View Full Version : Concerning the life of Simutronics
07-15-2003, 10:23 AM
How long do you all think Simutronics and Gemstone will exist for? Is gemstone going to last forever? Will simucon 2075 take place in a nursing home?
Dighn Darkbeam
07-15-2003, 10:25 AM
As it should be. Mine is the only vote that counts.
Kris na Su'ta
07-15-2003, 03:08 PM
I think it'll be a few more years, but that'll be the end of simutronics. Unless they can .... get current with their games.
Kids today are going to get very bored with a text based RPG. I mean, they were raised with nintendos, gameboys, xbox, PS, etc. Alot more will be demanded out of MUDS and no way they will be able to raise subscription prices again to counter declining subscriptions. It's no secret most of the 'old timers' no longer play and have moved on. Current customers will continue to play for a period of years (change is hard to make!) but once they give up I don't see anyone replacing them. I don't see the true 'newbies' taking up the slack. Why pay $12.95 + $1.00 per extra character ($30 if you really wanna get ripped by simu) when you can play an updated, suppoted graphics based game that is $14.95/month for unlimited characters (DAoC) ..... games that treat everyone equal instead of segregating prime/premium. I'm not sure about EQ or Asheron's Call, but I assume they are about the same price. If I ever had the desire to play a MUD I'd play a free one. I'll never, ever pay for a text based game again.
Just my 2 cents........
[Edited on 07-15-03 by Gokkem]
07-15-2003, 03:47 PM
I agree with most of what Gokkem said. A lot of the older players have left, and I rarely see truly new players, so I believe the customer base is stagnating. Plus there's all the competition from the graphical MMORPGs. I give GS another 5 years, depending on how GSIV turns out.
07-15-2003, 04:30 PM
I said the same thing 5 years ago...
It's still going strong. No matter how many graphical games there are out there... many prefer this method of gaming. No technological advances will change that.
07-15-2003, 04:33 PM
I don't think the concept of playing text-based games is going to die out because there will always be people who are more inclined to play those over graphical ones. However, I don't see the steady stream of PAYING customers when there are more out there that are cheaper and/or free to play. Gemstone makes way too many drastic changes to the game that makes it hard to stay loyal to it. Sure a game needs changes, but not so many that you don't recognize it anymore and ultimately damages the character you have been building and creating for years.
Text games will always be popular, paying for them won't be, IMO.
[Edited on 7/15/2003 by CrystalTears]
07-15-2003, 05:34 PM
Well, 5 years ago was a little different I think. 5 years ago the internet revolution was really taking off, and graphics based games were seldom seem. The best mmorpg's were text based. Computer were too slow to run graphics intensive games, and broadband wasn't popular yet. Technology changes though, and although I think there will be a demand for text based games for a while I think those people are us (adults) that will be playing them. I really don't think today's teenagers are going to carry simutronics, or any other text based game like we have.
All the time I meet friends in DAoC, and usually talk of 'what game did you come from' comes up. I tell em GS, they ask me if it's cool. I tell em it's text based and I always get the same response: Oh, nvm then.
To summarize, I think the demand for all text based muds is going to steadily decline.
07-15-2003, 05:36 PM
September will be the 16th year of Simutronics. It's not going to fail that easily. What a lot of people also forget is GemStone does not have as many players as DragonRealms. DragonRealms is THE Simutronics game. GemStone is a lot cooler. And better. But DragonRealms is more popular for some reason. Last I heard, there are over 10,000 GS accounts and over 15,000 DR accounts. I don't think Simutronics will fall for another 15+ years.
07-15-2003, 05:49 PM
I don't love the game as much as I used to so I'm only speaking from personal experience. I don't want to invest time to relearn how to play a character I've been playing and enjoying for years the same way.
I'm all for slight changes to games, like bugs or things that didn't work well, but the way they've been doing it, it's not necessary. They say other games change. No, they don't. Players are not forced to change with them. If we're talking about graphical games like Diablo, Sims, all that... even DAOC and Everquest.. all have expansions or a whole new version. Don't like it, don't buy it and you can continue to play the game you originally wanted. This "having" to adjust to games is bull and it's asking WAY too much of their clientele.
One thing is "we added a spell... we fixed this spell... we made this critter easier/hard to kill" but to change how you look, how you eat, how you roleplay, how you train, and how you hunt all in one breath is just ridiculous.
People have to completely relearn how the skills work, what they need to train in, how they should hunt. I mean c'mon. That's messed up. And many people aren't as enamored with the game the way they used to, so to ask them to do it all over again is pushing it, as far as I'm concerned. I'm not doing it and I know quite a few who actually started playing a whole other game, and since they would have to learn the game anew anyway, may as well start with something fresh and enticing. It's like they're taking a GI Joe, flapping fins on him and packing him in seaweed and pronouncing it a new fun toy (yeah I stole that from "Big"... sue me :P)
[Edited on 7/15/2003 by CrystalTears]
07-15-2003, 05:57 PM
Multiplayer games change. If it does, you can't play Multiplayer if you don't update. Since when is the Sims a multiplayer game with new patches? It's single-player that has an upgrade. I can't speak for the other games, but if a game changes, you change with it.
Counter-Strike. I started playing again, and had to upgrade everything because I didn't have the most recent version of it. No server didn't have the most recent version. Guess what! I couldn't play and had to adjust.
07-15-2003, 05:58 PM
Where can I get some logs of how hunting in DragonRealms looks like?
07-15-2003, 05:59 PM
Sims DOES have a multiplayer game, and guess what, when they made SO many changes to the game that it changed what it originally was, many people stopped playing. TOO many changes breaks the fun component.
07-15-2003, 06:03 PM
Yes. I said The Sims has a multiplayer upgrade. It's still a single-player game.
07-15-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
It's like they're taking a GI Joe, flapping fins on him and packing him in seaweed and pronouncing it a new fun toy (yeah I stole that from "Big"... sue me :P)
oooo, wasn't that Navy Seal Joe?
Excuse me for my lackluster attempt at humor.
07-15-2003, 06:17 PM
It's not an upgrade. It's a separate online, multiplayer game.
07-15-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
Where can I get some logs of how hunting in DragonRealms looks like?
get a free account, start a dr game
i tried
oh man it's crap, it's all hidden!
I was a thief, i even got to the guilde, but got too bored
07-15-2003, 11:07 PM
Last I heard, there are over 10,000 GS accounts and over 15,000 DR accounts. I don't think Simutronics will fall for another 15+ years.
Actually, I have heard numbers along the lines of only 7000 different people have actually had Gemstone accounts. However, I don't know if that number was the CURRENT amount of paying accounts either.
07-16-2003, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't think the concept of playing text-based games is going to die out because there will always be people who are more inclined to play those over graphical ones. However, I don't see the steady stream of PAYING customers when there are more out there that are cheaper and/or free to play. Gemstone makes way too many drastic changes to the game that makes it hard to stay loyal to it. Sure a game needs changes, but not so many that you don't recognize it anymore and ultimately damages the character you have been building and creating for years.
Text games will always be popular, paying for them won't be, IMO.
[Edited on 7/15/2003 by CrystalTears]
Wow, I would've posted pretty much the exact same thing. I would have, except if I did I would've been flamed for trashing Gemstone and trying to convince people to try free games.
So, I'll just let CrystalTears' post speak for me and say I agree.
07-16-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't think the concept of playing text-based games is going to die out because there will always be people who are more inclined to play those over graphical ones. However, I don't see the steady stream of PAYING customers when there are more out there that are cheaper and/or free to play. Gemstone makes way too many drastic changes to the game that makes it hard to stay loyal to it. Sure a game needs changes, but not so many that you don't recognize it anymore and ultimately damages the character you have been building and creating for years.
Text games will always be popular, paying for them won't be, IMO.
[Edited on 7/15/2003 by CrystalTears]
Wow, I would've posted pretty much the exact same thing. I would have, except if I did I would've been flamed for trashing Gemstone and trying to convince people to try free games.
So, I'll just let CrystalTears' post speak for me and say I agree.
Sorry to disagree... but free games will never be as detailed as one you are paying for. They are more of a hobby than anything else. The makers will get bored and start looking for a real job.. there goes your character that you've invested 3 or 4 years to make.
No thanks.
07-16-2003, 10:24 AM
Yes Parkbandit, there are dozens and maybe hundreds of games that are exactly as you describe. But there are MORE games that have existed, continue to exist, and continue to improve that started years before Gemstone was first created.
There are also other games that have existed, continue to exist, and continue to improve with a healthy lifespan of well over five years. Some are pay-to-play, some are "donations accepted," some are free, and some are hybrids with various skills or other in-game benefits for pay, but base play is still free.
And I agree with you (or whoever said it, maybe Neildo?) that some of those games posted on topmudsites claim to be one thing but are actually another.
But there -are- games that have staying power and have proven their ability to attract players over the years.
Achaea is one of them. A hybrid in terms of payment, it's free unless you want add-on game stuff. It has a -higher- player base than Gemstone and has been around for many years.
[edited to note: I do not play Achaea, nor have I ever played it, nor do I have any interest in that particular game. I just looked at their website and know a few people who do play it, and have read discussions on topmudsites about this particular game and it seemed like a good example to use here.]
As for whether or not text games will die, this is brought up regularly in discussion forums all over the internet. There are also a myriad of articles about this very subject, and the unswerving answer is: no. Text games will never die. And in fact their popularity is increasing.
But so are -all- internet activities. When I first realized the internet existed, there were only a few thousand people interested in it, who also had modems which could allow us to reach each other. This was back when getting on the 'net meant connecting to a BBS and posting in topics of interest.
There are millions and millions of people world-wide who get on the net now, and more people have home computers than ever before. They're more affordable now than they were back then. Text games are one very narrow interest compared with the rest of internet usage, and within the demographic of people who -would- be interested in text games, the population is increasing.
[Edited on 7-16-2003 by Bestatte]
07-17-2003, 04:57 AM
Is this debate about Simu or Gemstone?
We need to clarify that, because Simu will be around in 30-40 years I have no doubt of that. If that means they have to make graphical games, then that's what they'll do. Simutronics is as serious a company as any other game company, they're just a little more "intimate" with their customers because the product they sell is very personal/important to many. But apart from that Simu is a force to be reckoned with. We make fun of them all the time, and we try and belittle them too, but in the end they are racking in big bucks, they are always innovating themselves and they seem to be getting more and more professional.
I don't think Simu will die in a very long damn time. GS... maybe... I don't know... another 4-5 years is pretty good and if GS can last that long then it's a true testiment to how solid of a game it is. But even if GS goes down, Simu will always be alive and well.
I doubt graphical games will be the death to Gemstone nor any other text-based game because graphical games lack engaging the player's imagination which text-based games do now.
