View Full Version : MEN!
Weedmage Princess
01-26-2004, 04:25 PM
In response to the WOMEN thread...One good turn deserves another, and this is so much more fitting ;)
01-26-2004, 04:27 PM
Without men, you'd be living in a world filled with people like Klaive.
Weedmage Princess
01-26-2004, 04:27 PM
OMG Edaarin
Some have workable usuable parts.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-26-2004, 04:32 PM
Without men, average median income would be 80% what it is today?
01-26-2004, 04:33 PM
Without men, the incidence of automobile accidents would quadruple. And women would all align their cycles, dooming the world.
01-26-2004, 04:33 PM
Use this instead.
01-26-2004, 04:35 PM
Without men there would be no ugly houses or colored clothes. There would be no war and actually most women would be vegetarians due to the inability to see blood. Without men there would be no gross bodily functions performed in public.
01-26-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Without men, you'd be living in a world filled with people like Klaive.
No, men have nothing to do with that.
Adopting shaved gorilla babies have everything to do with that.
Originally posted by Artha
Use this instead.
But, but... that's only 12 volts.
01-26-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Without men there would be no ugly houses or colored clothes. There would be no war and actually most women would be vegetarians due to the inability to see blood. Without men there would be no gross bodily functions performed in public.
Without men there wouldn't be houses to be colored ugly.. maybe tents or caves.
Heh, and if people like my mom or plenty of women I know were in office, there would still be war.
01-26-2004, 04:41 PM
Men are assholes. We should only have them around when something needs to be fixed, when we need something heavy to be lifted, or when we're horny, other than that they're assholes, that is all.
Originally posted by Maimara
Originally posted by Edaarin
Without men, you'd be living in a world filled with people like Klaive.
No, men have nothing to do with that.
Adopting shaved gorilla babies have everything to do with that.
How insulting to gorilla babies everywhere!
01-26-2004, 04:48 PM
There would be no war
Oh please. There'd be a war every fourth week.
01-26-2004, 04:48 PM
Without men, women couldn't afford houses to build. Pardon me while I go out and eat my rare veal cutlet. Still bleeding.
Also, having observed girl roommates, I remain convinced that they would kill each other off within weeks. I swear, overreact over the stupidest shit....war is less ugly.
[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Edaarin]
01-26-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Artha
There would be no war
Oh please. There'd be a war every fourth week.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! I had to laugh at this one and Vinh's post. Damn, guys are smart asses. :lol:
Originally posted by Artha
Oh please. There'd be a war every fourth week.
Not if there was plenty of chocolate.
01-26-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Men are assholes. We should only have them around when something needs to be fixed, when we need something heavy to be lifted, or when we're horny, other than that they're assholes, that is all.
01-26-2004, 05:07 PM
And when there was war, the CNN anchor would be all like:
We have gone to war with those stupid sluts in <country>, and they know why.
01-26-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Artha
And when there was war, the CNN anchor would be all like:
We have gone to war with those stupid sluts in <country>, and they know why.
01-26-2004, 05:16 PM
Last one, I swear. If it weren't for men, then all you female sports fans would be reduced to watching the WNBA. Yeah! I love this game! We can't shoot or dunk or do anything but lame ass layups, but we have good fundamentals!
01-26-2004, 05:18 PM
But if there were no men..who would make all those oh so amusing fishing shows on TV? I mean..common.
01-26-2004, 05:22 PM
How about I just punch you all in the balls and call it a day.
DIE :flamed:
That is all.
Without men in the world, we would be alot less moody, or we could change it to make THEM have the cramps, and the kids. Then we could sit back and let them go behind us and fix up our screw ups, as we do for them now.
(Edited to add before anyone starts bitching, it was all meant in good fun and just being a smart ass.)
[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Bewitchindryad25]
(Edited cause I just reread it and it made no sense, bite me, I'm doing 50 things at once, Dammit again hehe. )
[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Bewitchindryad25]
[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Bewitchindryad25]
01-26-2004, 05:29 PM
Without men, men would have kids? Wtf?
Men have their uses. *shrug*
01-26-2004, 05:31 PM
I edited it so it made more sense hehe. Yeah, getting ready for class and doing 50 things at once sucks.
01-26-2004, 05:40 PM
I will say something good about men. They are remarkably easy to train. :D
Besides, without them, who would take out the garbage?
HarmNone knows something useful when she sees him
01-26-2004, 05:55 PM
HarmNone has a point... Without men I wouldn't have my father to shovel the driveway, vaccum the living room, clean out the fridge, bake bread, fetch my shoes, walk the dog, clean up the yard, trim the hedges, wash the cars, feed the pets, rake the leaves, mow the yard, tend the garden, or clean up after me.
