View Full Version : This just bothers me for some reason

01-30-2004, 08:06 PM
This one comes in and askes for a unpoison and i do, then as normal i hold my hand out for a tip, and after he says thank you... I reply with "show your thanks"
he goes into a whole thing about how he gives the empath a better gem because she didnt ask and all this...well i dont have the log of that part but i save the after effect

(some stuff happend with another character that does not work into it)
but this is what i get

[Script aborted.]
>prep 225
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Transference spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture into the air.
A silvery fog envelops you. You feel a sudden lurching motion, and as the fog dissipates you see...
[Dragonspine and Krodera]
The street widens into a circular plaza several hundred feet across. Dwarves and giantmen lounge on stone benches by a massive granite fountain in the center. The burbling of the waters, the low mumblings of the dwarves and the booming laughter of the giants somehow blend together into a vibrant harmony. You also see a golden-furred banishara, a red granite statue and a wooden table with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ciladis, Lord Xeroz, Orobini who is sitting, Lady Banisco, Great Lady Edenmoon who is sitting, Happiness, Lord Slatch who is sitting
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
You say, "And Xeroz you at no time were required to give me anything, I i said was if you wish to show your thanks you would give me something."
Xeroz waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
Xeroz darkly says, "Quite."
You say, "Because words are fickle."
Xeroz darkly says, "I do not want to hear your explanation of being a wothless peice of trash."
Edenmoon softly says, "Mayhaps yours are Edine but mine bind me."
You say, "I can thank you with hollow words."
>profile xero
Name: Lord Xeroz
Profession: Thug
Race: Dwarf Gender: Male
Strongest foe vanquished: a Sheruvian harbinger

Quote: "harbs...heh such weaklings"

Xeroz darkly says, "And i can be serious...just to bad that trash like you has to invade such a nice town."
Xeroz nods to you.
You say, "Xeroz."
Xeroz waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
You say, "I have not slung personal insults."
You say, "I suggest you do the same."
Xeroz darkly says, "I care not for your words anymore..."
Xeroz waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
You say, "I will warn you once."
You say, "And only once."
Xeroz darkly says, "Or what youll kill me? oh well."
Xeroz darkly says, "I am still a better person."
Xeroz nods.
Xeroz sits down.
Xeroz folds his arms over his chest.
You say, "There are things more troublesome than death, so hold your tounge unless you wish to take up issue with me."
Xeroz rolls his eyes.
Xeroz darkly says, "Grow up."
Xeroz nods.
A golden-furred banishara barks loudly!
Orobini nods to the golden-furred banishara.
You ponder the meaning of Xeroz's existence.
You carefully examine Xeroz's physique and figure he weighs about 215 pounds.
You say, "I am already taller than you."
You nod to Xeroz.
Xeroz rolls his eyes.
[Dragonspine and Krodera]
The street widens into a circular plaza several hundred feet across. Dwarves and giantmen lounge on stone benches by a massive granite fountain in the center. The burbling of the waters, the low mumblings of the dwarves and the booming laughter of the giants somehow blend together into a vibrant harmony. You also see a golden-furred banishara, a red granite statue and a wooden table with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ciladis, Lord Xeroz who is sitting, Orobini who is sitting, Lady Banisco, Great Lady Edenmoon who is sitting, Happiness, Lord Slatch who is sitting
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Edenmoon softly says, "Its like coming to a theather."
Xeroz darkly says, "Act yer train."
Xeroz nods.
Edenmoon grins.
>"Act my train?
You ask, "Act my train?"
Banisco says, "I heard it was not the size that counts."
Xeroz nods to you.
You say, "What do you mean by that."
You peer quizzically at Xeroz.
Edenmoon softly asks, "Where are the refreshments?"
Banisco shrugs.
Xeroz darkly says, "Don't act like your train one."
You ask, "Train one?"
Xeroz nods to you.
Xeroz darkly says, "Thats how ye are acting."
Happiness happily says, "I found dis on th' bench."
Xeroz darkly says, "Like ye just came off the turnip farm."
Xeroz nods.
You say, "I am of 28 years on elanthia if that is what you mean."
You say, "My people do not farm."
Xeroz darkly asks, "Didn't thrak teach ye anything?"
You say, "We are a nomadic tribe."
Edenmoon softly asks, "This act is getting rather boring though do ye think we must clap at it ?"

