
I'm all for roleplaying in most any situation, but something about being completely devoid of it 99% of the time then springing to life as soon as a GM's involved bothers me. Nobody likes the teacher's pet.

Edit to add: If you are someone who roleplays moderately the rest of the time, and then you're just putting your best foot forward in front of the GMs, that's okay, but I hate seeing it from vulture empaths, mule accounts, script whores, and the like.

Yeah, that sums it up.


12-02-2008, 03:32 PM
The MINUTE a man walked into the room, she'd immediately turn her body towards his, leaning like a flower to the sun.

That made me snort laugh.


12-02-2008, 03:53 PM
I've been unabashedly OOC for at least 3 years now - probably more.

12-02-2008, 07:29 PM
Has anyone actually offed Sproink? I know there have been attempts. Mekthros never caterwauled, "ALLAHU AKHBAR GNOME INFIDEL" but he came close. Sproink'd just probably form an anti-text-based terror wall with RP-chiseled husks of all the adjacent buttkisses.

A permanent purple mushroom stamp alter to the man/woman or man pretending to be a woman who kills the enemy of the Arkati: Sproink.

God. I hope Sproink sets the printing press on "PURPLE MUSHROOM" and just goes apeshit on the whole room. He's already done some pretty interesting stamps as is.

Yes. Sproink has been killed by PCs and NPCs alike.

12-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Speaking of RP whores...

Welcome back Fallen?

edit: The first part was a joke.

Sean of the Thread
12-02-2008, 09:02 PM
Rofl I remember when Alfster was pick pocketing one of the merchants... and taking merchanting items from the containers.

so and so turns to alfster. "give those back now"

Alfster: "No"

I died laughing.

12-03-2008, 02:59 AM
As I recall, the GM snatched them from his container with "GM magic" later (speaking of shabby roleplaying).

12-03-2008, 08:46 AM
Speaking of RP whores...

Welcome back Fallen?

edit: The first part was a joke.

Heh. Thanks V.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
12-03-2008, 05:33 PM
On the subject of being ejected from merchants for RPing, my pirate was ejected from an EG merchant for purposefully pouring tea out on the rug (she was going to spike it with whiskey to make it "better") and then "cleaning" it up with the heel of her boot. It was late at night though and that's really just the way my pirate always is. I got my first ever official warning on her for yelling out "By Charl's great oysters and bearded clam". Typically though I try to tone it down a bit RP wise in a room full of people at a merchant, so as not to add to excessive screen scroll, with pretty much any character. It's obviously easier with quiet ones. Amusingly, even though a few people enjoyed it (GM included I guess, since they played along) I got a few psinet and amulet sends threatening to kill me and calling me an attention whore.

RP doesn't bug me at merchants, it's the people who don't ever RP suddenly doing it a ton, or people changing their character and crap just to appease the merchant.

12-03-2008, 05:43 PM
RP doesn't bug me at merchants, it's the people who don't ever RP suddenly doing it a ton, or people changing their character and crap just to appease the merchant.QFT

12-03-2008, 06:16 PM
I just hate all the retarded ass-sucking scroll at merchants. If people could suffice with a little chatter and a little movement instead of 17 smooches, 14 cackles, 10 eye rolls, dumping one container into another piece by piece, etc., I wouldn't mind so much.

12-04-2008, 07:12 AM
The majority of the noise is women, they will NEVER STFU!


12-04-2008, 07:49 AM
On the subject of being ejected from merchants for RPing, my pirate was ejected from an EG merchant for purposefully pouring tea out on the rug (she was going to spike it with whiskey to make it "better") and then "cleaning" it up with the heel of her boot. It was late at night though and that's really just the way my pirate always is. I got my first ever official warning on her for yelling out "By Charl's great oysters and bearded clam". Typically though I try to tone it down a bit RP wise in a room full of people at a merchant, so as not to add to excessive screen scroll, with pretty much any character. It's obviously easier with quiet ones. Amusingly, even though a few people enjoyed it (GM included I guess, since they played along) I got a few psinet and amulet sends threatening to kill me and calling me an attention whore.

RP doesn't bug me at merchants, it's the people who don't ever RP suddenly doing it a ton, or people changing their character and crap just to appease the merchant.

:rofl: I'm sorry I missed that one. Who was it that used to say "Charl's balls!"?

12-04-2008, 08:45 AM
Roleplay at merchant events doesn't bother me if it's good. Some of people though are annoying, like the playing of instruments and whatnot or when people do that, hugging, kissing someone like five times in succession...God that pisses me off the most.

12-04-2008, 08:56 AM
The poll results so far don't jive with my experience. Anytime I've seen an event/merchant/gm-interaction, people start trying a little harder. So for everyone to say "No, it's not ME!!" seems a bit disingenuous. Besides, what's wrong with trying to RP your best during an event? Isn't that what they're for? I'm not saying change your whole character, make up a backstory on the spot or some crap, but in all reality, I'm betting people are more conscientious about their RP during events than they're letting on.

I don't go to merchants. so my answer is valid.

I don't RP a whole lot either. *shrug*

I just do my own thing. people either go with it or don't.

Adequate Picker
12-04-2008, 03:01 PM
I really cant even stand house meetings because everyone is there being "noticed" and not listening so we can get things done. Sitting around a merchant doing the same thing, just to get noticed, so your few text characters will look different than their text characters is pretty damn sad.

12-04-2008, 03:10 PM
I roleplay the same whether a merchant is there or not. In fact, sometimes I roleplay a bit less because everyone else is overacting and clogging up the screen. I won't contribute to that.

12-04-2008, 03:34 PM
I really cant even stand house meetings because everyone is there being "noticed" and not listening so we can get things done. Sitting around a merchant doing the same thing, just to get noticed, so your few text characters will look different than their text characters is pretty damn sad.
Depends on the House. Sylvanfair does really well, I think. We had our monthly meeting last night and a bunch of people turned up, but we got a lot of stuff done.


Tea & Strumpets
12-04-2008, 04:05 PM
I roleplay the same whether a merchant is there or not. In fact, sometimes I roleplay a bit less because everyone else is overacting and clogging up the screen. I won't contribute to that.

That's usually how I am. At most merchants there is so much movement and chatter that I just want to cast area effect spells, so I stay quiet like a serial killer..

12-04-2008, 04:05 PM
That's usually how I am. At most merchants there is so much movement and chatter that I just want to cast area effect spells, so I stay quiet like a serial killer..
Don't lie. You're an attention slut.