View Full Version : Where do you come from?
So where do you come from? What is Interesting about the town you live in?
for example
Downers Grove IL is my home town right now ... bout 70k people live here
Most interesting thing... The Creator of the Boy Scouts lived and is buried in the cemetery in downtown Downers
For you City folks whats intresting about the area you live in..
01-30-2004, 10:22 AM
I'm from Highland Park, IL. Northern suburb, lots of rich folk. Gary Senese and a number of other famous people went there. Including myself of course.
01-30-2004, 10:25 AM
I'm from the suburbs of Houston. I was born in Clear Lake (where NASA is), I lived in League City, then Katy, then Friendswood, then Katy again... you get the point.
Anyways... the majority of my childhood was in Friendswood. It's a medium sized town. Uh... interesting..? I was founded by Quakers.. I guess that's interesting.
Miss X
01-30-2004, 10:32 AM
I come from Colchester, in Essex (uk) and its the oldest recorded town in Britian..... so that makes it cool or something. It also has tons of remains from the Roman times and it has one of the worlds leading sociological research universities although having done a sociology degree there you wouldnt know it. hehe
01-30-2004, 10:32 AM
I was born in Southern MD, "La Plata" to be exact. Nothing really happens there, tornado came through a year or so ago, some nice golfball sized hail at my grandparents house.
Since then I've moved all around Northern VA.
Arlington (2x)
Alexandria (3x)
Annandale (1x)
Fairfax (2x)
01-30-2004, 10:52 AM
I was born in Bittburg Germany, they make good beer.
Most of my childhood was in Goshen Indiana, home of Rick Meyer.
Highschool I went to a tiny tiny town. 60 kids in my graduating class. Now I live 20minutes away in Indianapolis.
01-30-2004, 11:06 AM
From East Chattanooga, East Ridge to be exact. Chatt is a decent little town (250k or so) with stuff to do. Downtown got some nice areas and some fun not-so-nice areas (Highland Park, East Lake, Rossville). Depends on who ya know if you like the city or not. As for now, at college, I had to get out of Chatt for a while... little bit of trouble there. Now I live in NE Tennessee, Johnson City (tri-cities)... pop. 50k or so... kinda crappy, typical college city, but I call it home for now.
01-30-2004, 11:10 AM
I'm from Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Same town as Stiffler from the American Pie movies. Whoopty doo. It's a suburb of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis & St. Paul). It's probably.. 25 miles from downtown St. Paul. Fairly middle class, though that seems to be changing. It used to be a big farming area, but now most of the farms are gone or at least a lot smaller than they used to be. They built a lot of new, shitty houses on the old farms, and now there's a bunch of jerks living there.
Here is another one from me...
Used to live in Ft. Myers Beach Florida.. island off the coast...
CLCA was wher i went to HS down there... John Malvo went to the same school just after i left (sniper kid)
01-30-2004, 11:11 AM
Great thread, by the way.
My high school (East Ridge High) was not too big 1500 students, near 200 in my graduating. Thing is, the next high school (Brainerd High) was within 2 miles of ours, so I guess it was a fairly big area. Anyways, got me homesick talkin bout my old stompin grounds.
East Ridge stand up.
01-30-2004, 11:17 AM
My parents moved from Tenn. when I was about 5 to this little island off the west coast of Florida. Anna Maria and thats where I grew up. Growing up it was the best, beautiful and spent my childhood on the beach. Now its alot of condo's and tourists, but I'm not complaining, thats what I live off now the tourist trade.
01-30-2004, 11:37 AM
Hoffman Estates IL here, about 45 minutes outside of Chicago. Lets see.....Hoffman, Hoffman...Oh yeah those Browns Chicken Murder Guys live across the street. I knew em, we were in high school around the same time, though they are a bit older than me. Also the house next to one of em was where this one guy chopped the legs of her wife and tried to flee the country on his little plane. Yet really, its a safe neighborhood. We just house psychos.
01-30-2004, 12:04 PM
I was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. Grew up just down the hill from Monticello (it's on the back of a U.S. nickel). It's odd watching a town grow until you can hardly recognize it anymore. Charlottesville was around 25K in the 60's - it's 5 or 6 times that now along with an explosion of growth in the surronding county. I left C'ville for Williamsburg in 1975.