You say, "What have I done to go against what the old man at the Inn teaches ."
You peer quizzically at Xeroz.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You say, "This just got intresting."
Xeroz darkly says, "I am just going to not talk to you anymore you are worthless to me."
Xeroz nods.
Banisco feeds a golden-furred banishara a bite of her blueberry pie.
Xeroz turns away, ignoring you.
You say, "No no do not dodge my question."
Edenmoon softly asks, "What are the feathers from?"
You say, "You wish to talk as if i do not know my way ."

You say, "Yet you can not back it up."

You glance at Xeroz and yawn.

it just bugs me when people are that oblivious to people trying to RP and he tries to insult me in front of the people on Teras to make himself look better... which of course fails but thats another matter
I am done complaining.

01-30-2004, 08:15 PM
It was fine until the 'act yer train' comment. Also, people need to learn that they shouldn't set their tone permanently, as it makes them look stupid.

01-30-2004, 08:51 PM
they are trying to run me off th island i think ::shrugs:: he is not the first to get like that wont be the last im sure

01-30-2004, 08:56 PM
Tell them to masticate. Always worked wonders for me.

01-30-2004, 09:12 PM
I don't get it.

01-30-2004, 09:19 PM
I think your attitude will effect your role, Edine. You play an arrogant person in an island full of elders, I would think to be prepared for things like that to happen. Not saying it's right by any means.

01-30-2004, 09:28 PM
thats not the point, people just dont get that it is RP and take things seriously... hes sitting there telling me I am acting like I have never played the game before because I am diffrent than everyone else there, i dont suck up, im not nice to everyone as they all try to be... thats the point im trying to make, yes im a arrogant ass, but that does not make me a newbie

01-30-2004, 09:52 PM
I agree with you. If you don't fit the mold, you're an outsider in Teras. Like any group, if you're not like them they won't like you. You should know if you play an ass, not all will fawn to your charm. I agree he took it too far, but for you not to expect it...Come on now.

01-30-2004, 10:00 PM
no I do but its obvious its for a diffrent reason than it should be
he is telling me I dont know how to RP with his comments and that I act like i just learned how to play

01-30-2004, 10:12 PM
Well, with people buying Ebay souls left and right, do you blame him? He could have gone at it a different way. His loss, I've never cared for the way Xeroz RP's regardless. If I think someone's a snert, I'd call em out as well. To some people, you might act like certain people who have acquired other souls, knowing you could pull them in to do your dirty work. Dunno tho.

01-30-2004, 10:15 PM
he i dont act like anyone, im pretty sure of that, there are not many The edines out there

01-30-2004, 10:25 PM
Sure bout that? I knew a Cleric about 3 years ago that goaded my 5th train Wizard to the boulder. Someone tried dueling in his stead, only for Xanator to Gate himself in and threaten this person's life. Same "type" of arrogance, at least.

01-30-2004, 10:54 PM
naw i dont goade people into fights, i always warn before i do anything with suggestions to stop like i did there

01-30-2004, 11:04 PM
he left and you fogged to him to continue your speech he told you he didn't want to hear it, and you continued still. i wont say he rp'ed it well but i think saying you didn't prod at him is a bit misleading. again this is just my opinion but i think it was obvious that he didn't want to interact with you but you kept push eventually no matter what it was gonna end poorly.

01-30-2004, 11:06 PM
I agree with Tijay, Edine. If you were not interested in instigating a fight, why did you fog to the guy after he left you?


01-30-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
he left and you fogged to him to continue your speech he told you he didn't want to hear it, and you continued still. i wont say he rp'ed it well but i think saying you didn't prod at him is a bit misleading. again this is just my opinion but i think it was obvious that he didn't want to interact with you but you kept push eventually no matter what it was gonna end poorly.

Agreed wholeheartedly Tijay, though in Edines defense (!?) A good RP opportunity was there for the taking.

Not everyone though wants to roleplay conflict and it's up to the agressor that is truly just RP'ing to try and walk that fine line and use wise judgement.


