View Full Version : Third-Grader Dies After Shooting Self With Uzi

10-27-2008, 07:26 PM
Nope, not the south.

The small Connecticut town of Ashford was reeling Monday, the day after a third-grade resident shot himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachine gun at a Massachusetts gun fair, police said.

Police said 8-year-old Chrisopher Bizilj lost control of the weapon while firing it Sunday at the Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo at the Westfield Sportsman's Club in Westfield, mass. Westfield police Lt. Lawrence Vallier said the accident occurred at about 2 p.m.

Christopher was with his father and a certified instructor at the time of the accident, police said.

“The 8-year-old boy was allowed to shoot a .9mm micro Uzi machine gun,” said police Lt. Hipolito Nunez. “The weapon was loaded and prepared by the instructor and handed to the 8-year-old boy. The 8-year-old boy fired the weapon, the front end of the weapon raised up to his head, and a round struck him in the head.”

Police called Christopher's injury the result of a "self-inflicted accidental shooting."
Westfield police said that when officers arrived at the scene, Christopher was lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the right side of his head.
He was taken to Baystate Medical Center, where he died.

Although the death appears to be an accident, police and the Hampden district attorney's office are investigating, officials said.

Police said Christopher was accompanied to the event by his father, Charles Bizilj, and his 11-year-old brother, Colin.

Charles Bizilj, the medical director of emergency medicine at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford Springs, met with the crisis team at the Ashford School on Monday, where Christopher was enrolled in the third grade. School officials said the crisis team consists of two psychologists and the school nurse. The team was counseling students in both Christopher and Colin's classes on Monday.

The Sportsman's club said on its Web site that the event, run in conjunction with C.O.P Firearms and Training, is "all legal and fun." People will be allowed to fire weapons at vehicles, pumpkins and other targets, it said.

Officials with the private club and the firearms group could not be reached for comment. A message left on a club answering machine was not returned. The C.O.P. group's machine clicked off without taking a message. Numerous comments had been left in regards to the shooting in the online forum of the club's Web site on Monday. The Web site was taken down Monday afternoon.

It is legal in Massachusetts and Connecticut for children to fire a weapon if they have permission from a parent or legal guardian and are supervised by a properly certified and licensed instructor.

10-27-2008, 07:35 PM
Isn't 8 a little young for shooting a real gun?

Moist Happenings
10-27-2008, 07:36 PM
Isn't 8 a little young for shooting a real gun?

10's the legal limit in most states. To get a hunting license at least. I'm not 100% positive if there's anything that says someone under ten can't fire a gun.

10-27-2008, 07:38 PM
Isn't 8 a little young for shooting a real gun?

The constitution did not limit the age on which one acquires his right to bear arms.

10-27-2008, 07:41 PM
Isn't 8 a little young for shooting a real gun?

Nope, it's actually a great age so you learn enough respect and just a twinge of fear.

Of course, the jackasses who put an Uzi in his hands should be beaten, because it is far too young for that type of weapon.

Sean of the Thread
10-27-2008, 07:52 PM
I was popping woodchucks with a 30/30 unattended at a younger age than that.

However using a lever action 30/30 and letting loose with a fully automatic smg as an 8 year old is quite a difference.

10-27-2008, 07:54 PM
Okay I do think the father is at fault for letting his kid wield a fucking uzi but I still feel bad for him. watching your 8 year son shoot himself in the head has to fuck you up pretty bad.

10-27-2008, 08:01 PM
I was firing a .357 mag at that age. Using 38's, but still.

The 12ga and 30-30 were kinda rough on the shoulder after a day of shooting, though. Shit, they still are, but I don't have much 'padding'.

I can't imagine the pain that man feels for making the decision he did. Hindsight is 20/20, and also can be very, very painful.

10-27-2008, 08:52 PM
Too bad he didnt shoot his dad first.


10-27-2008, 09:14 PM
I was popping woodchucks with a 30/30 unattended at a younger age than that.

However using a lever action 30/30 and letting loose with a fully automatic smg as an 8 year old is quite a difference.

Bet you never put the safety on at that age, rofl.

I still laugh everytime I put the safety on. "Pull the trigger to what?"

10-27-2008, 10:00 PM
The constitution did not limit the age on which one acquires his right to bear arms.

