View Full Version : Bard about to title - need advice

11-29-2008, 02:20 AM
So... given two key facts:

1. I play a forest gnome, and love it despite the mechanical failures inherent to the race.


2. I placed my initial stats with all the intellectual savvy of someone with a severe head injury, then neglected to change them as my 30 day trial expired...

I still love my little bard. He hunts fairly well on his own, even uphunting a little bit. He's got a ton of toys and alterations from Ebon Gate, so rerolling him is frankly not an option (plus, my RL wife plays a like-level empath, and I want to stay within shouting distance of her so we can play together).

I had planned on doing the 'in' thing, and playing him as a swinger until his 30s or so, then burning his fixskill to make him a "pure" bard. However, looking over my current skill set makes me think I'm wasting TPs, and not getting some things that I'd really like to have. So... long story short, I'm contemplating using my fixskill. I'm thinking about dropping from 2x HP to 1x, using the extra points for 1x Air lore, and about .5x Manipulation lore. Is there anything else I'm neglecting / overlooking? Any advice would be appreciated.

>psinet scan
Beginning character information collection.
Scan: Requesting INFO
Name: HSB Race: Forest Gnome Profession: Bard (shown as: Harper)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 442848 Level: 19
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (15) ... 100 (15)
Constitution (CON): 68 (19) ... 68 (19)
Dexterity (DEX): 61 (10) ... 61 (10)
Agility (AGI): 76 (23) ... 76 (23)
Discipline (DIS): 74 (17) ... 74 (17)
Aura (AUR): 96 (23) ... 96 (23)
Logic (LOG): 68 (14) ... 68 (14)
Intuition (INT): 64 (7) ... 64 (7)
Wisdom (WIS): 49 (5) ... 49 (5)
Influence (INF): 67 (3) ... 67 (3)
Mana: 71 Silver: 739
Scan: Requesting INFO START
Level 0 Stats for HSB, Forest Gnome Bard

Strength (STR): 100
Constitution (CON): 60
Dexterity (DEX): 50
Agility (AGI): 70
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 90
Logic (LOG): 65
Intuition (INT): 60
Wisdom (WIS): 40
Influence (INF): 55

Scan: Requesting SKILLS BASE
HSB (at level 19), your base skill bonuses, ranks and goals are:
Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 40 8 8
Combat Maneuvers...................| 90 20 20
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 142 42 42
Physical Fitness...................| 93 21 21
Harness Power......................| 142 42 42
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 78 17 17
Climbing...........................| 78 17 17

Spell Lists
Bard...............................| 19 19
Training Points: 62 Phy 0 Mnt (92 Phy converted to Mnt)

172 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2009.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Further information can be found in the FAQs.
Scan: Requesting CMAN INFO
HSB, your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Feint feint 3

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 6
Scan: Requesting SOCIETY

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.

You have learned and are able to use the following abilities:
Sign of Recognition
Sign of Warding
Sign of Striking
Sign of Clotting
Sign of Thought
Sign of Defending
Sign of Smiting
Sign of Staunching
Sign of Deflection
Sign of Hypnosis
Sign of Swords
Sign of Shields
Sign of Dissipation
Sign of Healing
Sign of Madness
Sign of Possession
Sign of Wracking
Sign of Darkness
Sign of Hopelessness

Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

You may reset your society status one time. Enter SOCIETY RESET for details.

You may view your society task information via the SOCIETY TASK command.

Scan complete.

11-29-2008, 02:22 AM
Oh, and also any advice on my CMAN choice would be welcome, as well. I went with feint, but find that I very rarely use it. Can anyone recommend something that would come in more handy? Or is Feint the way to go, and it'll just become more valuable later on?

11-29-2008, 08:12 AM
Oh, and also any advice on my CMAN choice would be welcome, as well. I went with feint, but find that I very rarely use it. Can anyone recommend something that would come in more handy? Or is Feint the way to go, and it'll just become more valuable later on?

Feint is good for 2hander. I am doing the same "popular" bard path right now. Im pole until 30, then fixskilling into pure.

Definately dont need 2x harness power (1x is plenty), however using your fixskill just for that may not be necessarily worth it. Are you singing your weapon? If so, Air is important.

11-29-2008, 08:43 AM
Oh, and also any advice on my CMAN choice would be welcome, as well. I went with feint, but find that I very rarely use it. Can anyone recommend something that would come in more handy? Or is Feint the way to go, and it'll just become more valuable later on?

