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11-12-2008, 05:37 PM
Dubai hotel issues etiquette guide after sex on the beach scandal

The Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai - with the moated and beachside Madinat Jumeirah hotel behind

One of Dubai’s most popular beach hotels has issued guests with an “etiquette guide” after two Britons were convicted for having sex on the beach near the hotel.

The etiquette guides, which suggest the hotel’s guests could be arrested for inappropriate public displays, are left on tables during the weekly brunch event at the Madinat Jumeirah hotel.

The guests should "employ discretion" in expressing affection publicly, says the hotel, with "anything more than a peck on the cheek" likely to result in police involvement.

The two Britons convicted last month of having sexual intercourse outside marriage and offending public decency, were Michelle Palmer and Vince Acors. They were arrested after attending brunch at a hotel near Dubai airport.

They were received three-month jail sentences, were fined £200 for drunkenness and ordered to be deported from Dubai on their release. More than 230 other Britons were arrested in the UAE last year.

Brunches take place across Dubai every Friday, the first day of the Dubai weekend, and are heavily promoted in Dubai's Time Out and enjoyed to the full by expatriates.

The lavish affairs last from late morning into the early evening when diners can enjoy unlimited food and alcohol for a fixed entry fee.

In the case of the Madinat Jumeirah the charge is £88, which includes bottomless champagne, cocktails and wine between 12:30pm and 4:30pm.
On the subject of drunkenness, the hotel’s etiquette guide warns: “Drinking is not a part of Muslim culture and alcohol is not served openly. Drunken behaviour, especially outside licensed premises in the hotel, is severely punished.”

On the subject of public displays off affection it says: “It is strongly recommended that you employ discretion when expressing affection in public. Anything more than a peck on the cheek could offend those around you and even possibly lead to police involvement.”

More than one million Britons visited Dubai last year, with twice as many expatriates now living in the Emirate.

The Madinah Jumeirah is one of Dubai's biggest and most popular beach hotels, next to the iconic seven-star Burj Al-Arab. More Britons visit than any other nationality - the hotel has 584 rooms in total, split between the Mina A'Salam and Al Qasr brands.

A spokeswoman for the hotel told Times Online: "Following the recent media attention surrounding etiquette in the Emirate, we have received additional enquiries from our guests. As a result, we have taken the initiative to produce information cards to inform our guests about local culture and customs here in Dubai.

“These cards are distributed throughout and advise our guests about driving around the Emirate, acceptable dress codes, public displays of affection, drinking and other responsible and respectful behaviour.”


I can understand discouraging sex on the beach. At least get a room for bumping uglies.

What I dont understand is that they use local culture steeped in religious rules as a reason why some behaviors are not acceptable - and yet they serve alcohol.


So its ok to serve alcohol in a society where alcohol is banned as long as it keeps bringing in tourist money? Just dont show any public displays of affection, even if one major side effect of alcohol consumption is a loss of inhibition.

I'd love to go see Dubai; however, I'm afraid that I would feel like I stepped off a plane from the year 2000 backwards into 1950 Jerry Fallwell'esque twilightzone. I'll travel elsewhere, thx.

11-12-2008, 05:41 PM
So its ok to serve alcohol in a society where alcohol is banned as long as it keeps bringing in tourist money?

Yes, it is.

11-12-2008, 05:44 PM

I suppose they are more like the west than they think. :(

11-12-2008, 05:51 PM
Anything more than a peck on the cheek? So if I went there with my fiance and I kissed him on the mouth i'd get arrested? Yeah, I think i'll spend my hard earned money elsewhere.

11-12-2008, 06:50 PM
So its ok to serve alcohol in a society where alcohol is banned as long as it keeps bringing in tourist money? Just dont show any public displays of affection, even if one major side effect of alcohol consumption is a loss of inhibition.

Alcohol is not banned in Dubai.

Also, drinking in public while illegal in Dubai is also illegal in the U.S. and Canada and many other countries, so is having sex in public.