So because the constitution doesn't put a limit on it, people can't use common sense and limit something dangerous like this obviously was? Good to know.

10-27-2008, 10:53 PM
Congratulations to Fox News for calling it an assault rifle (Boston television).

10-27-2008, 11:13 PM
Congratulations to Fox News for calling it an assault rifle (Boston television).

What exactly would you call it?

*No help from the peanut gallery either! (Sean2)

Some Rogue
10-27-2008, 11:19 PM
Not a rifle..

Sean of the Thread
10-27-2008, 11:36 PM
I'm not allowed to answer?

Sean of the Thread
10-27-2008, 11:37 PM
I'm surprised the media didn't find a way to tie in a pit bull to the story.

Moist Happenings
10-27-2008, 11:39 PM
I'm surprised the media didn't find a way to tie in a pit bull to the story.

I'm surprised the article wasn't titled "Third-Grader Dies After Shooting Self With Uzi Because Obama Doesn't Wan't an Assault Weapon Ban."

10-27-2008, 11:39 PM
I'm not allowed to answer?

I wanted to see if Bob knew the difference before you chimed in.

Although it looks as if he's left the building...

Moist Happenings
10-27-2008, 11:39 PM
I wanted to see if Bob knew the difference before you chimed in.

Although it looks as if he's left the building...

Then it's a SMG. Duh. Smaller bullets.

10-27-2008, 11:47 PM
Yes, it's a submachine gun. Gan, do you seriously think for a fucking second that I don't know what the classification of an Uzi is? You're talking to someone who both grew up on FPS games and understands what a goddamn rifle is.

Edit: Isn't this common knowledge? I'm seriously offended that you thought you were going to catch me talking about something I don't understand.

10-27-2008, 11:48 PM

*Edit: Yea, pardon me if I did not realize that your extensive game playing rendered you a firearms expert.

Moist Happenings
10-27-2008, 11:51 PM
He's got a point there Gan. Anybody who's ever played Counterstrike knows the difference between an SMG and a Rifle. That's where I first saw bits of information. Not the last place I saw them, but, definitely the first.

Rifles do more damage but SMGs are easier to aim. Also headshots. And multi kills. And kicked from server because they think you're using an aimbot and it JUST ISN'T FAIR.

10-27-2008, 11:53 PM
Okay I do think the father is at fault for letting his kid wield a fucking uzi but I still feel bad for him. watching your 8 year son shoot himself in the head has to fuck you up pretty bad.
I would disagree. The father should know any and all weaponry inside and out before putting it in the hands of a child that is his charge. If you don't know the limits of the gun why the fuck would you put it in the mitts of your 8yr old?

This goes back to my no such thing as gun accidents rant.

10-28-2008, 12:08 AM
Gan, do you seriously think for a fucking second that I don't know what the classification of an Uzi is? You're talking to someone who both grew up on FPS games

Fucking lol

"i play counterstrike, i know guns"

*gets out his deagle*

edit: not saying that you don't know what you're talking about, but that's a terrible justification

Sean of the Thread
10-28-2008, 12:15 AM
Well to be technical depending on the model it could be considered a machine pistol.

just sayin'

10-28-2008, 12:40 AM
Isn't 8 a little young for shooting a real gun?

That's considered old in the south.

As for Bob's whole FPS argument, I don't see why it wouldn't be considered a valid point. Most of what I know about guns hasn't come from actual use. I've shot real guns once. A friend brought some guns out for us to blast some shit with one day (cans, bottles, Mexicans, etc.), and I barely missed any shots. My only "real" gun shooting experience before then were BB guns.

Know where I learned to actually aim a gun? Playing Duck Hunt on NES.

Know where I learned how to drive a standard transmission when I was around 8 or 9? Playing Hard Drivin' in the arcades (I didn't actually realize until later that the clutch had no real use in the game for shifting, but that's irrelevant here).

The transition from video game to RL in both cases was pretty seamless.

10-28-2008, 02:12 AM
Third graders ain't ones to fuck with.

10-28-2008, 02:22 AM
I was shooting an air rifle at that age, but not an uzi. Those things will raise up quite a bit on a grown man. My friend had a .22 when we were about 9, that was a fine gun for a kid that age.

Anyway, really a tragic story.

