View Full Version : Rift Entry question

11-21-2008, 05:01 PM
I am about to attempt my first entry to the Rift. I've read all posts on this topic, but have one question that I was hoping to get some help on before hiking up there.

To enter the shrine, I understand mana needs to be cast at crown and there was mention of squares entering after that. I am a non-caster. Would I be able to overcome this obstacle by using a wand to cast the mana or do I need to have a caster with me to gain entry?

Any help is appreciated.



11-21-2008, 05:03 PM
I am about to attempt my first entry to the Rift. I've read all posts on this topic, but have one question that I was hoping to get some help on before hiking up there.

To enter the shrine, I understand mana needs to be cast at crown and there was mention of squares entering after that. I am a non-caster. Would I be able to overcome this obstacle by using a wand to cast the mana or do I need to have a caster with me to gain entry?

Any help is appreciated.



You don't need to cast anything, the reason casters generally do is that it strips all of your mana if you don't, so it's more efficient. I can't remember the exact procedure to get in, but you don't need mana :D

11-21-2008, 05:05 PM
alternate push tine and touch crown, when you lose all your mana/stamina, say "aenatumgana"

11-21-2008, 05:17 PM
Wow, thanks for the fast reply all.

One other thing, are there any mobs there that like to disarm or curse? Just want to know if I need to break out the wooden shield and bronze short sword ...


11-21-2008, 05:31 PM
On one you won't have a problem with curse. I never seen any lunatics disarm anyone either.

If you get rifted the witches do curse, and the seraceris will sing a weapon out of your hand...

Of course, if you get rifted and you're just starting you're probably gonna go splat anyway...

11-21-2008, 05:35 PM
don't forget that as a non-caster you can still wear minor elemental and minor spirit without being stripped (assuming you're warrior/rogue). Just ask around and most are accommodating, or use scrolls/imbeds.

11-21-2008, 05:40 PM
Make sure you have deeds. Getting rifted is like an initiation. Plane 1 is rich. When you eventually reach plane 5 the true right of passage is being imploded, raining bloody bits on Town Center and landing into an empaths lap.


11-21-2008, 05:41 PM
Plane 1 is rich.

Not right now it isn't, for me anyway.

11-21-2008, 05:55 PM
You guys are the best.

The issue of spells came up. Is there some type of spirit burst? I have a very generous family, so I'm usually fully protected for battle.

I feel like I'm getting ready to do my first keg stand or something. If you don't puke you're doing good ...


11-21-2008, 06:13 PM
when you step into the sphere there is a 99% chance you'll lose spirit. You'll never drop lower than down to 7 spirit from the sphere (ie even if you step in w/ 11 spirit, you'll still drop down to 7)

11-21-2008, 06:23 PM
You lose all the spells you are wearing when you swim to the resting area. There if you wish to spell up, do so. You can only wear minor spirit and minor elemental spells if you are a warrior/rogue, since those are the two spell circles available to you. You can have a disk and I believe you can use a statue. There is no spell burst in the rift. If you are wearing a spell that is not trainable to your class it just gets removed.

11-21-2008, 06:35 PM
Statues (and heavy quartz orbs, and now the moonstone cubes) are separate spheres for everyone, so they get stripped.

11-21-2008, 06:53 PM
But you can wear them in between stripping pulses. Not really worth it unless you have something like self mana or doesn't run out of charges etc.

I would recommend not taking anything valuable to carry in your hands until you get a feel for the place, and when you do take expensive gear, make sure you have cheap backup stuff for getting rifted.

If/when you get rifted watch out for undead that are enough older to give you shear fear, I recall hunting plane 5 at 120ish when they were 128 and losing my shield to implosion after being shear feared.

Don't forget the traveling voids on planes 1-3.
The way things are set up now, you shouldn't need expensive shields or weapons though I would think.

11-21-2008, 07:07 PM
Doors and Mirrors are exits on Plane 1-3. If you get rifted to Plane 2, besides looking for the normal exits, you can take the stairs to Plane 1. You can't be rifted to Plane 4 or 5. The only exit from plane 4 is to climb the tread to plane 5 then climb the thread on 5 to plane 1. In my honest opinion most folks skip plane 4.

Stay light. the Csetairi are empaths, they stun nicely, however they can dispell you, web you and heal themselves. Naisirc are level 75 undead rangers.

The Lunatics are the lost souls of all the folks who spent hrs and hrs hunting and leveling rift. :) For Level 77 creatures they are easy.

11-21-2008, 07:13 PM
I like plane four, but that's because nobody ever hunts there. :P

War Angel
11-22-2008, 11:25 AM
Any Voln Fu'ers out there try plane 1? According to my Rift map, the Naisirc's are 75, so I was wondering on MB. Also, it shows an M next to csetairi's, magic resistant, magic only, what does it stand for?

02-06-2009, 02:12 AM
How many climbing/swimming ranks would it be wise to have to get to the rift? I'm a little bored of the tower in EN and ringing in the otf-ducts has started to suck.

02-06-2009, 04:43 AM
25 ranks of each *should* work.

02-06-2009, 08:07 AM
25 is good, but extra climbing helps for when you get rifted. at some point you will be running around two if you plan to hunt one

02-06-2009, 08:47 AM
when you step into the sphere there is a 99% chance you'll lose spirit. You'll never drop lower than down to 7 spirit from the sphere (ie even if you step in w/ 11 spirit, you'll still drop down to 7)

This is probably true from 10, but my guy has 6 spirit to start with, he drops to 4. I think it's just percentage based.

02-06-2009, 10:50 AM
How many climbing/swimming ranks would it be wise to have to get to the rift? I'm a little bored of the tower in EN and ringing in the otf-ducts has started to suck.

I've never been to the rift but along with this... are the climbs harder than the climbs in the Pinefar area?

I don't have anything quantitative, but I'm sure armor action penalty gets factored into climbing from my own experience. Playing a halfling in MBP in Pinefar, I needed 35 ranks of climbing to be able to get around reliably. And I noticed a substantial jump in difficulty from chain shirt to MBP. Even still I'd fail climbs from time to time. I had still considered going to 40 (costs almost nothing anyway) but then I went back down to brig.

I think climbing is more character specific than anyone ever seems to let on. I'm just assuming that Allereli and Xiandrena probably don't wear brig or higher on their rift-hunting characters. Something to think about if you're in heavier armors.

02-06-2009, 02:09 PM
I've seen a dwarf in brig massively fail to climb almost ANYWHERE in Pinefar....of course, he's a bit of an idiot too.

02-06-2009, 11:20 PM
This is probably true from 10, but my guy has 6 spirit to start with, he drops to 4. I think it's just percentage based.

I think it caps at 1/3 of your spirit. My chars with 10 spirit never go below 7, my character with 9 never goes below 6.

Also, someone earlier said you can't be rifted on plane 4. Not true. I've been rifted from 4 many times. It always put me on plane 5. THA-THUMP.