Two people having sex in public in Dubai and being put in jail for it shouldn't be considered major news in Britain. The punishment for exposing oneself in public, let alone having sex in public, is up to 2 years + a fine. (http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2003/ukpga_20030042_en_1)

Anyhow, I'm not saying go to Dubai, but it's pretty common in a lot of countries that drinking or being drunk and having sex in public will result in a punishment.

11-12-2008, 06:53 PM
Alcohol is not banned in Dubai.

Also, drinking in public while illegal in Dubai is also illegal in the U.S. and Canada and many other countries, so is having sex in public.

Two people having sex in public in Dubai and being put in jail for it shouldn't be considered major news in Britain. The punishment for exposing oneself in public, let alone having sex in public, is up to 2 years + a fine. (http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2003/ukpga_20030042_en_1)

Anyhow, I'm not saying go to Dubai, but it's pretty common in a lot of countries that drinking or being drunk and having sex in public will result in a punishment.

Because “Anything more than a peck on the cheek could offend those around you and even possibly lead to police involvement.” is the same exact thing as sex in public.

11-12-2008, 08:43 PM
Anything more than a peck on the cheek? So if I went there with my fiance and I kissed him on the mouth i'd get arrested? Yeah, I think i'll spend my hard earned money elsewhere.

It all really depends. In all honesty, if you simply did it once then people wouldn't really trip. You'd get some funny looks for sure, but people would realize you were tourists and not hassle you too much. However, if you were going *at* it in public then people would probably say something and if you continued the police would get involved.

It takes some getting used to. I remember I was @ this one club in Egypt (where I lived for a while) that was OBVIOUSLY a front for Egyptian men to hook up with Sudanese prostitutes. Yet, they somehow took offense to me making out with some girl (who I came with btw). We got funny looks @ first, then the waiter came over to say something and after about 3 times of them coming over there they told us we basically had to leave. So, it wasn't like they simply brought out the stones off the bat.

11-12-2008, 08:53 PM
Why the fuck would any American want to vacation there? I'd like to think that sucking face with my SO in public, should I wish to, would be something I could freely do on my vacation (or any other damn time, but especially when i'm having FUN on my vacation). It's not like i'm talking about flashing some tits here.

11-12-2008, 09:13 PM
Why the fuck would any American want to vacation there? I'd like to think that sucking face with my SO in public, should I wish to, would be something I could freely do on my vacation (or any other damn time, but especially when i'm having FUN on my vacation). It's not like i'm talking about flashing some tits here.

History, culture? I don't have much love for Dubai but there's some pretty awesome tourist shit there. I really like the middle east though.

11-12-2008, 09:22 PM
I suppose I just don't see the fun about spending hard earned money vacationing in a place where the people are going to look at me and how I behave as some sort of abomination.

11-12-2008, 09:25 PM
I suppose I just don't see the fun about spending hard earned money vacationing in a place where the people are going to look at me and how I behave as some sort of abomination.

Well, I guess it's a matter of respect then. I'm sure if I came into your house doing shit I knew you didn't appreciate you'd be pretty upset too. That doesn't mean you might not be a cool person to hang out with if I wasn't doing shit that I know you don't like.

11-12-2008, 09:37 PM
I wouldn't invite you into my house if I knew your nature was to behave in that manner. They want the tourism, and then they treat the tourists like freaks if they behave like themselves. I'm not saying sex in public is appropriate - far from it. But making out on vacation is not some freakish and disrespectful action... at least not in my opinion. If they have such problems with our culture, then maybe they should stop trying to get our business.

11-12-2008, 09:53 PM
So you're saying it's absolutely impossible to keep it in your pants while out in public?

They're telling you what is not appropriate. If you don't want to abide by that, what do you expect them to do? Say screw it and go fuck themselves?

Dubai isn't exactly hurting for tourists. If you don't want to deal with it then that's you're choice. You're the one missing out on what's there.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-12-2008, 10:07 PM
I really want to visit the Middle East someday, but I don't want think I'd consider it a "vacation" since that implies relaxation and frolicking. I certainly wouldn't go expecting the same kind of trip like if I was on the beach in Mexico or Greece. Obviously it's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that making out in public could get me arrested, but I do think it does fall on the shoulders of travelers to research social customs know limits and such prior to booking and going somewhere that has a very different culture from your own.