10-28-2008, 03:13 AM

10-28-2008, 09:09 AM
He's got a point there Gan. Anybody who's ever played Counterstrike knows the difference between an SMG and a Rifle. That's where I first saw bits of information. Not the last place I saw them, but, definitely the first.

Rifles do more damage but SMGs are easier to aim. Also headshots. And multi kills. And kicked from server because they think you're using an aimbot and it JUST ISN'T FAIR.

SMGs are definitely not easier to aim in any game I've ever played. They're for close range spray with a very high rate of fire, not accuracy. Rifles are for accuracy. I guarantee you're not going to get a headshot from any sort of distance with an SMG without some amazing luck, but with a rifle it's fairly easy.

Also, Bob didn't claim to be an expert on guns, just that growing up on FPS gives you a fairly generic ability to classify weapons.

10-28-2008, 09:11 AM
Yeah clickin the mouse often gives hella recoil....

10-28-2008, 11:06 AM
Okay I do think the father is at fault for letting his kid wield a fucking uzi but I still feel bad for him. watching your 8 year son shoot himself in the head has to fuck you up pretty bad.

LOL. I really needed bad rep for this? Does someone not understand what I was saying here? A parent is responsible for his child and watching your son die like this has to be a horrible thing to experience. I didn't think it needed further explaining but I guess some pussy couldn't understand it.

10-28-2008, 11:15 AM
Okay I do think the father is at fault for letting his kid wield a fucking uzi but I still feel bad for him. watching your 8 year son shoot himself in the head has to fuck you up pretty bad.

I would disagree. The father should know any and all weaponry inside and out before putting it in the hands of a child that is his charge. If you don't know the limits of the gun why the fuck would you put it in the mitts of your 8yr old?

This goes back to my no such thing as gun accidents rant.

What are you in a disagreement with?

10-28-2008, 12:22 PM
I read it as Okay I don't think ....

I apologize.

10-28-2008, 12:30 PM
Makes me fucking sick. Fuck guns. Seriously, WHY?

10-28-2008, 12:38 PM


10-28-2008, 01:32 PM


10-28-2008, 01:37 PM
Makes me fucking sick. Fuck guns. Seriously, WHY?

Would you feel the same way about cars if the story read:
Boy dies in accident while driving car in father's lap?

The gun is not the blame here.

The father is.

10-28-2008, 01:49 PM
Shouldn't the certified shooting instructor have at least been like, "Uh, I don't think an 8-year-old should be shooting an uzi, sir."?

10-28-2008, 02:18 PM
Would you feel the same way about cars if the story read:
Boy dies in accident while driving car in father's lap?

The gun is not the blame here.

The father is.

Its that kind of fucked up logic that keeps full automatic weapons in the hands of retarded people like that kids father. Both are to blame 1) father 2) guns being legal. (and if you want to be technical about it, 3) instructor).

We need a car to get to work, we dont need a fucking oozi.

10-28-2008, 02:29 PM
Its that kind of fucked up logic that keeps full automatic weapons in the hands of retarded people like that kids father. Both are to blame 1) father 2) guns being legal. (and if you want to be technical about it, 3) instructor).

We need a car to get to work, we dont need a fucking oozi.

So the solution is to outlaw guns? Let's outlaw food too because people sometimes choke to death on it.

10-28-2008, 02:34 PM
Its that kind of fucked up logic that keeps full automatic weapons in the hands of retarded people like that kids father. Both are to blame 1) father 2) guns being legal. (and if you want to be technical about it, 3) instructor).

We need a car to get to work, we don’t need a fucking oozi.

A) Have you ever fired a gun? Guns being legal is completely irrelevant. If you're going to shoot a gun, you need to know proper safety is all. That’s like saying you should ban electricity because you can kill yourself or others with it.

B) The blame is pretty easily traceable. Instructor > Father. The instructor shouldn't have been stupid enough to let an 8 year old shoot a fucking oozi. 8 year olds should be plenty content to shoot a standard 9mm handgun or even a small rifle. You are still learning the proper and safe way to handle them at that age. Still learning what sort of kick you can handle.
The father may not have known what the gun would do; he just wanted a picture of his 8 year old son shooting an oozi. It's the instructors' responsibility to tell him that the kid can’t handle it. Adults have issues with kickback.

C) I was under the impression fully automatic SMGs were illegal in most states… not in my state, you can walk down the main road with a holster, as long as it’s not hidden.