01-30-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
From East Chattanooga, East Ridge to be exact. Chatt is a decent little town (250k or so) with stuff to do. Downtown got some nice areas and some fun not-so-nice areas (Highland Park, East Lake, Rossville). Depends on who ya know if you like the city or not. As for now, at college, I had to get out of Chatt for a while... little bit of trouble there. Now I live in NE Tennessee, Johnson City (tri-cities)... pop. 50k or so... kinda crappy, typical college city, but I call it home for now.
Chattanooga is still EVIL! I live about 45 minutes I guess from Makkah *shrieks* :smilegrin: (kiddin , hon) In Maryville, which is like 10 minutes from Knoxville,in Tn. I was born in NC, (Cherokee reservation) I've lived in Ft Myers, Miami, Jacksonville Fl. Cincy, Oh.
The place I used to live, was right across from a guy who raped and killed two women, the same day he did this he came to my house and asked if he could come in to use my phone. I am so glad I didn't let the freak in. But now I just live behind the blount county jail, so when they get released or break out they come into my backyard. :o
Where about in Ft Myers? Dryad...
I'm from Covington, VA. It's a small, small city in Southwest Virginia. My graduating class consisted of 49 people, if that helps. It's an industrial town, kept afloat by a papermill. I lived there for almost my whole life. One summer, I went and stayed with a friend in Roanoke VA, just for kicks. And this past August, I moved to Radford VA for college.
I'm sick of Virginia.
all these small schools... I had over 900 in my class
01-30-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by peam
I'm sick of Virginia.
You just need to get out of the southwest.
Go to Richmond. Particular "The Fan" (where all the clubs are). I'd tell you to come to northern VA, but there are no clubs here. Have to go into DC for that.
01-30-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
Where about in Ft Myers? Dryad...
I was young when I lived there I just remember it being really close to the beach. But the neighborhood I lived in had a huge pond like right across from my house, and when it would rain we'd always get the "walking" catfish. One of the bigger things I remember was that everyday around 3:00 pm it would rain. :D
01-30-2004, 12:25 PM
Northern Virginia is nice.
01-30-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
all these small schools... I had over 900 in my class
900 wtf. I had 500+ and I thought that was a lot. Geez...
heh 180 did not graduate... so there were more than that
01-30-2004, 12:38 PM
I had 2000 kids in the HS. 500 in each class. I went to one of the biggest Catholic Schools in the nation (was the largest like 20 years ago), and I think the biggest Catholic school in the Philadelphia archdiocese. For any of you college football fans, espicially Virginia Tech, their HB Kevin Jones went to my HS, was a grade above me. He's gonna be a early first round pick this year in the NFL draft.
I was born and raised in Upper Darby PA.. nothing special it's bordering Philly so pretty much just an extension of the city. Now it's a lot of HUD housing and Section 8 housing etc. I'm now like 5 more miles west of Philadelphia, a nicer subarb but still only 15 minutes from the city so pretty much anything cool that happens is in the city.
[Edited on 1-30-2004 by Hulkein]
01-30-2004, 12:45 PM
I was born in Las Vegas NV, and then also lived in Atlanta GA, Wisconsin (don't remember town, I was only 3) Atlanta again for a few years, Columbus GA, Florida, Germany, Ft Irwin Ca, and Graduated High school in Hawai'i (1000+ students), then moved back to Cali and am now in Italy.
01-30-2004, 12:49 PM
Hmm..well I was born in Amarillo Tx, but I have lived in Houston, Kansas City, Platte City (both in MO), Covington, Louissiana (sp?), Dallas, Oklahoma City and Norman, Oklahoma. Yes, my family moved a LOT.
I spent most of my time in Norman Oklahoma.. it's a small college town, just outside of OKC.. home fo the University of Oklahoma and it's imfamous Sooners (I'm still a fan so back off!). Nothing terribly interesting I spose.. although I live 5 miles from a major state lake so that's kind of cool. Typical college town really.
01-30-2004, 12:50 PM
Ya just had to out do me on locations huh?? ;)
01-30-2004, 12:51 PM
I was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. We moved to Montana when I was about one, lived in Grant Creek there until I was five. Then we moved to Amherst, Virginia. It's a small town, pretty rural, in the actual part of Virginia that's not a suburb of DC. We lived in town for a few years, then moved out into the country about eight miles out. It's a beautiful area, but pretty dull. Maybe I'll move back when I'm like fifty or something. I went to college in a town called Beloit Wisconsin, on the the border between Wisconsin and Illinois. These days I live with my wife in Chapel Hill, NC, which is a pretty nice place, and if/when I go back to graduate school I'll probably go to UNC Chapel Hill.
