View Full Version : Coming Back

11-13-2008, 03:08 PM
Hey all.

I just decided to reactivate my account. I wanted to play my warrior some. Here's some background:

35 trainings, right now uses a fel hafter and a shield. 30 ranks ambush. Used to set them up with feint then leg head etc. The main reason I left was I used my fixskills to go to OHE and I really did not like it.

My main reason for coming back now is the new society. Being a warrior I was always in VOLN for the fu. Brawling was cheap and it was a good way to get a second weapon type. That being said it also takes up a lot of TP's and I did not use a lot of the other symbols (plus secretly I hate hunting the undead). This new Society seems like a much better fit if only I did not have to get harness power also....

So I am looking to respec back to my 2 handed Maul and from there along with dropping my brawling. My training path would be at lvl 35

Armor Use 2.5x - 90
Two Handed Weapons 2x - 72
Combat Maneuvers 2x - 72

Weapon Spec - 3 ranks
Bonding - 5 ranks
Combat Mobility - 2 ranks
Parry Mastery - 2 ranks then get the third when I get the points

MOC 30 ranks
Ambush 30 ranks
Physical fitness 2x - 72
Dodging 2x - 72
Perception .5x - 18
First aid 1x - 36
Survival 1x - 36
Harness power 17 for 51 mana
Climb 10 ranks
swim 10 ranks

How is that looking so far? Any suggestions?

11-13-2008, 03:09 PM
Also, can any warriors weigh in on whether on not this new society is worth leaving VOLN for?

11-13-2008, 03:16 PM
I would actually push down FA and Survival a bit to add to climbing, and get MOC up to 35 ranks for your 4-strike open mstrike. Other than that, you're looking good. I might suggest some Surge of Strength as a cman, but you've chosen those well so far.

3x armor is another consideration, you can be in full plate by 45 this way.

Also, YES, Sunfist is worth leaving Voln for. I did and I'm not turning back.

11-13-2008, 03:35 PM
i think i spoke to you over psinet. heres my sunfist warrior at 35:

(at level 35), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 172 72
Armor Use..........................| 205 105
Combat Maneuvers...................| 172 72
Blunt Weapons......................| 172 72
Ambush.............................| 120 30
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 124 32
Physical Fitness...................| 172 72
Dodging............................| 153 53
Magic Item Use.....................| 30 6
Harness Power......................| 40 8
Perception.........................| 102 24
Climbing...........................| 70 15

warcamps can get pretty frustrating, but doable. just remember to take out the pures first since they cast nasty spells.

11-13-2008, 03:43 PM
May I ask whats with the MIU?

11-13-2008, 03:45 PM
for haste imbeds

12-06-2008, 11:18 PM
by the what game is this???/^_^

12-16-2008, 02:08 PM
I would say that it is definately worth it to leave voln for GoS. The benifits are incredible. One suggestion would be to maybe drop the ambush. When hunting the grimswarm you don't really need to be aiming. Once you get the sigil of major bane your maul will become Heavily Crit Weighted and you will be one or two shot killing them without aiming.

One suggestion in the beginning would be to spell tank. Put every spell you can manage via scrolls or wizards or whatever means you have. Meureii can do camps without spells but they do get easier with spells.

Feel free to PM me if you have specific tactical questions as I could write a novel about them and I don't want to bore everyone with long readings.

Meureii's player