10-28-2008, 02:41 PM
A) Have you ever fired a gun? Guns being legal is completely irrelevant. If you're going to shoot a gun, you need to know proper safety is all. That’s like saying you should ban electricity because you can kill yourself or others with it.

B) The blame is pretty easily traceable. Instructor > Father. The instructor shouldn't have been stupid enough to let an 8 year old shoot a fucking oozi. 8 year olds should be plenty content to shoot a standard 9mm handgun or even a small rifle. You are still learning the proper and safe way to handle them at that age. Still learning what sort of kick you can handle.
The father may not have known what the gun would do; he just wanted a picture of his 8 year old son shooting an oozi. It's the instructors' responsibility to tell him that the kid can’t handle it. Adults have issues with kickback.

C) I was under the impression fully automatic SMGs were illegal in most states… not in my state, you can walk down the main road with a holster, as long as it’s not hidden.

After 5 pages and a thread title with the word, how are you still managing to spell UZI wrong?

10-28-2008, 03:07 PM
Its that kind of fucked up logic that keeps full automatic weapons in the hands of retarded people like that kids father. Both are to blame 1) father 2) guns being legal. (and if you want to be technical about it, 3) instructor).

We need a car to get to work, we dont need a fucking oozi.

After 5 pages and a thread title with the word, how are you still managing to spell UZI wrong?

To give credit where credit is due, nocturnix mispelled it first. ;)

10-28-2008, 03:34 PM
Its that kind of fucked up logic that keeps full automatic weapons in the hands of retarded people like that kids father. Both are to blame 1) father 2) guns being legal. (and if you want to be technical about it, 3) instructor).

We need a car to get to work, we dont need a fucking oozi.

So WORK is to blame for people dying in motor vehicle accidents! We should outlaw work!

I bet you dont have any knives in your house either. Since, you know, people get stabbed with knives and die.

I wont even ask if you smoke. Because we all know what smoking can do to you and others who are around you...

Do you blame the objects of your desire for the lustful thoughts you have when you're exposed to said objects? (Burkah anyone?)

The common denominator in almost every circumstance of accidental death can be traced back to human error. Error being defined as misuse or negligence.

In the OP story, error can be traced to human error in operating the gun. That error originates with the child operator being too young (incapable) to operate said firearm safely, to which the error then shifts to the guardian of the child responsible for allowing the operation of the firearm by the child (error in judgment), in addition to the instructor facilitating the controllable environment of the operation of said firearm by child operator (error in judgment and possibly negligence in not following applicable safety guidelines of said facility).

The gun just sat there until someone picked it up and pulled the trigger. It operated as intended. It discharged when the trigger was depressed. It can not pick and choose when it discharges nor can it choose where it discharges. The gun is an inanimate object which operates at the sole discretion of the human wielding it. The common denominator in this instance is human.

Assigning blame on an inanimate object is about as anti-logic as you can get.

10-28-2008, 07:25 PM
My first thought upon reading this was disappointment that I didn't know this gun fair was going on :(

SMGs are easier to aim.

Sean of the Thread
10-28-2008, 08:17 PM
I've so done a great job of staying out of this thread.

10-28-2008, 08:32 PM
C) I was under the impression fully automatic SMGs were illegal in most states… not in my state, you can walk down the main road with a holster, as long as it’s not hidden.

If it was made before 1986 then yes, you can. That's why someone is shooting something as old and crappy as an uzi.

10-28-2008, 08:35 PM
I really hate it when people think that banning/outlawing things are the answer. Being a mature, responsible, and productive member of society takes care of most things.

With this logic everything should be illegal, pretty much everything in the world can kill you or cause cancer.

Teach your kids gun safety and this shit won't happen.

10-28-2008, 08:46 PM
Not many are made specifically made with the primary purpose of killing other things though.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 08:47 PM
That is a really manly way to off yourself. Empty an uzi clip into yourself as a final act of desperation? This kis was ahead of his times. He'll probably be reborn as the biggest pussy-ravager ever. That is some chutzpah, though.

Garnet Doyle
10-28-2008, 08:48 PM
Yeah, and along with this story, went my dream of ever getting to fire a mini-gun or any other similiar "283764182764 rounds of death per second/minute" fun toys.

Countdown to this being banned...3...2...1...