I'm a huge fan of dirtkick. Mind you, this is on a rogue, who also trains in feint. Each maneuver gets used situationally. Dirtkick's biggest advantage over feint is that it can be used with full effectiveness in defensive stance. Its main downfall is that it doesn't modify the target's stance like feint does. As for the "pure bard" questions, I stand by my comments in the other thread that a level 30 "pure" bard is a pipe dream. Get to level 60 and it becomes possible. If you don't believe me... prove me wrong and I'll eat my words.

I'm not sure why you all want noob pure bards when bards can generate a higher AS than a like-level warrior. Maybe I'm just old skool.


11-29-2008, 09:07 AM
I'm a huge fan of dirtkick. Mind you, this is on a rogue, who also trains in feint. Each maneuver gets used situationally. Dirtkick's biggest advantage over feint is that it can be used with full effectiveness in defensive stance. Its main downfall is that it doesn't modify the target's stance like feint does. As for the "pure bard" questions, I stand by my comments in the other thread that a level 30 "pure" bard is a pipe dream. Get to level 60 and it becomes possible. If you don't believe me... prove me wrong and I'll eat my words.

I'm not sure why you all want noob pure bards when bards can generate a higher AS than a like-level warrior. Maybe I'm just old skool.


Pretty sure It was that logs that convinced me. I remember seeing some logs of AD's pure bard at around 35, or maybe it was someone elses. Fried in 10 seconds by singing open sonic disruption. Granted he almost died, but the point is you can obliterate swarms. With ewave/sonic disruption for swarms (obviously doesnt work on non-waveable or stunnable creatures) and focused SD for single targets Pure bards are quite powerful. Its mana heavy early on, but my bard is mastered in CoL and being that you can sing from guarded, you can potentially wrack twice in one hunt like I do on my sorc, so that will help with the heavy mana cost of SD. At 35 Id have roughly 120 Mana so that would mean 360 mana or 12 casts of SD not including pulses. Also with proper manip lore training 1002 will probably pick up 1-2 kills per hunt too. I think its definately possible to fry at 30-35 self mana as a pure bard. And if not, I can bring in my mana battery :)

11-29-2008, 09:56 AM
I appreciate the advice, Gib, and I'll take it to heart. I have a rogue friend who swears by dirtkick... I'll crunch some numbers.

I wish there was a FIXSKILL UNDO that you could use once, within an hour of using your FIXSKILL CONFIRM. Only one Mulligan, but gawds that'd be handy.

I'm a huge fan of dirtkick. Mind you, this is on a rogue, who also trains in feint. Each maneuver gets used situationally. Dirtkick's biggest advantage over feint is that it can be used with full effectiveness in defensive stance. Its main downfall is that it doesn't modify the target's stance like feint does. As for the "pure bard" questions, I stand by my comments in the other thread that a level 30 "pure" bard is a pipe dream. Get to level 60 and it becomes possible. If you don't believe me... prove me wrong and I'll eat my words.

I'm not sure why you all want noob pure bards when bards can generate a higher AS than a like-level warrior. Maybe I'm just old skool.


11-29-2008, 10:00 AM
I remember seeing that log, and having the same jaw-drop response, but lately I've been thinking about an 'old-school' bard, like Gib mentions. If I get to 55, and am still swinging a weightless two-handed, permablessed, multiple flaring weapon... I mean, that can't be considered a bad thing, can it? And besides that... come 5/20 I can try out the Pure Bard path, if I've just gotta. And between now and then I can just level as much as I can. It's not like I'll become UNVIABLE (inviable?... feel free to substitute whatever words make the sentence correct).

Meh. There's a million ways to do it "right". I'm just trying to find out how to do it "easier".

Pretty sure It was that logs that convinced me. I remember seeing some logs of AD's pure bard at around 35, or maybe it was someone elses. Fried in 10 seconds by singing open sonic disruption. Granted he almost died, but the point is you can obliterate swarms. With ewave/sonic disruption for swarms (obviously doesnt work on non-waveable or stunnable creatures) and focused SD for single targets Pure bards are quite powerful. Its mana heavy early on, but my bard is mastered in CoL and being that you can sing from guarded, you can potentially wrack twice in one hunt like I do on my sorc, so that will help with the heavy mana cost of SD. At 35 Id have roughly 120 Mana so that would mean 360 mana or 12 casts of SD not including pulses. Also with proper manip lore training 1002 will probably pick up 1-2 kills per hunt too. I think its definately possible to fry at 30-35 self mana as a pure bard. And if not, I can bring in my mana battery :)

11-29-2008, 12:08 PM
but lately I've been thinking about an 'old-school' bard, like Gib mentions.

