View Full Version : Cleric Help.
11-17-2008, 12:28 AM
I have no idea how to build a cleric, so this is what I came up with so far, bane Cleric.
Strength (STR): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Constitution (CON): 51 (0) ... 51 (0)
Dexterity (DEX): 70 (15) ... 70 (15)
Agility (AGI): 70 (20) ... 70 (20)
Discipline (DIS): 71 (5) ... 71 (5)
Aura (AUR): 80 (15) ... 80 (15)
Logic (LOG): 71 (10) ... 71 (10)
Intuition (INT): 71 (10) ... 71 (10)
Wisdom (WIS): 71 (10) ... 71 (10)
Influence (INF): 23 (-8) ... 23 (-8)
Mana: 12 Silver: 0
Armor Use..........................| 20 4
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 25 5
Harness Power......................| 20 4
Spirit Mana Control................| 40 8
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 20 4
Perception.........................| 15 3
Climbing...........................| 25 5
First Aid..........................| 40 8
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 2
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 3
Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 3
Any Suggestions and such?
11-17-2008, 03:16 PM
No cleric for you!
Damn your mean.
11-17-2008, 03:53 PM
No cleric for you!
Aww cmon, Dont you want to help in the least bit?
11-17-2008, 04:03 PM
Whats the point of the weapon unless you are just going to migrate from it?
This is my cleric below which hunts the rift well.
Armor use is at 30 for brig.
Doubled in most magical skills for runestave defense, spell aim for web and 306.
Lores are set with what I can afford on the seed chart.
It works well for the most part.
Hope this helps!
(at level 80), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 120 30
Physical Fitness...................| 136 38
Arcane Symbols.....................| 182 82
Magic Item Use.....................| 264 164
Spell Aiming.......................| 264 164
Harness Power......................| 264 164
Spirit Mana Control................| 182 82
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 122 31
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 176 76
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 93 21
Perception.........................| 90 20
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 120 30
First Aid..........................| 182 82
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 40
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 40
Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 80
11-17-2008, 05:11 PM
Up until really recently (a week ago) I was also a Bane cleric, and this build has worked for me (and would have worked in the future, I converted for RP reasons.
I wear doubles, can swing a fist-scythe at 291 self buffed (with Voln) and without wisdom enhancement my cleric CS is 248, which is enough to ward stuff that's level 50 about 80-90% of the time, barring massive spellups.
Most people will tell you to train in 2h weapons and combat maneuvers, get really high agi/dex/str/logic and just annihilate stuff with a claidhmore for your first 30 days. This isn't a bad idea at all, since you can re-place your stats just before your 30 days are over, and train yourself the way you want to be for the future instantly.
You'll have to tell us more though, do you want to use a shield for open-handed bane, a runestaff for the same, or a two-handed weapon to be able to finish stuff off without spending mana? The third option allows for undead hunting (bind/swing the undead, bane the living) as does the first (bind/voln-fu for the undead, bane the living) while the second option allows for the best defenses (in a defensive stance) and more TP's for magical ranks.
And as a final aside, I use a medium shield, and the rumor that you need 1 rank in shield use to "unlock" the ability to block with your shield is just plain wrong. I've blocked double strikes (both hits) from flesh golems with my shield, and I've never trained in it once.
(at level 48), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 40 8
Brawling...........................| 150 50
Physical Fitness...................| 105 25
Arcane Symbols.....................| 126 33
Magic Item Use.....................| 120 30
Harness Power......................| 148 48
Spirit Mana Control................| 140 40
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15
Perception.........................| 150 50
Climbing...........................| 70 15
Swimming...........................| 50 10
First Aid..........................| 200 100
Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 32
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 30
Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 61
11-17-2008, 05:35 PM
I was thinking of being a War-Cleric if thats what they are called, Using mainly two handed weapons, Cast to hold things, and if I need to bane to kill those who really annoy me.
Overall, would it be better to just go to a Pure Cleric, or is a War Cleric Viable as you get up in the ranks?
11-17-2008, 05:50 PM
They're viable, with stance dancing. But you'd have to talk with someone else, as I've only recently begun swinging a bit, and it's just to save mana for me.
11-17-2008, 06:25 PM
They're viable, with stance dancing. But you'd have to talk with someone else, as I've only recently begun swinging a bit, and it's just to save mana for me.
How is a brawling cleric though?
I was thinking of a two handed cleric, just for the fact I like to swing weapons.
11-17-2008, 06:39 PM
Brawling is great, like I said I swing 291 with the +26 from Voln and a 4x weapon. It'd be 300 with CoL. I can put the weapon away and bind/fu things to death (I've done this since I was about level 15) Since 301 costs very little mana, and it lowers the target's MB to the point where it would be in offensive and on the ground. If you then knock it to the ground you get that MB lowered AGAIN. so something in defensive that has 180MB, has about 80 MB while bound, and about 10 while bound and on the floor. Kicking heads in and spearing chests has never been easier.
You don't hit very hard with brawling weapons though, so if you're debating between 2hw and brawling, it's a huge step, and they're extremely different styles. 2hw you'll likely have to sit in guarded until things are bound, getting enough DS in offensive is tough to do without a shield (I think). If I use 102 (and all my other spells) I can get over 300 DS in offensive, and my voln-fu is still pretty much just as effective.
With 2hw you'll probably kill stuff in 1-2 swings while they're bound, with brawling it's a lot more than that, but you're safer if the bind breaks. Multiple opponents might be more difficult for 2hw, while single opponents are much simpler.
11-17-2008, 07:11 PM
Brawling is great, like I said I swing 291 with the +26 from Voln and a 4x weapon. It'd be 300 with CoL. I can put the weapon away and bind/fu things to death (I've done this since I was about level 15) Since 301 costs very little mana, and it lowers the target's MB to the point where it would be in offensive and on the ground. If you then knock it to the ground you get that MB lowered AGAIN. so something in defensive that has 180MB, has about 80 MB while bound, and about 10 while bound and on the floor. Kicking heads in and spearing chests has never been easier.
You don't hit very hard with brawling weapons though, so if you're debating between 2hw and brawling, it's a huge step, and they're extremely different styles. 2hw you'll likely have to sit in guarded until things are bound, getting enough DS in offensive is tough to do without a shield (I think). If I use 102 (and all my other spells) I can get over 300 DS in offensive, and my voln-fu is still pretty much just as effective.
With 2hw you'll probably kill stuff in 1-2 swings while they're bound, with brawling it's a lot more than that, but you're safer if the bind breaks. Multiple opponents might be more difficult for 2hw, while single opponents are much simpler.
Thanks for the information, I think I'll stick with 2 handed. Are my stats fine in that case?
11-17-2008, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the information, I think I'll stick with 2 handed. Are my stats fine in that case?
Until your 30 days are done, you'd be better off with like a 95-98 agility (for DS and swing RT reduction, and about a 90 dexterity. You can drop some Discipline and Aura to make that happen. It'll really help swinging a claidh in 5 seconds instead of 6-8 seconds. After your 30 days though, I'm not sure what you'll need, maybe post after 28 days and when you're level 10-15 or whatever, and someone more in the know will tell you?
It gets painful leveling up later on as a weapon using cleric. Not that it isn't viable, just that you'll have a more difficult time then the "pure" cleric model.
For what it's worth my cleric uses polearms (used to use THW a while back).
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