01-30-2004, 01:50 PM
Born/raised in Trumbull, CT, home of the Little League World Champions from 88 I think it was, when we had Drury. Then we had that problem with the THS wrestling team, dunno if anyone remembers it, was national news (supposedly). Otherwise, just a sleepy suburb of a suburb. Now I'm up in the Troylet of NY for 7 years. I can so not wait until I get a driver's license. But I'd have to actually do some work to get it, so I probably won't get it until after grad school.
edit: Heh, WB lives in (WOOOOOO) Horseman Country!! (WOOOOOO)
[Edited on 1-30-2004 by Latrinsorm]
01-30-2004, 01:58 PM
I am from Seattle Washington, though I live right at the edge of lake Washington (in Madison... home to the founder of Starbucks), near Bellevue ("the richest city in the united states"... Home to the founder of Cosco and Microsoft").
I guess the greatest thing about Seattle is.... I'll get back to you on that one.
01-30-2004, 02:01 PM
But I've lived in Russia, Italy, Lithuania, Utah, Illinoise, California.. and I only now live in Seattle.
why all the travel Hasina?
01-30-2004, 06:11 PM
Born in St Thomas, spent most of my life in NYC, except when im sailing in MA..... And uhh Edine, werent you born in hell and sent here to annoy me?
Originally posted by Hasina
I guess the greatest thing about Seattle is.... I'll get back to you on that one.
Greatest thing must be that YOU live in Seattle! Yes...still trying to make amends for my insult in another thread, is it working?
Oh, and the greatest (well, second greatest thing) about Seattle would be Pike's Place Market.
Originally posted by Hasina
... home to the founder of Starbucks
Throw bricks through his windows.
01-30-2004, 07:10 PM
I grew up inna tripple decka in Dorchesta.
01-30-2004, 07:27 PM
Born in Torrance, California. Went to highschool in Jakarta, Indonesia and Laussane, Switzerland. Lived in southern California until I was 11, then to Indonesia. Have lived in St. Louis, Missouri; Orange County, California, Iran, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.
Now living in Western South Carolina. :)
01-30-2004, 07:29 PM
I was born and raised in St Cloud, MN. The only thing here any of you might know is if you follow college hockey. The St Cloud State Huskies are/were a pretty good team most years lately. Else its just a smaller town (60k) and is nice and quiet but big enough to have all the stores i need without going to a mall.
01-30-2004, 07:34 PM
Haha! MJ's got the accent thing down pat.
Moi...born in Nong Khai, Thailand, then arrived and lived in San Diego, CA for a while. After that moved to crappy Worcester, MA for the remainder of my life. There's nothing important about Worcester, other than the barbed wire was invented here and it's home of Arthur Goddard. Might be more stuff, but I've never gotten into Worcester like that. Anyway, moved to Charlotte, NC for a year or so. I do miss North Cackalaki so damn much! Then I moved back here 2 years ago. Oh right, did I mention that Worcester sucked?
Edited to add that next move might be to Flushings, NY. Depends on how I feel about the whole situation though. :D
[Edited on 1-31-2004 by Lalana]
I was born in Manhattan but my folks lived in Brooklyn at the time. 2 years later we moved to Montclair, New Jersey. Nothing terribly special about Montclair sides a few people celebrities/politicians who live here.
01-30-2004, 08:06 PM
Was born in Ho Chi Minh City, moved to the States when I was about 3, been in VA ever since.
01-30-2004, 08:10 PM
I was born in the west end of Richmond. I now live in Chesterfield, about 45 minutes away.
01-30-2004, 09:35 PM
<<been in VA ever since. >>
Poor kid.
01-30-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Was born in Ho Chi Minh City, moved to the States when I was about 3, been in VA ever since.
You near Falls Church?
01-30-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Haha! MJ's got the accent thing down pat.
[Edited on 1-31-2004 by Lalana]
You should hear me talk.
Hmm.. what's interesting.. uhm. It's the soouthern part of Boston. Need I say more? I had to attend Catholic school since my parents refused to let me attend public. There was one black kid and one indian girl in my entire school.
