View Full Version : Got kids? Check their candy ... NOW

11-01-2008, 08:47 PM

My sister in law just sent me this ... now I've got to worry about my kids eating this shit last night.

Stanley Burrell
11-01-2008, 08:51 PM

Tsa`ah, my Jewish brethren, where the hell did you move to in order to find Jewish coin chocolates with Blackbeard on them? That's fucking awesome. Aren't trace amounts of melamine actually O.K.'d, sadly, by the FDA?

Edited to Add: I'm only asking/questioning this melamine thing because I don't know how tied up a wholly economically chaste administration like the FDA could possibly be with respect to green-flagging imported goods from competing nations.

11-01-2008, 09:02 PM
Aren't trace amounts of melamine actually O.K.'d, sadly, by the FDA?

Very minute trace amounts ... like what clings to other dishes after washing melamine based plastics in a dish washer. Some contamination is going to occur ... sure. If you're buying plastic cutting boards and shit like that, there's melamine. It doesn't go into your food packaging.

It also loves to kind of hang around in your system and build up ... so when you're EATING and DRINKING it .... you're ingesting substantially higher amounts of it than say what sticks to your meatloaf because you dropped it piping hot onto a plastic cutting board.

Also ... it's going to fuck up kids before it fucks up adults.

11-01-2008, 11:51 PM
Very minute trace amounts ... like what clings to other dishes after washing melamine based plastics in a dish washer. Some contamination is going to occur ... sure. If you're buying plastic cutting boards and shit like that, there's melamine. It doesn't go into your food packaging.

It also loves to kind of hang around in your system and build up ... so when you're EATING and DRINKING it .... you're ingesting substantially higher amounts of it than say what sticks to your meatloaf because you dropped it piping hot onto a plastic cutting board.

Also ... it's going to fuck up kids before it fucks up adults.

I just skimmed the article but doesn't it say it was in Canada only? You live in Canada Tsa'ah?

Of course people who do should be worried & checking...I don't & never saw any of that kind of candy passed out anyway.


11-02-2008, 01:59 AM
I really fucking wish people would stop importing shit from China. It seems like every week there's some recall on something from China because it's poisoning and/or killing people. Pet food, aqua dots, chocolate, etc. Who knows what it'll be next week?

11-02-2008, 02:17 AM
I really fucking wish people would stop importing shit from China. It seems like every week there's some recall on something from China because it's poisoning and/or killing people. Pet food, aqua dots, chocolate, etc. Who knows what it'll be next week?

Wal-Mart's entire stock.

11-02-2008, 02:18 AM
Hahaha, true.

11-02-2008, 08:05 AM

My sister in law just sent me this ... now I've got to worry about my kids eating this shit last night.

Learn2Read the links you provide for once. It states that none of these products made it to the US. Here's the link inside the link you provided.. that you also clearly didn't bother to read:

Notice to our Customers regarding the Safety of our Candy Products Imported from China to the USA.

The safety of our products is our first priority. Customers can be assured that we have an unwavering commitment to test and assure the safety of all our products. Please note that we have not had any products containing melamine recalled in the U.S. Immediately upon the issuance of a warning by FDA about possible melamine contamination in milk-containing products from China we began to work with independent labs to confirm our products are free of melamine. Additionally, Sherwood Brands has not received any chocolate in the U.S. from China since the report on melamine. We understand that any product that may contain milk or milk proteins is being tested upon entry by the FDA. If you have questions, please email us at sales@sherwoodbrands.com.

If you are concerned about the coins recalled in Canada, please note this was an isolated situation in Canada only. These coins were not sold or shipped into the US market. Those coins were produced before the melamine warning was issued. Immediately upon notification of Melamine warning, Sherwood stopped all production and shipments. All products now shipped to both Canada and the United States are first tested for the absence of melamine prior to shipment.

Thank you for your understanding. Above all our #1 concern is our customer safety and satisfaction.

11-02-2008, 09:28 AM
My kid decided to hand out all the loot he got after we ran out of candy to hand out. (As a Father that makes me very proud that he's not selfish).

My son had a blast, so as a reward we went and restocked on candy from the store to replace what he gave out of his own bag at the end of the night on Halloween.

Although I did take out the cupcake in the ziploc bag that was in his bag. I'm thinking, a cupcake in a ziploc? Seriously? There was some other wierd candy that I did not recognize too. But that got handed out.

11-02-2008, 10:14 AM
We'll stop importing crap from China when people are willing to pay triple what they currently do for everything. Wake me up when that happens, mkay?

Seriously, we made this bed and now we have to lie in it. Just be glad they haven't figured out how to intentionally poison us as a precursor to a military strike. Maybe they are just using minute amounts over time.