01-26-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Men are assholes. We should only have them around when something needs to be fixed, when we need something heavy to be lifted, or when we're horny, other than that they're assholes, that is all.
Weedmage Princess
01-26-2004, 06:33 PM
Men have their uses but they have way too many freedoms. I think we need to ban together and put them in their place. You know, on a short leash.
01-26-2004, 06:36 PM
Shouldn't you all be cooking or something?
01-26-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by MaryJane
Originally posted by Lalana
Men are assholes. We should only have them around when something needs to be fixed, when we need something heavy to be lifted, or when we're horny, other than that they're assholes, that is all.
Damn right girl! HarmNone is correct though, some can be trained. It's like getting a dog and trying to get it house broken. You nurture it, feed it, ect., then you let them out to do their business and they always come back home. Oh and if they're bad, you send them to the dog house A.K.A. the couch, ROFL!
P.S. <3 Adredrin <3
01-26-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Shouldn't you all be cooking or something?
Shouldn't you be scratching your balls or something? :P
01-26-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Men have their uses but they have way too many freedoms. I think we need to ban together and put them in their place. You know, on a short leash.
Just look at the bonobos. They've got the right idea.
p.s. the right idea = have sex all day (literally, look it up)
Originally posted by Lalana
Originally posted by Artha
Shouldn't you all be cooking or something?
Shouldn't you be scratching your balls or something? :P
who said im not?
01-26-2004, 07:08 PM
Shouldn't you be scratching your balls or something? :P
I'm a step or two ahead of you.
Weedmage Princess
01-26-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by Lalana
Shouldn't you be scratching your balls or something? :P
who said im not?
I guess you've finished that tube of Tinactin already, eh? Nasty.
yea how ya doin with those exlax? still trying to take pics while you in the bathroom pushin one out?
Harmnone Am I usefull?
If so what for?
01-26-2004, 08:44 PM
Heh. Of course, Edine! You are very useful. You can take out the garbage, walk the dog (if one has a dog), make late-night trips to the store, sit on a bench in the mall and stare vacantly at the passers-by (very entertaining, really), run the vacuum, scrub floors and clean windows!
I know you can do all that. Anyone who can operate a computer can do all of those things. You are useful! :D
HarmNone, on the training of one's Edine...again
01-26-2004, 09:20 PM
I say put them on an island, with all the broken appliances, cars, mechanical stuff to fix, while being supervised by a woman of course, give them their tv and sports shows and only fly them over to us when we need a good session in the sack or a cuddle. Or maybe something fixed around the house. haha
*this IS a joke ya know..but a girl's allowed to have a dream dang!*
01-26-2004, 09:27 PM
I think my dad has proved that when trained well, men are very useful. They can take the job of cooking and cleaning. Plus they will still do manly things like paint the house and landscape. Just train them properly.
Weedmage Princess
01-26-2004, 09:33 PM
I think they should be bound in chains..yeah.
01-26-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I think they should be bound in chains..yeah.
I concur.
01-26-2004, 10:56 PM
I think they should be bound in chains..yeah.
Originally posted by Artha
I think they should be bound in chains..yeah.
she meant it that way too...
Tijay2000: binding all us men in chains :-(
BogusPrincess: Oh that's not necessarily a bad thing.
BogusPrincess: It's not!
BogusPrincess: ::stare::
01-26-2004, 11:01 PM
You guys always twist that shit around don't you? :flamed: BASTARDS!
01-26-2004, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
I say put them on an island, with all the broken appliances, cars, mechanical stuff to fix, while being supervised by a woman of course, give them their tv and sports shows and only fly them over to us when we need a good session in the sack or a cuddle. Or maybe something fixed around the house. haha
*this IS a joke ya know..but a girl's allowed to have a dream dang!*
You should switch teams. Women are MUCH better at snuggling..I should know..I snuggle with one every chance I get :D
01-26-2004, 11:33 PM
I assume gay men are excluded from this overthrow? Although I know a few gay guys who I wouldn't mind seeing thrown into slavery...
01-26-2004, 11:34 PM
You can be on our side, Snapp! We will overcome! :D
HarmNone joins hands with Snapp
01-26-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
I assume gay men are excluded from this overthrow? Although I know a few gay guys who I wouldn't mind seeing thrown into slavery...
Well you don't count Snapp. But, you too can bitch about men. I agree with you too, I've seen a lot of shady gay men. Not all are as cool as you. :bouncy:
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