Weedmage Princess
01-30-2004, 11:57 PM
Let's see...NYC Born and raised. Born in Brooklyn, raised in Staten Island..there's all kinds of facts about Brooklyn and Staten Island but A) I don't remember them right now and B) I'm too tired to look anything 21, I met and started dating this guy from London and it was when his dad retired from the Consulate in Manhattan and he moved back to England..I followed him over two months later. Lived in London for about 6 months (it was great..well London..not my ex..muahaha) and would still be there if I didn't get cold feet. Came back to NYC, and a little over 2 years ago, moved up to Boston (well South Shore) which is where I am now.
01-31-2004, 01:41 AM
Born in Merced California but lived in Chowchilla til I was almost seven. From what I understand now, it's where the women's prison is in CA. Moved to Butte, Montana where I currently live. Nothing really special about town. Well at least I don't think so. Butte was once a HUGE mining town, biggest city west of the Mississippi at one time before the majority of the mines closed down in the early 80's. Now it's close to turning into the newest ghost town in Montana, about 36,000 people if that. Not much is here unless you want to count a mile wide and a mile deep hole in the ground. It was a strip mine (which for the none mining people, it's where they just dig up the ground without tunnels or anything.) Called the Berkley Pit, this wonderful hole is slowly filling up with toxic water that would kill a human by touch alone. Yeah, I'm waiting to drink that shit. Oh and I'm right smack in the middle of the Rocky Mountains which I can look out at my window and see. I'm only a few miles away from the Continental Divide as well, I pass over it when I travel out of Butte. I guess since I grew up here I'm not all the enthused about what I see every day but during the summer tourists love the town. The actor Bill Pullman was born here and so was Evel Knieval. I actually answer phones for Bill Pullman's brother and every summer during August we have Evel Days trying to promote the town. Heh, seems like I went a bit over board describing my town so maybe I am a little proud of this hole in the middle of no where.
01-31-2004, 01:58 AM
Well I was born in Allentown, PA. Parents moved to Arizona when I was about a year old. I don't know much about PA because we only go back there for the summer. LOTS of old people.
I had 1200 people in my graduating class, and I still live in Arizona and will probably continue to do-so. I can't think of anything famous about Arizona except we're the only place that brews Chili-beer. (Beer with jalepenos in it, go figure. I wont touch the stuff)
01-31-2004, 02:08 AM
I was born in Salem, Oregon, spent time in Whitehorse, Yukon, Vancouver British Columbia, Edmonton Alberta, Belize, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Queens Bay Antartica, Vladistock, Russia, Ect, a few other places aswel not so note worthy, Currently reside in a small town Called Red Deer Alberta, yes, it is, as bad as it sounds!
01-31-2004, 02:23 AM
woohoo Someone else from Dorchesta,
Now living in the town made famous by the book and movie Peyton Place, good old Gilmanton New Hampster
And dammit I do NOT have an accent all you other people just have bad hearing!
01-31-2004, 07:55 AM
I was born in Norfolk, Va
But then I was in Jacksonville Florida, then gainesville....ummm Chicago when I was a baby, Philly, PA when I was a toddler, then back to Florida... went on to Charleston SC, then San Diego Ca, Hmm from there moved to Va Beach Va, then Chesapeake, Then Smithfield, NC, then Whidbey Island, WA, then Boston
where I met and married my husband,
then kidnapped his ass back to NC
(Ah the joys of a military family)
Though I miss New England like crazy... mainly the people.
Edited because I still can't spell
[Edited on 1-31-2004 by Vixen]
01-31-2004, 11:59 AM
South Bend, Indiana. Home of Notre Dame baby!
01-31-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Vixen
Though I miss New England like crazy... mainly the people.
:( We miss you too!
Born in Bristol, Connecticut, home of the Doorbell. Ding dong! Moved to Fort Meade, Maryland. Moved to San Angelo, Texas. (Where I got my damn accent)Moved to Bristol, Connecticut. Moved to Fort Meade, Maryland. (OoOoOoOo, NSA! OMGOMGOMG) Moved to Burlington, CT. (Where I got married, aww.) Moved to Bristol, CT. (Ding dong!) Will be moving to Smithfield, NC. <mutter>
My father was in Seoul, Korea quite alot..heh, we thought he was just a translator! I never understood why we couldn't go live with him while he did his tours there. I remember sitting with my Mother at his retirement ceremony, and glancing over at her, mouthing, "MY Daddy did whaaaaaaaaat?" Woo for military families! Anyways, we were lucky in that for the most part, we stayed around Fort Meade. Alot of families had to do the Around The Country Hop.