10-28-2008, 08:48 PM
If we outlaw weapons, then only criminals will have them. Imagine a world like that.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 08:54 PM
If we outlaw weapons, then only criminals will have them. Imagine a world like that.

This is pretty fucking criminal.

10-28-2008, 08:55 PM
Not many are made specifically made with the primary purpose of killing other things though.

Of the 175k Federally licensed automatic weapons do you know how many have been used to commit a violent crime?

I'll give you a hint, the number is less than 1.

10-28-2008, 08:57 PM
This is pretty fucking criminal.

I completely agree, and I know that he deserves everything he will get and more. Which brings me to my next thing that annoys me, punishments in America aren't harsh enough.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 08:58 PM
It doesn't matter, it's no one's business going Xyelin shit-broke and scratching off a serial.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 08:59 PM
I completely agree, and I know that he deserves everything he will get and more. Which brings me to my next thing that annoys me, punishments in America aren't harsh enough.

I meant allowing a 3-year old to get his hands on an uzi. It's the fault of the parents though, since the system works so damn well. Just look at the liberal garbage that sparked that whole lie that was Columbine high school.

10-28-2008, 08:59 PM
My point though is that making guns illegal will only make them more effective in the hands of a criminal.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 09:00 PM
Just buy some damn ninja swords for fuck's sake.

You're fucked if your home is invaded as is, get a security system that doesn't shoot your kids with a high-round clip.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 09:02 PM
My point though is that making guns illegal will only make them more effective in the hands of a criminal.

No. No it won't. We have people called task forces who are authorized to use their weapons against criminals in the most specific fashion. Because we have police; and people who are on active duty right now -- And if you are (active duty or cop) I support your right up until the point where you keep your semis in a gunshed that's in your same damn residence as your kids. You won't defend your home with M-16 locked up in the basement, Scarface.

Seriously though, the white man wants gun control so he can take away the guns and control us.

The only thing good about this is it sucks up stupid people's money. Even if the bloodsuckers happen to be the NRA. Having a small penis and a phobic personality doesn't make you a collector either. You're just a shithead who doesn't know how to deal with a break-in and if you tried, that's when your whole family would get killed.

Fuck guns, but spend your money.

10-28-2008, 09:04 PM
If every home had a security system that did shoot invaders with automatic weapons, I bet there would be fewer people willing to break in.

I know that is a ridiculous point, but if you had a feeling that the owner of one house had weapons in it, and the house next to it didn't, I would probably break into the house without weapons. Not many DVD players are worth getting shot over.

10-28-2008, 09:06 PM
No. No it won't. We have people called task forces who are authorized to use their weapons against criminals in the most specific fashion. Because we have police; and most people are not active duty right now -- And if you are (active duty or cop) I support your right up until the point where you keep your semis in a gunshed that's in your same damn residence as your kids.

Seriously though, the white man wants gun control so he can take away the guns and control us.

The only thing good about this is it sucks up stupid people's money. Even if the bloodsuckers happen to be the NRA. Having a small penis and a phobic personality doesn't make you a collector either. You're just a shithead who doesn't know how to deal with a break-in and if you tried, that's when your whole family would get killed.

Fuck guns, but spend your money.

My point is that the "gun" did not kill the child, bad parenting and a lack of responsibility did. What we should outlaw is bad parenting. I think there should be a test before people are allowed to reproduce, that would take care of the majority of the world's problems.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 09:07 PM
My home has a security system. It works better than scaring the shit out of armed assailants and makes them make me less dead because I play GemStone and don't get enough ass to subside the need to compensate.

Stanley Burrell
10-28-2008, 09:09 PM
My point is that the "gun" did not kill the child, bad parenting and a lack of responsibility did. What we should outlaw is bad parenting. I think there should be a test before people are allowed to reproduce, that would take care of the majority of the world's problems.

You can't outlaw bad parenting but you can outlaw weapons because there are a lot of bad parents and accessibility to weapons will create more unneeded deaths than needed.

I wouldn't need guns to kill someone if I marked them and whether or not someone had guns wouldn't deter me from ending somebody if I set my mind to it. The same thing goes with an actual criminal. Feel free to have your guns though. Our economy needs it.

10-28-2008, 09:11 PM
My home has a security system. It works better than scaring the shit out of armed assailants and makes them make me less dead because I play GemStone and don't get enough ass to subside the need to compensate.