11-02-2008, 10:16 AM
When my kids got home, I decided they need to get ready for an Obama administration and gave half of their candy to two kids that didn't bother getting off their couch to trick or treat. It was the fair thing to do. I mean sure my kids spent an hour or two getting ready and walked over 2 miles trick or treating.. but obviously they had more than those two kids on the couch.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-02-2008, 10:17 AM
Awwww, that's really sweet of your boy, Gan.

We had a neighbor that handed out caramel apples to all the kids in the neighborhood.. we all KNEW the neighbor though and he also gave out hot cider to everyone, so it was a much loved stop by kids and parents alike to pick up a caramel apple and a nice mug of steaming hot apple cider while making the rounds.

That was the only thing of that nature that I was allowed to keep. There were some instances of other homemade goods that were tossed.

11-02-2008, 12:07 PM
what would be funny is if he dipped his wanger in each cup before opening the door.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-02-2008, 12:09 PM
what would be funny is if he dipped his wanger in each cup before opening the door.

It was all outside, they had a bunch of those hot coffee warmer thingies (the name escapes me) on a table with the caramel apples spread around them.

I suppose he could have done something nasty to it but I doubt it. Him and his wife were nice people and owned their own restaurant, I doubt there was anything nefarious in their actions.

11-02-2008, 12:41 PM
sounds like a huge opportunity missed to me. :lol:

I can just picture this kindly Mr. Rogers looking old man sitting there at Halloween thinking to himself. "How's that cock taste? That's right bitch, you like my cock in your mouth don't you?"

Moist Happenings
11-02-2008, 12:43 PM
Notice to our Customers regarding the Safety of our Candy Products Imported from China to the USA.

The safety of our products is our first priority. Customers can be assured that we have an unwavering commitment to test and assure the safety of all our products. Please note that we have not had any products containing melamine recalled in the U.S. Immediately upon the issuance of a warning by FDA about possible melamine contamination in milk-containing products from China we began to work with independent labs to confirm our products are free of melamine. Additionally, Sherwood Brands has not received any chocolate in the U.S. from China since the report on melamine. We understand that any product that may contain milk or milk proteins is being tested upon entry by the FDA. If you have questions, please email us at sales@sherwoodbrands.com.

If you are concerned about the coins recalled in Canada, please note this was an isolated situation in Canada only. These coins were not sold or shipped into the US market. Those coins were produced before the melamine warning was issued. Immediately upon notification of Melamine warning, Sherwood stopped all production and shipments. All products now shipped to both Canada and the United States are first tested for the absence of melamine prior to shipment.

Thank you for your understanding. Above all our #1 concern is our customer safety and satisfaction.

"There is no possible way your candy could ever be bad if we sent bad candy elsewhere. We make sure all the poison candy goes to Canada instead of the U.S.. Thank you. Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart."

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-02-2008, 12:45 PM
sounds like a huge opportunity missed to me. :lol:

I can just picture this kindly Mr. Rogers looking old man sitting there at Halloween thinking to himself. "How's that cock taste? That's right bitch, you like my cock in your mouth don't you?"


"Thank you Mister, that was delicious"

11-02-2008, 01:03 PM
We'll stop importing crap from China when people are willing to pay triple what they currently do for everything. Wake me up when that happens, mkay?

Seriously, we made this bed and now we have to lie in it. Just be glad they haven't figured out how to intentionally poison us as a precursor to a military strike. Maybe they are just using minute amounts over time.

It's just the natural cycle of things. Back in the day we (as in the US) used to be just like China, and Europe had the same sandy vag that we do now.

Stanley Burrell
11-02-2008, 01:51 PM
I don't even know how the chain reaction is started in order to initiate a product recall as is, when people aren't dropping dead. And then throw in bookkeeping for overseas goods. Where the line of overly/rightfully cautious, politically biased and fundamentally working lie. I can't even think about this.

I'm just really glad it was Pirate's Gold and not Pirate's Booty. I can't have my fluffy low-carb popcorn tainted with anything but the delicious nitrates that give it its glowing buttery golden aura.

11-02-2008, 02:20 PM
When my kids got home, I decided they need to get ready for an Obama administration and gave half of their candy to two kids that didn't bother getting off their couch to trick or treat. It was the fair thing to do. I mean sure my kids spent an hour or two getting ready and walked over 2 miles trick or treating.. but obviously they had more than those two kids on the couch.


11-02-2008, 03:27 PM
Wow ... because the recall was for the imported product in Canada, carried by Cost-co, from a US company ... dear god the stupidity of some people.

Stanley Burrell
11-02-2008, 03:34 PM
Peepee in your coke was just the beginning, it seems :(