11-12-2008, 10:11 PM
It really depends.

I'd reccomend going to Dhahab. It's on the Red sea in Egypt. Amazing. It's touristy and they don't give a shit about what you do.

You can also cross right over into Israel if you wanna do that too. I hear they have some nice beaches on the Red Sea too.

11-12-2008, 10:13 PM
Also, turkey is very secular and thus they have places you can do what you want, but that's not exactly the "Middle East", per se.

11-12-2008, 10:26 PM
So you're saying it's absolutely impossible to keep it in your pants while out in public?

They're telling you what is not appropriate. If you don't want to abide by that, what do you expect them to do? Say screw it and go fuck themselves?

Dubai isn't exactly hurting for tourists. If you don't want to deal with it then that's you're choice. You're the one missing out on what's there.

Are you retarded? I already said I didn't find sex in public to be appropriate, so obviously I find it very possible to keep it in my pants while out in public. But to be told that I couldn't kiss my fiance on the beach or at dinner, or whatever, on my vacation is fucking stupid. I'm telling you (and I don't quite understand why it was so hard to grasp from my last post) that if they find us and our customs so despicable, they shouldn't accept our business.

I guess it doesn't matter, since I have zero desire to visit the middle east anyway. But i'll be damned if i'm going to go on vacation somewhere that i'm going to get discriminated against and possibly arrested for being myself.

11-12-2008, 10:33 PM
Are you retarded? I already said I didn't find sex in public to be appropriate, so obviously I find it very possible to keep it in my pants while out in public. But to be told that I couldn't kiss my fiance on the beach or at dinner, or whatever, on my vacation is fucking stupid. I'm telling you (and I don't quite understand why it was so hard to grasp from my last post) that if they find us and our customs so despicable, they shouldn't accept our business.

I guess it doesn't matter, since I have zero desire to visit the middle east anyway. But i'll be damned if i'm going to go on vacation somewhere that i'm going to get discriminated against and possibly arrested for being myself.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you missed the part where I described what was likely to happen. People are *not* going to arrest you for kissing your husband. They are just asking you to be respectful with what you do.

So, please continue to live in this fantasy world where you are somehow would be persecuted.

Guess what? Arabs have sex too. There's nothing inherently different (except for places like Mecca..but that's another story and it's not like you'd be allowed to go there anyway). It's no different than the public decency laws that we currently have. They just define it somewhat different. It's a matter of courtesy. If you can't abide by that, then don't fucking go. It's that simple.

I doubt you'd have the same feelings about someone from the netherlands wanting to smoke a spliff in public here.

11-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Maybe you missed the part where I described what was likely to happen. People are *not* going to arrest you for kissing your husband. They are just asking you to be respectful with what you do.

So, please continue to live in this fantasy world where you are somehow would be persecuted.

Guess what? Arabs have sex too. There's nothing inherently different (except for places like Mecca..but that's another story and it's not like you'd be allowed to go there anyway). It's no different than the public decency laws that we currently have. They just define it somewhat different. It's a matter of courtesy. If you can't abide by that, then don't fucking go. It's that simple.

I doubt you'd have the same feelings about someone from the netherlands wanting to smoke a spliff in public here.

I don't have a persecution fantasy, i'm only going off of what was stated by the hotel.

The guests should "employ discretion" in expressing affection publicly, says the hotel, with "anything more than a peck on the cheek" likely to result in police involvement.

But I suppose I should trust some douchebag from DC's say so over a statement from a hotel in Dubai, you know, written by people who live there. Yeah, that's it for sure. :)

Oh, and as far as I know, i'm quite sure that kissing my fiance on the mouth in this country won't result in police involvement. So yeah, i'd say our public decency laws are a bit different.

11-12-2008, 10:56 PM
I don't have a persecution fantasy, i'm only going off of what was stated by the hotel.

But I suppose I should trust some douchebag from DC's say so over a statement from a hotel in Dubai, you know, written by people who live there. Yeah, that's it for sure. :)

Oh, and as far as I know, i'm quite sure that kissing my fiance on the mouth in this country won't result in police involvement. So yeah, i'd say our public decency laws are a bit different.