As far as player base population, there are games with less than 100 players and are just as viable as Gemstone. It depends on the GMs mission statement per se and if the game was created to make money or to fulfilling the creator's life long goal.
07-17-2003, 03:22 PM
Isn't Simutronic's already currently making a graphic game? Could have sworn they've been working with it already.
[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Gemstone101]
07-17-2003, 03:34 PM
<< I doubt graphical games will be the death to Gemstone nor any other text-based game because graphical games lack engaging the player's imagination which text-based games do now. >>
That simply isn't true. That argument is always thrown out there and why? I just don't know.
I've play SINGLE PLAYER graphical games that engage my imagination. Why can't a graphical multiplayer game do the same? You still play a character, you're still in charge of that character, you define him as a person, why is that any different in a text game than a graphical game?
The key to having a vivid imagination, is being able to put it to use under any circumstance.
Dighn Darkbeam
07-17-2003, 03:44 PM
I have yet to see anything but a pale shadow of RP in graphical multiplayer games.
07-17-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
That simply isn't true. That argument is always thrown out there and why? I just don't know.
Probably because of the actual roleplaying actions that can't be conveyed as well in a graphical game as in a text based game. In a text game, you are given the scenario and background and it's up to your own imagination to draw out how it appears. In a graphical game, all you have is what you are presented with and you can't veer from that. In a text game you can enact an event, have personalized actions either through the verbs and/or acts and put on a show, so to speak. Most graphical games don't have as much of that. Sure you can do that standard laughs, chuckles, hugs, but they are not as convincing. Sometimes you can use the hug command for someone on the other end of the room and therefore it looks stupid. In text games you can suspend that. It's rather hard to explain. :?:
07-17-2003, 04:10 PM
I didn't find everquest or daoc to be as good as Gemstone, period.
I'm getting bored with GS too, though. I think maybe after all the changes go through, I will enjoy it again.
I'd say Simu will be around for a long, long time.
07-17-2003, 04:46 PM
I simply disagree. I've played some amazing space RPG games and all I can say is damn... was my imagination put to the extreme.
The biggest difference between graphical RPGs and text RPGs is the term RP. In a text game, roleplaying is all about interacting with other characters, carrying out a role with others. In graphical RPGs, RPing is about interacting with the environment, the world itself. Like in Final Fantasy, or Earth and Beyond, you get so immersed in the actual environment.
So yes, I agree that a text game is better for interacting with other characters, but they are absolutely garbage when it comes to interacting with the environment. So many aspects of a text game make no sense, specifically movement and distance. And so my position on this is that to say that graphical RPGs don't engage your imagination like a text game I think is incorrect. There are absurdities in both games, and there are qualities of both games that are unique, and overall I tend to enjoy the graphical ones more because of the fun factor. Text games are good too though.
[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Kranar]
07-17-2003, 04:54 PM
As a player of both genre of games.. I find that if I wish to actually roleplay.. I need to play Gemstone. I've yet to see a graphical roleplaying game that is actually a roleplaying game that I can completely immerse myself within a character.
For this reason, text based games will always hold my imagination and my interest.
07-18-2003, 08:28 AM
I think DR has a longer lasting life...and it's a pretty good game, just you folks who are used to GS have less tolerance for learning what the messaging means, and automatically go, "It's all random!" when it's just another means of expressing the numbers.
Gemstone could be around too, if they're willing to continue to make changes and advertise better.
07-18-2003, 08:29 AM
I think graphical RP will improve when they get real time speech.
Weedmage Princess
07-18-2003, 09:25 AM
I agree with the lot saying you have more freedom in a text-based RPG, such as Gemstone, as opposed to graphical RPGs. While a creative imagination can do lots for you in either game, there's less room for individuality in graphical RPGs. You can say whatever you want, you can't "do" whatever you want, and you look like probably 100+ other players running around. In a graphical RPG, you see So and So the Elf, you know what they look like. All the other elves. In a text based RPG, you see So and So the Elf, they don't necessarily look like all the other elves, save a few similarities, like ears, etc. I think individuality is a big part of RP, and that's why a text based RPG like Gemstone is able to hang in there as long as they have.
Now, with the popularity of such games like EQ, DAoC, etc. on the rise, big name companies with the cash to spend have the ability to invest a lot of cash into their games, adding different types of features. I don't think graphical RPGs will stay as they are now. I think they will add elements to the game to change the appearance of your character, and you'll be able to see it, creating player individuality and originality. EQ certainly has the money to do it with Sony's backing, I'd think. Once that happens, I feel THEN we will see text based RPG's begin to die down.
07-18-2003, 09:55 AM
Very well said, Weedie. That's exactly what I was trying to convey.
Red Devil
07-20-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Kranar
Where can I get some logs of how hunting in DragonRealms looks like?
"Greetings ye goodly folks," says a friendly voice from across the way. Looking over, you see a small boy mounted atop a prancing unicorn. The boy waves you over, "My name is Qikflash," he says, "what is yours?" Before you can answer Qikflash hits himself over the head, saying, "Oh, I'm sorry this is my unicorn Rainbowshine, I'd let you touch him but he can only abide the touch of a virgin." With a grin, Qikflash wheels his Rainbowshine about, and rides off to the north. "Come on," he shouts, "Hing awaits!"
heres a log
Ass-Kicking 101
[Northeast Wilds, Bramble Thicket]
The bramble thicket is not very dense here, and its tangled,
matted shrubs seem to shrink back from the north side of the clearing,
almost as if shunning it. Just beyond the clearing rises a massive gate.
Sere vines and dead vermin are scattered about its base, but nothing, not
even moss, mars its surface. You also see a small thin path.
Also here: Adept Duath, Jainur, Scout Drizzts
Obvious paths: north.
Versaz came down a small thin path.
You notice Duath slip into a hiding place.
Versaz just went north.
Jainur gestures at Drizzts.
Jainur's cambrinth lion emits a loud *snap*.
A sheet of slippery ice forms under Drizzts!
Drizzts screams as his feet slide out from under him, and he
goes crashing to the ground, landing hard on his back. (this is icepatch, basically a weak version of boil earth, knocks them to ground sometimes stuns)
Jainur begins to advance towards Drizzts.
Jainur says, "Uhoh"
You say, "Ouch"
Duath comes out of hiding.
Duath gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
Your ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Duath's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Jainur's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Drizzts shivers as his body is coated in frost!(this is frostbite, it drops your fatigue, if you have really low fatigue, you'll rarely hit, and if you have REALLY low fatigue youll just fall down when you try to attack)
Jainur says, "Someone is paralyzed"
You notice Duath slip into a hiding place.
Jainur closes to pole weapon range on Drizzts.
Jainur closes to melee range on Drizzts.
Moving in with powerful grace, Jainur slices at Drizzts.
Drizzts fails to dodge, moving directly into the blow. The broadsword lands
a light hit to his chest! (DR has a better comat system then GS in my opinion, you have to use strategy when attacking, instead of just typing 'attack soandso', you have jab/bash/slice/thrust/lunge/charge/chop etc, each with their own bonuses to balance, negatives to fatigue, etc )
Drizzts says, "what the hell? we ain't started"
Moving with incredible power and control, Jainur slices at
Drizzts. Drizzts fails to dodge, taking the full blow. The broadsword lands
a hard hit that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest, lightly
stunning him!
'we didn't?
>You ask, "we didn't?"
You hear the voice of Duath ask, "we have to wait?"
Jainur asks, "Oh no?"
Moving in with powerful grace, Jainur slices at Drizzts.
Drizzts fails to evade, leaning wrong and blundering into the blow. The
broadsword lands a solid hit that nicks his left forearm!
Duath comes out of hiding.
Duath traces an arcane sigil in the air.
You recognize the spell as Frostbite.
>'you started when all three of you attacked Jain
You say, "you started when all three of you attacked Jain"
Jainur says, "We started in town"
Jainur moves into a position to parry.
Duath seems to be looking for a hiding place.
Drizzts says, "good job people"
* Drizzts was just struck down!
With the speed and temerity of swooping falcon, Jainur
slices at Drizzts. Drizzts fails to evade, taking the full blow. The
broadsword lands a massive strike that slices through the neck and sends his head
flying through the air!
* Drizzts is slain before your eyes!
Drizzts's white pine crossbow falls to the ground.(People still drop their weapon when they die, kinda like how it used to be in GS awhile back)
You hear the ghostly voice of Drizzts say, "that's fair"
You notice Duath slip into a hiding place.
>'We don't play fair
You say, "We don't play fair"
Jainur puts his lion in his journey pack.
Jainur picks up a light white pine crossbow.
Your concentration slips for a moment, and your spell is
You weren't preparing a spell.
You weren't holding any mana.
>prep frb 24
You come out of hiding.
You feel as if that will use up about half your current
You trace an arcane sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of
the Frostbite spell.
>Jainur puts his crossbow in his journey pack.
You see Jainur glance at you as you hide.
You blend in with your surroundings, but cannot shake the
feeling that you drew attention to yourself.
Roundtime 3 seconds.
You hear the ghostly voice of Drizzts say, "jainur. tis
Jainur asks, "Yea, so?"
Jainur sheathes his broadsword.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
Jainur gets a majestic cambrinth lion from inside his
journey pack.
You notice Jainur slip into a hiding place.
Jainur comes out of hiding.
>[Northeast Wilds, Bramble Thicket]
The bramble thicket is not very dense here, and its tangled,
matted shrubs seem to shrink back from the north side of the clearing,
almost as if shunning it. Just beyond the clearing rises a massive gate.
Sere vines and dead vermin are scattered about its base, but nothing, not
even moss, mars its surface. You also see a small thin path.
Also here: Jainur, the body of Scout Drizzts who is lying
Obvious paths: north.
* Amberdream was just struck down!
Jainur says, "Man, that was a weak IP"(IP=ice patch)
>drag jain path
You come out of hiding.
Jainur pulls away from you.
>drag driz path
Drizzts's body seems rooted in place and can't be dragged!
You melt into the background, fairly confident that your
attempt to hide was not noticed.
Roundtime 3 seconds.
Everburned comes out of hiding.
With the speed and temerity of swooping falcon, Everburned
fires a crossbow bolt at Jainur. Jainur evades, leaning to one side with no
room to spare.
The crossbow bolt lands nearby!(DR's exp system is basically, the more you do it the better your at it, people usually have 2 weapons, a bow/crossbow/sling and a melee weapon)
You come out of hiding.
You gesture.
Your cambrinth ring emits a loud *snap* as it discharges its
power to aid your spell.
You manage to channel most of your energy into the spell.
The rest is wasted. (cambrinth is basically a battery, you can put mana into it for later use)
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
Everburned shivers as her body is coated in frost!
Duath's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Jainur's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Drizzts shivers as his body is coated in frost!
Duath comes out of hiding.
Duath gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
Everburned shivers as her body is coated in frost!