01-31-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Ardwen
And dammit I do NOT have an accent all you other people just have bad hearing!
Psssssst. Yes you do.
Speaking of the -cha towns, we're all getting together at some armor and weapon museum thinger in Wor-cha-cha, Mass. You better come!
01-31-2004, 12:51 PM
Québec, Québec, Canada.
Was born here, although my parents are in no way related to Canada, France or whatever. Best of both world, I'd say!
My town rocks, I live like 4 minutes away from the Plaine D'Abraham, where the French lost the decisive battle against England. Pity now that on the plains there's gay people running naked and dueling other gay people with their penis as their sword (not a joke.. booh)
01-31-2004, 12:52 PM
I come from Midland Park New Jersey... most interesting? Uh... smallest town with the most churches and dutch people in a square mile?
I'm a native of Frenchtown new jersey, moved to chicago when I was 3, so it's pretty much home to me.
Redmond, WA! Highest density of the richest and cockiest computer super-freaks in the nation! Yea Microsoft!
01-31-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Pity now that on the plains there's gay people running naked and dueling other gay people with their penis as their sword (not a joke.. booh)
They sell napalm on the black market.
01-31-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Evelith
Psssssst. Yes you do.
Speaking of the -cha towns, we're all getting together at some armor and weapon museum thinger in Wor-cha-cha, Mass. You better come!
Higgin's Armory.
01-31-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Well I was born in Allentown, PA. Billy Kidman (wrestler) is from there. You should feel honored (not really).
01-31-2004, 10:23 PM
Wow, PC is all over the place.
I'm from Delaware. Nothing special except tax free shopping & being the first state. The best thing is we are in the middle of Philly, DC, NYC... and if I feel like getting murdered, Baltimore.
Edit to add: Not hating on Baltimore too much, they do have a nice Aquarium and some scenic areas... but if you've ever seen "The Wire" on HBO.. it's not an exaggeration.
[Edited on 2-1-2004 by Snapp]
01-31-2004, 10:45 PM
I was born in a little town in Ontario, Canada. I now live in Plano, not too far from Dallas Texas.
Most interesting thing about this area, is how many people can get into fender benders in traffic jams!
01-31-2004, 11:13 PM
From Livingston Scotland where i attented Strathallen Boarding School for 3 years. I currently reside in Pleasanton California. Soon to be heading in for Marine basic training.
02-01-2004, 01:42 PM
Columbia, maryland, jackshit that's intresting about it, go terps!
02-01-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Ardwen
woohoo Someone else from Dorchesta,
Now living in the town made famous by the book and movie Peyton Place, good old Gilmanton New Hampster
And dammit I do NOT have an accent all you other people just have bad hearing!
Laughing.. you definatly have an accent!
02-01-2004, 06:18 PM
See my location.
I have a heavy Boston accent when I feel like it.
South side of Chicago. My mom has worked in and around the U of chicago most of her life, so i've stayed pretty much on the Low end. Lived on 47th, 57th and 61st with her. My pops is from the west side off Central Ave. I've lived with friends or on my own near 79th & cottage grove, 91st & commercial and in the Altgeld gardens housing projects.
Now i live in Suck ass Washington State in FT lewis. It fuckign sucks, don't listen to Mint. Shes weird.
02-02-2004, 09:42 PM
Yay Edine and Ranger gonna come visit me yayayayayayay
02-02-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
South Bend, Indiana. Home of Notre Dame baby!
Hell yes! Hoosier what?!
02-03-2004, 01:32 AM
I was born in Chicago, and lived around the Portage Park area until I was 14. Then my family moved out to Wauconda, IL. Parts of the Blues Brothers movie were filmed there! I've also lived in St. Louis for two years, but I'm back in Wauconda for the time being.
02-03-2004, 01:42 AM
next door to the edine
Originally posted by RangerD1
Now i live in Suck ass Washington State in FT lewis. It fuckign sucks, don't listen to Mint. Shes weird.
I am but that's beside the point....Washington State is the BEST. You need to get off the base once in a while pal.
02-03-2004, 11:03 AM
I was born in Fulda, Germany, been in the Cleveland, OH area since I was 1 except for a 2 and a half year stint in NJ. I moved back, should tell you something about NJ.
