View Full Version : Computer problems!!

10-21-2008, 11:30 PM
So, I wake up this goddamn morning, only to find out my speakers aren't working. I plugged in my headphones to see if I get anything from there, and no, nothing. I was pretty damn sure I didn't blow out my speakers since they were working ever so perfectly last night.

I spent 2 hours looking at my audio card, drivers, doing restorations, trying different media players, running diagnostics and what have you (Since I aways like trying to fix computer problems by myself.) But nothing.

So after class I call Dell tech support and oh my god, I get a fucking foreign tech agent. While trying to understand everything he has said, he deleted and reinstalled my audio drivers (Which I did that morning), restarted a gazillion times, tried out numerous mp3 files, run MORE diagnostics, and finally he figured a factory restore setting would be our last bet. I have a 500GB EBook, and I have all my music, pictures, and important files stashed in there, so I decided to do it. After the restore was done, there STILL wasn't any sound from either my speakers or the headphone jack.

So they decided their going to send me a new motherboard and speakers, hoping that'll be the solution.

Anyways, any of you computer nerds out there have any tips for the time being?! I am already horrified I have to wait a week.

10-21-2008, 11:47 PM
Turn the volume up.

10-21-2008, 11:49 PM
Plug the speakers into a that three-holed thingie thats on your wall near the floor.

Moist Happenings
10-21-2008, 11:56 PM
Since they're sending you a new motherboard I'm going to assume you have on board sound. If you didn't, I would suggest opening the box to make sure nothing got jostled around, or switching to another PCI slot for your sound card. Sometimes PCI slots just die unexpectedly. It's rare, but it happens.

I've got no suggestions that you haven't already tried for your situation other than this: A very few desktop computers have a sound mute switch or button like you see on some laptops. Maybe your computer has one. It's usually tiny, and just about invisible. Might want to take a look at your case just to check.

10-22-2008, 12:00 AM
Other than the completely obvious things, no it's not muted and it is connected, and its a laptop.

Inspiron E1505 to be exact.

Edit: I hate myself. I lost my PsiNet key. Goddamn.!!

Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 12:07 AM
Judging by the picture of your motherboard, it looks like the chip that contains the onboard sound is located directly above or very close to one of your throughput fans on the side, or a cooling fan on the bottom. If you regularly leave your laptop on top of things that hold heat well, don't allow any air circulation, or if one of your fans stopped working, it's possible that the chip could have overheated and burnt itself out.

Before you close up the case when you get your new board, put some power to it and make sure all the fans are working, or you might end up with the same problem later.

Also, I'm sure you've already checked, but there's sometimes a toggle switch on laptops on the case somewhere that'll just shot power off to the speakers and in some case to the sound altogether. This is a longshot considering neither the speakers nor the headphones work, but it might be worth a second check.

Edited to add: If you do have issues with fans or circulation even if the fans are all working properly, you might consider picking up one of those chillpad things. They sell 'em at any Staples, Office Depot, Wal Mart, et cetera. It's basically just a thin metal tray with fans on it to put under the laptop to give some extra cooling. Last I checked they were only like 20 bucks. Worth it if you ever actually use the thing on your lap. They get hot no matter how many fans they have in 'em.

10-22-2008, 12:18 AM
Never let a dell tech support person factory reset your computer. The ending to all their schematics is to do that and offer you a replacement. Personally I would rather just hang up buy the thing at best buy and keep my files because it NEVER FUCKING WORKS.

Sean of the Thread
10-22-2008, 09:00 AM
Dell outsourced their CS to India and it's a pain in the ass on the consumer level. On a corporate account they'll have your replacement there the next day.

But seriously get it fixed yourself it's worth it.

10-22-2008, 09:50 AM
So, I wake up this goddamn morning, only to find out my speakers aren't working. I plugged in my headphones to see if I get anything from there, and no, nothing. I was pretty damn sure I didn't blow out my speakers since they were working ever so perfectly last night.

I spent 2 hours looking at my audio card, drivers, doing restorations, trying different media players, running diagnostics and what have you (Since I aways like trying to fix computer problems by myself.) But nothing.

So after class I call Dell tech support and oh my god, I get a fucking foreign tech agent. While trying to understand everything he has said, he deleted and reinstalled my audio drivers (Which I did that morning), restarted a gazillion times, tried out numerous mp3 files, run MORE diagnostics, and finally he figured a factory restore setting would be our last bet. I have a 500GB EBook, and I have all my music, pictures, and important files stashed in there, so I decided to do it. After the restore was done, there STILL wasn't any sound from either my speakers or the headphone jack.

So they decided their going to send me a new motherboard and speakers, hoping that'll be the solution.

Anyways, any of you computer nerds out there have any tips for the time being?! I am already horrified I have to wait a week.

MOBOs audio port is dead. Sending you a new mobo is all they can do.
What I would have probably done instead of all the futzing with windows, is downloaded a Ubuntu Linux disk, made a DVD, booted to it, and seen if in there it had any sound. If not, new mobo city.

Ubuntu is great with drivers, I've plugged my Ubuntu thumb drive into every PC I can find and it's booted just fine with everything working every time. If Ubuntu can't make it work, then as my cousin vinny would say, "I guess the thing's fuckin brokn"

Edit: Wait, this is a laptop... and they sent you a new mobo? Did they send out a tech to install it?

Sean of the Thread
10-22-2008, 11:16 AM
Get an external sound card like the extigy to test it.

10-22-2008, 11:23 AM
Yep, they're sending a tech to install it. All I'm hoping is that they don't tell me to do another factory restore. Honestly. It took awhile for me to get my laptop the same, but it is nice having it boot up faster than it uset to.

10-22-2008, 12:10 PM
If it's the same model mobo, no reason they'll need to reload windows.

Moist Happenings
10-22-2008, 03:03 PM
If it's the same model mobo, no reason they'll need to reload windows.

With a laptop it could depend on the build of the motherboard. If any of the chipsets or firmware have been upgraded it could read to windows as "Oh no wtf different", but if it's the exact same board with no updates it should be fine.