Meh. There's a million ways to do it "right". I'm just trying to find out how to do it "easier".

since we're all happy people now... here's my bard's build... and he's totally awesome, in a group, alone, whatever.

(at level 39), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 141 41
Shield Use.........................| 141 41
Combat Maneuvers...................| 120 30
Edged Weapons......................| 182 82
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 141 41
Dodging............................| 141 41
Harness Power......................| 138 39
Elemental Mana Control.............| 90 20
Mental Mana Control................| 90 20
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 138 39
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 70 15
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 54 11
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 90 20

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 21

Spell Lists
Bard...............................| 20
Training Points: 95 Phy 0 Mnt (134 Phy converted to Mnt)

THe plan now that I'm done getting mana control ranks is to dump as many TPs into MOC and CM as I can, hopefully getting both of them up to 1x. Right now, it seems more worth my while to get 425/430 than moving up the bard circle, even though Tonis would be very juicy. I figure doing it this way, by the time I learn 1035, I can actually use it. (long about level 60-65)


11-29-2008, 12:39 PM
As for the "pure bard" questions, I stand by my comments in the other thread that a level 30 "pure" bard is a pipe dream. Get to level 60 and it becomes possible. If you don't believe me... prove me wrong and I'll eat my words.

I'm not sure why you all want noob pure bards when bards can generate a higher AS than a like-level warrior. Maybe I'm just old skool.

I reallocated my bard's skills to a pure build around level 36-38, and had zero problems frying on a head of mana and one wrack. Several boring levels of absolutely tearing up whatever I hunted, I got bored and stopped playing.

Can't really speak for anyone else, but I went this route because it was insanely more efficient than swinging a weapon. Same reason I spec'd the rogue to archery. It might be bland and not fun, but I guarantee that it's faster to go from belled to fried with this build than any other. And you don't even need 500m of uber gear to make it work, like you do with berserk!

Bunch of logs here (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=35543), with my favorite string of 1002 hits (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=794621&postcount=35)

Also, further evidence that 1030 is the most overpowered spell in the game:

You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.

You weave another verse into your harmony.
CS: +222 - TD: +153 + CvA: +17 + d100: +40 == +126
Warding failed!
A shan cleric reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 51 damage!
... 50 points of damage!
The shan cleric's neck muscles contract violently, severing head from shoulders.
The shan cleric yips in pain as she falls to the ground motionless.
The very powerful look leaves a shan cleric.
The white light leaves a shan cleric.
The deep blue glow leaves a shan cleric.
The brilliant aura fades away from a shan cleric.
A shan cleric seems slightly different.
A subtle light fades from a shan cleric's eyes.
The powerful look leaves a shan cleric.

CS: +222 - TD: +147 + CvA: +17 + d100: +26 == +118
Warding failed!
A shan cleric reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 46 damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Skull shatters into sharp spikes which are driven into the shan cleric's brain.
The shan cleric yips in pain as she falls to the ground motionless.
The very powerful look leaves a shan cleric.
The white light leaves a shan cleric.
The deep blue glow leaves a shan cleric.
The brilliant aura fades away from a shan cleric.
A shan cleric seems slightly different.
A subtle light fades from a shan cleric's eyes.
The powerful look leaves a shan cleric.

CS: +222 - TD: +121 + CvA: +17 + d100: +19 == +137
Warding failed!
A shan ranger reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 58 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Spine ripped from the shan ranger's body and thrown to the ground.
The shan ranger yips in pain as she falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a shan ranger.
A shan ranger seems to lose an aura of confidence.
A shan ranger seems to lose some dexterity.

CS: +222 - TD: +132 + CvA: -13 + d100: +55 == +132
Warding failed!
A shan warrior reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 55 damage!
... 40 points of damage!
The shan warrior's thumb explodes in a shower of flesh and bone fragments.
The shan warrior is stunned!