Your ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Duath's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Jainur's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Drizzts shivers as his body is coated in frost!
Awkwardly, Everburned fires a crossbow bolt at Jainur.
Jainur evades, twisting easily away from the blow.
The crossbow bolt lands nearby!
Jainur yawns expansively.
>fire ever
Mirieen comes out of hiding.
Looking as if this was a bad idea, Mirieen fires a crossbow
bolt at Jainur. Jainur dodges, with a practiced hand.
The crossbow bolt lands nearby!
< Moving as one fluid extension of power, you fire a bodkin
arrow at Everburned. Everburned attempts to dodge, taking the full
blow. The arrow lands a hard hit that drives the kneecap clean off the left
knee and savages the surrounding ligaments.
The bodkin arrow lodges itself deeply into Everburned!
[You're winded, solidly balanced and in dominating position.]
Your bodkin arrow just broke!
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
Jainur holds a majestic cambrinth lion in both hands and
closes his eyes in concentration.
You notice Duath slip into a hiding place.
Everburned flounders about on the ground.
You reach into your quiver and get one of your bodkin arrows
to load your short bow.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>fire ever
Everburned says, "that's so sad"
< Moving strongly, you fire a bodkin arrow at Everburned.
Everburned fails to evade, taking the full blow. The arrow lands a grazing
blow to Everburned's right leg but damaging your bodkin arrow on
Everburned's leathers.
The bodkin arrow falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced and in dominating position.]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
Everburned leaps to her feet!
Mirieen rises to a kneeling position.
Mirieen stands up.
Everburned slings a light white pine crossbow over her
>Jainur traces an arcane sigil in the air.
You recognize the spell as Dragon's Breath.
Mirieen says, "hah"
You reach into your quiver and get one of your bodkin arrows
to load your short bow.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Jainur turns to face Everburned.
Everburned slings an Elothean silverwillow crossbow over her
>fire mir
Everburned retreats from combat.
Everburned retreats from combat.
Jainur gets a bottle of naphtha from inside his journey pack.
...wait 1 seconds.
>fire mir
Mirieen appears to be trying to avoid being engaged.
< Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone but
moving in an unexpected way, you fire a bodkin arrow at Mirieen. Mirieen
fails to evade, failing miserably. The arrow lands an awesome strike that
punctures deeply, sending a stream of pulsing blood everywhere (Nice spleen
shot!), dealing her a vicious stun and she falls to the ground.
The bodkin arrow lodges itself savagely into Mirieen!
[You're solidly balanced and in dominating position.]
Your bodkin arrow just broke!
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
Jainur splashes some naphtha on Everburned and makes a
Jainur's cambrinth lion emits a loud *snap*.
Everburned bursts into flame!
You reach into your quiver and get one of your bodkin arrows
to load your short bow.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Jainur puts his naphtha in his journey pack.
>fire mir
...wait 1 seconds.
Jainur gets a broadsword from inside his wooden sheath.
Jainur draws forth a broadsword.
>fire mir
Jainur moves into a position to parry.
* Mirieen was just struck down!
< Moving with powerful grace, you fire a bodkin arrow at
Mirieen. Mirieen fails to evade, leaning wrong and blundering into the blow.
The arrow lands a light hit to Mirieen's left leg but dinging your bodkin
arrow on Mirieen's cuirbouilli coat.
The bodkin arrow lodges itself shallowly into Mirieen!
* Mirieen is slain before your eyes!
Mirieen's light crossbow falls to the ground.
[You're solidly balanced]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
You reach into your quiver and get one of your bodkin arrows
to load your short bow.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Everburned retreats from combat.
Everburned retreats from combat.
You hear the ghostly voice of Drizzts say, "jeez. attacks me
when i'm off to come tell the people we are in cemetary"
Everburned just went north.
>fire ever
...wait 1 seconds.
You hear the ghostly voice of Drizzts say, "you people make
me sick"
Jainur blinks.
Jainur's group just went north.
[Hilltop Cemetery, Lich Gate]
The ground beneath your feet is black and dead, as though it
had once been engulfed in a great inferno. Oddly enough, the Lich Gate
before you appears pristine and intact, unscathed by the apparent waste and
desolation that surround or perhaps radiate from it.
Also here: Jainur
Obvious paths: south.
Jainur searches around for a moment.
You melt into the background, fairly confident that your
attempt to hide was not noticed.
Roundtime 3 seconds.
Jainur sheathes his broadsword.
Everburned comes out of hiding.
>fire ever
Everburned screams as the flames continue to consume her
You come out of hiding.
< Driving in with naturally fluid movements, you fire a
bodkin arrow at Everburned. Everburned fails to dodge, mis-stepping and
blundering into the blow. The arrow lands a good strike to Everburned's left
eye but dinging your bodkin arrow on Everburned's leathers as she staggers
to the ground.
The bodkin arrow lodges itself shallowly into Everburned!
[You're solidly balanced and in dominating position.]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
Jainur puts his lion in his journey pack.
Jainur begins to advance towards Everburned.
You reach into your quiver and get one of your bodkin arrows
to load your short bow.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Jainur gets a light white pine crossbow from inside his
journey pack.
>fire ever
* Everburned was just struck down!
Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, Jainur
fires a crossbow bolt at Everburned. Everburned fails to evade, taking the
full blow. The bolt lands a hard hit that pierces the bones of the upper
arm and gets temporarily stuck (Wipe the marrow off!) but dinging his
crossbow bolt on her leathers!
The crossbow bolt lodges itself deeply into Everburned!
* Everburned is slain before your eyes!
Everburned is already quite dead.
Jainur says, "LOL"
You hear the voice of Duath exclaim, "yay!"
'never mess with Jainur
>You say, "never mess with Jainur"
You say, "ever"
Jainur says, "I killed you with your friends xbow"
Jainur says, "That's awesom
[Edited on 7-20-2003 by Red Devil]
[Edited on 7-20-2003 by Red Devil]
Heroes Journey was suppose to be their graphical game. But they lost funding years ago. They told us this at a Simutronics tour the first Simucon I went to. But look at it this way. Simu has hardly no overhead. They can last a long time. They pay their employees nothing to McDonald wages. Gemstone or Crackstone is a addictive game like a bad drug that ruins lives. But they will always have some addicts that need a fix no matter what the price is.
Dighn Darkbeam
07-24-2003, 04:00 PM
Wow, that combat system is really something. The engagement system looks weak but everything else was quite entertaining to read.
Dragon Realms looks to be a very polished game.
07-24-2003, 05:47 PM
I just like seeing the numbers.
07-24-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Counter-Strike. I started playing again, and had to upgrade everything because I didn't have the most recent version of it. No server didn't have the most recent version. Guess what! I couldn't play and had to adjust.
I don't know if anyone pointed this out yet, because I haven't finished the thread, but I had to emphasize that Bobmuhthol, Lord of Grammar and Spelling, used a double negative in his sentence.
07-25-2003, 11:33 AM
Mind you, that's a Hing log. While Hing stuff is demi entertaining, its not actually "HUNTING" per se, typically.
07-25-2003, 04:12 PM
Yes, Tayre, I used a double negative. HOly ccrap. I have such poor grammar. :( :( :(
The problem with Simu is that they treat us like dirt and we take it. Picture the poor battered beaten wife that stays with her abusive husband... She says "But I love him!" and continues to take the abuse. The reason Simu will never learn is because we take their abuse with a grin. The phrase, "Thankyou sir may I have another?" comes into my head...
07-27-2003, 01:56 AM
Dragon Realms has less people in it on average (about 700 peak time). No idea on the Active accounts though. I feel the higher end txt based Rping (GS being there) will stay, however the very way it is run will kill of the crowd who come here BECAUSE of it being txt based (which is often associated with being much more interlectual, much more mature than graphical MUDs).
In terms of Mechanics and Managment (in regards to GMs etc), GS is at a peak. GS4 is a needless risk. Many people are happy with GS3. As the human condition dictates, change is often percieved as bad.
I believe in one of Malok's last comments before he left:
GS4 will kill or save Gemstone.
08-24-2018, 10:45 AM
And it's still going. I stumbled upon this and thought it was funny.
“GSIV is a needless risk.” “Five years left tops.” Loool. Gold.
08-31-2018, 07:41 PM
Solid. Fucking. Gold...
08-31-2018, 07:45 PM
Solid. Fucking. Gold...
09-01-2018, 05:20 PM
09-01-2018, 11:56 PM
There are people on LNet that still say a year or two 15 years later
09-03-2018, 04:09 AM
I got another prediction... in 50 years, we'll all be dead, but Simultronics and GS4 (GS10?) will still be around. Your character will be dutifully serving time as somebody's bitch-MA-bot.
09-03-2018, 04:19 AM
Savants won't be out but Wizards will be permanently level 5 and Sorcerers will be able to cast every spell 50 times a second for 2 mana total.
09-03-2018, 04:30 AM
I would guess that Gemstone will be around for another decade or so.
09-03-2018, 07:52 AM
I would guess that Gemstone will be around for another decade or so.
The money is is reportedly making now? Unless everyone decides to leave it'll be around for at least that.
I think a lot of the playerbase is 30's and 40's, though we have a sizable above that too, so it has plenty of life left.
09-03-2018, 11:39 AM
The money is is reportedly making now? Unless everyone decides to leave it'll be around for at least that.
I think a lot of the playerbase is 30's and 40's, though we have a sizable above that too, so it has plenty of life left.
Much less than that the way Wyrom is screwing it up.
09-03-2018, 12:15 PM
Much less than that the way Wyrom is screwing it up.
Nah, he's actually done a lot to grow the game. I don't think a lot of the practices are necessarily good or healthy, but Simu is making money hand over fist and you can't deny there are more people playing now than there were a few years ago. Really the only thing that can fuck it up at this point is Whatley/Stillfront pulling the plug but that's doubtful.
09-03-2018, 01:18 PM
Nah, he's actually done a lot to grow the game. I don't think a lot of the practices are necessarily good or healthy, but Simu is making money hand over fist and you can't deny there are more people playing now than there were a few years ago. Really the only thing that can fuck it up at this point is Whatley/Stillfront pulling the plug but that's doubtful.
Tillmen should sell lich or threaten to pull the plug. It's not because of Wyrom's efforts.
09-03-2018, 02:24 PM
Tillmen should sell lich or threaten to pull the plug. It's not because of Wyrom's efforts.
Lich started in, what... 2008? We only started seeing player growth in maybe 2013 onwards. I think Lich did/does a lot to retain people but I doubt it's the driving force behind new subs.
09-03-2018, 02:53 PM
Lich started in, what... 2008? We only started seeing player growth in maybe 2013 onwards. I think Lich did/does a lot to retain people but I doubt it's the driving force behind new subs.
I believe it was before then, and we had PsiNet before that. The decline was happening as these third party programs were coming out. I believe we were still hitting 8 or 900 a night still when PsiNet was in full swing and Lich was just a baby.