This made me laugh. I actually do not have a home security system, or weapons in my house, and have never had my home broken into. And I also do not suffer from a lack of sex. I have also married a lady that is hornier than me, so we have plenty of sex. Hot asian sex, a few people on the PC have seen pictures of my wife, and I think they would agree with me that I snagged a hottie.

10-28-2008, 11:08 PM
I've so done a great job of staying out of this thread.

Your restraint has been phenomenal.

Feel free to unload now. Stan has completely wrecked any notion of a normal discussion from this point forward. Perhaps you can get it back on track.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 02:36 PM
This made me laugh. I actually do not have a home security system, or weapons in my house, and have never had my home broken into. And I also do not suffer from a lack of sex. I have also married a lady that is hornier than me, so we have plenty of sex. Hot asian sex, a few people on the PC have seen pictures of my wife, and I think they would agree with me that I snagged a hottie.

Your wife has nothing to do with your guns. Unless she actually is a firearm. There's no need for you to have a gun if you aren't uniform. The only need you have for them is to hopefully make the human evolution process speed itself up.

Most people who hunt aren't adept at firefighting combat, some of the biggest pussies will put bullets in animals. I know these types, you just break a glass window and see whether or not they wished the police were summoned or are glad that they can piece together their arsenal in order to deter someone who will fuck you up and end you for being a dipshit who plays online video games and mastered combat rifling through CounterStrike.

The best gun safety for kids is not putting a weapon in the hands of a child, or an adult who is still a child and thinks they need weapons to defeat someone who will merc you with a toothbrush. Don't have guns in the house with your kids unless you are the law or you are breaking the law by endangering your child. Move into a better neighborhood, don't waste your shit on something that'll collect dust. I'm for all of you blinded gun aficionados for putting uzis in the hands of your 3-year-old children if it saves more lives by simply banning what it needed by creating examples. Utilitarianism, etc.

It's pretty fucking obvious that this kid needed that uzi for protection and it actually saved more lives than it destroyed. You gun nuts are retards, unless you're uniform or retiree, because then it's your job to have a firearm. Not be a CPA with a GameMaster background who's afraid of hobgoblins and needs a 10x Luger. Dumbasses.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 02:44 PM
Seriously, the only thing good about weapons is they make Dave/sst's teeth look funny. I'm done here.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 02:57 PM
Your restraint has been phenomenal.

Feel free to unload now. Stan has completely wrecked any notion of a normal discussion from this point forward. Perhaps you can get it back on track.

Sean sold his guns and no longer posts here because the second he parted with them, he died from a massive break-in and unstoppable rampage of rocket launcher-armed pygmies assaulting his foreclosed Florida residence, which is what happens, as you know, when you don't have weapons in the same household as your children.

R.I.P. Sean, sorry you're dead because of your not having a vast collection of firearms that could've gone into less important expenditures.

Jesus gun-toting Christ.

10-29-2008, 03:11 PM
Stan, stan. Two of the founding principles of this country were praising the Lord and passing the ammunition.

The issue here is stupid parents.

10-29-2008, 04:00 PM
Jesus gun-toting Christ.


10-29-2008, 04:04 PM
I've so done a great job of staying out of this thread.

^what he said.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 04:56 PM
Stan, stan. Two of the founding principles of this country were praising the Lord and passing the ammunition.

The issue here is stupid parents.

Those parents could be extremely smart people who happened to be retarded enough to put a gun in the palm of a child.

And yes; if the nearby citizen's militia is in need of safehaven while battling the redcoats, I won't make too much of a stink over your muskets.

This. Is. Awesome. I heard Black Jesus could use a M-10 in each hand though while shouting gang slogans in Aramaic.

10-29-2008, 05:06 PM
Those parents could be extremely smart people who happened to be retarded enough to put a gun in the palm of a child.
The latter precludes the former.

Your distaste for guns is definitely notable though.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 05:08 PM
So child gun-safety should only be practiced until the child is no longer a child and therefor negates all symptoms of retardedness by not placing submachine guns in the hands of anyone under the age of 18 my ass is bleeding because of this thread brb.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 05:14 PM
Your distaste for guns is definitely notable though.

I am not against any weaponry. I love museum pieces and I love the idea of police having more than just tasers to deal with someone who is physically endangering the lives of others.