Can you not read? The hotel did not say "DO THIS AND YOU WILL BE ARRESTED." It said "Please use discretion, because you may offend and it may cause police involvement".

P.s. I'm some douche bag who has lived in the Middle east for several years now. So, I might know a little bit about what I'm talking about. kthx.

11-12-2008, 11:07 PM
Just because you lived in the middle east for a few years doesn't mean you know better than the hotel staff about what they put in their warning, or what they meant by it. Also, can YOU not read? I never said I would definitely get arrested for kissing in public. I said possibly arrested. Pull your head out of your ass, plz. If it wasn't a possibility then why would they state that more than a peck on the cheek would probably cause police involvement?

I get you think you know everything, but perhaps you should just quit while you're behind.

11-12-2008, 11:30 PM
I didn't misread anything, dumbfuck. I took what it said to mean exactly what it said. Like I already stated, i'll take the word of the hotel over yours, no matter how smart you think you are. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you just simply aren't the end-all be-all, no matter what your mommy tells you.

11-12-2008, 11:30 PM
Just because you lived in the middle east for a few years doesn't mean you know better than the hotel staff about what they put in their warning, or what they meant by it. Also, can YOU not read? I never said I would definitely get arrested for kissing in public. I said possibly arrested. Pull your head out of your ass, plz. If it wasn't a possibility then why would they state that more than a peck on the cheek would probably cause police involvement?

I get you think you know everything, but perhaps you should just quit while you're behind.

Lol behind in what? I've lived there dipshit. Notice I said lived there. Not visited, not passed through, lived. You mis-read one sentence in one article and jump to a bunch of wild conclusions I'm the one with my head in my ass? Right. It's not my fault you have some problem comprehending what is said. I'll try another language since you seem to have problems with english.ن

كنت أعيش في القاهرة لعدة شهور. لذا ، أنا أعرف ما أتحدث عنه والجمال هو أكثر ذكاء من لكم.

11-12-2008, 11:31 PM
That last post was obviously in response to your last post. Why you felt the need to delete it and repost is beyond me since it says exactly the same thing.

11-12-2008, 11:36 PM
That last post was obviously in response to your last post. Why you felt the need to delete it and repost is beyond me since it says exactly the same thing.

Copied the wrong thing from my Arabic keyboard.

11-12-2008, 11:37 PM
I didn't misread anything, dumbfuck. I took what it said to mean exactly what it said. Like I already stated, i'll take the word of the hotel over yours, no matter how smart you think you are. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you just simply aren't the end-all be-all, no matter what your mommy tells you.

Oh really? So it says you are going to be persecuted for your customs?? It says everyone there is prejudiced against you? Really.

It has absolutely nothing with me being smart. It has everything to do with me being able to put those phrases in context and not jump to wild ass ignorant conclusions.

11-12-2008, 11:45 PM
Oh really? So it says you are going to be persecuted for your customs?? It says everyone there is prejudiced against you? Really.

It has absolutely nothing with me being smart. It has everything to do with me being able to put those phrases in context and not jump to wild ass ignorant conclusions.

I never said persecuted, that was all you. There's a difference between being discriminated against and being persecuted. Stop being such a fucking drama queen.

It's part of my custom to be able to make out with my fiance wherever I want to. And if they're going to call the police on me for doing that, then yeah, it's fucking RETARDED.

You're right, it DOES have absolutely nothing to do with you being smart, you're so proving that right now! It's not my fault that I took what they said at face value (btw, face value != jumping to conclusions, in fact, they are complete opposites :shocked:), instead of trying to twist and turn it until it fit my argument (like you are right now). And I STILL believe what they say over you. I would any day of the week, mmkay?

11-13-2008, 12:06 AM
I never said persecuted, that was all you. There's a difference between being discriminated against and being persecuted. Stop being such a fucking drama queen.

I'm the drama queen?

I rony.

It's part of my custom to be able to make out with my fiance wherever I want to. And if they're going to call the police on me for doing that, then yeah, it's fucking RETARDED.

Than you lack common courtesy. If someone asked you to not do something in public then it shouldn't be too much of a problem to not do it. Unless you're a fucking cunt.