01-31-2004, 12:54 PM
And what is so wrong with instigating a fight?? :smug:

By the way, Teras is full of idiots, zombies and powerhunting jackasses. I could count on one hand the number of roleplayers there.

01-31-2004, 12:55 PM
Hi my name is Xeroz and I make typos in a typing game.

01-31-2004, 01:28 PM
Do not start that, Bob. It is not germane to the issue.


01-31-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
And what is so wrong with instigating a fight?? :smug:

By the way, Teras is full of idiots, zombies and powerhunting jackasses. I could count on one hand the number of roleplayers there.

Heh. Not a thing wrong with instigating a fight. However, when you do, it is best to admit it. ;)


01-31-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
he left and you fogged to him to continue your speech he told you he didn't want to hear it, and you continued still. i wont say he rp'ed it well but i think saying you didn't prod at him is a bit misleading. again this is just my opinion but i think it was obvious that he didn't want to interact with you but you kept push eventually no matter what it was gonna end poorly.

assumptions, no I left to hunt and got just outside the gate before I fogged back in, in responce to his comments about me as usual saying i require a tip

01-31-2004, 10:30 PM
And I was there to instigate a fight, if you know me you would know that it is always my intention, why do you think i warned him not to continue, most people do especially when say bad things will happen to them if they do.... What bothered me about it is he goes from trying to pick a fight with me, but some of the things he said previous (sorry i dont log right now so all i had was what i could scan back on the page for) to crying about how i dont know how to RP in as he considered RP terms

01-31-2004, 10:43 PM
To quote you, Edine:

"naw i dont goade people into fights, i always warn before i do anything with suggestions to stop like i did there"

In this statement you say you do not goad people into fights. Goading people into fights is the same as instigating fights. It was the statement that you do not goad people into fights that prompted Tijay's response, and mine.

Now, you say your intention is always to instigate fights. Which is it? :?:

HarmNone is confuddled

01-31-2004, 10:46 PM
read what I say after that, I always warn them before etc.

01-31-2004, 10:50 PM
let me make it a bit more obvious how i ment it
I dont sit there and walk up to somebody saying I dont like you
prep 302
cast <person i dont like>
people find me and start up with me, and i always give a fair warning before i do anything

01-31-2004, 10:50 PM
I did read that, Edine. That does not change the fact that said you do not goad people into fights, and then said that is always your intention to instigate a fight. Whether or not you warn people does not change that. In fact, you admit that you warn people in a way that will almost ensure a fight, and that you are well aware of it.

HarmNone is not going to mix the subjects to achieve effect

01-31-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
assumptions, no I left to hunt and got just outside the gate before I fogged back in, in responce to his comments about me as usual saying i require a tip

of course im basing my opinions off assumptions you gave us half a log and didn't tell us exactly that you left to hunt etc. what did you expect me to do?

01-31-2004, 10:57 PM
I dont know if i made it obvious enough here

This one comes in and askes for a unpoison and i do, then as normal i hold my hand out for a tip, and after he says thank you... I reply with "show your thanks"
he goes into a whole thing about how he gives the empath a better gem because she didnt ask and all this...well i dont have the log of that part but i save the after effect

sorry if i didnt

01-31-2004, 11:12 PM
Yet, as you say in your earlier post, you are fully aware that if you state your warning in a certain way, it is going to result in a fight:

>>And I was there to instigate a fight, if you know me you would know that it is always my intention, why do you think i warned him not to continue, most people do especially when say bad things will happen to them if they do.... <<

I agree that he did not roleplay the whole thing well at all. However, Edine's attitude is going to set people off. You are obviously aware of that. Some people will be able to roleplay it out with you. Other people do not wish everything to be a battle royal, and get angry (both as characters and as players, unfortunately) when confronted with characters who enjoy pushing buttons. ;)


02-01-2004, 09:35 PM
as i said I dont start fights so in that sense i dont goad people into fights with me once they initiate it then they are easy to get going and upset.

02-02-2004, 08:28 AM
Right. And you don't sanct afterwards if they're near your train either, right?

02-02-2004, 09:58 AM
Scantuary is a tacticle spell and is usefull in the right situations, but I would like an example of when that happend, I normaly only do that if big brother shows to to pick a fight for the other character

02-02-2004, 10:05 AM
Minor sanctuary is about the most useless and abused spell in this game. The only time it is worth having is when doing a field rescue, that's about it.