I will give Lich credit for keeping a lot of folks around, but it isn't the reason the game has been seeing increases in players lately, because they were around when it saw decreases in them too.
09-03-2018, 03:32 PM
Lich started in, what... 2008? We only started seeing player growth in maybe 2013 onwards. I think Lich did/does a lot to retain people but I doubt it's the driving force behind new subs.
It's not, but it's totally responsible for keeping GS alive. If Tillmen pulled the plug, shit would plummet overnight unless something replaced Lich really quick. Which if Simu was smart (they're stupid) they'd implement as many features of Lich into the core game that they possibly could. They do it a little bit, but even just missing ;go2 and ;narost would kill the game imo if Lich went away.
Simu should be sending Tillmen free coke and hookers every week.
09-03-2018, 03:33 PM
I believe it was before then, and we had PsiNet before that. The decline was happening as these third party programs were coming out. I believe we were still hitting 8 or 900 a night still when PsiNet was in full swing and Lich was just a baby.
I will give Lich credit for keeping a lot of folks around, but it isn't the reason the game has been seeing increases in players lately, because they were around when it saw decreases in them too.
The argument could also be made that the increased use of 3rd-party programs that directly circumvent game mechanics while also providing a constant OOC chat room that directly and negatively affects the in-game atmosphere has, over the years, driven many people away. As many or more than it has kept around.
I argued strongly against allowing PSiNet for a long time, and lost. Lich is PSiNet on steroids, and therefore much more harmful.
Don't expect me to get into some drawn-out debate about it, though. That ship has sailed.
09-03-2018, 03:35 PM
The argument could also be made that the increased use of 3rd-party programs that directly circumvent game mechanics while also providing a constant OOC chat room that directly and negatively affects the in-game atmosphere has, over the years, driven many people away. As many or more than it has kept around.
I would have quit GS many years ago if not for Lich. I can't even imagine playing the game without it now.
09-03-2018, 03:36 PM
The argument could also be made that the increased use of 3rd-party programs that directly circumvent game mechanics while also providing a constant OOC chat room that directly and negatively affects the in-game atmosphere has, over the years, driven many people away. As many or more than it has kept around.
I argued strongly against allowing PSiNet for a long time, and lost. Lich is PSiNet on steroids, and therefore much more harmful.
Don't expect me to get into some drawn-out debate about it, though. That ship has sailed.
Because we didn't have AIM or chat rooms in general before PsiNet existed...
The argument could be made, sure. But it would still be wrong.
PsiNet and Lich effectively removed the most tedious aspects of the game. Good luck expecting people to stay if things like ;go2 and ;narost didn't exist.
Which game mechanics are being circumvented though, as opposed to being made 4732804x less tedious/more convenient? I honestly don't know what you were referring to when you said that.
Completely retarded game mechanics nerfs/changes, ridiculous pricing, and being a text game in the 21st century has driven more people away than anything else in this game over the decades. Not someone getting butthurt on LNet chat or whatever.
09-03-2018, 03:44 PM
I would have quit GS many years ago if not for Lich. I can't even imagine playing the game without it now.
No need for you to think twice. It's not going away now.
Don't forget, the current PM is a product of these boards, and Lich, and the inevitable micro-transaction cash cow that he/it has turned the game into.
09-03-2018, 03:45 PM
I believe it was before then, and we had PsiNet before that. The decline was happening as these third party programs were coming out. I believe we were still hitting 8 or 900 a night still when PsiNet was in full swing and Lich was just a baby.
I will give Lich credit for keeping a lot of folks around, but it isn't the reason the game has been seeing increases in players lately, because they were around when it saw decreases in them too.
I wanna say the rock bottom for playercount was around 2011. Like a max of ~300-350 a night. 800-900 sounds more like 2000ish when we were still coming down off that move to the web high. I could be wrong though, I took a break in the mid 00's for a few years.
It's not, but it's totally responsible for keeping GS alive. If Tillmen pulled the plug, shit would plummet overnight unless something replaced Lich really quick. Which if Simu was smart (they're stupid) they'd implement as many features of Lich into the core game that they possibly could. They do it a little bit, but even just missing ;go2 and ;narost would kill the game imo if Lich went away.
Simu should be sending Tillmen free coke and hookers every week.
Yeah, definitely. If they did anything to Lich I would unsub, I'm only getting older and I can't type ATT RAT as fast as I used to.
09-03-2018, 03:46 PM
Don't forget, the current PM is a product of these boards, and Lich, and the inevitable micro-transaction cash cow that he/it has turned the game into.
You're trolling, right? This is trolling.
09-03-2018, 03:46 PM
No need for you to think twice. It's not going away now.
Don't forget, the current PM is a product of these boards, and Lich, and the inevitable micro-transaction cash cow that he/it has turned the game into.
Confirmed Wyrom is responsible for paid horse armor dlc in Oblivion.
09-03-2018, 03:53 PM
I wanna say the rock bottom for playercount was around 2011. Like a max of ~300-350 a night. 800-900 sounds more like 2000ish when we were still coming down off that move to the web high. I could be wrong though, I took a break in the mid 00's for a few years.
Yeah, definitely. If they did anything to Lich I would unsub, I'm only getting older and I can't type ATT RAT as fast as I used to.
I remember 800ish around 2006 or so. We had about 1200ish early 2000s after the web move.
09-03-2018, 03:54 PM
Because we didn't have AIM or chat rooms in general before PsiNet existed...
It isn't even remotely the same thing and you have been around long enough to know it.
PsiNet and Lich effectively removed the most tedious aspects of the game. Good luck expecting people to stay if things like ;go2 and ;narost didn't exist.
Thousands of people played this game for years before such things existed. For more than a decade. The game was fine without them.
Which game mechanics are being circumvented though, as opposed to being made 4732804x less tedious/more convenient? I honestly don't know what you were referring to when you said that.
Off the top of my head?
- Lnet locate (or whatever it is called) is the obvious one. Allowing anyone to locate anyone else in the game instantly if they are both using the program? That is certainly something that cannot be done in-game unless you have trained for specific abilities.
- Worldwide chat was another, but they changed that relatively recently.
09-03-2018, 03:55 PM
What's it been like this year during peak hours? I think Tgo or someone used to run a script that tracked all that, but they have forsaken us now.
09-03-2018, 04:01 PM
What's it been like this year during peak hours? I think Tgo or someone used to run a script that tracked all that, but they have forsaken us now.
Donquix stopped because F2P was throwing off any meaningful data collection. Right now there are ~450 on.
09-03-2018, 04:02 PM
What's it been like this year during peak hours? I think Tgo or someone used to run a script that tracked all that, but they have forsaken us now.
It's artificially inflated due to their summer promotion and the number of "free" characters now.
I'd argue we have less population of active paid subscribers.
09-03-2018, 04:09 PM
You're trolling, right? This is trolling.
Nope, not trolling. Simply an observation.
In fact, given several recent posts about historical in-game population averages, one could even draw a direct correlation between the rise of 3rd-party OOC programs and the decline of the subscriber base over the last 15 years. It would of course be simplistic and inaccurate to point at it as sole cause, but a factor? Well, that depends on ones point-of-view I suppose.
09-03-2018, 04:22 PM
I would have to agree that reactivation promotions are probably accounting for most of, if not all, of the population increase. We'll never see the numbers, but I would wager that truly new unique players are very low and their retention even lower.
If I had to keep my thoughts short, I would say subscription costs and new player experience account for the poor retention rate. Lack of advertising has constantly been brought up for why there are so few new unique players.
Since the game is very profitable now, there probably is no real drive or funding to expand it as many feel they would like it to. Simutronics is a mobile game company, that is where their focus is and has been for many years. That is why Stillfront bought them, Gemstone and Dragonrealms are just icing on the cake. I don't mean that to pass judgement one way or the other, just making an observation.
09-03-2018, 04:24 PM
It's artificially inflated due to their summer promotion and the number of "free" characters now.
I'd argue we have less population of active paid subscribers.
I do wonder what the population will average once all the 90-day free promotions run out. I want to say it has held fairly steady between 400-500 peak time for a year or more. And of course the player population is probably half(give or take) of the in-game character population, though from SIMUs point of view they don't care I imagine. A logged-in character is a subscription (not counting F2P).
09-03-2018, 04:43 PM
Silvers are at $5. The end is near.
09-03-2018, 04:53 PM
Pretty sure being a MUD in 2018 when has something to do with it too.
Being more expensive than most/all of them isn't helping either.
09-03-2018, 04:54 PM
Thousands of people played this game for years before such things existed. For more than a decade. The game was fine without them.
The inference that psinet/lich caused player departures is a poorly supported and haphazard one. This inference discounts the following:
- secular trend in gaming from 1989 onwards and the effect of gaming alternatives on GS.
- massive population feeders from AOL/Compuserve/etc. that GS had access to. I've been playing since 1994 and I'm a product of an AOL pre-logout "Try Gemstone!" popup window.
- societal changes as a whole; where once media was tuned to a 22-24 minute attention span (30 minutes tv shows_, it is now down to 7-12 minutes for optimal youtube viewing. The latter is much less conducive to a high time investment game like GS.
- the lack of any sustained or focused marketing effort by Simu over the past 15-20 years.
09-03-2018, 04:55 PM
Lack of Savants is why GS isn't outperforming WoW.
09-03-2018, 05:25 PM
Clearly the PC is the cause and solution for all problems.
It certainly comes up as the source of most of Wyrom's ire.
From discord
WyromLast Tuesday at 3:06 AM
GS4 reddit is dead due to something that was mentioned on the PC. So I'm no longer able to use it as an official communication channel.
09-03-2018, 05:31 PM
Clearly the PC is the cause and solution for all problems.
It certainly comes up as the source of most of Wyrom's ire.
From discord
What the hell is he even saying here? Someone on the PC mentioned something and now GS4 reddit can't be used as an official communication channel?
09-03-2018, 05:36 PM
What the hell is he even saying here? Someone on the PC mentioned something and now GS4 reddit can't be used as an official communication channel?
That was the response when he was asked about holding an AMA on Reddit. No clue what specifically happened, sorry. So your assumption would appear to be correct.
09-03-2018, 05:37 PM
What the hell is he even saying here? Someone on the PC mentioned something and now GS4 reddit can't be used as an official communication channel?
I was wondering the same thing and what would make any other platform (Discord, etc) any different? :wtf:
09-03-2018, 05:40 PM
What the hell is he even saying here? Someone on the PC mentioned something and now GS4 reddit can't be used as an official communication channel?
His war on the PC really shows how butthurt he really is.
The single best way to increase GS population is to remove Wyrom and most GMs and replace with a new team that actually gets things done.
With a little marketing and actual game enhancement GS4 could easily double, triple or quadruple in size. The old guard has to go.
