View Full Version : How much MOC?

10-31-2008, 09:59 PM
I have an THW elf warrior who's pushing 50 right now. He's at 30 MOC from before the berserk update because I didn't think the third swing was worth the combo of the RT and training points. Now with Berserk, should I go for more MOC once I hit 140 armor?

Right now, I think the alternative is Ambush ranks (I've got none; MOC/Berserk = not ambushing). I hit the head pretty well with my bonded maul, but it can always be better.

10-31-2008, 10:06 PM
I guess the question you need to ask yourself is if you want to loot your mobs. If you don't care, pump that MOC; berserked MOC is basically the nastiest thing a warrior has nowadays.

11-01-2008, 09:48 AM
I just got 90 ranks and its nice, I have lost a lot of loot from berserking, but when I am encumbered and my normal swing is at 7+ RT (which it almost always is), its nice to swing 4 times and usually kill the critter in 12 seconds. I guess it just depends on how you play. I am a master in berserk and I use it a ton. I also have 30 ranks of ambush incase I do need to aim my 2handed weapon.