View Full Version : Voln cycler HoK

06-02-2005, 01:41 PM
Taking offers, drop me an email at tedeschic@play.net, or IM Lord Tyranik
(negotiable, but looking around 20)

a gleaming white ora Hammer of Kai
cycles +10 to +35 vs undead, sancted in hands of cleric or paladin
65/220 breakage, 8 lbs
It hits with some nasty blue flames about every 4-5 swings, I've seen them hit up to 65 and knock some critters on their asses.

Has a show, a loresong, and detects undead in the area and how many

Etched with ancient runes, this hammer of Kai looks as old as time itself, yet glows in an inner blue light. Suddenly, the rest of the world seems to wash away. You find yourself kneeling in a bare room before an imposing figure that appears battle-ready in worn black chainmail topped by a white surcoat with a pure white shield slung over his shoulder. As quickly as the vision comes, it recedes, and you are left wondering if you ever saw it at all.

TAP-You tap the hammer of Kai and it starts to hum softly...

Suddenly the hammer of Kai begins to spew out a cloud of pale blue smoke! The world around you suddenly looks different. Solid things around you suddenly look misty and insubstantial.
You do not sense any more undead nearby.

WAVE-You wave your white ora hammer of Kai above your head in a slow arcing circle. Slowly a pure blue light emanates from the hammer of Kai, reaching outwards from you in an ever increasing circle.

You feel the pure blue light reaching out to the surrounding area, searching...
You do not sense any undead nearby.
A long quiet peaceful note resonates from the hammer of Kai.

GET (when removed from container in front of undead) - You remove a gleaming white ora Hammer of Kai from inside your arms case.

It lets out a low rumbling note that quickly rises in pitch to an ear piercing shriek. The Hammer of Kai turns sharply and points directly at the firephantom!

You hear a stern voice resound in your mind, "Release it!"

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by weasel82]

[Edited on 6-3-2005 by weasel82]

[Edited on 6-8-2005 by weasel82]

06-02-2005, 04:50 PM
how much are ya looking for it? U2U me if you wish...

06-02-2005, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by weasel82
Taking offers, drop me an email at tedeschic@play.net, or IM Lord Tyranik
(looking between 20-30m)

06-02-2005, 04:55 PM
Was seeing if there were other ways to buy it...

Because it recenlt was sold for only 10 mil

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by The Vagrant]

06-03-2005, 01:08 PM
still up, U2U me if you want more info

06-08-2005, 12:45 PM
PRICE DROPPED...now accepting around 20mil...it is negotiable...or willing to accept $$