View Full Version : Society Q's
01-31-2004, 12:17 AM
Do meditate and symbol of dreams still speed up exp absorption? If not, how can I quit Voln?
01-31-2004, 12:19 AM
society reset
01-31-2004, 12:21 AM
Dreams only supplies better mana and health now, no exp bonus.
Not sure about meditate....?
01-31-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Siefer
Do meditate and symbol of dreams still speed up exp absorption? If not, how can I quit Voln?
No they don't.
They've been changed to speed up mana and spirit recovery.
01-31-2004, 12:22 AM
Cool, thanks.
01-31-2004, 12:27 AM
They nuked mediate too :/
No more exp bonus
01-31-2004, 02:12 AM
Don't waste your society reset. You go to the Voln Master guy thing and say different things like "I wish to leave the Order of Voln" or whatever. Try different words. He might even tell you what you need to say.
This way you can do COL and still have the society reset option available to you in the future.
01-31-2004, 02:23 AM
Tayre learned that lesson before.
01-31-2004, 02:27 AM
Yeah. Tayre went about 2-3 years with no society because I joined and quit both, not knowing you couldn't rejoin the other.
Society reset was a godsend.
01-31-2004, 02:30 AM
Besides, Voln-Fu and Fog is all Voln is worth now anyways. If Dreams were still there, I mighta switched mine when they are getting in the upper levels to abuse Dreams. Not gonna happen now, tho.
01-31-2004, 03:31 AM
So Voln only offers stuff for mana users now? That sucks.
01-31-2004, 04:03 AM
Shit, I already used my reset, now I'm trying to figure out where/how to join COL. Now that dreams is useless, I guess I don't mind. I don't see how Voln is a viable option now for casters unless you join for RP reasons.
i think you goto the grandmaster and say i resign from the order or something.
01-31-2004, 11:41 AM
Welcome to the council, boys and girls. May your stay not corrupt your soul too much.
01-31-2004, 11:46 AM
Before, when you were a master, you had to fight yourself until you died. It was $\/\/337.
I remember someone came up to me and they were like, "OMG LOOK WHAT I FOUND! KNEEL WHEN YOU PULL THE CHAIN IN COL AND YOU GET TO FIGHT YOURSELF!!!11"
Needless to say, he fought until he died and was removed from CoL.
01-31-2004, 11:54 AM
Im pretty sure I could kick my own ass.
01-31-2004, 12:27 PM
Am I the only person in Gemstone who isn't a member of either society by choice?
01-31-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Before, when you were a master, you had to fight yourself until you died. It was $//337.
You didn't have to; you could have just prayed and not lose any deeds.
01-31-2004, 12:37 PM
Am I the only person in Gemstone who isn't a member of either society by choice?
My rogue's not in either of them.
01-31-2004, 12:57 PM
All of my characters I ever had were in COL. Still, I respect someone that choses to sacrifice mechanical advantage for roleplaying concerns.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Before, when you were a master, you had to fight yourself until you died. It was $//337.
I remember someone came up to me and they were like, "OMG LOOK WHAT I FOUND! KNEEL WHEN YOU PULL THE CHAIN IN COL AND YOU GET TO FIGHT YOURSELF!!!11"
Needless to say, he fought until he died and was removed from CoL.
Why are you talking about quitting col anyway. Siefer was asking how to quit voln.
01-31-2004, 02:56 PM
The thread doesn't say Voln.
I win.
01-31-2004, 03:04 PM
All of my characters have been COL.
01-31-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by DaMaGe
Am I the only person in Gemstone who isn't a member of either society by choice?
Originally posted by Caiylania
So Voln only offers stuff for mana users now? That sucks.I can't think of anything Voln offers for mana users. Sym of Mana is awful, you won't get much (or any) CS/DS help, a goodly number of spellcasters can get fog anyway, not many casters are brawlers, etc. The only ones who would regularly benefit from increased spirit regeneration from dreams are clerics and they already have meditate. Seems to me pretty much all pures would be better off in CoL (if it actually exists).
01-31-2004, 07:04 PM
So what good is Voln then?
01-31-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
So what good is Voln then?
Not decaying.
Weedmage Princess
01-31-2004, 07:08 PM
And Symbol of Return is pretty neat if you don't learn 130. Also some places (like Darkstone now) you can't use 130 to get out of...only Voln Fog works if you have a group.
But yeah I hope they plan on doing Voln over. All that work to become a Master is simply not worth it unless you're doing it for RP reasons.
02-06-2004, 09:18 AM
For a warrior it is a far better choice than COL. Voln Fu, Fogging, restoration, (saved my butt plenty of times) preservation, all extremely usefull. Plus the difference between the AS/DS boost between the two is only 5 points. Although, i really wish they would do away with the whole favor system after mastering. While mastering it does make sense, but afterword it just becomes tedious, with many undead having extremely low gen rates or mixed in with critters far older &/or younger than them, or being in over-hunted areas, it really makes hunting for favor a pain. At least they got rid of the gap (finally), one thing they did right.
02-06-2004, 09:25 AM
Am I the only person in Gemstone who isn't a member of either society by choice?
My cleric, as a testament to his god, joined both, mastered both, and quit both, to show he was dependent on neither for their powers, but solely in his faith in said Arkati.
And I haven't used that silly reset either, to rejoin (He would RAWK with CoL, the player realizes, but to the character it would be unacceptable).
All my warriors are Voln - I've got a wizard who mastered Voln, but I think he's gonna quit for the other side. I got a dark elf rogue who's Voln, only because he's a dark elf. But everyone else is CoL.
