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11-16-2008, 02:50 PM
Four days later and I am still in need of venting!!

Some time back, I did a conversion in the Eorgina Temple. I have had problems in the past with some RP but it was basically my fault for not knowing the answer. The way they formed the question, well it threw me off. I took the blame went on with the zealot RP despite my not really seeing some of the points shown to me ooc'ly about the goddess I chose.


Some time back Telsas did a conversion. I tried to keep it very IC, even wrote it up very IC' but let me tell you about the crap that really went on.
That candle was melted white cause of other reasons. After putting over 10 mil in that friggen box, we had to assist, I had done a commune during the processes as well. Someone decided to take notice at the same time about the candle as they did to talk to the person I was doing the conversion for.
The GM who did however, MISSED the part what the candle stood for, instead they decided to carve a message into the candle.

Never bring a rose of any other color then a white one into the Temple, do your homework.... (Something to that effect, and pretty close to the wording)

FINE, I went back and finally found the minuscule part about the white rose, which I can't seem to find now explaining why, but I know it exist. Great. The whole thing was a fiasco, and left me wondering why I bother to try and RP in this game.

It bothered me for a long time, but without millions literary I can't just convert Telsas to another Arkati, and would it solve the problem if I did?
I found away to move around it with my character and as a player. Work with what I got, but let go of the Zealot days and the focus of being a Priestess of Eorgina. Anything having to do with the Temple, or heated debates on the topic were no long Telsas forte.(Even though I am pretty sure this is what Telsas is known for mostly)

So its been what a few months, and I hear there is a new twist to Holy receptacles. . . Telsas goes to test it out, senses the perfect room in the Temple and see this emit. . . .

A high priestess approaches the altar, clutching a wild black rose. Touching it to her lips in a reverent kiss, she sets it gently near the central flame.

As a player I went from content to PISSED in 2.3 seconds. I feel like they OWE Telsas something in the way of RP bringing her Back into the fold of the Temple. But really what is the point? This showed me they don't even give a rats ass, and they wonder why the players become jerks and stop RP'n and become blatant OOC.

I am at a lost. . .

I am still posting this even though I wrote it a day ago and held off.
SINCE Then, I have sat in the temple in the same spot for about an hour, and have not seen that emit again. But really, it doesn't take away the fact I did see it in the first place. I am still angry if not as angry over it and need to find options besides just letting it go.

One opition that was offered to me was something called 'Mychar' . . .

If there is any other solutions that might aid me in my RP choices, please feel free to post them.

11-16-2008, 03:01 PM
I have no idea what this is about.

11-16-2008, 03:04 PM
Huge double standards and lack of GM fact checking?

That'd never happen in GS.

11-16-2008, 03:21 PM
Only certain GMs are 'trained' to be able to interact in arkati-ly situations.

Obviously, the GM who showed up wasn't trained enough.

Mainly, that's why you don't see arkati interaction; the GM(s) don't know enough.

I'm sorry that it happened to you, especially since you take your RP fairly serious.

Edit: I would post your gripe in the appropriate folder- either the complaints (my choice) or the god one.

11-16-2008, 03:23 PM
Yea, its basicly a Rant. I needed to get it out cause everytime I was logging in, it was pissing me off more and more.

As I get over the whole thing, I am hoping to find away to save Telsas religious RP and see if there is any suggestions on how to handle the situation over all.

11-16-2008, 03:57 PM
Yea, its basicly a Rant. I needed to get it out cause everytime I was logging in, it was pissing me off more and more.

As I get over the whole thing, I am hoping to find away to save Telsas religious RP and see if there is any suggestions on how to handle the situation over all.

I understand your frustration, trust me. At EG this year I asked for a corsage (a piece of Sylvan clothing) the merchant was like, "Why would I want to turn this into flowers?", to which I replied, "It's in the clothing docs for Sylvans, don't you guys have to READ docs?". To which I received no reply, after sitting and thinking about it, I came to this conclusion.

GMs are human, just like the rest of us, they can easily overlook things. I don't think they meant to single you out and give you a hard time. Things happen try not to be upset about it.

I know for the longest time Hadya did communions, with sacrifices to the hilt acted them out and no one ever responded, ever. I have done a few where Hadya is basically so lost or so emotionally distraught, snap of the moment kind of thing and they were answered.

I don't get it, I don't, but that's how things are. Go figure, but I don't think giving up being a Zealot will change things either, if that's your character's thing, keep doing it, don't base it on who answers what or whose facts are straight and who's aren't. You don't play your character for them, you play it for you.

11-16-2008, 03:58 PM
A corsage != 10 million silvers.

11-16-2008, 04:01 PM
A corsage != 10 million silvers.


11-16-2008, 04:23 PM
But as a player I can't ignore IC, cause and effects you know?

The candle was IC even if it felt OOC, it still was a lesson to Telsas.
The emit, I am hoping has been removed in dark of the lesson. Except a little to late, cause lets face it, Telsas eyes about fell out of her head when she saw it.

The first part was done well enough, it was a matter of perception. I don't want to discourage GM interaction, I know they are human and they are doing their best. But if you screw up like that, they should have to fix it.

I think the best answer so far is, the MYCHAR thing, it turns out to be a nifty little tool I didn't know about. I will mostly post in another day on the main boards, I just suck at those things. Thanks everyone for the input and listening to me rant. It really does help to put it out there.

11-17-2008, 05:13 AM
I've always felt that Commune was a waste of a spell slot which is why I never cast it despite all the requests Aasterinian recieved.

Also, in response to the above. MYCHAR is, indeed, a wonderful tool.

11-17-2008, 06:50 AM
You just have to plan Commune right, meta game the GMs potentially involved, and utilize the officials.

All stuff I imagine you'd detest.

11-17-2008, 08:09 AM
As far as meta goes, if you've got any GMs that happen to dislike you for whatever reason, it's pretty much an open invite to be shit upon, especially if you RP.

Not saying this is necessarily the case here, but you never know.

I've got a scroll with 20+ charges of Commune on it, still haven't used even one.

11-17-2008, 08:23 AM
I was the ONLY one NOT marked on the whole Onar quest thing because I refused to take a piece of of Onar artifact that the 'monks' were dismantling. Hi, take a piece of God, as we rip it apart. No thanks. I had scruples and got completely fucked for it. Now, I have no clue what to do with the character other then power hunt and do four billion mission tasks. He's been Onarian since conception, and now it's a complete waste of time and a character. I feel for you.