View Full Version : Obama got me a job! (okay not really)

Moist Happenings
11-06-2008, 11:02 AM
Hey guys, just thought I'd share with you because I'm happy that I won't be bored out of my skull here in Florida for much longer. I don't need a job for money, but I'm down in Florida to help my mother out financially, and I need something to pass the time. I was worried about taking a job from somebody that actually needed it because of the financial thing, but I think I got one that isn't really taking away from anyone (who's here legally, anyway).

Starting next week I am mowing all the greens by hand at one of the highest rated golf courses in the nation, FORREST GUMP STYLE. Except with golf, not football. From 6 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. for 5 days a week my collar will be a nice shade of blue, and I'm ecstatic.

Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that since Obama is president, more jobs are available now because he is from the land of milk and honey, is not made of fluff, and has scared every last hepphalump and woozle out of the country. The end.


11-06-2008, 11:04 AM
Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that since Obama is president

He's not president yet. Milk and honey doesn't start flowing until January, duh.

But awesome on the mowing lawns gig. Nothing like the smell of fresh mowed grass.

Gallows Thief
11-06-2008, 11:21 AM
Hey guys, just thought I'd share with you because I'm happy that I won't be bored out of my skull here in Florida for much longer. I don't need a job for money, but I'm down in Florida to help my mother out financially, and I need something to pass the time. I was worried about taking a job from somebody that actually needed it because of the financial thing, but I think I got one that isn't really taking away from anyone (who's here legally, anyway).

Starting next week I am mowing all the greens by hand at one of the highest rated golf courses in the nation, FORREST GUMP STYLE. Except with golf, not football. From 6 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. for 5 days a week my collar will be a nice shade of blue, and I'm ecstatic.

Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that since Obama is president, more jobs are available now because he is from the land of milk and honey, is not made of fluff, and has scared every last hepphalump and woozle out of the country. The end.


Free golf on Neff! :yes:

Congrats on the job.

11-06-2008, 11:21 AM
Makes my nose run and my eyes water.

Thanks so much.

Sean of the Thread
11-06-2008, 01:59 PM
Hey guys, just thought I'd share with you because I'm happy that I won't be bored out of my skull here in Florida for much longer. I don't need a job for money, but I'm down in Florida to help my mother out financially, and I need something to pass the time. I was worried about taking a job from somebody that actually needed it because of the financial thing, but I think I got one that isn't really taking away from anyone (who's here legally, anyway).

Starting next week I am mowing all the greens by hand at one of the highest rated golf courses in the nation, FORREST GUMP STYLE. Except with golf, not football. From 6 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. for 5 days a week my collar will be a nice shade of blue, and I'm ecstatic.

Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that since Obama is president, more jobs are available now because he is from the land of milk and honey, is not made of fluff, and has scared every last hepphalump and woozle out of the country. The end.


Why don't you hook a brother up with a job too here in FL since I can't find shit.

That and we'll tear up the town.

Moist Happenings
11-06-2008, 02:01 PM
Why don't you hook a brother up with a job too here in FL since I can't find shit.

That and we'll tear up the town.

If there's anything open there when I get there I'll put in a good word for you. It's like a 2 hour drive for you though isn't it? That sort of uh...negates entirely the minimum wage pay you'd be making.

11-06-2008, 02:02 PM
Xyl's idea of "tearing up the town" involves getting you drunk and convincing you to get into a wheelchair ...

Moist Happenings
11-06-2008, 02:04 PM
Xyl's idea of "tearing up the town" involves getting you drunk and convincing you to get into a wheelchair ...

When I'm drunk there's little convincing needed. Also wouldn't be the first time. The bars around here suck though. Have to go to Ybor city to even get anything remotely tolerable, and even then only situationally.

11-06-2008, 02:10 PM
You don't understand ... YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THAT WHEELCHAIR!

Moist Happenings
11-06-2008, 02:12 PM
You don't understand ... YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THAT WHEELCHAIR!

Not until I'm pushed out onto Route 19 in it and am left bleeding on the median will I understand that. And only then when I sober up.

11-06-2008, 02:13 PM
You've been warned .... but when he says the sword doesn't bother him ... I don't want to hear about it.