02-02-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Right. And you don't sanct afterwards if they're near your train either, right?

Edine was a chump to Nakiro once. He accepted a challanged dual to the death, and he backed out when he realized he couldn't ward me. Then he threatened me with an implosion rod (which Nakiro probably would've dodged).

As far as Nakiro is concerned, that dual is still on too. Heh. You seem like a pretty big chump to me.

02-02-2004, 10:40 AM
Hmm. Two off the top of my head. Turinrond. Haxley.

02-02-2004, 11:42 AM
Sheesh. If you weren't trying to pick a fight, why did he keep saying "I don't have anything more to do with you" and you just kept picking at him? He says he doesn't want to hear it. You keep talking. He waves you off. You keep talking. He says he doesn't care for your words and waves you off. You start to warn him. He shuts up and sits down, and you threaten him. He turns away and you tell him he has to answer your question. The guy's no prize, no error, and I hate that stupid fucking word "train" in GS, but how come everything you say is good RP and everything he does is bad RP just because he's dissing you?

Y'know something too? You got the right to be arrogant, and you have the right to demand tips, but no one's forced to love you for it, and it doesn't matter if the Teras people are sweethearts or putzs.

02-02-2004, 11:44 AM
he insulted me prior to the log i posted, why should I let him dictate my reactions to that?

02-02-2004, 11:57 AM
Hey, how you react to anything is your business. But he ain't here complaining about how your behavior was out of line.

02-02-2004, 11:59 AM
he cant cause it wasn't

02-02-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
he cant cause it wasn't

Maybe you should've left his ass alone when he left the first, second time?

Bad move :thumbsdown:

02-02-2004, 12:01 PM

02-02-2004, 12:02 PM

02-02-2004, 12:03 PM
pay attention to the entire thread. I started my script to go hunt then fogged back because I decided not to let his insults go
try again nakiro

02-02-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
pay attention to the entire thread. I started my script to go hunt then fogged back because I decided not to let his insults go
try again nakiro

Should've let things go.

BTW, I do agree that using "train" is retarded. He chould've worded what he said different though, and I'd agree entirely from his character's position.

02-02-2004, 12:11 PM
not how Edine is though

02-02-2004, 12:34 PM
Train IS retarded, but it's like weather. So many friggin people use it you can't scream too much at those who do. Edine handled that part just right.

02-02-2004, 12:42 PM
I'm not going to take a side on this. (Can you believe it!?) But it really irks me when people fuck up a potentially great RP opportunity. I love when people will get into a battle of wits with me and not end up smashing my character into the floor.

People like Xeroz or whatever his name is make me want to bitch slap him and tell him to stop eating paint chips.

02-02-2004, 01:45 PM
I don't know either of the characters involved, so my opinion is simply that.

From what I could see only ONE person got punked in that arguement or whatever you want to call it. It was not the X guy either. I was waiting for Edine to show him who's boss but you didnt.. Even if you thought the guy wasnt roleplaying well, you continued interacting with him. (I can never get that about people who complain that others roleplay bad: continued interaction on your part does not help them know they suck). Back to the point-- he continually dissrespected you and you did nothing.
What was the point of this thread again?

10-23-2008, 02:54 PM
Sure bout that? I knew a Cleric about 3 years ago that goaded my 5th train Wizard to the boulder. Someone tried dueling in his stead, only for Xanator to Gate himself in and threaten this person's life. Same "type" of arrogance, at least.

Hey, I know it took like... almost five years, but if the implication here was that my character has ever been:

a) sold or transferred in any way
b) the threatening sort
c) a wizard

you guys have got me all wrong. Maybe you were thinking Xanitar?

I am so bored.

10-23-2008, 03:04 PM
ROFL....what a classic bump.

And Dave is still a tosser.

Garnet Doyle
10-24-2008, 12:35 AM
Hope you remembered to well the thread before casting raise dead.

Also, the initial post is probably the absolute worst attempt at a log paste i've ever seen. &&QUOTE:""!*&QUOTE&@!!"!&~&~QUOTE" etc. eyebleed fest.