View Full Version : Profiles/Fame: IC/OOC

11-19-2008, 01:39 AM
Post what you think about profiles and fame with regards to being in and out of character.

In my opinion:

Profiles: Has some in and out components. The use itself is pretty OOC (you know these things only if they're signed on, you know them from where you are, regardless of your character's experience/lifetime). Some people put OOC quotes, for starters. But sometimes it's perfectly in character: you can use it to look up the features of someone you know or saw walk by (which your character would otherwise know).

Fame: The number is obviously OOC. Interpretation of it can be IC. I gauge it something as whether or not my character has heard of the other character. Tsin, for example.

11-19-2008, 01:52 AM
I personally hate it when people put OOC quotes in their profiles. I mean, I know the whole thing is pretty OOC, but I see it as your characters profile. That quote should be something you would catch your character saying.

And as fame goes, it's just retarded.

11-19-2008, 02:25 AM
I consider both OOC info and treat it accordingly.

11-19-2008, 07:37 AM
I get this message with adjusting my profile quote:

Please remember that your character quote is subject to policy guidelines as much as any other form of communication. Should you desire to clear it, simply use PROFILE QUOTE CLEAR.

I'm interpreting it as IC.

11-19-2008, 08:12 AM
Profiles are OOC information, but I use them as a hint at what direction to take for a first conversation

11-19-2008, 10:42 AM
I think both are very OOC, but of the two, profile is less OOC than fame is. Of the first 100 people on the fame list, I've only heard of 24, mostly through here or psinet. With fame being accrued as it is, there's absolutely no correlation between how well a character is known and their fame level.

11-19-2008, 11:14 AM
One can exclude themselves from inclusion on the fame lists. That being said, I dont think I've even used the fame command in over 4 years.

11-19-2008, 11:16 AM
One can exclude themselves from inclusion on the fame lists. That being said, I dont think I've even used the fame command in over 4 years.
Same. I never saw the appeal to get on it. Oh, you hit a lot of older creatures. Go you. It didn't really mean fame within the lands, just among the creatures.

My girls' quotes in their profiles are IC though.

11-19-2008, 11:40 AM
Post what you think about profiles and fame with regards to being in and out of character.

In my opinion:

Profiles: Has some in and out components. The use itself is pretty OOC (you know these things only if they're signed on, you know them from where you are, regardless of your character's experience/lifetime). Some people put OOC quotes, for starters. But sometimes it's perfectly in character: you can use it to look up the features of someone you know or saw walk by (which your character would otherwise know).

Fame: The number is obviously OOC. Interpretation of it can be IC. I gauge it something as whether or not my character has heard of the other character. Tsin, for example.

Without having read the rest of the thread:

The profile is, in and of itself, out of character.
Is there any way for you to pull up Bin Laden's human profile in your head somehow? What about Joe the plumber's profile before he was on the news?
Profiles are OOC 100%.

Fame is sketchy, but it's probably at least 80% OOC. The only defense I can see for it is that you can't ask how famous anybody is from an NPC. So you don't know how the monsters or people feel about somebody, a fame check sort of shows you how the NPCs feel about a character.

11-19-2008, 11:56 AM
The profile is, in and of itself, out of character.
Is there any way for you to pull up Bin Laden's human profile in your head somehow? What about Joe the plumber's profile before he was on the news?
Profiles are OOC 100%.I also can't see my AS when I smack someone upside the head. Drawing conclusions based on reality don't work.

I see profiles more of recalling that person's image in my mind. Talking about the profile outloud is OOC, but the information within it isn't.

11-19-2008, 11:58 AM
Profile is pretty helpful actually. Is it IC? Not really, but it can be useful.

As for the Fame, I have never gotten the point to that. Or what good it does or what advantage to having fame is. High score?

11-19-2008, 12:03 PM
I also can't see my AS when I smack someone upside the head.
Options->Advanced->Brief Combat Messaging->Off
Problem Solved

11-19-2008, 12:06 PM
Options->Advanced->Brief Combat Messaging->Off
Problem SolvedI didn't mean in the game.

