View Full Version : Just a weird story...

02-07-2004, 09:12 PM
I dont know why it popped into my head today but it did (probably cause I'm sick and I was bored while laying in bed).

Anyway, back when I was in middle school my then friend Tina and I went for a walk. We ended up at this dried up pond because it was near her house. Tina sees a rock a few feet away from her and she goes out to get it. The next thing I know Tina starts sinking!

She's sinking and sinking and screaming so I go running to a nearby house for help. They had to call the fire department to help get her out. One of the neighbors kept her from sinking further by putting a large branch out for her to hold on to.

So to end this strange story, Tina ended up about three feet into the mud. At the time it was really scary. Now that I look back on it, it was so ridiculous.

Hope you enjoyed it. :P

02-07-2004, 09:13 PM
I was once killed. I also commited suicide. I was never scared.

True story.

I kinda liked yours too.

02-08-2004, 12:21 AM
One time I went back home to visit my family, but they went and moved to Japan on me. So alright, I says, I take some money from the place we keep it in our house (under the mattress) and I buys myself a plane ticket to the Land of the Rising Sun. As you may or may not know, JESUS H CHRIST is it a long flight. I'm not real good at sleeping, so I can't catch any Z's on the trip. I show up, and my family's staying with this Japanese family, cuz they have a big house and plenty of room.

So I walk in and everyone looks just as tired as me. Maybe I'm just projecting, I think, but no. The head of their family can speak English and he tells me that nobody in the house is going to sleep in protest of something their Government did, it was hard to pay attention what with being jet lagged out of my mind. I look at my lil bro, trying to figure out if this is a joke, but he ain't smiling, and that boy can't keep a straight face for his life. So now I'm kinda pissed, because I'm tired as hell. So I walk out to the kitchen they gave us, which is kinda nice in a chrome/spartan way, and I start cooking up some chicken, because I'm also hungry as hell. My bro walks in, and I'm like "WTF man I'll go to sleep whenever the hell I want." He doesn't seem impressed, and these big honking lights go on. Brighter than anything I've ever seen.

So now I'm REALLY pissed, this old guy's going to catch some hell. I start to go over to their part of the house, and these two kids I know walk over, my XC captains junior year in high school. It's a bit unexpected, seeing as how one of them was Captain Stoner and the other was King of all Bankers, but it's not like we kept in touch after they graduated. They're grinning, which is nice,

Because then I wake up.

True story.