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

11-29-2008, 01:17 PM
I'm a huge fan of dirtkick. Mind you, this is on a rogue, who also trains in feint. Each maneuver gets used situationally. Dirtkick's biggest advantage over feint is that it can be used with full effectiveness in defensive stance. Its main downfall is that it doesn't modify the target's stance like feint does. As for the "pure bard" questions, I stand by my comments in the other thread that a level 30 "pure" bard is a pipe dream. Get to level 60 and it becomes possible. If you don't believe me... prove me wrong and I'll eat my words.

I'm not sure why you all want noob pure bards when bards can generate a higher AS than a like-level warrior. Maybe I'm just old skool.


I fixskilled to pure at lvl 30, and he works fine, even though he isn't using all his TPs. CS is high enough to ward level 36-38 creatures which I hunt when I get around to actually playing. Plenty of mana as long as I can wrack once, or use 1013.

Nocturnix, those logs were of Stretchs bard. But I have one too! This is either level 30 or 31. And I was using mana slaves, because I stay out well past fried hunting for loot that doesn't seem to exist. This was one long string of 1030, and every shot was a kill shot.

[Glatoph, Glacier]
Vaguely, you can make out the shadow of a large snowy hill off to the southwest. To the east, the nebulous shapes of smaller mounds can be seen, although peering through the harsh flurries makes your eyes smart and water. You also see a frost giant, a reinforced shield, a frost giant that appears stunned, a frost giant that appears stunned and a handaxe.
Also here: Ducky, Gibbs
Obvious paths: northeast, south, west
>prep 1030
You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
>You weave another verse into your harmony.
CS: +172 - TD: +118 + CvA: +19 + d100: +98 == +171
Warding failed!
A frost giant reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 78 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the frost giant's chest.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a frost giant.
The light blue glow leaves a frost giant.

CS: +172 - TD: +118 + CvA: +19 + d100: +68 == +141
Warding failed!
A frost giant reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 60 damage!
... 55 points of damage!
The frost giant's shoulder joint explodes, severing weapon arm.
The giant's war hammer falls to the ground.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a frost giant.
The light blue glow leaves a frost giant.

CS: +172 - TD: +118 + CvA: +19 + d100: +89 == +162
Warding failed!
A frost giant reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 73 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
The frost giant's neck explodes launching her head into the air.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a frost giant.
The light blue glow leaves a frost giant.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the frost giant.
He had a leather helm, some full leather.
He had 20 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 20 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
A frost giant melts away, leaving nothing behind.
You search the frost giant.
She had a war hammer, a leather helm, some full leather.
She didn't carry any silver.
She had a turquoise stone on her!
She had nothing else of value.
A frost giant melts away, leaving nothing behind.
You search the frost giant.
She had a war hammer, a leather helm, some full leather.
She had 300 silvers on her.
You gather the remaining 300 coins.
She had nothing else of value.
A frost giant melts away, leaving nothing behind.
>get stone
put stone in my neckpouch
You pick up a turquoise stone.
>You put a turquoise stone in your trimmed leather neckpouch.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Vaguely, you can make out the shadow of a large snowy hill off to the southwest. To the east, the nebulous shapes of smaller mounds can be seen, although peering through the harsh flurries makes your eyes smart and water. You also see some full leather, a leather helm, a war hammer, some full leather, a leather helm, a war hammer, some full leather, a leather helm, a war hammer, a reinforced shield and a handaxe.
Also here: Ducky, Gibbs
Obvious paths: northeast, south, west
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Although the flying snow makes it difficult to tell, you seem to be going around a large hill. Wind whips through the valley, the chill cutting straight to the bone. You wonder briefly if you still have feet, or if they've frozen off. You also see an arctic titan.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You slide your fingers up the neck of your lute, taking the song higher and building towards a level of intensity not previously reached.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +63 == +137
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 58 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the arctic titan's chest.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It had 325 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 325 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The howling wind drives snow and ice into your face and clothing. You can barely see three feet in front of you, and are forced to blink rapidly to clear your eyelashes of frost. You can see vague shapes that look like hills about you, but it is hard to make anything out for certain. The hill to the southwest might provide a bit of cover from the gale. You also see an arctic titan, some full leather, some full leather, a war hammer, some full leather, a leather helm, a war hammer and a giant toe.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You slide your fingers up the neck of your lute, taking the song higher and building towards a level of intensity not previously reached.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +86 == +160
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 72 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Spine ripped from the arctic titan's body and thrown to the ground.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
It is hard to walk in the screaming wind. Ice and snow cake your form, making you shiver. You can barely hear your footsteps over the wind and your own chattering teeth. You find yourself missing even the pallid sunlight this frigid place sees, as the moons provide little light and no heat at all. A large mound of snow to the northwest seems to provide some shelter.
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
You can't go there.
>[Glatoph, Glacier]
A large shadow looms out of the blizzard to the north, implying that a hill stands in that direction. It seems to funnel the wind, directing the icy blasts directly at you. You also see an arctic titan.
Obvious paths: east, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You slide your fingers up the neck of your lute, taking the song higher and building towards a level of intensity not previously reached.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +53 == +127
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 52 damage!
... 50 points of damage!
The arctic titan's head vibrates violently, before melting away in a rush of heat.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The path to the east is blocked by a huge spire of ice. Instead of lessening the wind here, it seems to pour it down onto you with arctic ferocity, howling and swirling. You also see a frost giant.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
Paying complete attention to your lute's strings, you begin building an intense melody.
>...wait 1 seconds.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
Paying complete attention to your lute's strings, you begin building an intense melody.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at a frost giant.
CS: +172 - TD: +118 + CvA: +19 + d100: +82 == +155
Warding failed!
A frost giant reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 69 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the frost giant's chest.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a frost giant.
The light blue glow leaves a frost giant.
The powerful look leaves a frost giant.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the frost giant.
He had a war hammer, a leather helm, some full leather.
He carried a scratched monir chest on him!
A frost giant melts away, leaving nothing behind.
>get che
put che in my back
You pick up a scratched monir chest.
>You put a scratched monir chest in your spidersilk backpack.
Without warning, the winds intensify, howling as they rush through the area. Snow and sleet ride violently upon them, raking across your face!
Ducky shivers in the freezing wind.
... 5 points of damage!
My! It looks like Ducky will be stiff in the morning! Better ice down the bruises!
Ducky has been injured by the gale!

