View Full Version : New Critter idea

11-15-2008, 11:44 AM
Here goes nothing.

Teras Vineyard -

Center of the Vineyard-

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises are utilized to enhance sun exposure along small culverts cut into the ground with precision. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest


The lack of light makes it difficult to see the sloping hillside vineyards planted in small lots exploring the impact of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises are stretch out as if a thousand arms where overlapping one another in the shadows. Small culverts are cut into the ground with precision. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes through night shadows.
Obvious Exits: North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest

Go North from center room-

Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises end midway of a sloping hillside. A thick carpet of various plants explore the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Thorny vines slink over a fence, trailing and entwining to cover much of the surface. The pickets climb several feet up, barely obscuring the cliff side beyond its gated guard. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with an unreadable gaze.
Obvious exits: East, West, South, South East, South West

Go North East from center room

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision, each trench drawing water from the nearby river for irrigation. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: West, South west, South

Go North west from center room

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision for irrigation. Thorny vines slink over a fence, trailing and entwining to cover much of the surface. The pickets climb several feet up, barely obscuring the cliff side beyond its gated guard. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: East, South east, South

Go East from center room

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision, each trench drawing water from the nearby river for irrigation. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: North, South, West, North west, South west

Go South East from center room

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision, each trench drawing water from the nearby river for irrigation. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: North, North west, westGo southwest from center room

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision for irrigation. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes.
Obvious Exits: North, East, North east

West from center room:

A sloping hillside vineyard is planted in small lots exploring the mix of soil depths composed of volcanic red ash and loam. Row upon row of vines delicately tied to wooden trellises come to a corner. Small culverts cut into the ground with precision. Dull skulls attached to straw bodies, peek over the twisted branches of vines, keeping watch with vacant gazes. Obvious Exits: North, South, North east, South east, East

South from Center room:

A narrow path winds it's way between sloping hillside vineyards sprawling outwards. Each lot is segregated into row upon row of trellised branches along side small culverts cut into the ground, each trench glisten with water. Strange figures silhouette sporadically across the fields.
Obvious Exits: North, West, East, North west, North east, (and from the direction it gets placed at.)

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This is an idea for the scarecrows you see appearing through out the vineyard. -


Warrior of Onar, assassin of the Arkati, skulls gleam like polished marble perched upon straw bodies. Dark clothing rip and torn cling to the thin strands of straw giving a humanoid shape. The fathomless dark gaze comes ablaze with fire as an undead spirit takes resident, ringing it by an aura of eldritch energy.

Onar's scarecrows

Armor: None

Weight: 40 lbs.

Hieght: 6 foot

Critter type: Undead scarecrow

Intelligence: Some

Habitat: Volcano Vineyard

Movement: Walks jauntily, legs and arms constantly in movement

Skinable: decapitateable only. Collect the Skulls

Treasure: Sometimes things are found inside the straw. Usually items stolen and hidden there. Small and light type treasure items.

Food: no

Attack type: Pole arms

Natural tendencies: Scarecrow spawns are possessed of demonic fire that burns in service of Onar in the name of Eorgina.

Reach: Insert Polearm stats/reach here.

Immunities: Immune to mind influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, sub dual, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Weakness: Scarecrow servants can be affected by spells that are specially made to attack undead, or they can be turned by a cleric, or lit on fire.

Features: Demon skull with an empty gaze till possessed. Then the sockets are filled with fire. The body of a scarecrow dressed in dark rags. Skeleton hands.

Special Actions: Once a PC passes a certain area more then once, at night, A Dark Shape will pull itself up the pole it has been impaled upon. Cackling fills the air as it lands with a soft thud, the rustling of its body movements blending with the sound of the wind passing through the vines. Boney fingers wrap around the pole as it moves jauntly towards you.

Entering room:
1. Limbs dance wildly as mad cackling fills the air and a fire burns from empty eyesockets of a marble skull.

2. A dark shape jauntly walks into the room, leisurely surveying the area in silence.

Dark shapes are so supernaturally terrible that any living creature except locals are paralized with fear in one strike, one must have extremely high will in order to escape, or must flee with roundtime.

1. Blazing eyes stare into your soul as the feel of boney fingers grasp at your heart inside your chest. The cackling echos all around freezing your footsteps in place long enough for the polearm to connect to [insert body part here and damage]. Bliss of unconsiousness takes ahold of you.

2. A Dark Shape thrust a rough long pole at you. The movements almost comical as the limbs bend and weave without substance only moments before you feel the truth of the matter is it is completely an illusion and pain seers through [insert body part here and damage] new

Missed attacks
1. A long pole breezes passed the space you just occupied barely missing your [insert body part]. A dark shape leers before returning to its insane cackling.

2. By some uncanny luck, a pole with a sharpened end just misses you. Sparks shoot from the sockets of a dark shape almost catching itself on fire as it turns quickly to re-attack.

Death: Fire burst from the dark shape's eye sockets causing the straw body to become consumed into flames till it is nothing more then a bed of ashes for a blackened skull.

Stun: Silence hangs on the air as the once animated body comes to a hault.

Stun recover: Strained laughter fills the air louder then before as limbs swing wildly without ryhmn or reason.

11-15-2008, 12:22 PM
thats pretty sweet and all but uhh... what base level would these be spawning at? and just one creature for the area?

11-15-2008, 12:43 PM
The reason I left the base level out is, cause it depends on what is needed at the time. You can make them anywhere from 50 - 100, depending on what is needed to be filled. From what I have read, I would make them upper levels for those capped characters. The choices for them is limited. Creature would spawn everytime you passed a scarecrow more then once.

go south, then go north, then go south, then repeat and you have 6 critters on your arse. The more you move around the more they spawn.

11-15-2008, 12:44 PM
Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get them peepers.....