View Full Version : Dutch Virtual Crime

10-23-2008, 09:05 PM
Seems like the Dutch are taking virtual crime a little serious.

Dutch court convicts 2 of stealing virtual items (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27297979/)

"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch court has convicted two youths of theft for stealing virtual items in a computer game and sentenced them to community service.

Only a handful of such cases have been heard in the world, and they have reached varying conclusions about the legal status of "virtual goods."

The Leeuwarden District Court says the culprits, 15 and 14 years old, coerced a 13-year-old boy into transferring a "virtual amulet and a virtual mask" from the online

"These virtual goods are goods (under Dutch law), so this is theft," the court said Tuesday in a summary of its ruling.

Identities of the minors were not released.

The 15-year-old was sentenced to 200 hours service, and the 14-year-old to 160 hours."

Dutch teen swipes furniture from virtual hotel (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/14/habbo_hotel_heist/)

"Posted in Law, 14th November 2007 11:58 GMT

Dutch police have arrested an unnamed 17-year-old on suspicion of having swiped €4,000 worth of furniture from the virtual Habbo Hotel - the first such local arrest for "virtual burglary".

According to Expatica, police say the suspect "allegedly hacked the accounts of other Habbo community members", then "took their furniture and brought it to his own room". Four 15-year-olds were also quizzed about the break-in, and police say the suspects will be charged with "hacking and burglary".

Habbo Hotel - a teen hang-out with 31 communities worldwide - allows yoof to create "Habbos" (avatars), book into the hotel, and furnish their rooms with stuff bought for real cash."

10-24-2008, 08:17 AM
A virtual hotel where you have to pay real cash to furnish the rooms?

Meh. Sounds more like the "hacking" was the crime they got nailed for.