You shiver as the frigid wind seems to find every gap in your clothing.
... 5 points of damage!
Brrrr! That was a good hit to the right leg! Knocked you silly.
You have been injured by the gale!

[Glatoph, Glacier]
The path to the east is blocked by a huge spire of ice. Instead of lessening the wind here, it seems to pour it down onto you with arctic ferocity, howling and swirling. You also see some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Also here: Ducky, Gibbs
Obvious paths: northeast, west
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Blinking a few times to clear the frost from your eyelashes, you can see a huge ice spire to the east. It seems to be directing the wind right at you, making any loose cloth snap and flutter wildly. Keeping your balance is something of a challenge with the gale attempting to throw you over.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>whi Gibbs send
You quietly whisper to Gibbs, "Send."
Gibbs faces you, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 62 mana points!

Gibbs opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The wind here is too fierce for you to see anything but flying snow. You can barely make out general paths to the west, southwest and southeast, and hope that going one of those directions will lead to a bit of shelter. You also see an arctic titan, some cuirbouilli leather, a handaxe, some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
With your nimble fingers you add a contrasting countermelody to your song, skillfully creating a dramatic effect.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
With your nimble fingers you add a contrasting countermelody to your song, skillfully creating a dramatic effect.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +71 == +145
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 63 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the arctic titan's chest.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It had 221 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 221 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Hills of wind-sculpted snow block what little you might be able to see through the blizzard. Sliding slightly to the north each time you stand still, you conclude that the ground beneath the snow rises in the other direction. You also see a war hammer.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The wind here is too fierce for you to see anything but flying snow. You can barely make out general paths to the west, southwest and southeast, and hope that going one of those directions will lead to a bit of shelter. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a handaxe, some cuirbouilli leather, a handaxe, some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>[Glatoph, Glacier]
Blinking a few times to clear the frost from your eyelashes, you can see a huge ice spire to the east. It seems to be directing the wind right at you, making any loose cloth snap and flutter wildly. Keeping your balance is something of a challenge with the gale attempting to throw you over.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The path to the east is blocked by a huge spire of ice. Instead of lessening the wind here, it seems to pour it down onto you with arctic ferocity, howling and swirling. You also see some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Blinking a few times to clear the frost from your eyelashes, you can see a huge ice spire to the east. It seems to be directing the wind right at you, making any loose cloth snap and flutter wildly. Keeping your balance is something of a challenge with the gale attempting to throw you over.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
The wind here is too fierce for you to see anything but flying snow. You can barely make out general paths to the west, southwest and southeast, and hope that going one of those directions will lead to a bit of shelter. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a handaxe, some cuirbouilli leather, a handaxe, some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Hills of wind-sculpted snow block what little you might be able to see through the blizzard. Sliding slightly to the north each time you stand still, you conclude that the ground beneath the snow rises in the other direction. You also see a war hammer.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
There is a pronounced slope in the ground here, causing a great deal of slipping and sliding. To the south the ground evens into a somewhat elevated platGibbs, although it is difficult to tell with the snow blowing into your face. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a handaxe, some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a handaxe, a war hammer, some full leather, some full leather, a leather helm and a war hammer.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Before you is a desolate windswept plain of ice and snow. The visibility is beyond bad, with no hills to lessen the wind chill or block the windborn ice.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
You are forced to take a moment to remove the cakes of snow from your eyelashes before continuing on. The wind is as bad as ever, turning the simple task of walking into the challenge of a lifetime. You also see an arctic titan.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
Paying complete attention to your lute's strings, you begin building an intense melody.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +63 == +137
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 58 damage!
... 45 points of damage!
The arctic titan's neck explodes launching its head into the air.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It didn't carry any silver.
It also left some essence of water behind.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
>get wat
put wat in my back
You pick up some essence of water.
>You put some essence of water in your spidersilk backpack.

