View Full Version : Problem Neighbors

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 08:45 AM
So, I've been living in this house since July and haven't had too many issues with any of my neighbors. The people to the right of me are an older black couple that I say hi to every day and talk about random stuff when we're both out doing yard work. The people to the left of me I believe rent the house, as we've had them move out and someone else move in. But the people back to me seem to be giving me some trouble.

Sunday night my cable went out and Comcast said it was a problem in the area. They claimed to fix it by 4am, but I still had issues, so two line techs came out on Monday morning. They didn't find shit, and so they go back to the box at the end of the street. While they are gone, I notice the following...


If you look just over the fence line, you can see the cable line hanging. So I tell that to Comcast and they fix the line to where it works, but they need to get in that guys yard and actually put a new pole up, because that is why it is hanging. And because the cable "works" (with some interference) now, they can't just do it, they need the ok from my neighbor to work in their yard. Comcast later tells me, they refused.

Now that cable line is within my arm distance where I could hang from it, you'd think they would want to fix it. I went over and knocked on their door and explained the issue to the wife who told me she would talk with her husband, but they didn't want no pole in their yard (which I understand, but they said it would be in the corner by the fence line).

Now my cable is all shitty and this morning I woke up and there was trash in my yard. There is no way trash can blow in, and we didn't have any winds last night. It is clear the people threw trash in my yard.

So what should I do? Comcast said I can sign a form to have them "investigate" the line issue, but if they only see it as "cosmetic" they aren't allowed to fix it. And now I have some pissed off neighbors.

Tea & Strumpets
11-26-2008, 08:52 AM
Do they have a cat?

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 08:54 AM
A dog, but I also have 3 dogs. So if I think I know what you're thinking, they can do it back to me 3 times. No go!

Tea & Strumpets
11-26-2008, 09:08 AM
A dog, but I also have 3 dogs. So if I think I know what you're thinking, they can do it back to me 3 times. No go!

Have some local kids spread a rumor that they are gay, then smash their laptops .
Your best bet is continuing to bitch at the cable company if your neighbor is unwilling to help. Dumping trash in your yard is such a pussy move.

11-26-2008, 09:13 AM
That is a bunch of shit. I feel your pain on the shitty neighbor thing. I'd let things lie on trying to convince your neighbors since clearly its at a stalemate (and you don't want to provoke them further!)

I'd threaten Comcast that you're going to drop them as a provider if they don't get this shit resolved on their end. Are there alternate tv routes you can take, like a satellite dish?

Either way, best of luck. :(

Sean of the Thread
11-26-2008, 09:13 AM
Problem solved.

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 09:31 AM
There is AT&T for DSL and I believe Dish Network or Direct TV... just no fan of DSL...

But yeah, looks like the neighbor angle is screwed at this point. They also have dead trees in their yard that entrap the power lines. Tornado season scares me a bit and these neighbors just look lazy.

Sean of the Thread
11-26-2008, 09:35 AM
Take it to the city council.

Moist Happenings
11-26-2008, 10:48 AM
You said you could reach the line to hang on it. Do it. Cable lines aren't hot. Break that sucker off and it won't be cosmetic anymore. Chop a tree in your yard down near it and "oops, sorry. Felled a tree on top of your poorly placed cable. Better put it up again someplace else or you're gonna have a whole neighborhood without cable mad at you."

Dishonest? Yeah, it kind of is. But try to plead your case to the cable company, to the town council if you've got one, or whoever, and you're gonna find out just what the term "bureaucratic asshole" really means.

11-26-2008, 10:53 AM
Either take it up with the Homeowners Association (file a complaint) or just get satellite. And feel free to tell Comcast why you're dropping their service.

As for the trash, let it go the first time. If it happens repeatedly then set up a camera to see where it comes from. Then confront the neighbors with the video AND send a copy to the Homeowners Association along with another complaint. Start that paper trail early.

11-26-2008, 10:58 AM
Find out who owns the property. The owner can give the ok regardless of the renter's wants. Let me know if it's one of my dad's properties (he owns a shit ton of rentals up there).

11-26-2008, 11:03 AM
Yeah, if they're renting, fuck them and go right to the property owner. There are a number of ways you can find out who owns, city hall being one of them, I believe.

11-26-2008, 11:05 AM
Why can't you put the pole on your property? It would seem that with the slack in the cable having the pole offset from 1 side of the fence to the other wouldn't be a big deal.

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 11:07 AM
No, the guys behind me seem to own the place. The guys on the left are renting (or so it seems). I am seeing the real solution is going with a new ISP and cable provider, but I was hoping there is a way to actually get the problem resolved in more a sense of making my relationship with them better and them agreeing to get the line fixed, as I will be living here for at least 3-5 more years.

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 11:08 AM
Why can't you put the pole on your property? It would seem that with the slack in the cable having the pole offset from 1 side of the fence to the other wouldn't be a big deal.

While that line LOOKs close to my fence, it's several feet away. I suppose I can see if they'll be willing to do that, but I would think they would need to then fix the two other poles.

Tea & Strumpets
11-26-2008, 11:10 AM
Find out who owns the property. The owner can give the ok regardless of the renter's wants. Let me know if it's one of my dad's properties (he owns a shit ton of rentals up there).

Haashek sure goes out of his way for his super sons.

Some Rogue
11-26-2008, 11:22 AM
Haashek sure goes out of his way for his super sons.

11-26-2008, 12:08 PM
Haashek sure goes out of his way for his super sons. I hate you, that is all.

Sean of the Thread
11-26-2008, 12:23 PM
Yeah, if they're renting, fuck them and go right to the property owner. There are a number of ways you can find out who owns, city hall being one of them, I believe.

Tax records are public and mostly online.

Sean of the Thread
11-26-2008, 12:24 PM
While that line LOOKs close to my fence, it's several feet away. I suppose I can see if they'll be willing to do that, but I would think they would need to then fix the two other poles.

Leave it to an architect to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

The Ponzzz
11-26-2008, 12:38 PM
Well, talked with them. They are sending someone out at some point today to take a look. Luckily, when they checked my line's signal, it came up with low fluxes.