09-03-2018, 05:47 PM
I was wondering the same thing and what would make any other platform (Discord, etc) any different? :wtf:
This is like someone asking the CEO of Blizzard if they would do an AMA on Reddit.
"Oh gosh, I really wish I could, but someone on a different website, which is totally unaffiliated with our products or our company, said something mean so I can't."
Like what the fuck?
His war on the PC really shows how butthurt he really is.
This is like epic levels of butthurt. I thought it was bad enough when he gave his farewell speech on the PC: you're all meanie heads and you've always been mean to me so I'm taking my ball and going to a different forum where I can have more control.
But this is a whole new level of WTF?
09-03-2018, 05:53 PM
This is like someone asking the CEO of Blizzard if they would do an AMA on Reddit.
"Oh gosh, I really wish I could, but someone on a different website, which is totally unaffiliated with our products or our company, said something mean so I can't."
Like what the fuck?
This is like epic levels of butthurt. I thought it was bad enough when he gave his farewell speech on the PC: you're all meanie heads and you've always been mean to me so I'm taking my ball and going to a different forum where I can have more control.
But this is a whole new level of WTF?
He doesn't like the criticism. The problem is he perpetuates and upholds the Simu inefficiencies.
I have more faith in our government than Simu in getting anything done.
09-03-2018, 05:55 PM
Thousands of people played this game for years before such things existed. For more than a decade. The game was fine without them.
Pretty sure scripts have been around forever, just that they were Windows CMD instead of Ruby lic.
09-03-2018, 05:57 PM
With a little marketing and actual game enhancement GS4 could easily double, triple or quadruple in size. The old guard has to go.
Are you kidding? He's been marketing GS' ass off!
But for real though, I think Reddit scares him because he could end up turning his AMA into an Woody Harrelson-style debacle.
09-03-2018, 06:02 PM
Hey everyone, I'm the Product Manager for GemStone IV. If you have any questions about the the current state of the game, I'd be more than happy to answer them.
As some others have mentioned, the game has changed quite a bit since the 90s. The game world has grown. Mechanics have been more defined. Scripting via third-party software is a lot more common and accepted. We still have a scripting policy, so as long as you abide by that, there aren't many issues. Scripting has changed how people interact with each other, just keep that in mind.
We have a very active world though with over 50 GameMasters. Definitely a good time to take check things out if you've been thinking about it. We have a lot of ways to try out the game these days. We have our F2P option now for new accounts and we run promos all the time for returning players if you've been away for over 180 days.
50 GMs with the WORST efficiency ever.
Dude needs to leave Simu and work at the DMV. He'd do a great job there.
09-03-2018, 06:44 PM
This is bullshit from trolls. He said that an AMA could be fun.
09-03-2018, 06:59 PM
This is bullshit from trolls. He said that an AMA could be fun.
Okay so I found the thread in question. He doesn't rule out an AMA style discussion, but he did make the comment earlier about the PC being the reason for GS Reddit being dead and heavily implies he can't do an AMA on Reddit for this reason and suggests doing it on Discord instead.
So yeah, this is still massive amounts of butthurt for seemingly no reason at all.
09-03-2018, 07:06 PM
This is bullshit from trolls. He said that an AMA could be fun.
I'm sorry, I didn't know I needed a secret decoder ring to translate his comments from "This is an obvious direct thing he said" into "Something that is reasonable and makes sense".
It's a direct cut and past from Discord. He 100% said exactly what is written there. He can't use Reddit as an official communication because of something that was said on the PC. The AMA part doesn't matter.
09-03-2018, 07:33 PM
I'm sorry, I didn't know I needed a secret decoder ring to translate his comments ...
That decoder ring is called common sense - i.e., looking at the subsequent posts he made.
How many official forms of communication does Simu need? I don't even know what that means. He's posted stuff on Reddit before.
09-03-2018, 07:36 PM
Reddit is quite honestly the BEST way to grow your community if it's active and advertising. Which I think ad space on Reddit is dirt cheap. $5 plus .75 cents per 1k views.
Simu gonna Simu though, being stuck in the fucking 90's with bad habits and poor choices.
09-03-2018, 08:03 PM
Clearly the PC is the cause and solution for all problems.
It certainly comes up as the source of most of Wyrom's ire.
From discord
An interview with Wyrom would go something like this:
Q: Why has the population dwindled in GS4?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why can't you use Reddit to advertise GS4?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why did the "Unofficial/Official" forum fail?
A: Players Corner.
Q: What do you believe is the most difficult aspect of your job?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why do you have such paper thin skin?
A: Players Corner.
09-03-2018, 09:32 PM
An interview with Wyrom would go something like this:
Q: Why has the population dwindled in GS4?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why can't you use Reddit to advertise GS4?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why did the "Unofficial/Official" forum fail?
A: Players Corner.
Q: What do you believe is the most difficult aspect of your job?
A: Players Corner.
Q: Why do you have such paper thin skin?
A: Players Corner.
Wyrom colluded with the new forum owners to try to take down the PC. Mueller will find collusion if he investigated that.
Too bad it backfired on him.
09-03-2018, 09:50 PM
That decoder ring is called common sense - i.e., looking at the subsequent posts he made.
How many official forms of communication does Simu need? I don't even know what that means. He's posted stuff on Reddit before.
WyromLast Tuesday at 2:57 AM
I feel like pushing things to a single platform is losing the traction of modernizing the game. Not branching out and using other forms of social media to communicate is why GS hasn't grown much.
WyromLast Tuesday at 2:59 AM
We suffer a lot from an aging player base who isn't adaptive to a lot of the modern games. Many game developers use reddit and Discord to talk about certain things that they never discuss on their official forums.
You couldn't be any more wrong about this if you tried.
He wants to use the GS4 Reddit but can't because ...
WyromLast Tuesday at 3:06 AM
GS4 reddit is dead due to something that was mentioned on the PC. So I'm no longer able to use it as an official communication channel.
I'm glad you feel that posting official responses to things are trolling, really shines a light on how part of the community rushes to defend the company blindly over any perceived slight. I posted a strange response trying to figure out what could possibly have been said here on the PC to somehow shut down a completely unrelated site and have been met with negative rep and people doing backflips to find some hidden meaning in it that shows it really means something completely different than what was actually said.
09-04-2018, 11:49 AM
Does anyone know what was actually mentioned on the PC that he's referring to?
09-04-2018, 11:52 AM
Does anyone know what was actually mentioned on the PC that he's referring to?
Astray called him a faggot.
09-04-2018, 11:56 AM
I imagine an AMA on reddit would be pretty damaging, tbh. I don't think it would really gain them anything, more likely, it'd push people away that considered GS.
09-04-2018, 11:59 AM
Pretty sure everyone on Reddit would die of laughter once they learned about GS prices.
09-04-2018, 12:08 PM
Astray called him a faggot.
Well, he is. Seriously, look at how that faggot behaves.
09-04-2018, 12:32 PM
Pretty sure everyone on Reddit would die of laughter once they learned about GS prices.
I imagine an AMA on reddit would be pretty damaging, tbh. I don't think it would really gain them anything, more likely, it'd push people away that considered GS.
If you look at other non-GS forums where GS is brought up, the sentiment is usually surprise that they're charging $15 for a single character slot in a MUD.
In any case, I don't think Simu is actually interested in growing the playerbase. They've found they can make more money off the players that drop hundreds or thousands of dollars at pay events which is why there are paid events every other month and they get so much gm focus.
09-04-2018, 12:43 PM
You couldn't be any more wrong about this if you tried.
He wants to use the GS4 Reddit but can't because ...
I'm glad you feel that posting official responses to things are trolling, really shines a light on how part of the community rushes to defend the company blindly over any perceived slight. I posted a strange response trying to figure out what could possibly have been said here on the PC to somehow shut down a completely unrelated site and have been met with negative rep and people doing backflips to find some hidden meaning in it that shows it really means something completely different than what was actually said.
Triggered. Also:
09-04-2018, 12:50 PM
In any case, I don't think Simu is actually interested in growing the playerbase. They've found they can make more money off the players that drop hundreds or thousands of dollars at pay events which is why there are paid events every other month and they get so much gm focus.
I think Wyrom and other GMs understand that Gemstone needs new blood, but I think there is a lot of truth to the above. GSIV thrived on AOL because there was crazy access to interested gamers. They could capture that same sort of demographic if they advertised and put their product on Steam (or perhaps other gaming platforms I'm not aware of - Hell Microsoft App store would be progress).
It's crazy to me that they've essentially abandoned their one (or two) big successes and continue to chase the dragon with cell phone games. With even a minimal amount of effort/money, I think they could see big returns from GS.
Forgot to mention that Simu should kill F2P, make all base subscriptions free (limit 1 per IP, capped at level 20-50ish) and cash on Simucoin events and premium subs
09-04-2018, 12:56 PM
Triggered. Also:
This really shouldn't be that hard to follow, but let me break this down and try and use very small words for you.
AMA = Ask me anything
These can happen anywhere, not just Reddit.
Reddit = a forum on the internet, like this one, except much much bigger.
Wyrom cant use Reddit for official communication because of something a person said here, on this forum, called the PC for short.
Wyrom is OK with doing an AMA somewhere else, probably discord or the officials, because they are places he is allowed to speak officially.
Why zombie man not allowed to use the Reddit?
09-04-2018, 01:01 PM
This really shouldn't be that hard to follow, but let me break this down and try and use very small words for you.
AMA = Ask me anything
These can happen anywhere, not just Reddit.
Reddit = a forum on the internet, like this one, except much much bigger.
Wyrom cant use Reddit for official communication because of something a person said here, on this forum, called the PC for short.
Wyrom is OK with doing an AMA somewhere else, probably discord or the officials, because they are places he is allowed to speak officially.
Why zombie man not allowed to use the Reddit?
Fake news. I already told you he has posted on reddit before. I dont know about the cryptic PC statements, but AMA was in context of reddit discussion. Maybe he is just trolling you, Mac
09-04-2018, 01:06 PM
In any case, I don't think Simu is actually interested in growing the playerbase. They've found they can make more money off the players that drop hundreds or thousands of dollars at pay events which is why there are paid events every other month and they get so much gm focus.
This absolutely has to be accurate. They've got their whales and are happy to keep going back to that well at the expense of new blood or meaningful dev. But oh snap, it's cool, they put out COLLECTIBLES! *shart so large it rips open a tear to the Upside Down* There's still unfinished spell lists in 2018, lmao. I wonder if we can put together a Kickstarter to finish some of them. That might move the needle.
09-04-2018, 01:06 PM
He's a complete coward, that's why he avoids Reddit. Someone, anyone really, can come and ask a question without him knowing them in a way that allows him to spew the same bullshit he's been spewing for years about Simu being "on track" or whatever. Wyrom knows exactly what to say to certain people (check the officials) to get them to shut up and stop asking questions.