02-03-2004, 11:23 AM
I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada
I dont think i need to list about what is interesting about my town, if you cant figure it out, your too young to know. ;)
02-03-2004, 11:33 AM
Rockland, Mass.
::points at sakkat:: he lives next door to me
Originally posted by Jenisi
Yay Edine and Ranger gonna come visit me yayayayayayay
where about do you live?
::scratches his head::
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-03-2004, 11:56 AM
I was born in Fairfax VA, moved to Panama City, Panama at 3 months, lived there for 4 years, then to Clarksville, MO. From Clarksville, we moved to Japan for 4 years, then to Sierra Vista Az for 3 years, then 4 years in Kaiserslaughtern and Heidelberg Germany, and then back to Sierra Vista, Az, where I graduated Highschool.
Then I moved to Flagstaff Az, spent a few months a year in Panama for 3 years, then from there back to Tucson, Az, and then my job took me to Ogden Utah for a couple of years, and finally ended up in Dulles VA when my job brought me out here. I'm currently living in Leesburg, VA.
Whats great about these places? Germany, Panama and Japan are amazing, everyone should go. Too many things to list!
02-03-2004, 01:45 PM
I was born in New Delhi, India. What is it known for? I dunno, cows wandering the street and the biggest traffic jam in the world?
Oh, it is also perhaps one of the oldest cities in the world - as well as one of the most populous (15 million people, which is what, triple NYC size, and it's only the second largest city in India).
Moved to Lusaka, Zambia (Africa) when I was 1, where apparently I had a predilection for calling everything, including elephants, "Bow Wow". Moved back to India when I was 2, so my sister could be born. At the age of 3, my father moved to the States, to go to the Wharton School of Business (UPenn). A year later, my mother and us two kids joined him. After graduating from Wharton, we moved to Buffalo, NY (where my dad got a job), where I spent my formative youth.
College came, went to Boston to go to school....been there ever since. Family all over the world, from Australia and New Zealand to India, to Africa, to London, to Wisconsin.
Originally posted by Mint
Originally posted by RangerD1
Now i live in Suck ass Washington State in FT lewis. It fuckign sucks, don't listen to Mint. Shes weird.
I am but that's beside the point....Washington State is the BEST. You need to get off the base once in a while pal.
You coming on to me? :?:
Born in Bridgeport, CT... lived in Fairfield, CT all my life. I go to college in Newark, DE.
I've been in and/or driven through every state except Alaska, California, and Hawaii. I've also been to Italy, England (x3), Switzerland, France (x2), and Austria. Places that I want to go to some day (here's to hoping) include Japan, Germany, Ireland and Scotland. :)
02-06-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Born in Bridgeport, CT... :)
I would've never thought you was ever from Bridgeport.
02-06-2004, 11:37 PM
Did you get my U2U edine?
02-07-2004, 12:36 PM
Born in Washington DC. Have lived in Akron, Oh...Irvine, CA...St. Louis, MO...and now Fairfax, VA.
Northern VA *is* Washington, DC. There is nothing distinct enough about NVA to not just make it an annex of DC.
02-09-2004, 07:38 PM
Originally, Bristol.
Currently, London.
Constantly, Touring.
I was born in Bluefield VA lived in Basset VA and Roanoke VA, now living 30 minutes south of Atlanta GA. its very strange going from little bitty hick towns to the 2nd fastest growing county in the country
Roanoke's not too bad. I lived there for a summer. Sometimes I make it up that way and stomp around.
Originally posted by Lalana
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Born in Bridgeport, CT... :)
I would've never thought you was ever from Bridgeport.
They have the closest hospital. The only time I ever go to Bridgeport is to visit one of my ex's and his twin... you know, in broad daylight so I don't get shot. :(
I get hollered at plenty, though. :rolleyes:
02-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
They have the closest hospital.Norwalk hospital: Farther away, but less gunfire. That's according to my mom, I wasn't paying attention at the time.
Originally posted by RangerD1
Originally posted by Mint
Originally posted by RangerD1
Now i live in Suck ass Washington State in FT lewis. It fuckign sucks, don't listen to Mint. Shes weird.
I am but that's beside the point....Washington State is the BEST. You need to get off the base once in a while pal.
You coming on to me? :?:
HAHAHA just saw this. And I DID send you pictures but you just mocked them :no:
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