You're right, it DOES have absolutely nothing to do with you being smart, you're so proving that right now! It's not my fault that I took what they said at face value (btw, face value != jumping to conclusions, in fact, they are complete opposites :shocked:), instead of trying to twist and turn it until it fit my argument (like you are right now). And I STILL believe what they say over you. I would any day of the week, mmkay?

Really? Where in their statement does it say you will be arrested for making out with your boyfriend?

The article points to an example of two people A) Being drunk in Public (Illegal anywhere) and B) Having sex in Public (Illegal anywhere).

The statement itself advised people to utilize discretion because (notice this comes first) offend people and *could* lead to police involvement. It provides no context to make the inferences that you have and nothing in the article says anything about you being arrested for making out with your boyfriend. In fact, I'd suggest that since there were 1million visitors last year and something like 200 arrested that it isn't quite as dire as you suggest. Unless you believe 1million British are somehow not going to do dumb shit in public.

I provided you the context of what *could* lead to police involvement based upon my experiences living in the region. You can take it for what it's worth or you can continue to look like a dumb slut. In either case I doubt Dubai is really punching itself in the arm because it lost your business.

11-13-2008, 12:10 AM
The etiquette guides, which suggest the hotel’s guests could be arrested for inappropriate public displays, are left on tables during the weekly brunch event at the Madinat Jumeirah hotel.

The guests should "employ discretion" in expressing affection publicly, says the hotel, with "anything more than a peck on the cheek" likely to result in police involvement.

The guests should "employ discretion" in expressing affection publicly, says the hotel, with "anything more than a peck on the cheek" likely to result in police involvement.

Not really a leap. You're the one jumping to conclusions and making assumptions to try and fit your argument, you fucking brainless trout.

11-13-2008, 12:41 AM
The guests should "employ discretion" in expressing affection publicly, says the hotel, with "anything more than a peck on the cheek" likely to result in police involvement.

Not really a leap. You're the one jumping to conclusions and making assumptions to try and fit your argument, you fucking brainless trout.

Basically what we have here is an instance where a couple was drunk in public having sex, and that instance is being used in a manner that is entirely out of context to suggest that anyone who does more than a peck on the cheek risks being thrown in jail when the reality is not even half as dramatic as it seems.

Let's put things in a more reasonable, less dramatic context... if it were the case that Dubai was such a freak out totalitarian state that people traveling there were being thrown in jail for kissing in public... then why is the most prominent example and the biggest news story involving tourists getting prosecuted one that involves two drunks having sex in public? Where is the article about a regular couple kissing on the lips in public being put in jail?

Why does it take a couple having drunk sex in public to point out some extreme social policy in Dubai? You'd think that with such an extreme policy, you'd have several articles about regular people being thrown in jail for kissing in public... and yet doing a Google search turned up next to nothing.

11-13-2008, 12:47 AM
Except i'm not the one doing the suggesting, and that's what I was arguing. I'm merely taking what was written up by the hotel at face value. Not my fault if the hotel lied, misspoke, whatever. I'm simply saying how stupid it is that they're claiming police will likely be called if people display more affection than a peck on the cheek, and i'd never want to travel to a place like that. It's not like I made it up. :)

11-13-2008, 12:51 AM
Except i'm not the one doing the suggesting, and that's what I was arguing. I'm merely taking what was written up by the hotel at face value. Not my fault if the hotel lied, misspoke, whatever. I'm simply saying how stupid it is that they're claiming police will likely be called if people display more affection than a peck on the cheek, and i'd never want to travel to a place like that. It's not like I made it up.

Very true.

11-13-2008, 01:06 AM
Dubai is an awesome place, and if you go, I don't see why you can't just keep your mouth off your significant other's while you are walking around the city and NOT stumble around completely wasted and being stupid.

11-13-2008, 01:24 AM
Pretty simple.

11-13-2008, 08:14 AM
diethx needs to lrn2stfu.

her argument was lost 3.75 pages ago...

11-13-2008, 08:17 AM
Dubai is an awesome place, and if you go, I don't see why you can't just keep your mouth off your significant other's while you are walking around the city and NOT stumble around completely wasted and being stupid.