02-06-2004, 11:17 AM
Voln fucking sucks. All my guys were CoL, so I tried Voln. I had six frigging ranks after six weeks and I was sick of fighting nothing but undead. So I switched to CoL and got my first six ranks THAT DAY. And I hit harder and defend better than folks ten levels over me.
If CoL was only twice as good as Voln there might be something. But Voln powers suck by comparison and it's twenty times harder to master. Fuck that. You have to be a frigging masochist these days.
02-06-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
Tayre learned that lesson before.
And it's good that he's giving advice and teaching others not to do the same mistake as he did. Tayre <3 :saint:
02-06-2004, 11:20 AM
Voln really lost the compairason when they nerfed dream. I'm sure they will add something ultra cool later to force people into making a choice, but right now, 95% of people should (and surely are) in COL
02-06-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Slider
Plus the difference between the AS/DS boost between the two is only 5 points.
The difference is actually 9 points buddy....
02-06-2004, 11:34 AM
But consider the cost of the boosts.
For six mana and 1 spirit (taken after the sign runs out) I can get +35 AS/+15 DS or vice versa, while sym of courage and whatever the other one is, cost me this favor, which is hard enough to come by as it is. As a caster, 6 mana means signs are a virtually unexhaustable resource. While, for symbols, you get less, for more, and it stipulates that you have to hunt undead to make up the favor you're losing using the symbols. Plus, I don't believe they last as long, either?
02-06-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
But consider the cost of the boosts.
Who are you talking to...?
I don't think anyone said voln's AS boosters where better....
[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Jonty]
02-06-2004, 11:42 AM
Symbol of Courage and the other one (Protection?) only cost 12 or 24 levels each.
Go kill a few mummies. Boo hoo.
02-06-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
If CoL was only twice as good as Voln there might be something. But Voln powers suck by comparison and it's twenty times harder to master. Fuck that. You have to be a frigging masochist these days. There is more to Voln than the powers.
02-06-2004, 03:54 PM
COL offers nothing that can match voln fu, means i can pound undead all day long, never need a bless for a weapon, and still gives me a viable form of attack vs. any other critter out there. And if 9 whole points makes that much of a differance to your AS/DS i think your in trouble before you start. But Voln is more than just the powers, it is a choice, yes it is harder, yes it can be royal pain in the ass at times, but i wouldn't trade it for COL for my warrior. Casters, yes, i agree, COL is better, and i have no idea at all why a cleric would join, they gain almost nothing from it that they cannot duplicate with their own spells. But for a warrior, i'd take it over COL any day.
02-06-2004, 04:02 PM
<<never need a bless for a weapon>>
I don't hunt undead. I don't need to bless my weapons either.
02-06-2004, 04:37 PM
Still haven't hears what COL offers a warrior that voln doesn't match. What power does COL give you that can match Voln fu? Or Restoration? Sign of Healing costs 2 spirit, wich if your spirit drops below 80% of your spirit is going to lower both your AS/DS, plus, you stand the chance of loosing your powers if anyone else is there to notice the spirit drain. Great, no signs for 30 minutes cause the Poohbah's pissed at you. Fogging costs nothing, Sign of Darkness is 6 spirit, and again, anyone see the "you feel less drained" poof, no powers. Plus i can life-keep myself, what power in COL lets you do that? Wracking does squat for me, i have 4 manna to begin with, and i'm not gonna spend it on a damn thing. Only thing that COL offers that i see being usefull for a warrior would be Staunching to stop bleeders (or just eat some herbs) or Madness, but again, a blue crystal would do the same, and how many of you use Madness on a hunt to begin with? 3 spirit loss, and if you drop below 80% your AS/DS suffers, and again, anyone who notices "so and so looks drained" poof, no powers. So again, i ask what the benefitt of COL to a WARRIOR would be?
[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Slider]
02-06-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Slider
Sign of Healing costs 4 spirit, wich
It costs 2 spirit....
Originally posted by Slider
Casters, yes, i agree, COL is better, and i have no idea at all why a cleric would join, they gain almost nothing from it that they cannot duplicate with their own spells.
Perhaps so they can fog bodies to get healed up before raising? That, of course, can be done in the field I suppose. So nothing really to add. Damn. My baby cleric is Voln :(
Edited to say DOH, thought you meant voln was bad for clerics.
[Edited on 2-6-2004 by Mint]
02-06-2004, 04:42 PM
saw that, changed it, was thinking the wrong sign.
02-06-2004, 04:44 PM
A nonbrawling magic warrior could find a goodly amount of use in CoL, if they exist anymore.
02-07-2004, 02:37 AM
Consider that probably only 30% of people in Voln are brawlers, and that's being generous. Right there goes half the benefits out the window. I changed societies just for something new to do, to reduce the boredom and repetition in game.
Edaarin's AS is considerably lower than it used to be, his DS is considerably lower than it used to be, he can't e-wave anymore, but I already went through a year of him being a pretty much invincible war rogue. It gets dull after awhile.
02-07-2004, 03:30 AM
Rogues need COL. That is all.
02-07-2004, 03:44 AM
Yup, they do, and that is why my Rogue is in COL. And both my Wizard and my Ranger are in COL. The benefits for them, from a purely mechanical standpoint, are far better than Voln. However, my point was that for a warrion, Voln offers more than COL would. Each society has their uses and those who are going to pick them for purely mechanical or RP reasons, but in my eyes, for a brawling warrior, Volm is the better of the two.
02-07-2004, 01:42 PM
Why do a rogues need COL? Mine doesn't....
02-07-2004, 01:45 PM
Ok, not need...but it sure is nice to have
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