View Full Version : Budweiser American Ale...

11-09-2008, 04:38 AM
It doesn't taste like Urine..and by urine I mean regular budweiser... I haven't had a Guinness in like 3 days.. I really wanted beer after I closed last night cause I thought my deposit was like 400 short..turns out after my open to close and forgetting to eat I did the math wrong on the deposit and it was there the whole time.. So I stop at the shitty gas station and saw the budweiser American Ale... I still have a kind of aftertaste in my mouth that's not terrible.. I wouldn't say it's close to fantastic either... I think it really needs a meal to go with it or something... fuck I want my guinness... damn wife picked up the taste for it and now I can't rely on it to be in the fridge when I want it...
this isn't a fix the headache temporarily beer that I was sort of hoping for... hell I'm still not sure if I like it yet.. it's definately different though. I really need an off the grill burger or a thick moo'ing steak right now... for further testing..

So anyone else tried this yet?

11-09-2008, 09:34 AM
The ONLY thing Budweiser does well are commercials...

Sean of the Thread
11-09-2008, 09:47 AM
It tastes like piss or if you drink bud light it tastes like water.

11-09-2008, 01:15 PM
I drink Diesel straight from the pump.

11-09-2008, 02:05 PM
I tried this at a tailgate last week. It was either this or that Clamato beer stuff, and frankly, I'm not that daring.

I really didn't like it out of the bottle, but I'd give it a try next time I see it on tap.

11-09-2008, 04:46 PM
It's made by Budweiser. 'Nuff said.

Moist Happenings
11-09-2008, 04:55 PM
I haven't had a Guinness in like 3 days..


Also I haven't tried it partially because I don't like any other Bud, but more because I just don't have a taste for Ales so much. If next time I hit up the store and it doesn't have what I want I'll try it out though.

11-10-2008, 03:24 PM
I've been wondering if its good or not, but everytime I consider buying it I realize I'm probably better off with Newcastle or Red Stripe. Hooray beer!

11-10-2008, 03:28 PM
A good trick for bud is to buy one yuengling and then switch to bud or keystone or miller. After a yuengling everything lighter tastes like yuengling. Sorry in advance to people who dont have it in their region.

11-10-2008, 03:29 PM
A good trick for bud is to buy one yuengling and then switch to bud or keystone or miller. After a yuengling everything lighter tastes like yuengling. Sorry in advance to people who dont have it in their region.

Wait -- Yuengling tastes different than bud?

I never would have guessed that.

11-10-2008, 03:34 PM
Wait -- Yuengling tastes different than bud?

I never would have guessed that.

Its a bit darker, still not a good beer but I rarely order good beer when Im out, something about drinking 12 IPA's makes me fall unconcious. 12 light beers makes me high five people for no reason. Its a make it to 2am issue.

11-10-2008, 03:38 PM
Its a bit darker, still not a good beer but I rarely order good beer when Im out, something about drinking 12 IPA's makes me fall unconcious. 12 light beers makes me high five people for no reason. Its a make it to 2am issue.

Ok. Good.

I was out the other night and tried it because I'd never tried it.

I drank about 1/5th of the pint before I ordered a Magic Hat #8 and told the bartender to pour out the Yuengling. It wasn't terrible, but since I started a desk job, I can't afford wasted calories on shitty beers.

11-10-2008, 03:39 PM
Ok. Good.

I was out the other night and tried it because I'd never tried it.

I drank about 1/5th of the pint before I ordered a Magic Hat #8 and told the bartender to pour out the Yuengling. It wasn't terrible, but since I started a desk job, I can't afford wasted calories on shitty beers.

The trick is to quit eating

11-10-2008, 03:42 PM
The trick is to quit eating

But my wife's food is too good to resist.

Like this morning when I came out of the bedroom after getting dressed she had huevos rancheros with homemade black beans/guac/salsa waiting for me. How am I going to turn that down?

11-10-2008, 04:03 PM
But my wife's food is too good to resist.

Like this morning when I came out of the bedroom after getting dressed she had huevos rancheros with homemade black beans/guac/salsa waiting for me. How am I going to turn that down?

Sounds nice, my pop tart was delicious this morning, thanks for asking.

11-10-2008, 04:05 PM
Sounds nice, my pop tart was delicious this morning, thanks for asking.

There are trade-offs involved in marriage.

The least I can do is utilize one of the positives.

Sean of the Thread
11-10-2008, 04:46 PM
I'd give rep to Keller's wife right now if I could.

That shit made me hungry.

11-19-2008, 09:35 PM
Just got home. Stopped at market next to the Pub. Bought a sixer of this Bud AMERICAN Ale.

of course I been drinking "dark and stormy" all eve.....but this Bud shit taste ok.

11-19-2008, 10:01 PM
I remember once at the Bar in the bowling alley at the San Diego Naval Yards trying to order a pitcher of this. I asked the lady(Who was a real bitch) how much the domestic cost. She said it wasn't domestic because the Budweiser AMERICAN ale was an ale. When I asked her, "does that mean its foreign then?" she stared at me with a blank look on her face.

11-20-2008, 03:27 PM
Does any of you really like Budweiser that much. If it weren't for the frog commercial before I would have no knowledge when it comes to it.

11-20-2008, 03:37 PM
That is an awesome bot.

12-12-2008, 08:28 PM
Not a bad beer actually. Not made by Americans, of course.

Having said that...

Loving Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale. Damn fine quality.