09-04-2018, 01:09 PM
Fake news
09-04-2018, 01:44 PM
Fake news. I already told you he has posted on reddit before. I dont know about the cryptic PC statements, but AMA was in context of reddit discussion. Maybe he is just trolling you, Mac
Ok there Kellyanne.
09-04-2018, 01:47 PM
Reported for inciting violence against the Jews. This makes you literally Hitler.
09-04-2018, 01:49 PM
Reported for inciting violence against the Jews. This makes you literally Hitler.
They aren't real Jews, they're just Jew-ish.
That sounds horrible.
09-04-2018, 01:53 PM
They aren't real Jews, they're just Jew-ish.
That sounds horrible.
Great, now Wyrom can't use synagogues for official discussions!
09-04-2018, 02:18 PM
This really shouldn't be that hard to follow, but let me break this down and try and use very small words for you.
AMA = Ask me anything
These can happen anywhere, not just Reddit.
Reddit = a forum on the internet, like this one, except much much bigger.
Wyrom cant use Reddit for official communication because of something a person said here, on this forum, called the PC for short.
Wyrom is OK with doing an AMA somewhere else, probably discord or the officials, because they are places he is allowed to speak officially.
Why zombie man not allowed to use the Reddit?
Not sure why this is that hard for you to understand, but let me break this down and try to use very small words for you:
Wyrom blames anything bad that happens in GS4 on the PC, even when clearly it's not the case.
Wyrom doesn't want to use Reddit, but doesn't want to come right out and say that people on Reddit hurt his feelings because he has paper thin skin, so he once again blames the PC.
Notice how no one knows what was so earth shattering that was said here that would force Wyrom to abandon his desire to utilize that platform?
Weird, huh...
09-04-2018, 02:19 PM
It's crazy to me that they've essentially abandoned their one (or two) big successes and continue to chase the dragon with cell phone games.
Do they still develop phone games? I was under the impression they are solely focusing on milking money from people in GS. DR is still around but from what I understand it isn't nearly the money maker GS is.
09-04-2018, 02:24 PM
Do they still develop phone games? I was under the impression they are solely focusing on milking money from people in GS. DR is still around but from what I understand it isn't nearly the money maker GS is.
Yes. Read Stillfront's financial reports, they mention them from time to time. I think Siege: Titan Wars was their last 'big' release and the one Wyrom was trying to hype here before he ran away.
09-04-2018, 02:35 PM
Yes. Read Stillfront's financial reports, they mention them from time to time. I think Siege: Titan Wars was their last 'big' release and the one Wyrom was trying to hype here before he ran away.
That's hilarious. So funny the excuse we've heard from Simutronics since the beginning of time as to why they can't hire a full time coder is always "But it wouldn't be fair to the other GMs who aren't paid a salary! Think of their fee fees!"
Yet they funnel money from GS to their mobile unit to pay supposedly dozens of people a full time salary, and the GMs are apparently fine with this.
It just amazes me how Simu has stayed in business all these years. I know companies are all about making money, but they usually at least pretend to care about their paying customers. Blizzard didn't just pull all of their resources from WoW and continued to collect the monthly subs until enough people left where it was no longer profitable.
09-04-2018, 02:46 PM
I think Siege: Titan Wars was their last 'big' release and the one Wyrom was trying to hype here before he was run off by mean people saying mean things, plus the people here destroyed the GS4 population, caused Wyrom to abandon Reddit as a social media platform and is the root of all things bad that happened in the past, present and will happen in the future.
09-04-2018, 03:39 PM
What attracted me was someone I follow in another game started talking about this game and I made mention to my GF and she was interested. So we did the free accounts until level 10 and really enjoyed it. A big attraction is definitely lich. I think we would have both stopped playing all together if it didn't exist. I will say the fun part of a new experience (or reliving an experience) is starting to where off. Not a big fan of the negativity in a game that I am enjoying as a hobby. I always tell people there are two things you don't talk about in a bar - religion and politics and it is pretty sad and annoying these rants. But if I don't keep the channels on, I may miss something. So there is that....I am sure I will hear some rants in response.
09-04-2018, 03:48 PM
Yeah, Simu could create a blockchain-based cryptocurrency for GS - think of the publicity that would bring (this game is actually an ideal application for this). Only that will never happen because they would rather invent the next candy crush.
09-04-2018, 04:22 PM
What attracted me was someone I follow in another game started talking about this game and I made mention to my GF and she was interested. So we did the free accounts until level 10 and really enjoyed it. A big attraction is definitely lich. I think we would have both stopped playing all together if it didn't exist. I will say the fun part of a new experience (or reliving an experience) is starting to where off. Not a big fan of the negativity in a game that I am enjoying as a hobby. I always tell people there are two things you don't talk about in a bar - religion and politics and it is pretty sad and annoying these rants. But if I don't keep the channels on, I may miss something. So there is that....I am sure I will hear some rants in response.
Just put Vishra on ignore and most of your LNet problems will go away.
09-04-2018, 05:05 PM
Just put Vishra on ignore and most of your LNet problems will go away.
I haven't been tuned to the LNet channel in well over a year yet I still get private messages from people from time to time asking things like "Vishra says you're a white supremacist, is this true?", or "Vishra is talking shit about you on LNet, what's her problem?"
And they are private messaging me on Dreaven on LNet so I can only imagine she's using my game name of Dreaven and not my PC handle of Tgo01. It's like she can't get enough of me on LNet where I don't have a presence yet she all about ignores me on the PC when I ask her tough questions she can't answer. Weird.
09-04-2018, 05:21 PM
I haven't been tuned to the LNet channel in well over a year yet I still get private messages from people from time to time asking things like "Vishra says you're a white supremacist, is this true?", or "Vishra is talking shit about you on LNet, what's her problem?"
And they are private messaging me on Dreaven on LNet so I can only imagine she's using my game name of Dreaven and not my PC handle of Tgo01. It's like she can't get enough of me on LNet where I don't have a presence yet she all about ignores me on the PC when I ask her tough questions she can't answer. Weird.
...he said as he shit talked Vishra in a thread where she has no presence or bearing on anything being discussed here. It's like you can't get enough of her.
09-04-2018, 05:23 PM
...he said as he shit talked Vishra in a thread where she has no presence or bearing on anything being discussed here. It's like you can't get enough of her.
Vishra doesn't have a presence on the PC? Weird. Could have sworn she did.
09-04-2018, 05:23 PM
Vishra doesn't have a presence on the PC? Weird. Could have sworn she did.
Which part of that quote do you think says that?
09-04-2018, 05:28 PM
Which part of that quote do you think says that?
Oh don't worry, I read your strawman perfectly fine but chose to ignore it. Vishra/time4fun very much has a presence on the PC, she can easily see and respond to any post I make yet she chooses to ignore almost every single post where I call her out on her shit that she can't prove. On the other hand the LNet channel is real time, I haven't been tuned in for over a year, if she's on there calling me a white supremacist she knows I'll never see the comment unless someone tells me about it.
Do you understand the difference now or do you have another strawman to setup? Perhaps an ad hominem or two?
09-04-2018, 05:29 PM
Oh don't worry, I read your strawman perfectly fine but chose to ignore it. Vishra/time4fun very much has a presence on the PC, she can easily see and respond to any post I make yet she chooses to ignore almost every single post where I call her out on her shit that she can't prove. On the other hand the LNet channel is real time, I haven't been tuned in for over a year, if she's on there calling me a white supremacist she knows I'll never see the comment unless someone tells me about it.
Do you understand the difference now or do you have another strawman to setup? Perhaps an ad hominem or two?
You responded to something that was never said. You continued by responding to something that was never said. If you want to respond to something that was actually said, you're welcome to do that. Otherwise, there's really nothing to say.
09-04-2018, 05:30 PM
...he said as he shit talked Vishra in a thread where she has no presence or bearing on anything being discussed here. It's like you can't get enough of her.
She's infamous for her retardation. Much like you, only much more retarded. Don't get me wrong, you're still very retarded, it's just that she's so much more retarded that people know her for it and mention her from time to time because of it.
09-04-2018, 05:37 PM
Not to interrupt everyone's Vishra-bashing session, but I just looked up how much it costs to publish a game on Steam and now I'm really pissed off:
Valve sets Steam Direct self-publishing fee at $100 (
09-04-2018, 05:43 PM
Not to interrupt everyone's Vishra-bashing session, but I just looked up how much it costs to publish a game on Steam and now I'm really pissed off:
Valve sets Steam Direct self-publishing fee at $100 (
The simple fact of the matter is that Simutronics will never, ever, ever open their game up to a wide platform that will allow criticism they can't erase. The pricing model is outdated by 20 years. Steam reviews would be immediately and violently negative, and serve no purpose but to generate bad press. They can't control Reddit, and they couldn't control anything here. I think Mario thought he'd get a better response here because he used to post here. He didn't, and bagged the idea at record speed.
09-04-2018, 05:53 PM
The simple fact of the matter is that Simutronics will never, ever, ever open their game up to a wide platform that will allow criticism they can't erase. The pricing model is outdated by 20 years. Steam reviews would be immediately and violently negative, and serve no purpose but to generate bad press. They can't control Reddit, and they couldn't control anything here. I think Mario thought he'd get a better response here because he used to post here. He didn't, and bagged the idea at record speed.
If they would adjust their pricing and put it on Steam, drop a little bit on advertising then the sky is the limit.
09-04-2018, 05:56 PM
If they would adjust their pricing and put it on Steam, drop a little bit on advertising then the sky is the limit.
I don't disagree, but they've gone all in on microtransactions at this point. On top of the single most expensive subscription tier cost in its genre. On a 30 year old text game. And they're making enormous profit margins doing so. As a player, there's absolutely an adjustment that could and should happen. As Stillfront group, who only came into the picture in 2016 and now has a free money printing machine on their hands...why fix something that isn't broken?
Edit to add: At this point, even voting with your wallet is not enough to really enact change. Stillfront's investment in Gemstone starts and stops at dollars/kronor. Their margins are something obscene, like 60-70% I believe last time someone looked at the report when it was broken down in 2017. They have a staff that works for zero dollars. They have a customer service team that works for zero dollars. They have a development team that works for zero dollars. Said development team develops almost exclusively more microtransaction material for them, likely on a promise of profit sharing for some modicum of pay. Until the last year or so when opinions finally started to sour on his marketing tactics, they had a product manager who was well respected within the community. There is zero reason for them to change course. If I came into it blind from a purely business perspective, there's no way I'd do anything different.
They came in to get what they can for as long as they can, because of Simutronics' history of poor investments and desperation for financial backing. At this point, Gemstone is a clearance sale. If it ends 3 years from now, oh well, we made our profit 2 years ago. If it ends 5 years from now, oh well, we made our profit 4 years ago.