I also can't see my AS when I smack someone upside the head. Drawing conclusions based on reality don't work.
...as that person was referring to not being able to see profiles for Joe the Plumber or Bin Laden.

11-19-2008, 12:10 PM
If your profile quote can not be OOC, then it would be logically concluded that its considered IC by Simutronics and their GM staff.

Its that simple.

11-19-2008, 12:10 PM
I get this message with adjusting my profile quote:

I'm interpreting it as IC.

It just says "policy guidelines." When you post on the official forums you have to follow their policy guidelines. It's just because it's information that's public to other GS subscribers. I consider that to mean that you should make sure it's not offensive, etc.

The profile is, in and of itself, out of character.

Like I said before, I agree that the checking of the profile and fame is an OOC action. There's just ways to interpret them IC for your character. The fame one was pretty loose obviously since the less time people spend around town with people the more fame they get. I basically look at it and say "what of this information would my character know?"

11-19-2008, 12:18 PM
They are ment, at least in part as an in game tool...hense the (LOOKING FOR A GROUP) feature.

My quotes generally fit my characters, although they are all from OOC sources, but would not be considered OOC in game.

Generally, if you use your brain while using PROFILE, it'll work for you.

As for fame, hehe, we won't go there :tumble:

Some Rogue
11-19-2008, 12:25 PM
How would anyone know how big of a trap/lock you've picked? How would they see them as numbers? It's OOC info.

11-19-2008, 12:31 PM
I didn't mean in the game.
I know, I was talking about RL. But now my bad joke is even worse :(

11-19-2008, 12:55 PM
i've always kind of seen it as logs or files the local goverment keeps on high profile citizens and passers-by. like you hear someones name or something, and go to the local constabulary to find out more info on them. which is consequently why i don't like seeing blatantly OOC stuff in them. or you could look at it like the elanthia personals/classifieds.

funny side note: i went to the elanthia classifieds site once (when i first started playing and was checking out all the info sites), and saw on there under romance "male aelotoi looking for male aelotoi." i just about shit myself laughing.

but its kind of how we can use the internet to find out more about famous people. and in elanthia, we are considered the famous people because of our powers/battle prowess/etc.

same for fame, its not necessarily we who have neard of the most, but who the common rabble of elanthia has heard of the most (for whatever reason). but yea, it does basically amount to a high score system as far as we (the players) are concerned.

11-19-2008, 01:44 PM
Profile information can actually be IC depending on how you use it.

As an example, if someone asks one of my characters to check in on a certain person who's died and their locate shows them someone's with them that they don't know, I'll profile them to get some quick info on them for the person who asked, even if it's just a race and gender. Locates don't give my character names, but they do let them see who and what is in the area, so a brief idea of what they look like gathered from their profile would be something my character would know.

As other people have said, it may also help guide how I respond to someone, subtly. A list of the various group memberships, their society (and how many warcamps they've cleared if they're from Sunfist), their deity alignment and the like can all give a general impression to a character to add nuances to an interaction. I'm not going to walk up to someone and be like, "Oh hey! You're a member of <insert organization here>! What's it like?" if I've never met or heard of them before. But I may comment on the Grimswarm still running rampant if the profile shows they're in Sunfist with a large number of camps cleared. Someone with high values for locks and traps may have callouses on their fingers and scars from the numerous traps they've blown up which may give them away.

Essentially, profile is all in how you use it. Let it guide you in your interactions, not take the place of them.


11-19-2008, 02:05 PM

Does anyone acutally give a flying fuck?

Drunken Durfin
11-19-2008, 05:46 PM
The fame list gives me a way to track my progress, rather than the occasional "You have gained one physical and one mental training point" message.

IC, no. Fun for me, yes.

Adequate Picker
11-20-2008, 02:02 PM
Think i was on the fame list way back when. I seem to remember the list going to the top 100 or something in each profession. I fell off of it, i think, in my mid 30's and havent seen it again since. Ill never be back on it. Which is fine.