You hear the faint thoughts of Fogle echo in your mind:
[General]: "Any spellups to be had tonight?"
An arctic titan lumbers into view.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You slide your fingers up the neck of your lute, taking the song higher and building towards a level of intensity not previously reached.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +67 == +141
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 60 damage!
... 50 points of damage!
The arctic titan's eye explodes shattering the skull into a thousand pieces.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the arctic titan.
It had a handaxe, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
An arctic titan turns to dust.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
Before you is a desolate windswept plain of ice and snow. The visibility is beyond bad, with no hills to lessen the wind chill or block the windborn ice.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
[Glatoph, Glacier]
A strange whistling sound is carried on the wind, adding an eerie overtone to the howling. You cannot imagine what might make that sound, but whatever it is you hope it is not alive and hungry this night. You also see an arctic titan.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, northwest
Ducky and Gibbs followed.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You slide your fingers up the neck of your lute, taking the song higher and building towards a level of intensity not previously reached.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +10 == +84
Warded off!
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>play lute intense
incant 1030
You pluck your instrument's lower strings, adding a driving bass foundation to the melody.
>You change your tune slightly, adding the element for Song of Sonic Disruption to your song...
Your spellsong is ready.
You weave another verse into your harmony, directing the sound of your voice at an arctic titan.
CS: +172 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +79 == +153
Warding failed!
An arctic titan reels under the force of the sonic vibrations!
Sound waves disrupt for 67 damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the arctic titan's chest.
The arctic titan falls to the ground motionless.

Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

11-29-2008, 01:21 PM
Also, note that I got 7 kills before I sent for mana, so I basically would have gotten fried off one head of mana, before getting another guy to send more to me.

Stanley Burrell
11-29-2008, 01:23 PM
You should kick the sickest freestyle to ever hit the underground of Zul Logoth. That, my friend, is how bards title. Platinum CD with a veil iron microphone type shit, yo.

Rhyme battles are also the only tangible way to get with Lady Emislity's delicious roast beefiness. When you are a bard. Mmmmm.

Lemme read this when I actually wake up.

12-08-2008, 10:15 AM
I recently went out with a pure bard to a warcamp, we went in, he casted sonic disruption once, we walked out, sat back down in TC and he says, I fried. WTF?

While thats amusing and whatnot, I take that as just an awfully dull way of existence. Im totally with Gib on things, if you like to hunt, abuse critters, and cause general overall havoc with anyone and anything around you, a sword and board semi bard is the shit. I have 4 different styles of hunting I can use at this point. It really is situation dependent, but I do enjoy having to change styles.

Another thing that was very important to me was being able to help younger folks overhunt. I currently take a 39th trained archer to minotaur. With my help she does fantastic there in an otherwise impossible world for her. I learn a bit from there as well, so its definitely a win win.

Any bard can also be extremely good at crowd control. I think solo hunting over the rocks in pinefar should be required learning for everyone. Glacei will ruin your day, but god I loved hunting them things. Still my favorite critter in the lands.