11-13-2008, 08:17 AM
Basically what we have here is an instance where a couple was drunk in public having sex, and that instance is being used in a manner that is entirely out of context to suggest that anyone who does more than a peck on the cheek risks being thrown in jail when the reality is not even half as dramatic as it seems.

Let's put things in a more reasonable, less dramatic context... if it were the case that Dubai was such a freak out totalitarian state that people traveling there were being thrown in jail for kissing in public... then why is the most prominent example and the biggest news story involving tourists getting prosecuted one that involves two drunks having sex in public? Where is the article about a regular couple kissing on the lips in public being put in jail?

Why does it take a couple having drunk sex in public to point out some extreme social policy in Dubai? You'd think that with such an extreme policy, you'd have several articles about regular people being thrown in jail for kissing in public... and yet doing a Google search turned up next to nothing.


11-13-2008, 09:29 AM
When did police involvement automatically start meaning arrested?

It's their country, follow their rules and respect their wishes. Not that hard. I'm probably more ok with this because I'm not a fan of public displays of affection anyway. ZOMG look at us making out see how hot we are for one another...meh never got that.

11-13-2008, 11:47 AM
I suppose I just don't see the fun about spending hard earned money vacationing in a place where the people are going to look at me and how I behave as some sort of abomination.

Americans are already considered an abomination in more than just the Middle East. Americans are by far the worst tourists in the world.


11-13-2008, 05:41 PM
diethx needs to lrn2stfu.

her argument was lost 3.75 pages ago...

Eat more Daniel dick, mmkay?

Americans are already considered an abomination in more than just the Middle East. Americans are by far the worst tourists in the world.


Perhaps, but I could go to most touristy places in Europe and not have the police called on me for kissing my fiance in public. WHICH WAS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT. I never said they needed to change their behavior or their preferences. I simply stated I would not want to pay for and travel to a place that would treat me like that. Sorry if you guys are having such a hard time understanding that (TheEschaton not included, even though i'm responding to your post). :)

Tea & Strumpets
11-13-2008, 06:19 PM
Eat more Daniel dick, mmkay?

Perhaps, but I could go to most touristy places in Europe and not have the police called on me for kissing my fiance in public. WHICH WAS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT. I never said they needed to change their behavior or their preferences. I simply stated I would not want to pay for and travel to a place that would treat me like that. Sorry if you guys are having such a hard time understanding that (TheEschaton not included, even though i'm responding to your post). :)

My rule of thumb is that I don't comment on hotel publications until I've lived in that country. Maybe you should grow up and take a page out of my book.

11-13-2008, 06:20 PM
My rule of thumb is that I don't comment on hotel publications until I've lived in that country. Maybe you should grow up and take a page out of my book.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-13-2008, 06:21 PM
One major social faxpas in India is that they don't tell you their shitters are really holes in the ground and the toiwel paper is your hand and a waterspickit...

I washed my ass with like 3 million in rupees instead. (us value, 74 cents). I do recommend you carry around a travel pack of tissue with you everywhere.

tHAT aside, I loved Dubai.Lots of you kids workin their way up, making more money doing what they knew and loving everyminite of it. Ex Pats there to train them and get them up to speed were "GODS" there. by my second day there, the IT DPT told me they'd found 7899 pictures ohhn the women's desktops....and a few on the mail.

I saidk whe do you normalldo in a sikrtl

11-13-2008, 06:25 PM
Are you drunk, SHM?

Tea & Strumpets
11-13-2008, 06:27 PM
Are you drunk, SHM?

That post was pretty grate.

Tea & Strumpets
11-13-2008, 06:30 PM
One major social faxpas in India is that they don't tell you their shitters are really holes in the ground and the toiwel paper is your hand and a waterspickit...

I washed my ass with like 3 million in rupees instead. (us value, 74 cents). I do recommend you carry around a travel pack of tissue with you everywhere.

tHAT aside, I loved Dubai.Lots of you kids workin their way up, making more money doing what they knew and loving everyminite of it. Ex Pats there to train them and get them up to speed were "GODS" there. by my second day there, the IT DPT told me they'd found 7899 pictures ohhn the women's desktops....and a few on the mail.