09-04-2018, 05:56 PM
Not to interrupt everyone's Vishra-bashing session, but I just looked up how much it costs to publish a game on Steam and now I'm really pissed off:
Valve sets Steam Direct self-publishing fee at $100 (
Why does that piss you off? Greenlight was a river of shit and unfulfilled promises, it's kind of fitting that Simu put Dragons of Elanthia on there. Even if DoE did well and actually released, it's not like the revenue they'd make from it would return to GS.
09-04-2018, 06:33 PM
Why does that piss you off? Greenlight was a river of shit and unfulfilled promises, it's kind of fitting that Simu put Dragons of Elanthia on there. Even if DoE did well and actually released, it's not like the revenue they'd make from it would return to GS.
It would cost them $100 to put the game on a Steam platform. If they put a 1 month subscription to GS up for $6 a month (non-renewable), Valve might take $2 (30%). This would at least give GS some amount of exposure to new gamers. I am pissed because it really appears like there is zero interest from the company to expand the player base, and this would be an easy way to at least try. I have been saying this for years. At least when they moved to the web I would see sporadic advertisements on Fark.
I dont give a shit about DOE or anything else other than Gemstone. If Simu increases the playerbase to 1000 active players (not characters), I dont really care what they do with the extra money.
09-04-2018, 06:34 PM
If Simu has any brains at all they would have integrated GS into Facebook 10 years ago.
Despite how stupid I think Simu is for being so lazy and sackless about doing meaningful things to grow the player base, I’m kind of glad they aren’t doing it. Not because I don’t want a bigger player base, but because even if there were a million people playing, there’s still only like a 0.000001% chance they’d invest it back into the game, at least aside from that 486 they’ve been waiting for the right time to upgrade their server to, and they’d just keep at it with the same stupid shady bullshit, like having 0 full time coders.
Savants still wouldn’t come out either.
09-04-2018, 06:36 PM
...he said as he shit talked Vishra in a thread where she has no presence or bearing on anything being discussed here. It's like you can't get enough of her.
09-04-2018, 06:39 PM
You responded to something that was never said. You continued by responding to something that was never said. If you want to respond to something that was actually said, you're welcome to do that. Otherwise, there's really nothing to say.
So you're just here for the strawmans then.
09-04-2018, 06:50 PM
...there’s still only like a 0.000001% chance they’d invest it back into the game, at least aside from that 486 they’ve been waiting for the right time to upgrade their server to, and they’d just keep at it with the same stupid shady bullshit, like having 0 full time coders.
Savants still wouldn’t come out either.
You'd think that they would realize that more players = more money. But the Simu party line is "its not as easy as that".
09-04-2018, 07:12 PM
So you're just here for the strawmans then.
Not every comment pointing out that you're either hypocritical or saying something stupid is a strawman argument. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the vast majority of them are not. So feel free to respond to what I actually said, or fuck off and move on. They're both good choices.
09-04-2018, 07:26 PM
Not every comment pointing out that you're either hypocritical or saying something stupid is a strawman argument. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the vast majority of them are not. So feel free to respond to what I actually said, or fuck off and move on. They're both good choices.
Hypocritical by saying Vishra slanders me on LNet where I don't even chat yet ignores the points I make on the PC that make her look dumb. Oh I can't point this out because time4fun hasn't yet made a comment in this particular thread yet. You are so fucking dumb it should be illegal.
09-04-2018, 07:26 PM
It would cost them $100 to put the game on a Steam platform. If they put a 1 month subscription to GS up for $6 a month (non-renewable), Valve might take $2 (30%). This would at least give GS some amount of exposure to new gamers. I am pissed because it really appears like there is zero interest from the company to expand the player base, and this would be an easy way to at least try. I have been saying this for years. At least when they moved to the web I would see sporadic advertisements on Fark.
I dont give a shit about DOE or anything else other than Gemstone. If Simu increases the playerbase to 1000 active players (not characters), I dont really care what they do with the extra money.
This steam non-renewable 1 month sub is a great idea. The key is exposure. If 25,000 players clicked through every 3 months, 5% multi month players and 1% multi-year players would be a conservative conversion rate but as a player I'd consider it a wild success. This game has already proven to be "future-proof" to a certain type of person, and they are out there. They simply have not had the opportunity to see or try the game.
As an aside, I'm less concerned about investment in the game than I am about the game's survival long-term, though the two are related. But speaking strictly in terms of numbers, a rising player tide lifts the boats of Simu (more revenue potential) and those of existing established players like us (livelier game with players at all level ranges, as well as a greater potential market for our items on the secondary market).
I wish I could believe they commissioned a sophisticated market analysis to determine that marketing dollars are not well spent on GS, but I'm more inclined to believe, based on what I've seen, that they tried a couple of half-assed marketing "campaigns" (being very charitable), and then gave up when they saw half-assed results.
09-04-2018, 07:30 PM
Not every comment pointing out that you're either hypocritical or saying something stupid is a strawman argument. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the vast majority of them are not. So feel free to respond to what I actually said, or fuck off and move on. They're both good choices.
just checked the rep list and you're currently the fourth most retarded person here. Congrats. I see you're not content with that though. Good for you. Good to have goals, I guess...
09-04-2018, 07:35 PM
Hypocritical by saying Vishra slanders me on LNet where I don't even chat yet ignores the points I make on the PC that make her look dumb. Oh I can't point this out because time4fun hasn't yet made a comment in this particular thread yet. You are so fucking dumb it should be illegal.
You are more than welcome on this unmoderated forum to point it out, as you did. But yes, you're hypocritical for doing the exact same thing right back to her, and I pointed that out. Congratulations. You're an asshole. I didn't say that she wasn't one, or that you weren't in your right to spew whatever pointless drivel you want. But I am well within my right to point out that you are an asshole for doing so. edit to add: and this should go without saying, but for just, so many other reasons as well. You don't really think you're a good person, do you? This can't be surprising.
09-04-2018, 07:40 PM
Not every comment pointing out that you're either hypocritical or saying something stupid is a strawman argument. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the vast majority of them are not. So feel free to respond to what I actually said, or fuck off and move on. They're both good choices.
Shouldn't you be over here moderating posts?
09-04-2018, 07:48 PM
I wonder if Flimbo's ban from Discord also included a ban from the officials.
09-04-2018, 08:39 PM
Shouldn't you be over here moderating posts?
You don't have to moderate a safe space forum. People know better than to say mean things there!
09-04-2018, 08:55 PM
I haven't been tuned to the LNet channel in well over a year yet I still get private messages from people from time to time asking things like "Vishra says you're a white supremacist, is this true?", or "Vishra is talking shit about you on LNet, what's her problem?"
And they are private messaging me on Dreaven on LNet so I can only imagine she's using my game name of Dreaven and not my PC handle of Tgo01. It's like she can't get enough of me on LNet where I don't have a presence yet she all about ignores me on the PC when I ask her tough questions she can't answer. Weird.
Same shit, playing Gemstone is like living in a one horse town. I give credit to the person that at least had the intelligence to get your take, not very many of those kind to be found in GS anymore.
Folks like Vishra are poisonous to a small gaming community.
09-04-2018, 09:01 PM
Folks like Vishra are poisonous to a small gaming community.
Can you imagine "her" in real life?
09-04-2018, 09:04 PM
Folks like Vishra are poisonous to a small gaming community.
Oh honey...
She likes to act like it's the "conservative trolls" on the PC who ruin this small community and drive people away, but this is an unofficial forum where the "conservative trolls" do most of their "trolling" in the politics folder.
But she's in game calling people Nazis and white supremacists and she sees nothing wrong with it. Sure LNet is unofficial also, but almost everyone uses it and you use it in game and use people's character's names. She really needs to invest in a mirror that doesn't tell her how great she is whenever she looks in it.
09-04-2018, 09:20 PM
He's a complete coward, that's why he avoids Reddit. Someone, anyone really, can come and ask a question without him knowing them in a way that allows him to spew the same bullshit he's been spewing for years about Simu being "on track" or whatever. Wyrom knows exactly what to say to certain people (check the officials) to get them to shut up and stop asking questions.
It's about control of the conversation and avoidance of answering the hard questions. It no longer is "Ask Me Anything."
09-04-2018, 09:25 PM
I haven't been tuned to the LNet channel in well over a year yet I still get private messages from people from time to time asking things like "Vishra says you're a white supremacist, is this true?", or "Vishra is talking shit about you on LNet, what's her problem?"
And they are private messaging me on Dreaven on LNet so I can only imagine she's using my game name of Dreaven and not my PC handle of Tgo01. It's like she can't get enough of me on LNet where I don't have a presence yet she all about ignores me on the PC when I ask her tough questions she can't answer. Weird.
She badmouths PB all the time on lnet and he doesn't even play. She's crazy brah.
09-04-2018, 09:27 PM
But she's in game calling people Nazis and white supremacists and she sees nothing wrong with it. Sure LNet is unofficial also, but almost everyone uses it and you use it in game and use people's character's names. She really needs to invest in a mirror that doesn't tell her how great she is whenever she looks in it.
Weren't you calling WB a pedophile on lnet? :thinking:
09-04-2018, 09:33 PM
Weren't you calling WB a pedophile on lnet? :thinking:
That's true. Good point. Tgo?
eta: wb is not me, by the way. It's warriorbird.
09-04-2018, 09:36 PM
Can you imagine "her" in real life?
09-04-2018, 09:55 PM
Weren't you calling WB a pedophile on lnet? :thinking:
Yeah I'm not calling time4fun out for calling me a Nazi white supremacist, I'm calling her out for saying a bunch of "conservative trolls" on the PC are driving away players from the game while she's on LNet apparently calling everyone she disagrees with a Nazi white supremacist.
09-04-2018, 10:00 PM
Yeah I'm not calling time4fun out for calling me a Nazi white supremacist, I'm calling her out for saying a bunch of "conservative trolls" on the PC are driving away players from the game while she's on LNet apparently calling everyone she disagrees with a Nazi white supremacist.
You would think if the PC is such a horrible place she'd leave. These people keep coming back.
09-04-2018, 10:15 PM
You would think if the PC is such a horrible place she'd leave. These people keep coming back.
Yeah but she has to fight Nazi white supremacists where ever she can. As long as it doesn't require her to leave the comfort of her computer.
09-04-2018, 10:36 PM
annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other.
You need to just all get together and have an orgy or something. Get it out of your system.
09-04-2018, 10:43 PM
annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other.
You need to just all get together and have an orgy or something. Get it out of your system.
By pointing it out you become a participant in the behavior you argue against.
09-05-2018, 10:34 AM
By pointing it out you become a participant in the behavior you argue against.
By not pointing it out, she is being subjected to the human centipede of political jizz you guys shoot into each other's mouths. By that, I mean one of you posts and the rest of the crew posts to make sure you absorb some of the spurts.