I feel that our military personal ARE officers, maybe with less of an internal locus, but that they are trained to use weapons and therefor should absolutely have a cache + be-on-the-ready.

I believe in arming our police to the fucking teeth, but having a brain in each officer of the law.

Is this so farfetched?

10-29-2008, 05:27 PM
So child gun-safety should only be practiced until the child is no longer a child and therefor negates all symptoms of retardedness by not placing submachine guns in the hands of anyone under the age of 18 my ass is bleeding because of this thread brb.
Bear with me, I'm working without translation.

I think gun safety is paramount to teach all children. Because you never know when a child, your child, will come across a gun. Just because there are no guns in the parent's home does not mean there are not any guns accessible by your child.

In the OP of this thread, 100% of the fault lies with the father. His actions in placing that fully automated sub machine gun in the hands of an 8 year old were negligent and clearly without any wisdom. In this instance, its not a case of hindsight being 20/20 or armchair quarterbacking the situation. 8 year old children do not need to be handling a fully automatic weapon in any capacity. Period.

I am not against any weaponry. I love museum pieces and I love the idea of police having more than just tasers to deal with someone who is physically endangering the lives of others.

I feel that our military personal ARE officers, maybe with less of an internal locus, but that they are trained to use weapons and therefor should absolutely have a cache + be-on-the-ready.

I believe in arming our police to the fucking teeth, but having a brain in each officer of the law.

Is this so farfetched?
Its not farfetched. Just realize that there are others who believe in many reasons to own guns, even if they are not police officers. Also note that its a constitutional right to bear arms here in the USA. And a majority of the citizens here uphold that right.

10-30-2008, 12:52 PM
Three year old demonstrates how its done.


10-30-2008, 12:54 PM
Three year old demonstrates how its done.


I'm speechless. Darwin speechless. :(

10-30-2008, 01:00 PM
Three year old demonstrates how its done.



I half-expected the father to get shot in the head with the kid struggling to hold the gun...

... and had to lawl at the recoil effect...


After re-watching, I saw that that dad did get hit... Nice aim!

10-30-2008, 01:01 PM
Three year old demonstrates how its done.


On the bright side, at least the kid hit the guy that gave him the gun and not himself or anyone else.

10-30-2008, 01:03 PM
On the bright side, at least the kid hit the guy that gave him the gun and not himself or anyone else.

Exactly my point. Should of said, "Three old shows how it should of been done". Refering to the poor third grader.

10-30-2008, 01:05 PM
That 3 yr old will learn that gut shots aren't the way to go, ahh youth.

10-30-2008, 01:07 PM
That 3 yr old will learn that gut shots aren't the way to go, ahh youth.

Hopefully the guy will be willing to give him another lesson after he gets out of the hospital.

10-30-2008, 01:10 PM
Three year old demonstrates how its done.


Mommy... why did I grow up without a daddy?

Well, son, because you shot and killed him when you were three.

10-30-2008, 01:12 PM
I would be surprised if that guy lived. He was shot on the left side with an upward trajectory.

10-30-2008, 01:18 PM
I would be surprised if that guy lived. He was shot on the left side with an upward trajectory.

Looked more like a side to front relatively superficial shot first time I watched it but looking again could be very bad depending on angle of entry.

10-30-2008, 01:35 PM
Exactly my point. Should of said, "Three old shows how it should of been done". Refering to the poor third grader.

Off topic, but since you messed it up twice in the same sentence:
It's should have, or should've. Not should of.

/off-topic grammar naziness

10-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Off topic, but since you messed it up twice in the same sentence:
It's should have, or should've. Not should of.

/off-topic grammar naziness

Yeah I'm not very edjumecated.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-30-2008, 02:03 PM
I'm speechless. Darwin speechless. :(


WTF is wrong with some people.

10-30-2008, 02:17 PM
I would be surprised if that guy lived. He was shot on the left side with an upward trajectory.

Unless it pierced the heart he has a pretty good shot @ survival.

10-31-2008, 06:58 AM
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10-31-2008, 07:54 AM
So the solution is to outlaw guns? Let's outlaw food too because people sometimes choke to death on it.

That's as bad as me refering to fighting fire with fire. Firemen using a flame thrower to put out a fire comment. Ewwww Methais. BAD analogy.

I don't see alot of crime done with broccoli and bananas.

10-31-2008, 12:24 PM
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