I saidk whe do you normalldo in a sikrtl

I have to quote this for posterity. Sorry SHM, you know the rules and responsibilities about copying posts before they are edited. (edited 4 tipos)

Sean of the Thread
11-13-2008, 06:37 PM
One major social faxpas in India is that they don't tell you their shitters are really holes in the ground and the toiwel paper is your hand and a waterspickit...

I washed my ass with like 3 million in rupees instead. (us value, 74 cents). I do recommend you carry around a travel pack of tissue with you everywhere.

tHAT aside, I loved Dubai.Lots of you kids workin their way up, making more money doing what they knew and loving everyminite of it. Ex Pats there to train them and get them up to speed were "GODS" there. by my second day there, the IT DPT told me they'd found 7899 pictures ohhn the women's desktops....and a few on the mail.

I saidk whe do you normalldo in a sikrtl

My buddy went to Dubai to teach like U.S. Social Studies and is making like 3.5x what he did here as a 20 year teacher.

To loosely quote Airplane II the sequel:

"I want to know absolutely everything that's happened up till now!

"Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes... and now my addition they built a paradise named Dubai out of sand.

Oh and as a side note for anyone trying to quit smoking do not watch any Airplane movies as lloyd bridges goes through about 450,205 product placements for smokes.

11-13-2008, 06:45 PM
Perhaps, but I could go to most touristy places in Europe and not have the police called on me for kissing my fiance in public. WHICH WAS MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT. I never said they needed to change their behavior or their preferences. I simply stated I would not want to pay for and travel to a place that would treat me like that. Sorry if you guys are having such a hard time understanding that (TheEschaton not included, even though i'm responding to your post). :)
And that's fine that you wouldn't want to go there because of their policies. But frankly I think you should be thankful that they are giving guests rules to go by, rather than you being your usual self and find yourself getting a hand slapping over actions you didn't know they wouldn't approve of beforehand.

That said, I don't have a problem with etiquette requests such as that. It's their country, and those are their customs and policies that people who are guests in their country should abide by. They are not the country of the free, America is, so to say that you should be able to exhibit your own customs in their country is considered rude with a lack of courtesy. It would be as though I ask that you take off your shoes when you enter my house and you give me the finger and tell me you won't take them off for anyone because that's how you like to be. Well, thanks but you can kindly get the fuck out. :D

By the way, police involvement doesn't mean arresting. Haven't you ever gotten warnings from cops? It's probably the same type of deal.

Tea & Strumpets
11-13-2008, 06:53 PM
Overall it's pretty much a ridiculous topic. Where will you not get arrested fucking in public? I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm pretty sure if the camera's catch you kissing your wife in the elevator, that there isn't going to be a SWAT team waiting when the doors open in the lobby.

I pretty much figured the brochure was a way for the hotel (who is busy raking in as much cash as they can) to cover their ass. It's no different than the public statements any number of companies issue for the same reason.

11-13-2008, 08:22 PM
Eat more Daniel dick, mmkay?

Oh yea. Everyone is sucking my dick, because that's what happens all the time around here. It has absolutely nothing to do with you being stupid.

11-13-2008, 08:25 PM
Oh yea. Everyone is sucking my dick, because that's what happens all the time around here. It has absolutely nothing to do with you being stupid.

Oh no you di'int.

Sean of the Thread
11-13-2008, 08:34 PM
I think that if me and Daniel got together in a club district there would be fucking chaos and possibly stds and pregnant women running around the next day.

I swear he's my personality twin. (in a non gay way you bitch) (I can still kick your ass because I'm a former Marine and you're skinny... well basically because you're skinny).

<3 in a non gay way. fucker

11-13-2008, 11:33 PM
OMG! I don't even know where to start! FUCK DUBAI. FUCK THE ENTIRE UAE.

All my Dubai pics are on one of my external drives I'll find it tomorrow.

The biggest den of hypocrisy in the world, Bahrain right behind.

Never mind, I lost my job yesterday and am kind of pissed. I'll repost tomorrow.