And it's not as simple as "DONT GO TO THE POLITICS FOLDER HERR HERR HERR" regurgitation argument that's normally retorted, because this isn't a political thread.
We get it. You ( in a generalized sense, not specifically to the quoted person ) are edgy, angsty and love your little quips. It's not a fresh take anymore.
09-05-2018, 10:35 AM
By not pointing it out, she is being subjected to the human centipede of political jizz you guys shoot into each other's mouths. By that, I mean one of you posts and the rest of the crew posts to make sure you absorb some of the spurts.
And it's not as simple as "DONT GO TO THE POLITICS FOLDER HERR HERR HERR" regurgitation argument that's normally retorted, because this isn't a political thread.
We get it. You ( in a generalized sense, not specifically to the quoted person ) are edgy, angsty and love your little quips. It's not a fresh take anymore.
Sewn together mouth to foreskin?
09-05-2018, 01:17 PM
You'd think that they would realize that more players = more money. But the Simu party line is "its not as easy as that".
Do you have no idea how complicated fire extinguisher inspections make these things?
09-05-2018, 01:21 PM
She badmouths PB all the time on lnet and he doesn't even play. She's crazy brah.
While complaining on the PC about how PB posts but doesn’t play GS. :lol:
09-05-2018, 01:26 PM
annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other.
You need to just all get together and have an orgy or something. Get it out of your system.
Technically, you started it:
The argument could also be made that the increased use of 3rd-party programs that directly circumvent game mechanics while also providing a constant OOC chat room that directly and negatively affects the in-game atmosphere has, over the years, driven many people away. As many or more than it has kept around.
I argued strongly against allowing PSiNet for a long time, and lost. Lich is PSiNet on steroids, and therefore much more harmful.
Don't expect me to get into some drawn-out debate about it, though. That ship has sailed.
Reported for starting an orgy without a proper permit.
09-05-2018, 01:28 PM
I like how she thought her "arguing against PsiNet" meant anything. Like she could have somehow won. Are you Andraste?
09-05-2018, 01:35 PM
And it's not as simple as "DONT GO TO THE POLITICS FOLDER HERR HERR HERR" regurgitation argument that's normally retorted, because this isn't a political thread.
What about "IGNORE THE POSTERS YOU DON'T LIKE HERR HERR HERR"? Does that do anything for you?
09-05-2018, 02:02 PM
I like how she thought her "arguing against PsiNet" meant anything. Like she could have somehow won. Are you Andraste? wouldn't that be something.
09-05-2018, 02:34 PM
Lack of denial for starting LNet discussion noted. :lol:
09-05-2018, 02:38 PM
What about "IGNORE THE POSTERS YOU DON'T LIKE HERR HERR HERR"? Does that do anything for you?
I don't claim to speak for anyone other than myself at this part of things.
I, personally, have no qualms with individual posters, as at least part of the time there's something to be gained. It's when the group combines powers to form Political Faggotron to battle the other side's horrifically formed Kaiju called in English "The Unflickable Bean", a battle in which no one wins and everyone claims the other is retarded. I don't care for either side of the battles, but I'll call a spade when I see one.
I don't care that you guys circle jerk to the Power Rangers-esque actions when you keep it in the Political folder, where it belongs. Whatever creams your political stance twinkie, go for it.
In general, I feel like if you could find it in your heart to spare the rest of the barely active topics on PC from the same fate, you'll encounter less snowflakes and find more enjoyment in your future battles.
09-05-2018, 03:31 PM
By not pointing it out, she is being subjected to the human centipede of political jizz you guys shoot into each other's mouths. By that, I mean one of you posts and the rest of the crew posts to make sure you absorb some of the spurts.
And it's not as simple as "DONT GO TO THE POLITICS FOLDER HERR HERR HERR" regurgitation argument that's normally retorted, because this isn't a political thread.
We get it. You ( in a generalized sense, not specifically to the quoted person ) are edgy, angsty and love your little quips. It's not a fresh take anymore.
Politics aren't really being discussed here. Someone said they don't like being tuned to LNet because of all of the arguments that takes place on it and heavily implied a lot of the arguments has to do with politics. Methais suggested ignoring Vishra because she's the main culprit of talking politics on LNet, I agreed because even though I don't tune to the LNet channel I still have people sending me private messages asking me about shit Vishra says about me on the LNet channel.
09-05-2018, 04:08 PM
...called in English "The Unflickable Bean"...
This is awesome.
09-05-2018, 04:48 PM
Politics aren't really being discussed here. Someone said they don't like being tuned to LNet because of all of the arguments that takes place on it and heavily implied a lot of the arguments has to do with politics. Methais suggested ignoring Vishra because she's the main culprit of talking politics on LNet, I agreed because even though I don't tune to the LNet channel I still have people sending me private messages asking me about shit Vishra says about me on the LNet channel.
My reply was based on the feelings stroked by THIS comment, political in creation.
< annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other. >
Because if you review this thread and its recent developments, this statement holds some weight. The same people from Team PF talking about the opposition on Team TUB. None of which is convincingly on topic in this thread, which may be where the disconnect is. I don't think anyone ( who is rational ) cares about your overuse of the word Strawman while avoiding providing any true intelligence on your stance and how Wrathbringer is going to paint the garage from the prostrate massage it provides for him when you do so, as long as it remains in your playground.
Enjoy your fun times, just keep it in your region so others don't have to deal with it. This goes to both teams and your filibuster fantasies ( in case it seems like I'm singling out Team PF, you're both guilty of it ), and it's bled over to other threads. Doing so means you don't deal with people who don't want to deal with your shit, and you can maintain the normal stance of "DONT LIKE IT DONT READ POLITICS FOLDER HURR HURR HURR", which to me, is a completely agreeable compromise.
09-05-2018, 09:35 PM
My reply was based on the feelings stroked by THIS comment, political in creation.
< annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other. >
Because if you review this thread and its recent developments, this statement holds some weight. The same people from Team PF talking about the opposition on Team TUB. None of which is convincingly on topic in this thread, which may be where the disconnect is. I don't think anyone ( who is rational ) cares about your overuse of the word Strawman while avoiding providing any true intelligence on your stance and how Wrathbringer is going to paint the garage from the prostrate massage it provides for him when you do so, as long as it remains in your playground.
Enjoy your fun times, just keep it in your region so others don't have to deal with it. This goes to both teams and your filibuster fantasies ( in case it seems like I'm singling out Team PF, you're both guilty of it ), and it's bled over to other threads. Doing so means you don't deal with people who don't want to deal with your shit, and you can maintain the normal stance of "DONT LIKE IT DONT READ POLITICS FOLDER HURR HURR HURR", which to me, is a completely agreeable compromise.
Trump won get over it.
But Hillary won the popular vote.
09-06-2018, 02:56 PM
My reply was based on the feelings stroked by THIS comment, political in creation.
< annnddd.....once again this personal grudge match between a few people on the boards starts to take over a topic.
I think all ya'll are obsessed with each other. >
Because if you review this thread and its recent developments, this statement holds some weight. The same people from Team PF talking about the opposition on Team TUB. None of which is convincingly on topic in this thread, which may be where the disconnect is. I don't think anyone ( who is rational ) cares about your overuse of the word Strawman while avoiding providing any true intelligence on your stance and how Wrathbringer is going to paint the garage from the prostrate massage it provides for him when you do so, as long as it remains in your playground.
Enjoy your fun times, just keep it in your region so others don't have to deal with it. This goes to both teams and your filibuster fantasies ( in case it seems like I'm singling out Team PF, you're both guilty of it ), and it's bled over to other threads. Doing so means you don't deal with people who don't want to deal with your shit, and you can maintain the normal stance of "DONT LIKE IT DONT READ POLITICS FOLDER HURR HURR HURR", which to me, is a completely agreeable compromise.
Last time I saw someone spell "prostate" as "prostrate" was when someone posted a (almost definitely fake) log of Dessedemona cybering at a table barking like a dog or something like that and the other dude "working her prostrate"
Thanks for jogging that memory. :lol:
EDIT: Apparently they fixed it at some point
09-07-2018, 02:14 AM
Just put Vishra on ignore and most of your LNet problems will go away.
That’s what I did with PB, Tgo, rocktar, tisket, fortybox...
Life is grand!
09-07-2018, 02:18 AM
That’s what I did with PB, Tgo, rocktar, tisket, fortybox...
Life is grand!
Aww, I'm hurt!
09-07-2018, 02:43 AM
Aww, I'm hurt!
Were you saying something?
09-07-2018, 09:04 AM
That’s what I did with PB, Tgo, rocktar, tisket, fortybox...
Life is grand!
LOL - passive aggressive.
Glad I made the list!
09-07-2018, 09:50 AM
That’s what I did with PB, Tgo, rocktar, tisket, fortybox...
Life is grand!
You poor, poor little sensitive snowflake. You will be ok.
09-10-2018, 02:13 PM
That’s what I did with PB, Tgo, rocktar, tisket, fortybox...
Life is grand!
Except for the fact that I don't (and never have) talked on Lnet...
Anyway, I don't think bragging that you are ignoring someone is, you know...actually ignoring them but hey, whatever makes you feel better.
09-10-2018, 02:16 PM
It's hilarious to me that I never noticed him ignoring me. I wonder how long it's been going on.
I guess someone has to actually have some consequence to me before I actually miss interacting with them though.
09-10-2018, 02:17 PM
It's hilarious to me that I never noticed him ignoring me. I wonder how long it's been going on.
I guess someone has to actually have some consequence to me before I actually miss interacting with them though.
He probably isn't. He likes to lie about things a lot.
09-10-2018, 02:18 PM
He probably isn't. He likes to lie about things a lot.
Well it's just bizarre whether it's real or not. I can't even remember the last time I interacted with him or even noticed him.
Maybe that's why he's in a snit?
09-10-2018, 10:13 PM
Well it's just bizarre whether it's real or not. I can't even remember the last time I interacted with him or even noticed him.
Maybe that's why he's in a snit?
He gets butt hurt pretty easily from what I gather...which is why he has avatar butts. And they aren't like really good looking butts either. They remind me of gyro meat being cooked.
09-10-2018, 11:18 PM
It's hilarious to me that I never noticed him ignoring me. I wonder how long it's been going on.
I guess someone has to actually have some consequence to me before I actually miss interacting with them though.
Shaft claims a great deal of things... he's about as trustworthy as Androidpk.
Notice he said he ignored tgo01.. and then quoted him? Can't do that if you have someone on ignore.
09-10-2018, 11:19 PM
Well it's just bizarre whether it's real or not. I can't even remember the last time I interacted with him or even noticed him.
Maybe that's why he's in a snit?
He's been in a "snit" since 11/9/2016.. the day his world crashed in around him.
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