View Full Version : Intercession - The Cost

10-21-2008, 10:28 PM
If someone has already used convert, and been converted through an Intercession Gem, How much would the conversion cost in coins? Does anyone know from experience? say around level 40 or 45?

10-21-2008, 10:38 PM
I don't know from experience, but I've heard of people who spent 10 million on a conversion.

Justification is that if you're fickle enough to switch gods that often, you really have to prove that you're devoted.

I wouldn't start unless you're willing to shell out bigtime.

10-21-2008, 10:49 PM
Level is a big factor, about what level were those that spent 10 million to convert?

02-19-2009, 07:30 PM
anybody know the answer to this question and the process of how it works? im looking to swap my cleric for RP reasons and to be able to cast bane as well.

just so sick of being a happy go lucky nice cleric and want to RP some evil cleric now.

The Ponzzz
02-19-2009, 07:44 PM
The cost varies, and while I have never done it, I do know that the highest costs are going to be with Liabo to Lornon conversions.

A friend of mine went Sheru to Koar as part of an RP storyline with his character and it cost him over 15mil. I'm not sure what his level was, but he was over 40.

02-19-2009, 07:49 PM
lulz, can you go from liabo to neutral to lornon and have it cost less?

The Ponzzz
02-19-2009, 07:50 PM
Not totally sure. I'm assuming the cost will be comparable, if not more.

02-19-2009, 08:04 PM
lulz, can you go from liabo to neutral to lornon and have it cost less?

No, I got an answer from a GM, a deity change is a deity change.

From Luukos to Koar, or from Lumnis to Koar, they'd cost the same.

It depends on your level MOSTLY and the number of conversions you've had. If you forsake your deity, that COUNTS as a conversion, which is why mine cost so much when I did it I believe.

At ~45 ish, with like 2 conversions, I think it cost me 3.75m to convert from Luukos to Koar.

I had previously converted the same way at about level 20, and it cost ~1.3m ish.

The Ponzzz
02-19-2009, 10:57 PM
No, I got an answer from a GM, a deity change is a deity change.

From Luukos to Koar, or from Lumnis to Koar, they'd cost the same.

It depends on your level MOSTLY and the number of conversions you've had. If you forsake your deity, that COUNTS as a conversion, which is why mine cost so much when I did it I believe.

At ~45 ish, with like 2 conversions, I think it cost me 3.75m to convert from Luukos to Koar.

I had previously converted the same way at about level 20, and it cost ~1.3m ish.

Hmmm, the official documentation on the ability stated that it would cost more and require more (clerics) to go from Liabo to Lornon (or vica versa) than going from Liabo to Liabo or Lornon to Lornon.

But it cost too much to test. Just need people to paste all the details when they do it, but that requires too much depending on others.

02-19-2009, 11:27 PM
Hmmm, the official documentation on the ability stated that it would cost more and require more (clerics) to go from Liabo to Lornon (or vica versa) than going from Liabo to Liabo or Lornon to Lornon.

But it cost too much to test. Just need people to paste all the details when they do it, but that requires too much depending on others.

It might imply that it costs more to go from one Pantheon to another, but it's not true.

Any one deity to another deity requires one cleric, IF that one cleric is already following the deity you desire to follow. But let's say you want to conver to Kai, but you can't find a cleric that follows Kai. You can choose instead to get 3 clerics of the same Pantheon to bless the same Intercession gem. (all 3 need to be trained accordingly)

I'm not sure where it was, but I'm about 99% sure (give or take 1%) that Oscuro responded to one of my questions on the officials and said that the previous deity, or lack thereof, is a non-factor.

The Ponzzz
02-20-2009, 12:26 AM
Good info.

02-20-2009, 08:32 AM
Oscuro also posted recently (I believe this is in "Cleric Spells" from last week's Bolt-AS debate) that forsaking doesn't affect the cost--so if this is an RP thing and you want to forsake immediately (and srsly fuck all your spells), go for it.