11-13-2008, 11:45 PM
And that's fine that you wouldn't want to go there because of their policies. But frankly I think you should be thankful that they are giving guests rules to go by, rather than you being your usual self and find yourself getting a hand slapping over actions you didn't know they wouldn't approve of beforehand.

I doubt I should be thankful, because I wouldn't need them to begin with. I suppose anyone who plans on going there should be thankful!

That said, I don't have a problem with etiquette requests such as that. It's their country, and those are their customs and policies that people who are guests in their country should abide by. They are not the country of the free, America is, so to say that you should be able to exhibit your own customs in their country is considered rude with a lack of courtesy. It would be as though I ask that you take off your shoes when you enter my house and you give me the finger and tell me you won't take them off for anyone because that's how you like to be. Well, thanks but you can kindly get the fuck out. :D

I never said I had a problem with their etiquette requests, did I? There's a huge difference between me having an opinion about how they do things and me saying that their culture is wrong and that they should change everything to accommodate us. I'm quite sure I didn't say the latter, and the closest I got to that was saying if they found us so terrible, maybe they shouldn't accept our business (which isn't even close). Like i've stated umpteen times already, I took what the hotel said at face value and made the comment that I find it silly, stupid, and I would never want to spend my hard earned money vacationing in a place where I couldn't be myself. I never said no one else should go there and respect whatever they want to respect. I'm not going to change my opinion either. And i'm so not going to repeat myself again. :D

By the way, police involvement doesn't mean arresting. Haven't you ever gotten warnings from cops? It's probably the same type of deal.

Nope, i've never gotten warnings from cops. Any stupid illegal/borderline shit I did when I was younger, I never got caught. And I never said it would DEFINITELY lead to an arrest. I said possibly. Possibly != definitely.

11-13-2008, 11:46 PM
And i'm so not going to repeat myself again.

It's really for the best.

11-13-2008, 11:47 PM
It's really for the best.

So tell me again where I jumped to conclusions? lol, douche.

11-13-2008, 11:49 PM
like 4-5 people have pointed it out now. Are you really that stupid?

11-13-2008, 11:50 PM
No one has pointed out where I jumped to any conclusions. It's not my fault if they see "possibly arrested" as DEFINITELY ARRESTED OMGWTFBBQ~!!!

11-13-2008, 11:51 PM
Yea. It's totally not your fault if like 4-5 people got that impression from what you said.

11-13-2008, 11:51 PM
How do you get an impression that possibly means definitely?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-14-2008, 05:34 AM
Are you drunk, SHM?

I think I was actually :X

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-14-2008, 05:35 AM
That post was pretty grate.

I hate you.

11-14-2008, 08:33 AM
I never said I had a problem with their etiquette requests, did I? There's a huge difference between me having an opinion about how they do things and me saying that their culture is wrong and that they should change everything to accommodate us.Unfortunately that's what I understood you saying when you said that YOU have your own culture and shouldn't have to restrain yourself from publicly kissing your husband because it may lead to an arrest.

Just as you took the hotel information at absolute face value, I did the same with your posts. Mea culpa!

Nope, i've never gotten warnings from cops. Any stupid illegal/borderline shit I did when I was younger, I never got caught. And I never said it would DEFINITELY lead to an arrest. I said possibly. Possibly != definitely.
Never gotten warnings? Meh, I got them a few times either from speeding or just doing um, stuff, in the back seat of a car in the middle of a neighborhood.

11-14-2008, 02:21 PM
Unfortunately that's what I understood you saying when you said that YOU have your own culture and shouldn't have to restrain yourself from publicly kissing your husband because it may lead to an arrest.

Just as you took the hotel information at absolute face value, I did the same with your posts. Mea culpa!

Never gotten warnings? Meh, I got them a few times either from speeding or just doing um, stuff, in the back seat of a car in the middle of a neighborhood.

Right, I shouldn't have to, that's why I think their rules fucking suck. It's also one of the reasons why I wouldn't want to go there. Which was my whole point... not why they should change everything to accommodate Americans. ;)

And nope, I never got a warning. My ex got a warning once for speeding while I was in his car, but that doesn't count! I've gotten a couple of speeding tickets but that's it. Otherwise i've been very lucky to avoid cops.